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Far East Broadcasting Company Reaching North Korea for Christ

SEOUL – “Until All Have Heard.” That’s on the header of the Far East Broadcasting (FEBC) website. FEBC has been working to help reach that goal with the Gospel sine 1945. This year, FEBC is celebrating the 70th anniversary of its first broadcast on June 4, 1948. Originally based in Shanghai, the company relocated to… Continue reading Far East Broadcasting Company Reaching North Korea for Christ

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Preventing Child Marriage in Bangladesh – There’s an App for That

DHAKA – Child marriage is defined as “a formal marriage or informal union before age 18.” Child marriage is widespread in poverty-stricken populations, especially those countries located within the 10/40 window across Africa and South Asia. According to UNICEF, “Worldwide, more than 650 million women alive today were married as children. An estimated 12 million… Continue reading Preventing Child Marriage in Bangladesh – There’s an App for That

Paraguay Becomes 6th Nation to Say It Will Move Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem [Update]

Paraguay President Horciao Cartes with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet

ASUNCION – Paraguay has become the sixth nation to indicate plans to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. It is the fifth country to do so since U.S. President Trump publicly recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017. Paraguay’s President Horacio Cartes announced the plans to move the country’s embassy sometime before his… Continue reading Paraguay Becomes 6th Nation to Say It Will Move Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem [Update]

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Chuck Missler (May 28, 1934 – May 1, 2018)

Chuck Missler speaking at a Bible conference in 2013

REPOROA, NZ– Renowned scholar, author, and Bible teacher, Dr. Chuck Missler passed away peacefully on 01 May 2018 at his home in Reporoa, New Zealand. He was 83. Missler’s wife, Nancy, preceded him in death in 2015 after a three-year battle with cancer. Best-known for his books and videos and as Bible conference speaker, Missler… Continue reading Chuck Missler (May 28, 1934 – May 1, 2018)

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The Rising Challenge of Stateless Children

WILLS POINT, Texas – It is no secret that the world is rife with problems ranging from terrorism and wars to hunger and health issues. Many of these and other problems spawn floods of refugees seeking safe harbor from potential harm. Many would consider making a successful journey to a safer place a success. However,… Continue reading The Rising Challenge of Stateless Children

Greg Laurie’s Harvest America 2018 May Become the Largest One Day Evangelistic Crusade in American History

After His Mentor Rev. Billy Graham’s Passing, the June 10th Event Holds Special Significance for Laurie, Harvest America Team RIVERSIDE, Calif. — On June 10, 2018, Harvest America will return to AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX where just two years ago the ministry hosted what became the largest one-day evangelistic event in American history. Pastor… Continue reading Greg Laurie’s Harvest America 2018 May Become the Largest One Day Evangelistic Crusade in American History

Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the worldwide issue of extreme poverty Written by Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications More than 80 years after George Orwell wrote in his classic Animal Farm that “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,” his barbed observation on disparity rings ever truer for… Continue reading Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1

The Scandal of Entrenched Paradigms Open defecation describes the practice of people eliminate their fecal waste in on the ground or in water or at any other place than a toilet or latrine facility designed for that purpose. No one has an accurate count of people who practice open defecation, but most authoritative sources agree… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1

Donor Leaders Reminded Effective PR Still Crucial in Fueling Nonprofits’ Mission

Communications strategist emphasizes ongoing importance of traditional news coverage as social media efforts expand. DALLAS—Social media may have opened up new ways for nonprofits to share their message, but a traditional public relations strategy remains crucial in ensuring groups are well funded for their mission, leaders are being reminded this week. There’s a direct link… Continue reading Donor Leaders Reminded Effective PR Still Crucial in Fueling Nonprofits’ Mission

Romania May Move Israel Embassy to Jerusalem

BUCHAREST – The Romanian government has approved a proposal to relocate the country’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The move was announced by Liviu Dragnea, the Speaker of the Lower House and leader of the Social Democratic party. Prime Minister Viorica Dancila confirmed that the measure has been approved, but there are still some hurdles… Continue reading Romania May Move Israel Embassy to Jerusalem

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Egyptian Cabinet Certifies 166 More Churches [Update]

CAIRO – On 11 March 2018, Missions Box News reported that Egyptian government officials had granted licenses for 53 churches as a “first block” toward compliance with the legal requirements. The licensing mandate which had been proposed by the Housing Ministry became law in August 2016. Yesterday the Egyptian Cabinet approved the legalization of 166… Continue reading Egyptian Cabinet Certifies 166 More Churches [Update]

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Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Regardless of economy, nations worldwide face need for better sources of clean water, providing opportunity to show God’s love and care: GFA (Gospel for Asia) article  WILLS POINT, Texas—Best known for its work helping the underprivileged in poverty-stricken parts of the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) is spotlighting a universal crisis that unites all nations:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Kazakhstan Requests IDs of Christian Youth

ASTANA, Kazakhstan – On March 30, 2018, the Center for the Study of Problems of Religion of the Religious Affairs Department of the West Kazakhstan Region has asked selected churches and religious communities to provide personal information regarding “all underage community members attending your religious association.” The Religious Affairs Department is a division of the… Continue reading Kazakhstan Requests IDs of Christian Youth

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Jailed and Tortured Missionary Leads Other Prisoners to Christ

KHARTOUM – A four-day visit to Sudan in 2015 by VOM missionary Petr Jasek turned into an unplanned 445-day sojourn in prison after the Czech Christian was arrested on charges of conspiring against the Sudanese government. Jasek, shared his experience last week at the McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. He told his audience that… Continue reading Jailed and Tortured Missionary Leads Other Prisoners to Christ

Turning Soap Into Clean Water

Handmade "white chocolate" soap, created and sold by woman in Washington state who gives 10% of her proceeds to ministry.

With the world facing a clean water crisis, technology companies, governments and NGOs are working to find ways to provide clean water for people in a place where clean water is either in short supply or non-existent. The United Nations even sponsors a World Water Day. While cutting-edge technology is trying exotic methods to capture… Continue reading Turning Soap Into Clean Water

Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Refugees waiting to get water and satisfy their thirst in a camp in Dadaab, Somalia.

Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Diarrhea. Just say the word out loud and watch people cringe. It is so sickening that no one wants to hear about it, let alone have it. One of America’s most trusted healthcare websites, WebMD, says, When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements (or stools) are loose and watery. It’s very common and usually not… Continue reading Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Free Chapel to Open Church Campus in the Heart of Midtown Atlanta on April 8, Pastor Jentezen Franklin Preaching Live

ATLANTA — Free Chapel continues to expand throughout the Southeast and will open a new location in Midtown Atlanta on Sunday, April 8th. The services will be held in a unique setting, at Center Stage Theater, 1374 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA. Pastor Jentezen Franklin will be preaching live from the Midtown campus. Surrounded by… Continue reading Free Chapel to Open Church Campus in the Heart of Midtown Atlanta on April 8, Pastor Jentezen Franklin Preaching Live

Will Next Chinese Bible Be the Xi Jinping Version?

BEIJING – The People’s Republic of China released a white paper today entitled, “China’s Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief.” A title like that might encourage Christians about the prospects of sharing the Gospel in mainland China. However, this may be a classic example of not judging a white paper by its… Continue reading Will Next Chinese Bible Be the Xi Jinping Version?

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Water Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

What if every day you turned on your faucet and risked becoming seriously ill from drinking the water? That is a question posed on the website of Water for Thirty Thousand. It is a question that needs to be asked of all of use in the Western world. We take water for granted whether it… Continue reading Water Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits

President Xi Jingping's communist government in China eradicated term limits in China. Source: Angélica Rivera de Peña

Chinese president, Xi Jinping, got rid of term limits, the amount of time a person can spend in office, in the People Republic of China. Once this is in place, the president is able to stay in office as long as he wants. NPR reports, “The move represents a dramatic departure from rules that have… Continue reading Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits

2 Million Free Copies of Gospel Literature Arrive in Argentina

NEW PARIS, Indiana – An entire container load filled with two million gospel booklets, pamphlets, and Gospel literature recently arrived in Argentina. The literature had been requested by an Argentinian pastor. The items had been supplied free of charge to the pastor and his ministry. He told World Missionary Press, the printer and provider, that… Continue reading 2 Million Free Copies of Gospel Literature Arrive in Argentina

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Water: Human Right or Necessity?

Developing a broader awareness of various global water crises during the month of March has been prompted, in part, by the UN’s Annual World Water Day on March 22nd.  Gospel for Asia has contributed several articles intended to bring attention to the drought in South Africa, the meeting of the World Water Forum in Brasilia,… Continue reading Water: Human Right or Necessity?

Clean Water Is an Issue for 12 of the World’s Major Cities

Several billion people around the world live without sufficient access to clean water. Over one billion people lack water supplies. Another 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year. Read Gospel for Asia’s Special Report on The Global Clean Water Crisis here. A 2014 survey of the world’s 500 largest… Continue reading Clean Water Is an Issue for 12 of the World’s Major Cities

Nigerian Girl Refuses to Renounce Christ Remains Captive of Boko Haram

DAPCHI, Nigeria – Leah Sharibu is 15 years old. She is one of more than a hundred Nigerian school girls who are either missing or held in captivity by the Boko Haram. Although the terrorist group, known for kidnapping school girls en masse, agreed to return the girls in exchange for the release of several… Continue reading Nigerian Girl Refuses to Renounce Christ Remains Captive of Boko Haram

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Child’s Parents Call Surgery to Repair Hole in His Heart “A Miracle”

THIRUVALLA, KERALA, India – Believers Church Medical College Hospital gave new life to a one-year-old Indian boy and restored hope for his anxious parents when the medical staff at Believers Church Medical College Hospital (BCMCH) successfully performed a complex surgical procedure to repair a large hole in the boy’s heart. Aksar’s parents, both day laborers… Continue reading Child’s Parents Call Surgery to Repair Hole in His Heart “A Miracle”

DOOR International to Hold Sign Language Scripture Celebration in Kenya

KENYA – DOOR International and its partners will hold a Sign Language Scripture Celebration on June 9th to commemorate the rendering of Bible passages into four different African national sign languages This is not the first celebration of this kind that DOOR has been able to hold. In 2014, DOOR partners and pastors gathered to… Continue reading DOOR International to Hold Sign Language Scripture Celebration in Kenya

Turkish Prosecutor Demands American Pastor Gets Life in Prison

Andrew Brunson, an American Pastor is in danger of spending life in prison if the US doesn't intervene. Source: Wheldon Boddy

American pastor Andrew Brunson has been in prison for 18 months in Turkey, accused of ties to an American terrorist. Pastor Brunson had been in Turkey for 20 years before his arrest, in which he was charged with plotting with terrorists for a coup, according to Fox News. He’s also been accused of helping a Kurdish… Continue reading Turkish Prosecutor Demands American Pastor Gets Life in Prison

Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

Sukwinder was rejected by her husband and in-laws because she was only bearing girl babies, and was even pressured to abort her children. This drove her to attempt suicide. The irony is they were persecuting her because of a biological process that, from a medical perspective, she had no control of. The father is the one who contributes the genetic data the determines the sex of a baby.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the global problem of violence against women Written By Michelle Jimenez, GFA Staff Writer Geeta, a mother of two, lived in the slums and struggled to put food on the table every day with the meager 20 rupees her husband gave her. That amount equaled less than… Continue reading Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

Christians Concerned About Turkish Presence in Syria

Turkish Army Takes Afrin, Syria from Kurds

Turkish Army Takes Afrin, Syria from Kurds AFRIN, Syria – Turkish forces have overtaken the Syrian town of Afrin, driving the Kurdish forces out. To most readers in the Western Hemisphere, this news has little relevance. Most us have no idea who’s who or what is where in the conflict in Syria. The situation for… Continue reading Christians Concerned About Turkish Presence in Syria

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How One Couple Bridged the Gap Between the Gospel and Local Culture in Ghana

NALERIGU, Ghana – William Huan and his wife are missionaries working in the Mamprusi kingdom of Ghana. Not long after they arrived, they observed an unexpected spectacle. It was the annual Bugum Toobu fire-throwing festival. With drums beating and the rapport of guns shooting into the evening air, the king emerged with a flaming torch… Continue reading How One Couple Bridged the Gap Between the Gospel and Local Culture in Ghana

Gospel for Asia Releases 8,000 Word Special Report on World Water Day

WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia has just released a significant Special Report in conjunction with the international observance of World Water Day on March 22nd. If we take anything for granted, it is water. Like the air, it is always there. With water being so commonly available, why would there even be a… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Releases 8,000 Word Special Report on World Water Day

India Plans Rehab Program for Human Trafficking Victims

CHENNAI – President Ram Kath Kovind announced that India will begin soon offer vocational training services to more than 500,000 survivors of human trafficking. The program follows an anti-trafficking bill approved by the cabinet on February 28, 2018. Observers expect the bill to be easily passed by parliament. That bill includes measures that deal with… Continue reading India Plans Rehab Program for Human Trafficking Victims

8th Annual World Water Forum Begins Today in Brazil

BRASILIA – The World Water Conference opened this morning (March 19) in the capital city of Brazil. An estimated 40,000 people, including 15 heads of state, are expected to attend to discuss the growing crisis with the world’s water supplies. Thursday, March 22nd, is World Water Day. Brazilian President Michel Temer opened the conference with… Continue reading 8th Annual World Water Forum Begins Today in Brazil

How South Africans Live on Only 50 Liters of Water Per Day

CAPE TOWN –The water crisis in South Africa continues unabated. Officials have declared a state of emergency, but that is, arguably, because of the danger not only to the citizens but also because of the rising and potential damage to the economy. Moody’s, the international credit rating agency, estimates agricultural production in the Western Cape… Continue reading How South Africans Live on Only 50 Liters of Water Per Day

5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s really an odd holiday because very few people understand that man whose name the day is supposed to commemorate. In fact, the day is, for many, a celebration more than a commemoration. Ask the average person on the street what St. Patrick did, and they will likely tell… Continue reading 5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

World Water Watch: India Citizens Saving Gottigere Lake

BANGALORE – There is not always something that local citizens can do to remedy the problem of polluted water. However, residents of Bangalore who live alongside Gottigere Lake have banded together to reclaim the polluted water and return the lake to its once-pristine condition. In view of World Water Day on March 22nd, here is… Continue reading World Water Watch: India Citizens Saving Gottigere Lake

The Funny Thing About Water Isn’t Funny at All

For most who read this article, the thought of water evokes images in the mind of a thirst-quenching drink. If we spend a few minutes pondering the world of water, we might think about idyllic, picturesque lakes and streams. Some will think of water’s life-giving qualities. Those who are familiar with the Bible might reflect… Continue reading The Funny Thing About Water Isn’t Funny at All

Instances of Child Marriage Down in India, Up in Sub-Shaharan Africa

WILLS POINT, Texas – “Child marriage is one of the most worrisome problems in Asia. Boys and especially girls, who are supposed to play, learn and live a free life are married off at a very young age, and this not only affects their freedom but also takes a severe physical and mental toll on… Continue reading Instances of Child Marriage Down in India, Up in Sub-Shaharan Africa

Kerala Water Authority Expediting Improvements to Water Supply

KERALA, India – The ability to access sources of clean water is a global problem. It is day-to-day problem for about 1.9 billion people. It is a problem that can become personal very quickly. From small villages to major metropolitan areas, water authorities also face the issue of how to provide access profitably. Although controlling… Continue reading Kerala Water Authority Expediting Improvements to Water Supply

NGOs Present Proposal to UN on Religious Freedom in Malaysia

GENEVA – A group of five NGOs met with UN officials on 06 March to discuss the recent case of four Malaysian Christians requesting changes on their national identity cards. The federal court in Sarawak refused to rule on their appeal on 26 February (see “Malaysia High Court Dismisses Christians’ Appeal”). The meeting took place… Continue reading NGOs Present Proposal to UN on Religious Freedom in Malaysia

Bethany Christian Services Honored for Work in Ethiopia

ETHIOPIA – The Consortium of Christian Relief & Development Associations (CCRDA) has awarded Bethany Christian Services for submitting the top “Best Practices” idea for NGO work in Ethiopia. Bethany Christian Services has been operating in the U.S. and around the globe since 1944, “Striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus for children and… Continue reading Bethany Christian Services Honored for Work in Ethiopia

53 Egyptian Churches Receive Full Legal Certification

CAIRO – Egyptian government officials recently granted a “first block” of licenses for 53 churches that had been awaiting approval. Some sources praised the progress of the government in addressing the licensing procedure that was drafted into law in August 2016. Others, primarily representatives of rural churches, decried the government’s lack of acceptable progress. The… Continue reading 53 Egyptian Churches Receive Full Legal Certification

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Islands of Peace “Water from the Air” Could Revolutionize Global Access to Clean Water

NEW YORK – With World Water Day approaching (March 22), Islands of Peace announced this morning that it has formed alliances with EcoloBlue and Infinity Concepts that will help to advance the organization’s Water from the Air Project. History has proven that tension, turmoil, conflict, and even war can arise out of a lack of… Continue reading Islands of Peace “Water from the Air” Could Revolutionize Global Access to Clean Water

GFA Concerned About Widespread Violence Against Women

WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) has published an authoritative article about the seemingly endless global problem of violence against women. The euphemism of “domestic violence” used in America does not begin to describe the depth of persecution that women suffer in many other countries around the world. For many women, “the greatest… Continue reading GFA Concerned About Widespread Violence Against Women

Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need

Many Christians in the past have escaped Syria. Now the Church is growing in the country. Source: Jan Smith.

Syrian Christians are part of one of the oldest churches in the world. They used to be one of the major political forces in Syria , until ISIS started coming after Christians because they believe in an all Islamic state, also known as a Caliphate. BBC explains, “The founder of the Baath Party, which has ruled… Continue reading Syrian Christians Displaced But Helping Others in Need

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Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the Open Defecation Sanitation Crisis Written By Karen Burton Mains For much of my adult life, it has been my privilege to hang out with the “renegades” of Christian missions, that relief-and-development crowd that rushes to help during natural disasters, struggles to alleviate the suffering and abasement… Continue reading Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

South Africa Day Zero Water Crisis – An Interview

PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa – The world has been watching as the possibility that Cape Town and other cities in South Africa have been preparing for Day Zero when their public supply of potable water will no longer be available. Amid the preparations, residents are taking mandated precautions to avoid the impending disaster. Many are… Continue reading South Africa Day Zero Water Crisis – An Interview

Air India Begins Observing International Women’s Day with All-Female Flight Crew

KOLKATA – Air India has launched a series of events aimed to salute to International Women’s Day. Today, 04 March 2018, the airline announced that it had operated its Kolkata-Dimpur-Kolkata flight with an all-female crew, including flight attendants, pilot, and co-pilot. Captain Akanksha Verma and Captain Satovia Banerjee piloted the Airbus 319 on Flight AI709.… Continue reading Air India Begins Observing International Women’s Day with All-Female Flight Crew

An Emerging and Worrying Trend

KUALA LUMPUR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The government of Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade issued a statement this week to draw attention to a new form of child exploitation that has been emerging and growing in Southeast Asia. The Australian government announcement “discourages short-term, unskilled volunteering orphanages (overseas).” The problem is not with… Continue reading An Emerging and Worrying Trend

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