On Nov. 24, a mosque in Ismaila, Egypt, was filled with Sufi Muslim worshipers. All the sudden, while they were saying their Friday prayers, an Islamic extremist came in started shooting at people. They didn’t stop until they thought everybody was dead. There were over 300 people who died from the shooting.

Abdel Fattah el Sisi, the president of Egypt commented on the terrorist attack.
“What is happening is an attempt to stop us from our efforts in the fight against terrorism,” Sisi said in a televised address. “The armed forces and the police will avenge our martyrs and restore security and stability with the utmost force.”
Ebid Salem Mansour, a 38-year-old man and salt factory worker who was in the mosque at the time and survived the event, told reporters from the Associated Press about his experience.
“The shooting was random and hysterical at the beginning and then became more deliberate,” Mansour said. “Whoever they weren’t sure was dead or still breathing was shot dead.”
Not only were the people inside of the mosque fired at but also those outside including the ambulance.
“No one got out of the mosque,” CNN reports one survivor as saying. “The military could hear the gunshots from their unit and they didn’t move. Even the ambulances came under fire.”
According to Fox News, the Sufi Muslims were targeted because of their less than literal interpretation of the Quran, the Islamic holy book.
Fox News explains, “Friday’s attack targeted a mosque frequented by Sufis, members of a mystic movement within Islam. Although no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, Islamic militants, including the local affiliate of the Islamic State group, consider Sufis heretics because of their less literal interpretations of the faith. IS-affiliated groups have targeted Sufis in the past.”
Christian Aid is sharing Christ’s love with the people of Egypt. They have various programs, such as literacy training and vocational education, and minister among gang leaders, athletes.
Please pray for them as they seek to share Christ’s love with the people of Egypt through various ministries.
Pray also for those who are mourning after this attack, that they would have comfort. Pray for Christians in Egypt, that they would be able to minister to these people.
Fox News: Egyptian mosque attack death toll climbs to 305
Voice of America: Egypt Reels from Mosque Attack, Sufi Muslims Still Plan to Honor Muhammad
CNN: Egypt mosque attack survivor: I hid under dead bodies
Christian Aid Mission: Tools In His Hands