The USCIRF calls on the governments of Thailand and Malaysia to admit boats carrying Rohingya Muslim refugees stranded at sea.

WASHINGTON, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) calls on the governments of Thailand and Malaysia to admit boats carrying Rohingya Muslim refugees stranded at sea. “Thai and Malaysian authorities must recognize their obligations under international law to refugees fleeing ethnic and religious violence,” USCIRF Chair Gayle Manchin stated. “USCIRF urges…

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom released the following statement urging immediate envorcing of the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act

WASHINGTON, DC – The USCIRF (U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom) released the following statement urging the Administration to immediately enforce the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, which was signed by President Donald Trump: “Along with Congress, the official communication and policy of this administration has been unambiguous in expressing both concern and outrage over…

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom welcomed the Pakistani government’s recent establishment of the National Commission for Minorities.

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) welcomed the Pakistani government’s recent establishment of the National Commission for Minorities to oversee religious minorities’ rights.. In a June 2014 ruling, the Pakistani Supreme Court directed the government to form a commission “to monitor the practical realization of the rights and safeguards provided…

USCIRF expressed its concern over reports in Pakistan targeting Hazara Shi’a for the spread of COVID-19 amid the Coronavirus lockdown.

WASHINGTON, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today expressed its concern over reports of the provincial government of Balochistan, Pakistan targeting Hazara Shi’a for the spread of COVID-19 amid the Coronavirus lockdown. “We are troubled that government officials in Balochistan are scapegoating the already vulnerable and marginalized Hazara Shi’a community…

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom cites dozens of countries but especially notes China’s repression of a range of religious beliefs.

WASHINGTON — With its particular focus on China’s oppression of religious and human rights, an independent watchdog group has decried in its annual report the state of religious freedom across the globe. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan organization created 20 years ago, concludes in its Monday (April 29) report that “innumerable…

WASHINGTON, DC – Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council and anchor of the daily radio broadcast Washington Watch, has been appointed to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) upon the recommendation of Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The appointment was announced on Monday, May 14, 2018. Perkins earned a BS…

Coptic Solidarity will host its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion in Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON —Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion in Washington, D.C., June 13-14. This leading policy event unites legislators, academics, policy professionals, and activists to discuss the situation of human rights and democracy for Copts in Egypt as well as other indigenous minorities in the region. The Policy…

FRC Releases Report: Intolerance Toward Christians in the West

WASHINGTON — Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty today published an updated edition of its report “Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West,” which seeks to provide a better understanding of religious freedom violations perpetrated by Western governments against Christian individuals, organizations, and churches. Between January 2020 and December 2023,…

The International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit, the world’s premier annual gathering of religious freedom advocates and activists.

WASHINGTON — The International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit, the world’s premier annual gathering of religious freedom advocates and activists, will be held January 31–February 1. The Summit, usually held in the summer, has been moved several months earlier in 2023 and coincides with the start of the National Prayer Breakfast. IRF Summit 2023 will be…

International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit 2022 convenes Civil Society Congress to innovate and develop solutions for religious freedom

WASHINGTON — In recent years levels of persecution and restriction based on faith or belief have increased around the world. This is despite a growing movement of people who are committed to protecting this fundamental human right. It is time to think big for religious freedom. The International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit 2022 will convene…

Persecuted religious groups speak up for each other on Capitol Hill, Congressional Advocacy Day, urges Congress to protect religious freedom

WASHINGTON — On June 27, one day ahead of the International Religious Freedom Summit 2022, the summit is hosting a Congressional Advocacy Day to encourage convening organizations to present their causes and discuss religious freedom concerns with members of Congress and their staff on Capitol Hill. The day will kick off with a breakfast meeting…

On June 28-30 religious freedom leaders will gather in Washington, D.C., for the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit.

WASHINGTON — On June 28-30 religious freedom leaders, advocates and activists from around the world, spanning a wide range of faith traditions and political affiliations, will gather in Washington, D.C., for the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit. The Summit will highlight increasing threats to freedom of religion, conscience and belief, and it will once…

10 yrs ago, Egyptian Army murdered 27 Copts and injured 327 others for peacefully protesting the destruction of a church, the Maspero Massacre

WASHINGTON — Ten years ago, on October 9, 2011, the Egyptian Army murdered 27 Copts and injured 327 others for peacefully protesting the destruction of a church, in what became known as the Maspero Massacre. Coptic Solidarity’s virtual Zoom program will honor the rally participants, heroes, and martyrs from that day. Register today to join…

Ahead of International Religious Freedom Summit 2021, coalition of 70+ religious, civil-society groups issue ‘A Charter of Religious Freedom’

WASHINGTON — Ahead of the International Religious Freedom Summit 2021 (IRF Summit), co-chairs Samuel Brownback and Katrina Lantos Swett, along with the Summit’s over 70 partner organizations around the world, have issued A Charter of Religious Freedom, calling for the protection of the universal human rights of religion, thought and conscience: A CHARTER OF RELIGIOUS…

As part of International Religious Freedom Summit 2021, young leaders ages 15 to 35 are invited to participate in the Young Leaders Track

WASHINGTON — As part of International Religious Freedom Summit 2021, young leaders ages 15 to 35 are invited to participate in the Young Leaders Track, chaired by Nguyen Dinh Thang, president and CEO of Boat People SOS (BPSOS). The Young Leaders Track will take place Tuesday, July 13 through Thursday, July 15 virtually and at…

The International Committee on Nigeria applauds a new executive order signed by President Trump advancing international religious freedom.

WASHINGTON — The International Committee on Nigeria (ICON), a nonprofit working to secure a future for all Nigerians, released a statement today, applauding a new executive order signed by President Trump advancing international religious freedom. The order directs the U.S. Department of State (DOS) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to take action to…

National Commission for Minorities, inaugurated in Pakistan on 5 May, has been welcomed as “an important step” towards the protection of religious freedom

The long-awaited National Commission for Minorities, now inaugurated in Pakistan on 5 May, has been welcomed as “an important step” in the country’s “continuing journey towards the protection of religious freedom” by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Commissioner Johnnie Moore added that the formation of the minorities commission is “undoubtedly a…

A house church Chinese pastor in Hunan, China, was arrested for “inciting subversion” after refusing to join the ruling Chinese Communist controlled church.

A house church pastor in China’s Hunan province has been arrested for “inciting subversion of state power” after he refused to join the ruling Chinese Communist Party’s Three-Self Patriotic Association. Radio Free Asia reports that pastor Zhao Huaiguo, the founder of Bethel Church, was arrested on April 2 in China’s Hunan province, after being criminally…

Extremely concerning: Iran’s ongoing detention of up to 100 Baha’is at risk of contracting the coronavirus in Iranian prisons.

WASHINGTON – An international organization representing Baha’is says it is extremely concerned about Iran’s ongoing detention of up to 100 Baha’is at risk of contracting the coronavirus in Iranian prisons. In a VOA Persian interview on Monday, the Baha’i International Community’s chief representative to the U.N. in New York, Bani Dugal, said an estimated 50…

Life for Sudan Christians is beginning to change for the better. A bill is being considered that would repeal the law prescribing death penalty for apostasy

KHARTOUM – Life for Christians is beginning to change for the better in Sudan. Mission Box News published a story on March 20, 2020, reporting that Sudan’s Transitional Government had disbanded the “church councils” operating under the previous 30-year regime of dictator Omar al-Bashar. The so-called “church councils” were fronts for persecuting Christians and demolishing…

Nigeria hosts the highest rate of religiously-motivated violence in the world, according to religious freedom watchdog group Open Doors USA

NIGERIA – The Nigerian government now agrees with what church leaders have been complaining for years: Christians are the target of jihadist terrorism. “In the wake of a renewed onslaught by our tireless military against Boko Haram and their ISWAP (Islamic State West Africa Province) allies in recent times, the insurgents have apparently changed their…

The U.S. State Department removed Sudan from its list of governments that are engaging in or tolerating systemic and ongoing religious freedom violations and has placed Nigeria, Cuba, and Nicaragua on a special watch list for “severe violations of religious freedom” for the first time.

The U.S. State Department removed Sudan from its list of governments that are engaging in or tolerating systemic and ongoing religious freedom violations and has placed Nigeria, Cuba, and Nicaragua on a special watch list for “severe violations of religious freedom” for the first time. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday the State Departments’…

New reports highlight continuing concern over Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, six months after Asia Bibi was finally allowed to leave the country.

PAKISTAN – New reports highlight continuing concern over Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, six months after Asia Bibi was finally allowed to leave the country. The reports come from sources as diverse as the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCRIF) and Humanists International. The USCIRF reports there are still 80 people in Pakistan imprisoned on blasphemy…

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the terror attack near a synagogue in Halle, Germany that killed two people Wednesday is “additional testimony that anti-Semitism in Europe is increasing.”

JERUSALEM, Israel – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the terror attack near a synagogue in Halle, Germany that killed two people Wednesday is “additional testimony that anti-Semitism in Europe is increasing.” The anti-Semitic attack took place during Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Witnesses say the gunman tried but failed to break…

International Religious Freedom bipartisan hearing on the perilous state of religious freedom for Christians in China, Nigeria, Iran & other places around the world.

WASHINGTON — Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), co-chairman of Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission along with Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), today held a bipartisan hearing on the perilous state of religious freedom for Christians in China, Nigeria, Iran and other places around the world. Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, head of the U.S. State Department’s Office…

Joshuacord, is honored to share this film that reveals the intense suffering of Christians from persecution in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

WASHINGTON —Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, spoke in Taiwan at the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum (TIRFF) on the importance of promoting religious freedom around the world, particularly in China. The conference is a joint effort of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan,…

The Chinese government often views religions, including Christianity, as foreign attempts to undermine its rule, even though there is no evidential basis for such a claim

A local government communications agency in China held a seminar in April to discuss with Communist Party members the “enormous harm” the growth of Christianity is to the atheist nation. The Chinese Christian persecution watchdog China Aid raised an alarm about the event, titled “Christianity’s Enormous Harm on China’s Security,” held on April 22 in the…

The 2019 religious freedom report identifies 16 countries that engaged in or tolerated egregious violations. China sits prominently on that list.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has released its annual report in the aftermath of attacks on mosques in New Zealand, churches in Sri Lanka and synagogues in the United States. “It’s coming at a time when religious freedom concerns, for lots of reasons, are getting more attention across the board,” USCIRF Commissioner Johnnie…

IZMIR, Turkey (RNS)  — A Turkish court has freed the Rev. Andrew Brunson, an American missionary who had been the subject of a diplomatic standoff between the United States and Turkey. Brunson had been under house arrest after being accused of terrorism and conspiring against the Turkish government. The Pastor, who denies all charges against…