Jewish Open Space Festival in the Time of War, Ukraine

KYIV, UKRAINE — Jewish Open Space festival changed its format this year. This year the Festival expanded its reach despite martial law and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Besides being hosted in Kyiv, it’s also held in a number of other cities in Ukraine and even in other countries like Germany and Poland. The joy of the Jewish feast stretched as far as these cities just days before Rosh ha-Shana – the Jewish New Year.

Jewish open space Festival changed its format this year.

Andrii LugovskySenior Minister of Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation:

This year our Jewish open space Festival expanded its reach despite martial law and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The joy of the Jewish feast stretched as far as these cities just day before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.


It would be so great if each of us during a time like this would take a break from watching the news or listening to daily developments taking place at the front line. But rather take this time to find a firm foundation in life. So this is what today’s Festival is about. To find a firm foundation in life, to build the future.

There’s more to the festival than just Jewish music and dancing. To stay in touch and learn more about Jewish life, Jewish Messianic congregations, invite everyone to join themed groups and workshops.

Masha BeliaevaFestival Organizing Committee:

The Zenith of our Festival is the presentation of themed clubs and workshops. Everyone can find something they like: creativity and development, art and cooking, excursions and acting, foreign languages and sports, workshops and theme clubs to suit any taste and fit any age. Workshops are held in live meetings as well as online. Everyone is welcome to join.

By the way, Jewish open space festivals have taken place every year since 2015.


Every time it’s Feast of Joy, a time of a freshman and New Hope, a time when we share with the almighty shows us and blesses us with, the desire of our hearts is to share this time of joy and blessing with other people.

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About KJMC

Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation (KJMC) was born shortly after first Festival of Jewish Music and Dance, organized by the mission “Hear, O Israel!” (Jonathan Bernis), which took place in Ukraine in 1994. Boris Grisenko has been the rabbi (pastor) of KJMC from the very beginning. Rabbi Boris was also the Vice Chairman of the Ukrainian Interchurch Council and holds an Honorary Doctorate in Theology from CLST (Christian Life School of Theology). KJMC has grown over the years and today numbers more than 2,000 people. The congregation is comprised of Jews and non-Jews, all of whom have accepted the Lord Yeshua ha’Mashiach (Jesus Christ).

The KJMC vision is focused largely on the revival of the Jewish people, including:

  • So that every Jew would know his Messiah
  • The unity in the Body of the Messiah to be restored
  • To break free of non-Biblical extremes of Judaism and Christianity
  • To bring about freedom from anti_semitism, indifference, and other non-Biblical attitudes as well as freedom from Humanism and occult spirituality

Read more news on Faith Based Organizations, Ukraine, and Russia on Missions Box.

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