WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing how many NGO and charity organizations, such as Gospel for Asia , have sought to fill the gap between resources and needy communities who don’t have access to them as mandatory masks are highlighting the inequality Asia’s poor face.
As the novel coronavirus sweeps through South Asia, home to a quarter of humanity, another crisis has been exposed: inequal access to masks for Asia’s poor.
Governments have adopted mandatory mask-wearing in public places to slow the spread of COVID-19 in response to official health recommendations from organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). As a result, masks have become ubiquitous as people shop, travel and work in congested indoor spaces.
For those who can afford it, adopting masks as part of their daily garb has not been a problem. Many clothing companies now offer masks in cute prints that are readily available. There’s even an Asian fashion designer, QUOD, selling a face mask for almost $100.[1] This highlights the problem: for the resourced, masks are fashion accessories; for the poor, masks are unattainable necessities.

The Rising Costs of Basic Masks
“Wearing a mask in public is now compulsory in most places in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and advised by Afghanistan and Bangladesh,” an Asian news outlet reported, “resulting in soaring demand and prices.”[2]
Basic masks that in March cost 8 cents now go for $7. Even when governments cap mask prices, local businesses mark them up and out of reach for poor communities.
“I have earned less than 100 afghani ($1.32) today. What am I going to do?” Khan told the Reuters news agency in the Afghan capital Kabul. “Should I buy a mask or food for my family?”[3]
Then there’s Milan, a milkman in India, who goes door-to-door every day, unmasked. Milan knows he should wear a mask, but he is not able to buy one.
Arrests, Fines Stalk Daily Wage Laborers

India, which is producing surgical masks beyond the national demand, has begun exporting surplus masks to satisfy global demand.[4] Despite manufacturing enough masks nationwide, not all communities have equal access to the mandatory device.
With a spike in new cases, many Asian countries and states have cracked down on people not wearing masks in public. It is not stigma that prevents people from wearing masks; they have been common in Asia to prevent the spread of pedestrian illnesses such as the cold or flu for a long time. Lack of access is the problem. Local medical stores that normally stock such an ubiquitous item are now out of stock in poorer communities. This creates a difficult situation for those who cannot get masks but need to work and those who are tasked with enforcing the laws.
In one Asian city, 12,000 people were arrested for violating the mandatory mask statute in the span of four weeks.[5]
Other places have instituted large fines for anyone not wearing a mask in public. Since many of these people can’t afford a mask, they are unlikely to be able to pay fines either, creating an even more unbearable financial burden on the poor.
Fines for not wearing a mask in public are popping up in countries all over the world, not just in Asia. In Italy, the fine is 1,000 euros ($1,183 USD). In Miami, Florida, it’s $100. In Gujurat, India, it’s 1,000 rupees ($13 USD). Thirteen dollars may not sound like much compared to $1,000, but hundreds of millions of people living in extreme poverty, on less than $1.90 a day, live in South Asia.[6] This income barely stretches to housing and food.
Many of the people arrested for violating the mask requirements were daily wage laborers who faced staying home and starving or working and gambling arrests and fines.

Grassroot Solutions by NGOs and Ministries
Many NGO and charity organizations, such as Gospel for Asia (GFA World), have sought to fill in the gap between resources and the needy communities that don’t have access to them. Gospel for Asia (GFA World) supports national workers to bring God’s provision and love to destitute peoples all over Asia. It is these men and women, serving God in their own communities, who are bringing relief at the ground level.
Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Pravin saw the difficulties the poor in his community were facing. He wanted to ease the burden, so he coordinated with staff of Bridge of Hope, a Gospel for Asia (GFA World) program that provides tutoring, school supplies and a nutritious meal to underprivileged children, to sew and distribute 30 masks to people in need.
Another Gospel for Asia (GFA) worker who leads a Women’s Fellowship, a group committed to the discipling and equipping of women in the local church, united the ladies to sew 150 reusable masks in one day to distribute to the most vulnerable in their community: the elderly and children.
Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers serve tirelessly to alleviate suffering caused by COVID-19, from feeding migrant workers on their mass exodus from congested cities to providing groceries for widows and leprosy patients who struggle to get food. Many are also organizing Bridge of Hope staff, Women’s Fellowship groups and local believers to sew reusable masks for those who can’t get one.
Even conscientious businesses acknowledge the inequalities between the rich and the poor and are taking action. Poochki, an Indian clothing retailer, will donate a mask to someone in need for every $2 mask purchased.
In the village where Milan the milkman lives, Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Abeer and his church members distributed 350 reusable face masks, stitched by the Women’s Fellowship, to daily wage laborers, including Milan.
“I am grateful to the church leaders for helping me to get a reusable and hand-stitched face mask,” Milan said. “I need a face mask as I go out for giving milk from door-to-door.”
These efforts to help each other is more important now than ever. In a time everyone in the world is facing a pandemic together, it has become clear that the burden is greater for some than others. In providing masks for the poor, we carry one another’s burdens and restrict the spread of COVID-19.
Read more news on Disaster Relief, Gospel for Asia, and the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Read another story on how the Lord is using Gospel for Asia to bring relief to Asia’s poor and those in need during COVID 19.
GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus
About Gospel for Asia
Headquartered in Wills Point, Texas, Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a leading faith-based mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across Asia, especially to those who have yet to hear about the love of God. In GFA’s latest yearly report, this included more than 70,000 sponsored children, free medical camps conducted in more than 1,200 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 260,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry. For all the latest news, visit our Press Room at https://press.gfa.org/news.
Media interested in interviews with Gospel For Asia should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or gwooding@inchristcommuications.com
[1]Chawla, Medha. How face masks in India went from being a necessity to a fashion statement. Daily O. https://www.dailyo.in/lifestyle/covid-19-fashion-face-masks-designer-masks/story/1/33354.html. July 7, 2020.
[2]‘Buy a Mask or Food?’: South Asia’s Poor Face Stark Choice. Aljazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/mask-food-south-asia-poor-face-stark-choice-200428104653625.html. April 28, 2020.
[3]‘Buy a Mask or Food?’: South Asia’s Poor Face Stark Choice. Aljazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/mask-food-south-asia-poor-face-stark-choice-200428104653625.html. April 28, 2020.
[4]Rai, Arpan. India to Export 40 Million Surgical Masks, 2 Million Medical Goggles Every Month. Hindustan Times. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-to-export-40-million-surgical-masks-2-million-medical-goggles-every-month/story-F7LzsxaXaFiYbpSyhn7PWN.html. July 28, 2020.
[5]TNN. Nashik: Over 18,000 Booked for Not Wearing Masks. India Times. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nashik/over-18000-booked-for-not-wearing-masks/articleshow/77452461.cms. August 10, 2020.
[6]Poverty & Equity Data Portal. The World Bank. http://povertydata.worldbank.org/poverty/region/SAS. August 13, 2020.