On Super Bowl Sunday, in a commercial by an alcohol beverage company, Matt Damon promised that if people purchased a chalice, $3 of the $13 purchase would go to benefit communities in need with clean water for five years. Stella Artois is doing this in partnership with Water.org. NPR released an article on February 2… Continue reading Why We Need Matt Damon’s Clean Water Super Bowl Commercial
Category: Blogs & Essays
This Terrible Tenderness (An Ode to World Cancer Day)
World Cancer Day 2018 By Karen Burton Mains When our last-born child, Jeremy Mains, was younger, he used to complain regularly about the privileges of his older brothers and sister. “Why don’t I get to do all the things Randy and Joel and Melissa get to do,” he would whine—frequently. My reply always was, “Just… Continue reading This Terrible Tenderness (An Ode to World Cancer Day)
Responding to Others with Compassion and Understanding
Respond to others with compassion and understanding, says Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of GFA (Gospel for Asia). As humans, we often lack compassion and understanding when dealing with those around us. Even as Christians, it can be difficult to respond to others with the same love Jesus did. Yohannan recalls that he used to preach… Continue reading Responding to Others with Compassion and Understanding
Who is George Verwer and Why Messiology Matters
When Christians today think of well-known pastors or missionaries, they mention names like Billy Graham, Jim Elliot, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, Joel Osteen, Matt Chandler, Rick Warren or John Piper. Most people would not list George Verwer nor would they even recognize his name. As it turns out, that’s probably just the way George Verwer… Continue reading Who is George Verwer and Why Messiology Matters
Why President Trump Cut Funding to UNRWA
Palestinian refugees in 1948 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Soon after President Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the nation of Israel, he also announced that he would cut U.S. funding of aid to Palestinians. The funding of which he spoke is channeled through the UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency. The U.S. has… Continue reading Why President Trump Cut Funding to UNRWA
Missionaries or Ambassadors
The Western world has traditionally held the word “missionary” in high esteem, largely unaware that leaders of Eastern nations have often regarded the idea skepticism. That skepticism has grown over the past century, following the end of World War I and, even more so, since the end of the Second World War. Why the disparity?… Continue reading Missionaries or Ambassadors
Seeking the Opportunities to Serve
Gospel for Asia (GFA), WILLS POINT, Texas – We understand that it is reasonable for people to infer from our name, Gospel for Asia (GFA), that our only area of service is in Asian countries and that our only service is to share the Gospel. While that assumption is reasonable, it is not entirely accurate.… Continue reading Seeking the Opportunities to Serve
Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty
For more than 11 years, Gospel for Asia has published a Christmas Gift Catalog filled with opportunities for people in the West to be involved in helping transform the lives of families in Asia who live in poverty. Since that time, more than 1 million families have been helped and many reports about how Gospel… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty
The Church’s Role in Eradicating Poverty [UPDATE]
The Church tries to build healthy communities in impoverished areas, often times through hand-outs or one time gifts that do not help families out of poverty. By providing work opportunities, the Church can build communities and help eradicate poverty. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) are most often supported by the Church and its congregants in such a… Continue reading The Church’s Role in Eradicating Poverty [UPDATE]
Pontiff Cites Pressing World Problem of Fake News
In an address to Catholic media on December 16th, Pope Francis evaluated the dissemination of fake news as a pressing world problem. Calling it a “grave sin that hurts the heart of the journalist and hurts others,” he set the stage for the inclusion of the issue in his upcoming annual address. We remember the… Continue reading Pontiff Cites Pressing World Problem of Fake News
Religious group serving the community where it resides
Gospel for Asia (GFA) moved its offices from Carrollton, Texas to Wills Point, Texas in Kaufman a few years ago. This moved placed the nonprofit ministry on a campus where staff and people helping to fulfill the mission of Gospel for Asia can be housed. Gospel for Asia (GFA) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit with… Continue reading Religious group serving the community where it resides
Children’s Homes are Bringing Hope to Children Across India
Last month, Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan visited the children’s home supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) in Delhi, India. The Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Children’s Home offers street children shelter, food, and education. Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan spent his time visiting with the children at the homes. There were laughs and hugs. Yohannan met a… Continue reading Children’s Homes are Bringing Hope to Children Across India
Jesus is Our Unshakable Foundation – Dr. KP Yohannan
The post originally appeared on Patheos.com Jesus is our forerunner and our example. How did He build a strong foundation of who He was? A tiny eaglet fell out of his nest in a tall tree near a farm, and he landed in a chicken coop. He found himself surrounded by little chicks and thought… Continue reading Jesus is Our Unshakable Foundation – Dr. KP Yohannan
Easter Rabbits Can Help Give Families a Future
Image by Gospel for Asia Farm animals can provide income to those who are in need. These animals may provide milk or their young may be sold for a price that will take care of the family. Either way, people may wonder why this kindness was shown to them and it provides opportunities for Christians… Continue reading Easter Rabbits Can Help Give Families a Future
Introduction Throughout Jesus’s life, he met and healed lepers. He had compassion for them, because they were the outcastes of society. There was and is a stigma attached to leprosy. Christians continue the work of Jesus by caring for those who have leprosy and bringing healing to them. The Disease of Leprosy Leprosy is a… Continue reading Leprosy
Bring Dignity to Poor Through Work
Introduction There are millions of people around the world living in poverty and without the opportunity to earn a sustainable income. Some ministries give dignity to people through providing some people work. For example, Gospel for Asia (GFA) provides farm animals or other items that help people get to work, so they do not have… Continue reading Bring Dignity to Poor Through Work
Alleviating Poverty through Work
Alleviating Poverty By Providing Work Jesus promised we would always have the poor with us. This does not mean we should ignore the poor. But how can we help those in poverty? We should give income generating opportunities to the poor as we’re able to. Items from Gospel for Asia’s Christmas Gift Catalog help provide… Continue reading Alleviating Poverty through Work
Giving Gifts to the Poor Throughout the World
Christmas is a joyous time. It is accompanied by Christmas trees, Christmas carols, Christmas gifts, etc. Yet, we can get so caught-up in consumerism, that we become stressed and not focused on Jesus at that time. Many people (over 2 billion) have not had the opportunity to hear of Christ’s first coming for even one… Continue reading Giving Gifts to the Poor Throughout the World
What’s been done? Nepal earthquake revisited one year later
Since an earthquake and strong aftershock hit Nepal April and May of 2015, there have been significant relief efforts to help with the reconstruction. Most of the relief work has been done by Christian relief organizations and the people of Nepal have seen the love of Christ displayed. The Day of the Earthquake April 25, 2015… Continue reading What’s been done? Nepal earthquake revisited one year later
Providing the Living Water on World Water Day
World Water Day and Your Mission Through our faith in action on World Water Day, many will come to know Him as they are provided with sanitary water, a precious gift that many around the world do not have access to. Throughout scripture, God’s people are commanded to take care of those who are downtrodden… Continue reading Providing the Living Water on World Water Day
What are Christian Missionaries?
A Christian missionary is one sent to a foreign field, another village or city with the purpose of spreading the Gospel. In Romans 10:14-15 Paul writes, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?… Continue reading What are Christian Missionaries?
Moravian Movement
“I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.” ― Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf Introduction It was a stormy night on… Continue reading Moravian Movement