Rev. Patrick Mahoney, the Director of the Christian Defense Coalition based in Washington DC, is leading the efforts to support the democracy and freedom protests happening in Hong Kong and will be speaking at local rallies, leading prayer gatherings and meeting with local pro-democracy and Christian leaders.

WASHINGTON — Rev. Patrick Mahoney, the Director of the Christian Defense Coalition based in Washington DC, is leading the efforts to support the democracy and freedom protests happening in Hong Kong and will be speaking at local rallies, leading prayer gatherings and meeting with local pro-democracy and Christian leaders. Rev. Mahoney is the first American…

The men who pay for sex, drive up the demand for sex trafficking and most don’t receive any punishment while the women receive almost no justice at all.

Freedom should belong to the victim, not the abuser. But, unfortunately across the globe — and right here in America — that fact isn’t always the reality.Prostitution is jokingly labeled the oldest profession. But, working in the sex industry has rarely made a prostitute wealthy or given her financial freedom. Instead, girls who are paid…

Thousands of children in Asia die yearly because their families don't wash their hands properly, Gospel for Asia reported, marking Global Hand washing Day.

WILLS POINT, TX — While Americans take washing their hands for granted, thousands of children in Asia die every year because their families don’t wash their hands properly, mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) reported, marking Global Handwashing Day, October 15. Under the theme “Clean Hands for All,” Global Handwashing Day promotes the vital importance…

Gospel for Asia issues a Special Report on the deadly diseases brought by the mosquito and the storied impact of faith-based organizations on world health

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on the deadly diseases brought by the mosquito and the storied impact of faith-based organizations on world health, fighting for the Kingdom to “come on earth as it is in heaven.” It takes only one mosquito, buzzing around with ill intent, dive-bombing…

The campaign, led by the Kasr El-Dobara network of churches and including Andrew and Wendy Palau, featured 10 outreaches to different sectors of society.

TYLER, TX — After years of preparation and prayer, thousands of followers of Jesus and hundreds of churches throughout East Texas came together for CityFest East Texas with Andrew Palau, culminating in a free, 2-day, evangelistic festival at The Square in downtown Tyler on October 5 and 6. Hosted by 405 churches, businesses, and nonprofits,…

Hayden Royster of LightWorkers outlines the realities Christians face today with the decline of atheism and the overall increase of spiritual interest among millenials.

Hayden Royster of LightWorkers outlines the realities Christians face today with the decline of atheism and the overall increase of spiritual interest among millenials. A few months ago, the good folks at the Center for the Study of Global Christianity released the 2019 edition of their “Status of Global Christianity” report. There’s a lot of…

Evangelist Andrew Palau brings the first of a series of reports highlighting some of the prisons outreach taking place ahead of CityFest

TYLER, TX – CityFest East Texas is a large, multicultural music festival scheduled for October 5-6, 2019, with Andrew Palau as the featured speaker. The festival will include performances by top Christian recording artists Blanca, Marisol Park, Ryan Stevenson, The Newsboys, Pat Barrett, and Lecrae. Additionally, award-winning country artist Josh Turner will perform during the…

Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues a Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions, & the miraculous potential literacy brings.

Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations. Few…

FEBC today announced plans to build a new radio station that will broadcast local Christian programs for the first time in a remote area of Cambodia.

Infamous ‘killing fields’ become ‘harvest fields’ as radio ministry ramps up to broadcast gospel to unreached people in Battambang province.LA MIRADA, CA — Radio ministry FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company,, today announced plans to build a new radio station next year that will broadcast local Christian programs for the first time to thousands in…

International Religious Freedom bipartisan hearing on the perilous state of religious freedom for Christians in China, Nigeria, Iran & other places around the world.

WASHINGTON — Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), co-chairman of Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission along with Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), today held a bipartisan hearing on the perilous state of religious freedom for Christians in China, Nigeria, Iran and other places around the world. Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, head of the U.S. State Department’s Office…

GFA's Child Labor: Not Gone, But Forgotten report, reveals facts about child labor, including up to a quarter of hazardous work done by children under 12.

In conjunction with World Day Against Child Labor, Christian humanitarian agency spotlights ‘horrible and tragic’ plight of children — as young as five — forced to work in horrific conditions. WILLS POINT, TX — More than 200 million children, as young as five years old, are trapped in “despicable” labor conditions, according to a soon-to-be-released…

Joshuacord, is honored to share this film that reveals the intense suffering of Christians from persecution in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

WASHINGTON —Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, spoke in Taiwan at the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum (TIRFF) on the importance of promoting religious freedom around the world, particularly in China. The conference is a joint effort of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan,…

Fire has crippled FEBC's gospel radio station in South Korea, prompting an urgent appeal to help Korean broadcasters rebuild and restore the station as soon as possible.

Gospel Broadcaster to Restore and Rebuild Fire-Ravaged Station Near North Korea BorderLA MIRADA, CA — Koreans are struggling to receive Christian radio broadcasts after a wildfire severely crippled a radio station near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) with North Korea. Gospel broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) has launched a campaign on its website ( to…

The 2019 religious freedom report identifies 16 countries that engaged in or tolerated egregious violations. China sits prominently on that list.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has released its annual report in the aftermath of attacks on mosques in New Zealand, churches in Sri Lanka and synagogues in the United States. “It’s coming at a time when religious freedom concerns, for lots of reasons, are getting more attention across the board,” USCIRF Commissioner Johnnie…

50,000 people in West Africa gathered Feb 15-17, 2019 in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire for a 3-day evangelistic festival with evangelist Andrew Palau

ABIDJAN, COTE D’IVOIRE, Feb. 22, 2019 — More than 50,000 people in West Africa gathered this past weekend (Feb. 15-17, 2019) in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire for a 3-day evangelistic festival with evangelist Andrew Palau. Led by the Luis Palau Association, the week-long campaign was the culmination of more than three years of work in Cote d’Ivoire,…

Christian broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company, has launched a year-long initiative to distribute a record number of its free “missionary radios” to unreached people groups, most of whom have never heard the name of Jesus.

FEBC plans record distribution of free radios to share the gospel in countries where poverty and political restrictions keep people from hearing about Jesus LA MIRADA, CA – Christian broadcaster FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) has launched a year-long initiative to distribute a record number of its free “missionary radios” to unreached people groups, most…

Venezuela Crisis — "The political unrest is creating a humanitarian crisis. One of our partners on the ground said it’s the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now."

Venezuela Crisis — “The political unrest is creating a humanitarian crisis. One of our partners on the ground said it’s the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now.” Venezuela is facing the biggest economic crisis in modern history with hyperinflation, leading to starvation, deaths and mass migration. The U.S. announced Saturday that USAID will be sending…