We found 293 results for your search.

Horizons International to Open Prayer for All Nations Center in Lebanon

BEIRUT – Horizons International recently introduced its plans for establishing the Middle East Center for World Missions in Beirut. The entire project is expected to take 10 years to complete. The objective is “To build a hub and network that facilitate the mobilization, training, and sending of missionaries from the Middle East and North Africa… Continue reading Horizons International to Open Prayer for All Nations Center in Lebanon

Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Regardless of economy, nations worldwide face need for better sources of clean water, providing opportunity to show God’s love and care: GFA (Gospel for Asia) article  WILLS POINT, Texas—Best known for its work helping the underprivileged in poverty-stricken parts of the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) is spotlighting a universal crisis that unites all nations:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Believers Eastern Church Aids Victims of Cyclone Ockhi

Church Members Work to Restore Devastated Indian Coastal Fishing Communities WILLS POINT, Texas – Believers Eastern Church announced the launch of a statewide rehabilitation program for the victims of Cyclone “Ockhi” in the Indian state of Kerala. The cyclone was the most intense originating from the Arabian Sea since 2015 and the first in nearly… Continue reading Believers Eastern Church Aids Victims of Cyclone Ockhi

Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Refugees waiting to get water and satisfy their thirst in a camp in Dadaab, Somalia.

Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Gospel for Asia: NGOs Combat Lack of Toilets and Sanitation Facilities in Asia

A woman uses a GFA sponsored toilet, which eliminates the shame and stigma that comes with open defecation.

Texas-based nonprofit GFA (Gospel for Asia) constructs more than 10,000 toilets and sanitation facilities throughout Asia. Open defecation, though rarely addressed, is still a pressing issue for those living below the poverty line in Asia. According to the World Health Organization, over 650 million people in India alone do not have access to a toilet.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: NGOs Combat Lack of Toilets and Sanitation Facilities in Asia

Missionaries or Ambassadors

The Western world has traditionally held the word “missionary” in high esteem, largely unaware that leaders of Eastern nations have often regarded the idea skepticism. That skepticism has grown over the past century, following the end of World War I and, even more so, since the end of the Second World War. Why the disparity?… Continue reading Missionaries or Ambassadors

Pontiff Cites Pressing World Problem of Fake News

In an address to Catholic media on December 16th, Pope Francis evaluated the dissemination of fake news as a pressing world problem. Calling it a “grave sin that hurts the heart of the journalist and hurts others,” he set the stage for the inclusion of the issue in his upcoming annual address. We remember the… Continue reading Pontiff Cites Pressing World Problem of Fake News

Gulf Coast of Texas Tries to Get Back to Normal After Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey hit Houston and the surrounding areas in South Texas.

Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Gulf Coast on August 25, beginning days and days of destruction, particularly in Houston and Port Aransas. Hurricane Harvey was a Category 4 hurricane, with top winds of 132 mph. Those cities were covered in flood and debris. They are recovering slowly, but it may take years to get back… Continue reading Gulf Coast of Texas Tries to Get Back to Normal After Hurricane Harvey

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Well installations and filter distributions bring relief

Wed April 19, 2017 – Gospel for Asia Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers provide disease-prevention systems and lessons to improve health, offer hope in World Water Day effort WILLS POINT, Texas—Fresh water sources are freeing impoverished families in Asia from sickness and disease. GFA (Gospel for Asia)-supported workers dedicated new Jesus Wells in series of… Continue reading Well installations and filter distributions bring relief

Teams Distribute Food, Shoes, Supplies to Afflicted on World Leprosy Day

To commemorate World Leprosy Day, a Gospel for Asia-supported worker leads a dedication ceremony in Central India, where a team built a house for a woman affected with leprosy.

GOSPEL FOR ASIA-SUPPORTED WORKERS GIVE HELP AND HOPE TO THOSE LIVING IN ISOLATION. WILLS POINT, Texas – People affected with leprosy throughout South Asia received food, shoes, blankets and household supplies as workers supported through Gospel for Asia (GFA) commemorated World Leprosy Day, held each year to promote awareness and prevention. Gospel for Asia (GFA)… Continue reading Teams Distribute Food, Shoes, Supplies to Afflicted on World Leprosy Day

Teams Perform Good Works Across India as Country Celebrates National Heritage

GOSPEL FOR ASIA-SUPPORTED WORKERS OFFER HELP AND HOPE TO NEEDY COMMUNITIES TO MARK REPUBLIC DAY As India celebrated its national heritage recently, some of the country’s neediest people were given help and hope by teams supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA). Hundreds of Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers in different locations went out into their… Continue reading Teams Perform Good Works Across India as Country Celebrates National Heritage

After Two Years of Praying and Waiting, South Asian Village Gets ‘Jesus Well’

WILLS POINT TX — The entire community of one South Asian village will join in World Water Day celebrations on March 22 by dedicating their new “Jesus Well” – a well drilled and installed with the support of Gospel for Asia (GFA), and which is the result of more than two years of prayer. “Wells… Continue reading After Two Years of Praying and Waiting, South Asian Village Gets ‘Jesus Well’

Gospel for Asia Addresses Gender Equality on International Women’s Day

WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) joins with the international humanitarian community in commemorating today’s International Women’s Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA) partners will be offering special assistance to women in the areas where it serves in South Asia, celebrating the success of women and underscoring the wide gaps in gender equality that… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Addresses Gender Equality on International Women’s Day

Gospel for Asia Helps Vulnerable Children Get Ready for School

WILLS POINT, Texas – Responding to requests for help, Compassion Services Teams supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) recently visited poor areas in Sri Lanka to supply school children with book bags filled with school supplies and other items needed to continue their education. They also helped equip a particular school with much-needed musical instruments… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Helps Vulnerable Children Get Ready for School

2,300 Sewing Machines Given Away to Vulnerable Women by Gospel for Asia This Month

WILLS POINT, TX – The Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope Ministry has assisted struggling families in Asia by providing 2,300 sewing machines in March to graduates of its vocational training centers. The 280 centers across the region provide students with work skills to improve their employment and economic opportunities. “Escaping from poverty often… Continue reading 2,300 Sewing Machines Given Away to Vulnerable Women by Gospel for Asia This Month

Volunteers Supported by Gospel for Asia Distribute More Than 33,000 Nets on World Mosquito Day

WILLS POINT, Texas. – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) recently distributed some 33,000 mosquito nets to guard against insect-borne diseases, including yellow fever, malaria, dengue and Zika, to commemorate World Mosquito Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers held a variety of events to distribute the nets, including distributing 9,000 nets to students living… Continue reading Volunteers Supported by Gospel for Asia Distribute More Than 33,000 Nets on World Mosquito Day

Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope Program Unveils New Center in Mumbai

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope Program has opened a new center in Mumbai, where sponsored children receive education, school supplies, a daily meal, medical checkups and more. “Many families often struggle to earn enough money to provide food for their table each day, let alone earn enough to send their… Continue reading Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope Program Unveils New Center in Mumbai

Sisters of Compassion deliver gifts—and hope—to remote villagers in India

WILLS POINT, Texas —Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Sisters of Compassion recently delivered gifts to improve the lives of children and poor widows in a remote village in northeastern India. The Sisters of Compassion are specialized women workers trained to minister to the poor. The items they supplied included school supplies for the children and tin… Continue reading Sisters of Compassion deliver gifts—and hope—to remote villagers in India

‘Forgotten Christmas’ campaign promotes giving with eternal value

Wed Oct. 12, 2016 – Gospel for Asia (GFA) The gift of a goat, bicycle, or even a blanket can make all the difference for people across the globe. WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia (GFA) is launching its “Forgotten Christmas” campaign this year to encourage and show Christians how to make an eternal… Continue reading ‘Forgotten Christmas’ campaign promotes giving with eternal value

Quote of the Day

“God gives some people more than they need so that they can be channels of blessing to others. God desires equity between His people on a worldwide basis. That is why the early church had no poverty.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

Quote of the Day

“My plea to the Body of Christ is while we must do all we can to meet the needs of the suffering and dying millions, we must not see these activities as a substitute for evangelism and establishing churches among the unreached.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~

Quote of the Day

“Many of the crisis problems which are considered disasters in the United States would only be normal, everyday living conditions in most of Asia.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~

Quote of the Day

“Christ’s ministry of reconciliation has now been given to us, as 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 tells us. God has entrusted us with this work, so that we are ambassadors as Christ was, seeking the lost, restoring men and women to God.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~  

Quote of the Day

“Jesus apprenticed His disciples as missionaries, rather than providing them with formal training in a classroom setting. As He eventually sent them out to proclaim the Gospel by themselves, we see that they learned from their own successes and failures. They learned to extend the kingdom of God through miracles and anointed proclamation (Mark 9:… Continue reading Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

“God did not shower such great blessing on this nation for the Christians to live in extravagance, in self-indulgence, and in spiritual weakness.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

Quote of the Day

“God is reaching the lost not through programs but through individuals whose lives are so committed to Him that He uses them as vessels to anoint a lost world.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

Quote of the Day

“A tiny group of believers who have the gospel keep mumbling it over and over to themselves. Meanwhile, millions who have never heard it once fall into the flames of eternal hell without ever hearing the salvation story.” ~ K.P. Yohannan ~

Quote of the Day

“When we allow a mission activity to focus only on the physical needs of man without the correct spiritual balance, we are participating in a program that ultimately will fail.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions

Quote of the Day

“We must understand that when it comes to nations in which Western missionaries are no longer able to do church planting as past eras allowed, the priority must then be to support efforts of indigenous mission works through financial aid and intercessory prayer.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~  

Quote of the Day

“Given the reality of the mission field today, it would be foolish for us to require all missionaries to leave their home cultures. The best current examples are in China, India and the former Soviet Union. There, millions still have not received the Gospel in villages that are within the cultural reach of existing congregations.… Continue reading Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

If all of your concern is about your own life, your job, your clothes, your children’s good clothes, healthy bodies, a good education, a good job and marriage, then your concerns are no different from someone who is lost in Bhutan, Myanmar, or India. ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions ~  

As Wells Dry Up Across India, Gospel for Asia Issues Call to Prayer

WIDESPREAD DROUGHT AFFECTS 330 MILLION ON SUBCONTINENT WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) is calling on the world to pray for those experiencing a drought, aggravated by rising temperatures. More than 300 million are affected. The Indian government has noted that nearly a quarter of the country, more than 250 districts, are facing… Continue reading As Wells Dry Up Across India, Gospel for Asia Issues Call to Prayer

Quote of the day

“The situation in world missions is depressing only when you think of it in terms of 19th-century Western colonialism. But, praise God, the indigenous missionary movement is growing, ready today to complete the task.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions

Quote of the Day

“God always chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He shows His might only on the behalf of those who trust in Him. Humility is the place where all Christian service begins.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions ~  

Quote of the Day

“There is nothing wrong with charitable acts – but they are not to be confused with preaching the Gospel. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can save a soul from a life of sin and eternity in hell!” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~

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