Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Gulf Coast on August 25, beginning days and days of destruction, particularly in Houston and Port Aransas. Hurricane Harvey was a Category 4 hurricane, with top winds of 132 mph. Those cities were covered in flood and debris. They are recovering slowly, but it may take years to get back to normalcy.
Jeff Hentz, CEO of the chamber for commerce in Port Aransas was interviewed by The Weather Channel.

The Weather Channel reported, “‘It’s upside down. Instead of planning … for the holidays, everybody’s trying to figure out how we’re going to get their home rebuilt and move back in,’” he said. “‘Some days are better than others, but for the most part, it’s trying to deal with trying to get back to how it was on Aug. 24.’”
Houston was badly affected by Hurricane Harvey as well. Little did flood victims know they were living in a flood zone until the water came and destroyed their houses.
The New York Times explains, “Many of the residents living in and around the reservoirs didn’t even know they slept in harm’s way — until the water came pouring in from the prairie during Harvey.”
Not only were homes affected, but also small businesses. The rains flooded the whole of Houston and now businesses are trying to get back to normal.
Per the Houston Chronicle, “The storm made landfall on Aug. 25 in Rockport about 200 miles south and dumped more than 40 inches of rain over the Houston area in the following days, swelling waterways and flooding thousands of homes and businesses”
Meanwhile in Port Aransas, the tourism industry is faltering because of the wreckage. Residents are staying in hotels until their homes can be rebuilt.
The Weather Channel reports, “After the storm passed, the town of about 3,000 driven fully by its tourism economy sat halted and broken. Virtually all of the residents were impacted by Harvey, and many remain living in hotels or other homes while they rebuild their lives.” It will be a long way to normalcy. Businesses in Houston are taking out loans to kickstart and rebuild their businesses again.
The Houston Chronicle explains, “The money can be used for rebuilding, roofing, new windows or entryways, facade repairs or utility work,” Angela Forbes, Economic Development Coordinator said. Other expenses may be taken into consideration.” Samaritan’s Purse is working in Houston to help rebuild after the Hurricane. Not only do they help with the physical needs of the people they’re serving but also the spiritual needs. They want to share Christ’s love through the work and the interactions they have with the people.
Per Samaritan’s Purse, “Our staff and volunteers are clearing trees from homes and yards, tarping roofs, and performing mud-outs. Most important, they demonstrate the love of God and share the hope of Christ with flood-weary homeowners.”
Please pray for the people of Houston and the surrounding areas, that resident’s lives would get back to relative normalcy again and for the rebuilding efforts. Pray for the work of Samaritan’s Purse, as they continue to share Christ’s love with the people of Houston.
New York Times: Lessons From Hurricane Harvey: Houston’s Struggle Is America’s Tale
Houston Chronicle: Some Dickinson businesses still recovering from Harvey
Samaritan’s Purse: Hurricane Harvey Response Updates: Still Going Strong Across Texas