NEW PARIS, IN – This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of World Missionary Press (WMP). Watson and Rose Goodman came home to the States from Africa in 1961 with a vision to “launch a worldwide Scripture-producing ministry.”

The Lord “energized, directed, and provided” for them and the vision He had given them. The magnitude of the World Missionary Press ministry has probably extended far beyond any of their expectations.
Look and see what the Lord has done.
The ministry’s products include attractive, 48-page topical books that teach the Bible using easy-to-understand illustrations that complement the messages printed in 349 different languages. WMP also publishes Bible-study booklets, Bible-topic coloring books, and New Testaments.
Every item printed and distributed by WMP and its 36,000 global distributors is given as freely as God has given us the gift of His Son. WMP and its generous partners bear the cost of every booklet, book, or New Testament, each of which is given away absolutely free.
Every staff person working in New Paris, Indiana, regardless of position, is paid a modest hourly wage as determined each year by a board of directors, most of whom are neither employees, staff, nor family members. That modest wage is the same for every individual, from maintenance to management or in any other capacity. In addition, more than 700 volunteers from nearby churches volunteer their time to the ministry.
During the latest fiscal year,
- WMP shipped scriptures and scripture booklets into 211 different countries despite the COVID pandemic
- WMP shipped nearly 92 million pieces of Bible literature around the world, including
- 6 million scripture booklets
- 4 million scripture study booklets
- More than a million salvation coloring books
- 4 million The Path to Life handouts
- More than 51,000 New Testaments
- WMP shipped fifteen 40-foot and twenty-one 20-foot containers of printed products
There is a staggering array of other facts about the World Missionary Press that help donors understand how the Lord has blessed their support. For instance,
- WMP’s modern six-color presses are capable of printing 8 million scripture booklets every month
- The massive rolls of paper that are fed into the presses can generate 80,000 scripture booklets
I said earlier that “The magnitude of the World Missionary Press ministry has probably extended far beyond any of the Goodman’s expectations.” Here are three reasons why I believe that to be true.
Their vision included goals to print one million booklets per month, to have an annual budget of a million dollars, and to print scripture booklets in 300 languages.
Those goals were surpassed in 1977, 1982, and 2000, respectively.
The Lord has definitely blessed the ministry and work of World Missionary Press for the past 60 years.
Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations, Gospel Literature, and World Missions
- World Missionary Press, Official Website
- World Missionary Press, ECFA