We found 103 results for your search.

Rumana’s Story: Bangladeshi Girl is Isolated for Following Jesus

BANGLADESH — In northwest Bangladesh, nine-year-old girl, Rumana is persecuted because her family left Islam. At school, Rumana continues to face rejection and isolation every single day. But she now attends a Sunday school run by local Open Doors partners where she feels loved and accepted. Rumana: “They have been treating us badly ever since… Continue reading Rumana’s Story: Bangladeshi Girl is Isolated for Following Jesus

Bangladeshi Christian Girl Forgives her Persecutors

BANGLADESH — Moryom aged 9 from Bangladesh is rejected, mocked and bullied at school for her faith in Jesus. The one safe place she and her family have is their church. And thanks to support from Christian charity Open Doors, Moryom can spend time with other Christian children at Sunday school, where she is accepted… Continue reading Bangladeshi Christian Girl Forgives her Persecutors

Gospel for Asia Answers “Why Bangladesh?”

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by KP Yohannan. The question is, “Why Bangladesh?” For the answer, let’s begin in Iowa. Iowa ranks as the 26th state in land area, measuring 310 miles by 200 miles. Its population is about 3.1 million people. I drove through Iowa once, but I don’t… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Answers “Why Bangladesh?”

Death Toll Continues to Rise in Nepal, Bangladesh & Northern India Floods

KATMANDU – As people in the city of Chennai in Tamil Nadu are facing a crisis of having no water, the people in Nepal, Bangladesh, and the Indian State of Bihar are begging for relief from raging floodwaters that have displaced ten of thousands. The death toll keeps rising as new reports filter in. The… Continue reading Death Toll Continues to Rise in Nepal, Bangladesh & Northern India Floods

Preventing Child Marriage in Bangladesh – There’s an App for That

DHAKA – Child marriage is defined as “a formal marriage or informal union before age 18.” Child marriage is widespread in poverty-stricken populations, especially those countries located within the 10/40 window across Africa and South Asia. According to UNICEF, “Worldwide, more than 650 million women alive today were married as children. An estimated 12 million… Continue reading Preventing Child Marriage in Bangladesh – There’s an App for That

Rohingya Being Sent Back to Myanmar from Bangladesh

The Rohingya people are being deported back to Bangladesh.

The Rohingya who escaped to Bangladesh to flee violence from the military are being deported and sent back to Myanmar in the next two years. According to BBC, “Myanmar has agreed to accept 1,500 Rohingya each week, Bangladesh says, adding that it aims to return all of them to Myanmar within two years.” The United… Continue reading Rohingya Being Sent Back to Myanmar from Bangladesh

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1,200 Dead in Massive Floods Across Asia – India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan

Gospel for Asia shared prayer requests and an update from one of their field correspondents. One correspondent in India writes, “The villagers are running for help in other places where their relatives are staying. There is no proper communication. They are unable to get food, clean drinking water and are having sleepless nights because of the… Continue reading 1,200 Dead in Massive Floods Across Asia – India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan

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Bangladesh Mudslide Kills Over 140 People; Displaces Thousands

  Photo by Sumon Mallick Not only did Cyclone Mora cause massive flooding in Bangladesh, it also caused mudslides which took the life of over 140 people. Rescuers are having difficulty getting to these areas because of the mud. Per The Hindu, “Rescuers struggled on Wednesday to reach villages hit by massive landslips that have… Continue reading Bangladesh Mudslide Kills Over 140 People; Displaces Thousands

Rohingya in Bangladesh Moved to Uninhabited Island

The Rohingya of Myanmar is one of the most persecuted group in the world. They have no home. Per Fox News, “Some 300,000 Rohingya Muslims have lived in Bangladesh for decades after fleeing there from neighboring Myanmar in the face of persecution by its military and majority Buddhists.” Many of the Rohingya are forced into… Continue reading Rohingya in Bangladesh Moved to Uninhabited Island

Bangladesh government cracks down on terrorism

After a wave of gruesome violence that included hacking victims to death, the Bangladesh government has arrested more than 11,000 people. Among those arrested were 150 members of Jama’atul Mujahedin Bangladesh, an Islamist group that the country had previously banned. The targeted victims include Hindus, Christians, Sufi Muslims, activists and foreigners. The group’s actions have… Continue reading Bangladesh government cracks down on terrorism

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Cyclone Roanu slams Bangladesh; 500,000 people flee

Cyclone Roanu recently swept across the Indian ocean and made landfall near Chittagong, Bangladesh, claiming 26 lives as it displaced 500,000 people. The government ordered 2 million people to evacuate the coastal areas, which officials believe kept the death toll low. But many ignored the warning because the cyclone’s winds were only about 50 miles… Continue reading Cyclone Roanu slams Bangladesh; 500,000 people flee

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Challenge to Islam’s status as Bangladesh’s state religion rejected

Bangladesh’s High Court on March 27, 2016, rejected a 28-year-old petition to remove Islam from the constitution as the nation’s official religion. The constitutional challenge followed repeated attacks on non-Muslims by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh, the world’s third largest Muslim-majority nation. ISIS recently claimed responsibility for the murder of a Christian convert in northern Bangladesh,… Continue reading Challenge to Islam’s status as Bangladesh’s state religion rejected

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Hope for Children Center in Diocese of Dhaka Holds Awareness Program

Courtesy of Believers Eastern Church

DHAKA, BANGLADESH — On August 27, 2024, a Hope for Children Center under the Diocese of Dhaka organized an impactful awareness session on personal hygiene and nutrition for pregnant women and young mothers in Balapara village. The event saw the active participation of 60 women, who gathered to learn essential practices for their health and… Continue reading Hope for Children Center in Diocese of Dhaka Holds Awareness Program

Hope for Children Project Brings Fresh Water to Danga Para Village

Courtesy of Believers Eastern Church

DHAKA, BANGLADESH — The Hope for Children Balarampur project in the Diocese of Dhaka has brought much-needed relief to the residents of Danga Para Village by inaugurating a new bore well. This recently inaugurated well addresses the community’s dire need for clean, arsenic-free drinking water. Although the village had tube wells in place, they were… Continue reading Hope for Children Project Brings Fresh Water to Danga Para Village

Ahead of World Hunger Day, Compassion International Updates Its Ongoing Response to The Global Food Crisis

Johaner and his sister with a food kit provided by Compassion International's local church partner.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Since 2019, food crisis around the world has steadily increased–and is expected to continue growing in 2024. The far-reaching impact of hunger on child development makes it an area of focus for Compassion International, which is responding to immediate and long-term needs for some of the world’s hungriest children. Between July… Continue reading Ahead of World Hunger Day, Compassion International Updates Its Ongoing Response to The Global Food Crisis

World Vision Reviews Worst Humanitarian Disasters of 2023

In Baidoa, Somalia, a camp shelters women and children displaced by persistent drought and hunger. World Vision and its partners have provided vital aid, including monthly food vouchers and cash, to alleviate food insecurity. (©2023 World Vision)

SEATTLE — From the Maui wildfires to devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, along with cyclones in Mozambique and Myanmar, Christian humanitarian organization World Vision has been at the forefront of extensive humanitarian response efforts worldwide, supporting communities in crisis. In 2023, World Vision responded to 78 disasters and humanitarian crises in 59 countries around… Continue reading World Vision Reviews Worst Humanitarian Disasters of 2023

Concern Worldwide Marks World Refugee Day by Responding to Growing Global Displacement Crisis

Photo by ConcernUSA.org

NEW YORK — Concern Worldwide provides critical humanitarian support as the world’s displacement crisis reaches an all-time high, with 1 in every 78 people on earth forced to flee their homes and 32.5 million refugees – that is, people who have fled the country – globally. In Chad, Concern is responding to the immediate needs… Continue reading Concern Worldwide Marks World Refugee Day by Responding to Growing Global Displacement Crisis

Young Victims Remain Hidden in Pandemic’s Shadow

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, issued this Special Report update on girls facing decreased opportunity and increased violence, the young victims who remain hidden… Continue reading Young Victims Remain Hidden in Pandemic’s Shadow

GFA World Shares on Fresh Water: An Increasingly Scarce Resource More Vital than Oil or Gold

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, issued this special report on fresh water: an increasingly scarce resource more vital than oil or gold. Increasing demand… Continue reading GFA World Shares on Fresh Water: An Increasingly Scarce Resource More Vital than Oil or Gold

Amid ‘Tsunami of COVID Suffering’ GFA World Calls for ‘Eleventh Hour’ Prayer

GFA WORLD CALLS FOR PRAYER AS 'TSUNAMI OF SUFFERING' HITS INDIA: GFA World (www.gfa.org) is calling for "eleventh hour" prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 -- and the world faces a growing number of deadly new variants. South Asia is experiencing a "tsunami of suffering," says GFA World founder K.P. Yohannan.

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World, a major humanitarian agency founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, is calling for “eleventh hour” prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 — and the world faces a growing number… Continue reading Amid ‘Tsunami of COVID Suffering’ GFA World Calls for ‘Eleventh Hour’ Prayer

Gospel for Asia Announces its First-Ever Mission in Rwanda, Africa

GOSPEL FOR ASIA LAUNCHES IN AFRICA: GFA World (www.gfa.org), formerly known as Gospel for Asia, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time -- a huge boost for humanitarian efforts in the world's poorest continent. (Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash)

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, one of the largest mission agencies in the world, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time — a… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Announces its First-Ever Mission in Rwanda, Africa

Modern Day Slavery Accelerates Under Cover of COVID-19

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by KP Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this Special Report update on the state of Modern Day Slavery amid the COVID 19 pandemic. In my original report, 21st Century… Continue reading Modern Day Slavery Accelerates Under Cover of COVID-19

COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation’ Says Gospel for Asia

COVID STAY-AT-HOME 'DOESN'T COMPARE TO LEPROSY ISOLATION:' With new COVID social restrictions in force in many countries, a just-released report (http://www.gfa.org/press/leprosy-ministry) from Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) reveals the loneliness and despair of people living with another "disease of isolation" -- leprosy. The report marked World Leprosy Day late last month.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide — released a new special report amid new COVID social restrictions in force in many countries, reveals the… Continue reading COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation’ Says Gospel for Asia

Open Doors Helps Persecuted Christian Families Celebrate Christmas

BANGLADESH — Ten-year-old Bijli from Bangladesh already knows the cost of following Jesus. Because of her faith, she is bullied at school and her family are ostracised in their Muslim-majority village. Bijli’s father, Badol, became a church leader after receiving biblical training through Open Doors partners. He was worried that his Muslim neighbours wouldn’t accept… Continue reading Open Doors Helps Persecuted Christian Families Celebrate Christmas

650 Million Child Brides Worldwide Says Gospel for Asia

650 MILLION CHILD BRIDES: Girls face greater exploitation than ever, with more than 650 million "child brides" in the world today, a startling new report reveals. Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood -- a special report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) -- coincides with the U.N. International Day of the Girl, Oct. 11.

WILLS POINT, TX — Girls face greater exploitation than ever, with 650 million child brides in the world today, a shocking new report reveals. As women’s rights take center stage in the U.S. and many parts of the world, the reality for millions of girls worldwide is sexual exploitation and forced marriage before the age… Continue reading 650 Million Child Brides Worldwide Says Gospel for Asia

Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the horrific realities girls face, child marriage, human trafficking, abuse & exploitation, and the restoration & redemption that God brings to their lives. Nearly 173 years ago, on October 16,… Continue reading Rewriting the Tragedies of Girlhood

Indonesian Legislator: “End Child Marriage Hell. It’s as if We Didn’t Care.”

JAKARTA – Every year, 12 million girls are married before they reach the age of 18. If that doesn’t seem like a big deal, that equates to 23 child brides every minute of every day.If you are still not impressed, count to two. One. Two.In the time it took to do that, another girl became… Continue reading Indonesian Legislator: “End Child Marriage Hell. It’s as if We Didn’t Care.”

Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor

GFA World pastor Abeer gives a face mask to Milan, who had been delivering milk door to door without the required item because he could not afford it. “I am grateful to [GFA workers] for helping me to get a reusable and hand-stitched face mask,” Milan said.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing  how many NGO and charity organizations, such as Gospel for Asia , have sought to fill the gap between resources and needy communities who don’t have access to them as mandatory masks… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor

How COVID-19 Affects Asia and Gospel for Asia Workers

INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing  how COVID-19 is seriously affecting those in Asia and hoe Gospel for Asia workers are combating this in a two-tiered approach.  COVID-19 poses a dual threat to the lives and livelihood of Asia’s citizens.… Continue reading How COVID-19 Affects Asia and Gospel for Asia Workers

Restoring Hope to Rohingya Refugees

BANGLADESH — Thousands of Rohingya refugees are fleeing what’s being described by the UN as ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. In response to their desperate needs OM Bangladesh is restoring hope to these many marginalized refugees by providing safe playing areas for children, education, stress debriefings for mothers, sanitation training and hygiene packs. The United Nations… Continue reading Restoring Hope to Rohingya Refugees

Christians Face Ultimatum – Abandon God Or Be Refused COVID Aid

LONDON — COVID aid is being refused for Christians in some countries unless they refuse to renounce their faith in Christ. In response, Open Doors is mobilizing its partners in some of the worst-hit countries to provide vital emergency food supplies. Persecution watchdog Open Doors UK & Ireland says it is “inundated” with reports of… Continue reading Christians Face Ultimatum – Abandon God Or Be Refused COVID Aid

Gospel for Asia Extends Lifeline of God’s Love, Eyes Next 40 Years

EXTENDING LIFELINE OF GOD'S LOVE: Marking 40-plus years of life-changing ministry, Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) spotlights the past year's key achievements and looks to extend its lifeline of hope in the next 40 years, expecting God to "do even greater things in the cities and villages of Asia and around the world."

WILLS POINT, TX — Marking more than four decades of life-changing ministry on July 3, leading mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World, and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) today spotlighted recent achievements — and anticipates the next 40 years will extend its lifeline of God’s love across Asia and beyond. In the shadow… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Extends Lifeline of God’s Love, Eyes Next 40 Years

Gospel for Asia’s New ‘Don’t Mask Your Eyes’ Campaign Lifts Veil on ‘Injustice’ of Starving Migrants

WILLS POINT, TX — With starvation fueled by the COVID-19 crisis threatening thousands across South Asia, a leading mission agency has launched a new global movement — Don’t Mask Your Eyes — to draw attention to starving migrants and their families. “The face mask has become a symbol of our deeply troubled times,” said K.P.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia’s New ‘Don’t Mask Your Eyes’ Campaign Lifts Veil on ‘Injustice’ of Starving Migrants

World Refugee Day Report: 80 Million Displaced – 40 Million Are Children

NEW YORK — June 20 is observed annually as World Refugee Day. The United Nations defines a refugee as “someone who fled his or her home and country owing to “well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” While that definition seems to be… Continue reading World Refugee Day Report: 80 Million Displaced – 40 Million Are Children

Bible Translators in Africa & Asia Risk Starvation Due to COVID-19 Food Shortages

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, reports that Bible translators and their families in remote and poverty-stricken areas are facing starvation due to food shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. President and CEO Bruce Smith says, “My… Continue reading Bible Translators in Africa & Asia Risk Starvation Due to COVID-19 Food Shortages

Helen Keller International Sees Needs & Seizes the Day

NEW YORK, NY – Helen Keller was born 140 years ago this month. She passed away in 1968 a few days prior to her 88th birthday. Her story was brought to stage and screen in the play and the movie, The Miracle Worker. Blind and deaf from the age of 19 months, Helen learned how… Continue reading Helen Keller International Sees Needs & Seizes the Day

10 Million Meals Delivered in Five Weeks

SPRINGFIELD, MO – According to its website, Convoy of Hope is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreaches, and disaster response. The Donaldson siblings experienced extraordinary compassion from Christian families following their father’s death in an automobile accident. Having been the recipients of such… Continue reading 10 Million Meals Delivered in Five Weeks

Super Cyclone Amphan and Coronavirus: Mega Disasters ‘Roll Into One’ Says Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX — One of America’s biggest mission agencies, Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan, was gearing up today to respond to a ‘super cyclone’ in South Asia — a region also battling a coronavirus surge that’s created a health and hunger crisis.… Continue reading Super Cyclone Amphan and Coronavirus: Mega Disasters ‘Roll Into One’ Says Gospel for Asia

South Asia Threatened by Cyclone & Pandemic

Created by AccuSoft Corp.

KOLKATA – Residents of West Bengal and the nation of Bangladesh have been battling the onslaught of the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has paralyzed millions, confined to their homes without access to food, water, and medical supplies. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage South Asia as the number of cases increases rapidly. Just a few… Continue reading South Asia Threatened by Cyclone & Pandemic

India Bracing for COVID-19 Crisis Says Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX – A headline in the Los Angeles Times asked the question, “Social distancing during the Coronavirus? Not when a family of six shares one room.” The story introduced readers to some of the obstacles facing India ahead of the potential impact of the Coronavirus and some of the preventative actions being taken… Continue reading India Bracing for COVID-19 Crisis Says Gospel for Asia

Staying Apart, While Coming Together No Contradiction for Body of Christ

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – The following is a statement from Bishop Danny Yohannan, Vice President, Gospel for Asia, concerning the current Coronavirus crisis: The coronavirus COVID-19 is now impacting our daily lives, and — for many of us — consuming our thoughts and conversations… Continue reading Staying Apart, While Coming Together No Contradiction for Body of Christ

Hard to Imagine – a World Without Christian Health Service Corps

Sbmc Sbmcet, Facebook

FRUITVALE, TX – Millions of people around the world have no access to professional healthcare services. The American debate over health insurance coverage is not even on the radar for these millions. They have no doctors, nurses, or paramedics. Injuries and disease claim thousands of lives every month. The Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) exists… Continue reading Hard to Imagine – a World Without Christian Health Service Corps

Gospel for Asia Declares Poverty to Be Public Enemy #1

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on extreme poverty worldwide, how alleviation and eliminating it is possible, but it is not inevitable. If the modern world is truly a “global village,” that means everyone on earth is our neighbor—and Jesus was very clear about how we are to… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Declares Poverty to Be Public Enemy #1

Re-directed Christmas Spending Could End Abject Poverty, Says Gospel for Asia Report

PUBLIC ENEMY #1: Mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org) has released a new report declaring extreme poverty "public enemy number one," and challenging people everywhere to help eradicate it. Full report available at https://www.gfa.org/press/poverty-report/.

WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) – on the frontlines in the fight against poverty–has released a new report declaring extreme poverty “public enemy number one,” and challenging people everywhere to help eradicate it. The release of the report – titled Poverty: Public Enemy #1: Eliminating Extreme Poverty Worldwide is… Continue reading Re-directed Christmas Spending Could End Abject Poverty, Says Gospel for Asia Report

Hope in Sight to End TB in South Asia

HYDERABAD – The World Health Organization (WHO) made a significant, forward-looking announcement at a global gathering of the 50th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Hyderabad. A leading expert on the subject of tuberculosis told BBC News that a new vaccine, currently in development appears to be “a real game-changer” in providing long-term protection… Continue reading Hope in Sight to End TB in South Asia

10 Things You Did Not Know About Pollution in South Asia

SOUTH ASIA – Pollution is dangerous for everyone living on planet Earth. The editors of the Lancet Medical Journal estimate that pollution causes the premature death of 9 million people every year. That’s three times the number who die from AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. It is also 15 times the number who die from… Continue reading 10 Things You Did Not Know About Pollution in South Asia

It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on the deadly diseases brought by the mosquito and the storied impact of faith-based organizations on world health, fighting for the Kingdom to “come on earth as it is in heaven.” It takes only one mosquito, buzzing around with ill intent, dive-bombing… Continue reading It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health

WEF Rates South Asian Nations in Global Competitiveness Index

GENEVA – The World Economic Forum (WEF) has generated its Global Competitiveness Index for 40 years. According to the WEF, “the report shows that those countries which integrate into their economic policies an emphasis on infrastructure, skills, research and development, and support those left behind are more successful compared to those that focus only on… Continue reading WEF Rates South Asian Nations in Global Competitiveness Index

Tensions Rising in Rohingya Refugee Camps

GENEVA – Nearly a million Rohingya are interred at refugee camps in Bangladesh, having fled their homes to escape persecution in their native Myanmar. Tensions have been rising over the past several months and have reached a point where remaining in Bangladesh may become as dangerous as of being back in Myanmar. The UN Office… Continue reading Tensions Rising in Rohingya Refugee Camps

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