BERRY, GA – The WinShape Foundation developed from the heart of the man who thought that cows don’t say “Moo.” He was convinced that they said, “Eat more Chikun!” His name was Truett Cathy. He was also the founder of Chick-fil-A.

Mr. Cathy was fully-committed to letting his light shine for Christ so that others would see his good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. One evidence of the Lord’s blessing on Mr. Cathy’s good works is the unparalleled success of a major fast-food restaurant chain that chooses to close on Sundays to honor it as the Lord’s Day and to allow its employees to attended church with their families.
It wasn’t a desire for additional notoriety that led Cathy to start the WinShape Foundation. It was a vision that the Lord laid on his heart when he visited an array of empty buildings on the campus of Berry College in northern Georgia. (Berry College happens to have the world’s largest college campus with 27,000 acres.)
Cathy envisioned the unused buildings as a place where Chick-fil-A employees could be trained for leadership positions. It wasn’t long before he had an even bigger idea. With access to dormitories, a dining hall, meeting spaces, and a lot of land, he thought it would be an ideal location for a summer camp.
That was the beginning of WinShape. Just as Chick-fil-A started from a humble begging, so has the impact of the WinShape Foundation.
“From day camps for kids to programs that grow college students and shape culture for organizations, each WinShape program is rooted in transformation.”
WinShape summer camps are held in conjunction with local churches. Overnight and day-camping experiences are highly-regarded for their spirit of “All Out Fun, All In Faith,” where every activity is “designed to draw campers closer to Jesus.”
Three fundamental principles are at the heart of the camps and every other WinShape ministry.
- “I am Third.” The idea that God should always be first in our lives, others come second, and we are third.
- “Master, Mission, Mate.” In order, our priorities should be our Master (God), our mission (to make disciples and fulfill God’s calling on our life), and our mate (husband or wife).
- “If it is to be, it is up to me.” Paired with faith, we have a responsibility to act and carry out God’s work.
These principles are lived and taught by skilled, spirit-led team members in every aspect of the multi-faceted WinShape programs.
The WinShape College Program is specifically designed to prepare the next generation of students to represent Christ in leadership roles in whichever career the Lord has called them.
The WinShape Homes Program provides safe, caring, and stable Christian homes for orphans and abandoned children leading them along a path of foster care to forever care.
WinShape Retreats are structured to provide the perfect setting for couples, church groups, and business teams to relax, recharge, and regroup.
The WinShape programs exist to support lives lived on purpose. That purpose is to experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to love and serve others just as He does.
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Sources: The WinShape Foundation, Official Website