We’ve all heard this phrase: Sharing is caring. But could sharing be more than that? And how does sharing tie into the Christian principal of love? Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of the nonprofit Gospel for Asia (GFA) explains,
Caring is sharing. Loving is sharing. Missions are shared. The whole purpose of the Church in this world can be summed up in that one word: sharing. That is what the agape love of the New Testament is really all about. It is what the Great Commission itself is all about.
Love is the central pillar of our Christian walk
To profess to be a disciple and not to share, or love those around us wouldn’t make any sense. When we share with those around us, we are sharing God’s love with them. And not only that, we are also fulfilling the law: “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:14)

Sometimes it’s more natural to receive love and to keep it for ourselves than it is to actively share the love that we’ve been given. Let’s not stay kindergartners in our faith. Let’s not just be talkers, but to be walkers on this narrow path of love.
Read more of Dr. KP Yohannan’s blog on sharing and other topics here.