MAITLAND, FL – Do you ever have days when you feel like you are a mission field? Days when our spiritual enemy has attacked you from every direction? Days when it seemed like you could do nothing right? Days when you did, said, or thought things that offended God and others? Days when you had ‘lost it?’

I have. Discouragement and defeat roll in like tsunamis drowning us in a spiritual and emotional flood because we know that God is angry with us.
During a couple of those times in my life, the Lord also had providentially positioned Steve Brown and his Key Life radio program at just the right time and frequency on my car radio.
No matter how bad my day had been or how poorly I had represented Christ, Steve’s dulcet bass voice was there to remind me that God is not mad at me.
The beauty of Christ’s love and His grace is that they are the foundation and the security of my salvation.
“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
Think about it. Even when we were lost in sin and, for all practical purposes, enemies of Christ, He loved us. Why then would He not love us when we fail in our vain attempts to be perfect.
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
Steve began the daily 15-minute Key Life broadcast in the mid-1970s. The main message has always been one that reassures believers (and unbelievers) that God loves us, and his grace is abundant and everlasting. Our salvation is not dependent upon whether the Lord changes His mind.
Being adopted into the family of God is not about doing more or trying harder.
It’s about being welcomed Home by God because of his abundant grace, free from the penalties of sin and never alone in your suffering.
Key Life may not be the kind of ministry that we categorize as a missionary effort. However, when you think about it, it is a mission to encourage and reassure us of the height and depth and length and breadth of God’s love for us.
Our eternal destiny is not dependent on what we have done. Nor is God mad at us, no matter how bad our day has been.
Dr. Brown has used Key Life over the years to distinguish between understanding the theological concept of grace and experiencing the freedom and joy of grace.
Key Life’s mission is to help us experience God’s grace by reminding us that because of what Jesus has done, God will never be angry at us again. This is the truth that makes us free indeed!
Key Life is broadcast across the U.S. and Canada. Find a station near you by searching at this link.
Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations, and Radio Broadcasting Ministry
- Key Life Network, ECFA
- Key Life, Official Website