DALLAS — RevelationMedia, the visionary organization behind the groundbreaking iBIBLE initiative, announced it has received an important endorsement from SIL International Translation Services, a leading global authority on Bible translations, certifying its iBIBLE Genesis scripts as an authentic translation of the Biblical Narrative and making it the first animated series to be certified as an authentic translation of the Biblical Narrative.

The certification marks a significant milestone in the organization’s stated mission to bring the Word of God to every tribe, tongue and nation.
“It has always been our goal to be an authentic Bible translation. You can imagine how we felt when we received this letter from SIL,” said RevelationMedia’s President and Founder, Steve Cleary. “There are many great animated stories based on the Bible. But having SIL review our scripts and authenticate them as a translation of the Biblical Narrative sets iBIBLE apart and helps us reach our goal to be a visual presentation of God’s Word!
RevelationMedia recently announced it would release 42 episodes of iBIBLE Genesis on Easter, marking a pivotal moment in its ten-year, $25 million production endeavor.
“As always, God’s timing was perfect,” Cleary said.
Already offered without charge for licensing, distribution and translation, Vice President of Communications and Media Andrea Wilson believes the certification is a big next step in expanding the project’s potential impact.
“The ultimate purpose is to bring God’s Word, unchanged, to every tribe and every tongue. To people around the world that cannot read, or who don’t yet have the entire Bible in their language,” Wilson says. “Being certified as a translation of the Biblical Narrative absolutely opens doors to new relationships and avenues of distribution to serve that purpose.”
“All,” Wilson says, “without losing sight of those who need the Bible in a format they understand here in the U.S.”
“There are generations in the western world that are turning away from reading words on a page. We just need to get into their channels of communication and give them Truth. The fact that there is now a way to watch the Bible, that is certified to be scripturally accurate, is a game changer for parents trying to reach their kids,” Wilson says. “Every teacher, pastor, missionary, Bible study leader and parent can look at this certification and know that iBIBLE can be trusted because it is truly… just the Bible.”
When complete, the ambitious project will encompass approximately 280 episodes, presenting the entire Biblical Narrative, from creation to Christ’s second coming. It will total over 30 hours of world-class animation and will be made available for free to be translated into any the 7,000+ living languages of the world.
Media interested in additional information about RevelationMedia and iBIBLE can visit https://get.revelationmedia.org/ibiblepress. For interview requests, contact Marianna Gibson at marianna@jonesliterary.com.
Read more news on Faith Based Organizations, Media Ministry, and the Bible on Missions Box.
CONTACT: Jason P Jones, jason@jonesliterary.com