We found 1189 results for your search.

Moises’ Story: The Love of a Family in El Salvador

EL SALVADOR — Moises Groezinger shares how his life was transformed when he received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift as an orphan in El Salvador. Moises Groezinger: My name is Moises Groezinger. I’m from El Salvador. I’m a volunteer firefighter. I don’t know much about my country because I was raised in an orphanage.… Continue reading Moises’ Story: The Love of a Family in El Salvador

Family’s Life Changed When Their “Miracle Boy” Got a Wheelchair in the Philippines

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — When Jacob was born he couldn’t breath and was declared dead. But his parents prayed and ten minutes later he started breathing, so they called him their miracle boy. Now 7-years-old Jacob has cerebral palsy and his family had no access to a wheelchair. But through the Joni and Friends Wheels for… Continue reading Family’s Life Changed When Their “Miracle Boy” Got a Wheelchair in the Philippines

Single Father Encounters Christ-Centered Community at Family Retreat

CALIFORNIA— Joni and Friends Family Retreat provides a place where families living with disability can find love, community, and Christ-centered support. Mike’s story of finding hope through hardship is just a peek into the lives of the many families who attend Family Retreat. Mike “Boston” Andrejczyk: My oldest son, Naim, was adopted through Family Services.… Continue reading Single Father Encounters Christ-Centered Community at Family Retreat

Nigerian Pastor Receives Trauma Counselling Following Family Loss

NIGERIA — In May 2023, Pastor Zachariah returned home to find his wife and son had been killed in an attack by Fulani militants. His home had also been burnt to the ground. To help him deal with his devastating loss, Nigerian Pastor Zachariah received trauma counselling and practical support from Open Doors partners. It… Continue reading Nigerian Pastor Receives Trauma Counselling Following Family Loss

A Christian Family from Chiapas Organizes Aid Campaign for Immigrants

MEXICO — In the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, an entire family organized a humanitarian aid campaign for immigrants from Central America and Venezuela. The people received food, clothing, Bibles, and, in addition, a message of hope in Jesus. Isa Vásquez reports from Chiapas. An entire family organized this weekend… Continue reading A Christian Family from Chiapas Organizes Aid Campaign for Immigrants

CityServe Family Center to open in Ukraine for families affected by war

The location of the upcoming CityServe Family Center in Kyiv, Ukraine (Photo credit: CityServe International)

BAKERSFIELD, CA — This month, CityServe International will have a grand opening for their new CityServe Family Center in Kyiv, Ukraine. In partnership with churches in Ukraine, this family center will serve to heal the multi-generational trauma of a war that has already claimed over 20,000 Ukrainian lives, including many civilians. The grand opening ceremony… Continue reading CityServe Family Center to open in Ukraine for families affected by war

The Adam’s Family: Give, and It Shall Be Given Unto You

EL SALVADOR — Yolo didn’t know Family Retreat could bless her family. She first got involved with Joni and Friends by encouraging another family to attend Family Retreat. After hearing the story of Alex’s family and the challenges they face navigating life with his autism, she decided to help raise funds to give them the… Continue reading The Adam’s Family: Give, and It Shall Be Given Unto You

LA Dream Center Receives Generous Donation to Help Support the Family Floor

Photo by www.dreamcenter.org

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Dream Center, a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming lives and the underserved communities of Los Angeles, is pleased to report a second generous donation of $250,000 from entrepreneur and philanthropist Stephen J. Cloobeck. Cloobeck has now donated a total of a half million dollars to the Dream Center… Continue reading LA Dream Center Receives Generous Donation to Help Support the Family Floor

Family Retreat: An Oasis of Hope for The Rojas Family Living with Disability

MICHIGAN – Joni and Friends Family Retreat specifically focus on families navigating the challenges of disability. They strive to create a rich, Christ-centered environment at each Family Retreat that is safe and accepting for each member of the family. Find out how life-transforming this was recently for the Rojas family. Gerardo Rojas: Our idea of… Continue reading Family Retreat: An Oasis of Hope for The Rojas Family Living with Disability

Shoebox Gifts Impact Mongolian Family

BAYANKHONGOR, MONGOLIA — Baljinnyam praises God for the Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift he received when he was 13 in Mongolia. Through that gift, he gave his life to Christ. Now, Baljinnyam is an adult and saw his young daughter receive her own shoebox and learn more about Jesus. Baljinnyam: My name is Baljinnyam. I… Continue reading Shoebox Gifts Impact Mongolian Family

Being Family for Valentina This Christmas

COLOMBIA — Valentina (15) in Colombia is one of many Christian children who face persecution for their faith. It isn’t safe for her to live at home, because of guerrilla gangs and indigenous groups. Thanks to Christian charity Open Doors in, she’s able to receive shelter and a Christian education at their Colombia Children’s Centre… Continue reading Being Family for Valentina This Christmas

‘Don’t Miss the Very Real Needs of the Average Family Right Now,’ says LA Dream Center Co-founder Ahead of ‘Giving Tuesday’

LOS ANGELES — Ahead of “Giving Tuesday,” The Los Angeles Dream Center is kicking off its “Make 30 Matter” campaign, hoping to help the citizens of Los Angeles overcome steep financial hurdles heading into 2023. With inflation currently at 7.7%, 14.2% of LA County residents living below the poverty line, homelessness up 4.1% in the… Continue reading ‘Don’t Miss the Very Real Needs of the Average Family Right Now,’ says LA Dream Center Co-founder Ahead of ‘Giving Tuesday’

Open Doors Enables Mimi’s Family to Stay in Iraq

IRAQ — Mimi (12) was very young when she fled her home in Bartella with her grandparents after so-called Islamic State invaded the Nineveh Plains. Until recently, Mimi’s parents were considering leaving Iraq – until they received a microloan to set up a farm through Open Doors partners. Mimi: “I love Iraq, because it is… Continue reading Open Doors Enables Mimi’s Family to Stay in Iraq

From Exhaustion to Rest at Joni and Friends Family Retreat

JACKSON, MS — Reyna is a mother to four children in Jackson, Mississippi. Her oldest kids, Belen (19) and Leonardo (16), have disabilities that require the use of wheelchairs and around-the-clock care. Even with the help of her 10-year-old son, Yahir, to feed and change his siblings, Reyna lives in a state of mental and… Continue reading From Exhaustion to Rest at Joni and Friends Family Retreat

Doctor and Family Follow Christ’s Call to Serve in Kenya

BOMET, KENYA — Pediatric surgeon Dr John Fitzwater, travelling alongside his wife and children, serves as a short-term volunteer at Tenwek Hospital through World Medical Mission. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals support and strengthen the work of Samaritan’s Purse partner hospitals around the world. Russ White, MD – Chief of Surgery, Tenwek Hospital: Just last… Continue reading Doctor and Family Follow Christ’s Call to Serve in Kenya

Iraqi Christian Mother Separated from Family

QARAQOSH, IRAQ — When Islamic State captured the Christian-majority city of Qaraqosh, Iraq, Sana and her family were trapped in their home for almost three weeks. When they were discovered, Sana and her daughter were separated from Sana’s husband and two sons. Sana never saw them again. But Sana has not given up on God.… Continue reading Iraqi Christian Mother Separated from Family

Operation Mobilisation Helps Viktoria’s Family Find Refuge in Poland

POLAND — Viktoria, a Ukrainian mother of two, shares her story of seeking refuge from war. It’s one that echoes so many others now fleeing the country who are receiving practical and spiritual support from OM and their church partners and volunteers. “My name is Viktoria and I am from Ukraine, from the Rivne region.… Continue reading Operation Mobilisation Helps Viktoria’s Family Find Refuge in Poland

UK Sponsor Drives 24 Hours to Meet Ukrainian Refugee Family

UKRAINE — Ken Gratton a Mercy Projects volunteer from the UK has been driving through some of the most dangerous parts of Ukraine to transport aid and get refugee mothers, children, and family to safety. But he was determined to meet one particular family who he has been sponsoring through the Christian charity Mercy Projects.… Continue reading UK Sponsor Drives 24 Hours to Meet Ukrainian Refugee Family

Mercy Projects Founder Rescues Family from Ukraine Conflict

KYIV, UKRAINE — For more than 25 years Christian charity Mercy Projects has been providing vital sponsorship to families across Ukraine. However when Russian forces invaded the country the ministry’s Ukrainian team members were forced to take shelter with their families. However the charity’s founder Jeff Thompson travelled from his home in California, USA to… Continue reading Mercy Projects Founder Rescues Family from Ukraine Conflict

Family Retreat Brings Rest for Single Mother with Special Needs Son

NATCHEZ, MS — For many families living with disability, down time is seldom part of their daily routine. And for single parents like Jayna Stogner from Mississippi, breaks are almost non-existent. Family Retreat is the only time she is able to get away and relax, knowing that her son is being well taken care of.… Continue reading Family Retreat Brings Rest for Single Mother with Special Needs Son

Family Volunteers Following Colorado Wildfires

SUPERIOR, CO –Jacob Feenstra, his wife, and their three daughters share their experience of helping to sift through the ashes of a house that was destroyed in Colorado’s Marshall Wildfires. They were able to find personal belongings for a hurting homeowner, including items from her art studio. Jacob Feenstra: My name is Jacob Feenstra. I’m… Continue reading Family Volunteers Following Colorado Wildfires

Levi’s Family in El Salvador Receives Life-Changing Gift

EL SALVADOR — People living with disabilities worldwide have been hardest by the pandemic. Still suffering from isolation, inadequate healthcare, and job loss, they are desperate for the hope of Jesus. Joni & Friends provided the life-changing perfect gift of a wheelchair for young Levi in one of the toughest parts of San Salvador in… Continue reading Levi’s Family in El Salvador Receives Life-Changing Gift

Retreat Provides Inclusion and Acceptance for the Cooper Family

USA — More than 56 million Americans live with a disability. With so many families navigating the day-to-day challenges of disability, it is vital that they have a place where inclusion and acceptance aren’t a question. Joni & Friends Family Retreat program makes a way for families living with disabilities to have a time of… Continue reading Retreat Provides Inclusion and Acceptance for the Cooper Family

Encountering Jesus at Joni and Friends Family Retreat

SCAOTTS VALLEY, CA — Parenting a child with severe disabilities is a labor of love that few people understand. But Rob and Cheryl Trotter know the endurance 24/7 supervision requires. Their son Sam has multiple disabilities and the demands surrounding his care threatened to leave Rob and Cheryl depleted both physically and emotionally. Together they… Continue reading Encountering Jesus at Joni and Friends Family Retreat

Minnesota Family with Special Needs Children Finds Rest and Enrichment

WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA — Hugh and Pat from White Bear Lake, in Minnesota have two daughters with Down syndrome, but they are exhausted. Having not slept through the night for a decade because of the demands of disability, this family was in desperate need of respite. Through the Joni and Friends Respite at Home… Continue reading Minnesota Family with Special Needs Children Finds Rest and Enrichment

Join CMM Global Missions Family Urgently Feeding Lockdown Members and Providing Wells in Many Nations — Two Urgent Needs

CHARLOTTE, NC — Christ’s Mandate for Missions, (www.cmm.world) formerly Correll Missionary Ministries, and CMM College of Theology (www.cmmtheology.org) are expanding globally as more people are hearing about their unique style of ‘team ministry’ empowering many to discover their God given identities we each have in Christ as we go higher and deeper in intimacy. During… Continue reading Join CMM Global Missions Family Urgently Feeding Lockdown Members and Providing Wells in Many Nations — Two Urgent Needs

Encountering Jesus at Joni and Friends Family Retreat

SCAOTTS VALLEY, CA — Parenting a child with severe disabilities is a labor of love that few people understand. But Rob and Cheryl Trotter know the endurance 24/7 supervision requires. Their son Sam has multiple disabilities and the demands surrounding his care threatened to leave Rob and Cheryl depleted both physically and emotionally. Together they… Continue reading Encountering Jesus at Joni and Friends Family Retreat

Alabama Family Thankful for Samaritan’s Purse Volunteers

TUSCALOOSA, AL — Samaritan’s Purse volunteers are hard at work across multiple locations in Alabama after powerful tornadoes and storms devastated a number of communities. We are clearing yard debris, cutting up fallen trees, and covering damaged roofs with heavy-duty tarp material. Among the homeowners they have helped is Michael Beck, who survived a twister… Continue reading Alabama Family Thankful for Samaritan’s Purse Volunteers

Khalid’s Story: Ethiopian Christian Excluded by Muslim Family

ETHIOPIA — Like so many believers in Ethiopia, when Khalid became a Christian he was excluded by his Muslim relatives. Forced to leave he was left with no food, shelter or source of income. But persecution charity Open Doors stepped in to help him establish his own business. Khalid: “Persecution is tough. You are separated… Continue reading Khalid’s Story: Ethiopian Christian Excluded by Muslim Family

Serving Special Needs Families Through Family Retreat at Home

NEW ENGLAND — Dan and Sandra Rivera were super excited when they heard about Family Retreat taking place in New England. Their sons DeMetrius (19), Nathan (11) and Isaac (6) matched their parents’ excitement. Both DeMetrius and Nathan have global developmental delays, making their day-to-day caregiving routines incredibly complicated – and making vacations impossible. Little… Continue reading Serving Special Needs Families Through Family Retreat at Home

The All Nations Family

KANSAS CITY, MO – It takes just one look at the All Nations Family Kansas City website to clearly understand what motivates this FBO. Their message is clear in three bold sentences. Making Disciples where Jesus is not known. One-third of the world hasn’t heard of Jesus. Does your heart hurt for peoples who have… Continue reading The All Nations Family

Royal Family KIDS to Leverage CarePortal to Help Kids and Families in Crisis Nationwide

SANTA ANA, CA — Royal Family KIDS (RFK) recently kicked off a new partnership with CarePortal, an online platform and growing national initiative that connects families in crisis with people who are eager to help. Starting in 10 states, thousands of volunteers will soon be able to more efficiently serve at-risk children and foster families… Continue reading Royal Family KIDS to Leverage CarePortal to Help Kids and Families in Crisis Nationwide

Beirut Family Gives Thanks to God

BEIRUT, LEBANON — A family in Beirut, whose home was badly damaged from the recent massive explosion that devastated Lebanon’s capital, praises God for the urgently needed supplies they received from Samaritan’s Purse, including a tarp and solar lights. Nazia We saw the smoke coming from the balcony. My children and I were afraid. When… Continue reading Beirut Family Gives Thanks to God

US Family Retreats at Home for Special Needs Families During COVID-19

USA — When COVID-19 hit, Joni and Friends developed creative new ways to serve families across America living with disabilities. Through Family Retreat at Home they’re providing spiritual refreshment as they focus on God’s love and connect with other families facing similar challenges. Tabitha Williams – Joni & Friends Bay Area Family Retreat at Home… Continue reading US Family Retreats at Home for Special Needs Families During COVID-19

Samaritan’s ‘Family Health Checkup’

PEORIA, IL — An upbeat daily one-minute radio program just added its 1,000th market to its broadcast network by reliably providing practical insights on nutrition, fitness, seasonal health, safety, kids’ health, and much more. “Family Health Checkup,” the daily 60-second feature produced by Samaritan Ministries International (Samaritan, www.samaritanministries.org), a leading health care sharing ministry, surpassed… Continue reading Samaritan’s ‘Family Health Checkup’

He’s Alive! Myanmar Pastor Presumed Dead Returns Home to Family

WILLS POINT, TX – A national pastor in Myanmar supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) was forcibly removed at gunpoint from his home by five men on January 19, 2019. The men are believed to have been members of a rebel army that has been seeking control… Continue reading He’s Alive! Myanmar Pastor Presumed Dead Returns Home to Family

As Coronavirus Affects ‘One Human Family,’ WCC Emphasizes Accurate Information, Practicing Prevention

GENEVE — The World Council of Churches (WCC) is urging people to share accurate information, practice prevention, and pray for people suffering from the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak. The primary source for accurate information about coronavirus is the World Health Organization (WHO), which has the role of directing international health within the United Nations… Continue reading As Coronavirus Affects ‘One Human Family,’ WCC Emphasizes Accurate Information, Practicing Prevention

Good News Radio for the Whole Family – AMEC Romania

ROMANIA – Evangelization of young children is part of the vision of AMEC Romania. Given the rapid development of technology, the organization directed its attention to the online environment. As a result, in 2014 the Good News radio station was launched. Evangelization of young children is part of the vision of AMEC. Given the rapid… Continue reading Good News Radio for the Whole Family – AMEC Romania

The Pujols Family Foundation

ST LOUIS, MO – As I sit down to write, it is somewhat ironic that Spring Training for Major League Baseball is about to begin. This story is about how Jesus Christ transformed All-Star first-baseman Albert Pujols just before he started his major league career. For those unfamiliar with Pujols, his baseball stats put him… Continue reading The Pujols Family Foundation

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Meet the CRISTA Family of Ministries

SHORELINE, WA – The beginning of what is now the CRISTA Family of Ministries was clearly orchestrated by the hand of the Lord. When, in 1948, Mike Martin prayed to establish a youth home in an abandoned tuberculosis sanitorium, circumstances were not at all favorable. Nonetheless, the county eventually leased the property to Martin for… Continue reading Meet the CRISTA Family of Ministries

Bringing Hope to Family of Kidnapped Syrian Christian

ALEPPO – Jina was married to Rober in 2011. Their son, Abraham (known as Apo), was born in 2012. Rober was kidnapped in 2013 in Syria – targeted because he is a Christian. They don’t know if he’s alive. Jina and Apo live in Aleppo, Syria, where they are supported by Open Doors partner Pastor… Continue reading Bringing Hope to Family of Kidnapped Syrian Christian

SoCal Harvest Celebrates 8,677 Professions of Faith: ‘Welcome to the Family of God’

ANAHEIM, CA – SoCal Harvest is celebrating its 30th anniversary of holding crusades in Southern California the same way it did after its first crusade in 1990: with thousands of changed lives. The three-night outreach event drew 100,000 people to Angel Stadium, where they enjoyed performances by Grammy Award and Dove Award-winning artists, fireworks, celebrity… Continue reading SoCal Harvest Celebrates 8,677 Professions of Faith: ‘Welcome to the Family of God’

Family in Taiwan Faces Grave Danger in China

MIDLAND, TX — When Liao Qiang and his family of six arrived in Taiwan last week, it’s because it was their only option for keeping their children safe. The family, which is affiliated with Early Rain Covenant Church, has been under constant surveillance from the Chinese authorities ever since a December crackdown on the church… Continue reading Family in Taiwan Faces Grave Danger in China

Family-Friendly Video Service Fined $62.4 Million in Los Angeles Lawsuit

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles Times describes VidAngel as “the latest in a long line of companies that have attempted to build a business by skipping and muting objectionable material for family viewing, only to provoke lawsuits from Hollywood.” On Monday, June 17, a U.S. District Court in Los Angeles ruled against VidAngel and… Continue reading Family-Friendly Video Service Fined $62.4 Million in Los Angeles Lawsuit

Family Research Council’s Travis Weber Speaks at the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum

WASHINGTON —Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, spoke in Taiwan at the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum (TIRFF) on the importance of promoting religious freedom around the world, particularly in China. The conference is a joint effort of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan,… Continue reading Family Research Council’s Travis Weber Speaks at the Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Appointed to USCIRF

WASHINGTON, DC – Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council and anchor of the daily radio broadcast Washington Watch, has been appointed to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) upon the recommendation of Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The appointment was announced on Monday, May 14, 2018. Perkins earned a BS… Continue reading Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Appointed to USCIRF

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team to Hold “Sharing Hope in Crisis” Training in Jacksonville, North Carolina

Photo by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Press Releases

JACKSONVILLE, NC — From personal tragedies like disease, death and financial difficulties to catastrophes on a massive scale such as shootings, fires and floods, many Christians may feel unprepared to offer comfort and hope to those grieving and in despair. On Aug. 10, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT)—a nationwide network of crisis-trained chaplains… Continue reading Billy Graham Rapid Response Team to Hold “Sharing Hope in Crisis” Training in Jacksonville, North Carolina

Sight & Sound Partners to Premiere Their First Ever LIVE Broadcast into Movie Theaters Nationwide, Courtesy of Fathom Events

Photo by Sight-Sound.com

LANCASTER, PA —Following a decade of taking their spectacular theater experience from the stage to the screen, Sight & Sound is partnering with Fathom Events to do something Sight & Sound has never done before — broadcast a production LIVE into movie theaters nationwide. “We know not everyone can come to us, so we want… Continue reading Sight & Sound Partners to Premiere Their First Ever LIVE Broadcast into Movie Theaters Nationwide, Courtesy of Fathom Events

Andrew Palau Joins Local Churches Across Northeast England for Historic Collaborative Evangelistic Campaign

Photo by Luis Palau Association

TEESSIDE, ENGLAND — Several years of prayer and preparation led to more than 70 churches from throughout Northeast England coming together for Festival Teesside with Andrew Palau earlier this month. In an effort that can only be described as historic for the region, this evangelistic festival, along with more than a dozen surrounding events, is… Continue reading Andrew Palau Joins Local Churches Across Northeast England for Historic Collaborative Evangelistic Campaign

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