“In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.” ~ Sheikh Ahmad al Qataani, a leading Saudi cleric, on a television interview (Dec 2001) ~  

Bangladesh’s High Court on March 27, 2016, rejected a 28-year-old petition to remove Islam from the constitution as the nation’s official religion. The constitutional challenge followed repeated attacks on non-Muslims by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh, the world’s third largest Muslim-majority nation. ISIS recently claimed responsibility for the murder of a Christian convert in northern Bangladesh,…

“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer. From Pentecost to the Haystack meeting in New England and from the days when Robert Morrison landed in China to the martyrdom of John and Betty Stam, prayer has been the source of power and the secret of spiritual triumph.” ~  Samuel Zwemer ~ Samuel…

“The core of the unreached people of our world live in a rectangular shaped window. Often called the Resistance Belt, the window extends from West Africa to East Asia, from 10 degrees north to 40 degrees north of the equator. This specific region, which has increasingly become known as The 10/40 Window, encompasses the majority…