AUSTRALIA — More than 120 people and over 85 different churches from across the region gathered on Thursday morning, 1 February, to officially launch the upcoming Gold Coast Look Up Celebration with Will Graham. The evangelistic outreach, which is scheduled for 29 June at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, will feature music from worship leader Taya and American rock band The Afters, along with an encouraging message from Will Graham. Graham is the grandson of the late evangelist Billy Graham and son of Franklin Graham.

“As we look at the world around us, many individuals are experiencing fear and anxiety. They are looking for meaning and purpose. People want to know they matter. The answer to all of these struggles can be found in Jesus Christ,” said Graham. “I’m coming to the Gold Coast to share how we can find hope, peace and love, not just for today, but for eternity.”
The Gold Coast Look Up Celebration represents a continuation of Graham’s commitment to Australia, where he has preached regularly since 2010. His ministry has included outreaches in Broken Hill, Alice Springs, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and more. Most recently, he shared the Gospel in Hobart and Launceston, Tasmania, in May 2022.
“As an 8-year-old child, I stood up at a Billy Graham Crusade in Sydney, which was such an important moment in my faith journey. The legacy of Billy Graham’s ministry is evident in every church I’ve been a member of, and as a church leader I’m so thankful that this ministry has continued and developed in the ministry of his grandson, Will Graham,” said Rev’d Stewart Perry, a Senior Minister in the Anglican Church. “I am so excited to see the impact on our churches, our communities and our city of Will Graham’s visit and the Look Up Celebration later this year, and believe expectantly that there are greater things to come.”
Ps Sue Baynes, Pastoral Adviser in the Office of the Mayor, added, “Just as Billy Graham changed the faith landscape over 60 years ago, so we say, ‘Yes Lord, do it again.’”
Pre-events will take place across the region between now and the Gold Coast Look Up Celebration in June, including prayer and worship nights, training and youth engagement. Visit for details and information.
About Will Graham
The third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), Will has shared the Gospel with more than 1 million people across six continents since beginning his evangelistic ministry in 2006. Will also serves as Executive Vice President of the BGEA, giving leadership to all aspects of the organization that his grandfather Billy Graham founded in 1950. Follow Will on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
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Source: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Gold Coast Look Up Celebration with Evangelist Will Graham announced in Gold Coast, Queensland