HONG KONG – Missions Box News reported in November 2019 that Francis Chan would be moving his family to Hong Kong in February 2020. He and his family are there, and Francis has posted a new video on his YouTube Channel to encourage believers to view the Coronavirus as an opportunity from the Lord.

In the video, Chan reminded regular viewers of his Crazy Love YouTube channel that a day would be coming when believers may not be able to gather with others of like, precious faith. He warned us to be ready and to be prepared.
He did not mean that we should be hoarding, stockpiling, or weaponizing. He has clearly taught that dramatic changes such as we are witnessing with the Coronavirus pandemic should be an opportunity for the believers to show the world how believers face trials and difficult circumstances with peace and joy.
“This is the fruit of the Spirit, guys, take advantage of this time. Don’t miss this opportunity. This is one of our greatest opportunities for reaching out to a lost world and showing them that we haven’t lost our love, joy, and peace.”
Chan encouraged Christians to
Be loving.
Ask the Lord how you can demonstrate His great love for us by helping those who are at risk or in need, in the name of Jesus. We often talk about missionaries being the hands and feet of Jesus. The Coronavirus pandemic is a reminder that all believers are called to do the same.
We are reminded in the book of James to rejoice in trials and times of trouble. Remember, Jesus told His disciples that we will experience trouble in this life. While others despair, however, we are called to rejoice. We understand that tribulation works patience and that the Lord works all things, including the Coronavirus, together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.
Don’t be afraid.
People are dying in large numbers as the Coronavirus threatens mankind. The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that the world is afraid of death. He also tells us that Jesus gave Himself as the sacrifice for our sins and to remove the fear of death that holds the world in bondage.
To Chan’s words, we would add that this is a perfect time to examine the validity and depth of the trust we say we have in the Lord. The same Jesus who calmed the storms for His disciples on the Sea of Galilee has promised to give us peace in the midst of life’s storms today.
Trust Him.
Trusting Him is believing that He is who He says He is, and that He will do what He has promised to do. Do you really trust Him?
He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Trust Him.
He has promised to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and give us a peace that passes all understanding. Trust Him.
He has promised everlasting life to all who are born again by the Holy Spirit. Trust Him.
Be loving. Rejoice. Don’t be afraid. Trust the Lord. Now, go and encourage others to trust Him too.
Watch Francis Chan’s video here:
To read more news on the Coronavirus Crisis on Missions Box, go here.
GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus
- The Christian Post, Francis Chan tells Church: Coronavirus is ‘one of our greatest opportunities to reach a lost world’
- Relevant, Francis Chan: Right Now Is a Huge Opportunity for the Church
Other Francis Chan videos: No Money, Missionaries, Final Message