We found 155 results for your search.

Ladi’s Escape: Survivor of Nigeria Christmas Attack Receives Trauma Care

NIGERIA — On 24 December 2023, militant Fulani herdsmen launched a series of attacks on Christian villages in Plateau State, Nigeria. Ladi’s* husband had already been killed in a previous attack. She herself would only narrowly escape on that night last Christmas.But now she is receiving help to deal with the trauma she encountered in… Continue reading Ladi’s Escape: Survivor of Nigeria Christmas Attack Receives Trauma Care

Calls to Rise to Support Persecuted Church in Nigeria

NIGERIA — Rev. Jonathan Ugbede is deputy chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria. He shares what he’s seeing of the displacement crisis in sub-Saharan Africa and how the global church can respond. Rev. Jonathan Ugbede – Deputy Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria: The fact is millions of people are displaced from their… Continue reading Calls to Rise to Support Persecuted Church in Nigeria

Nigeria: Boko Haram Victim Refuses Vengeance

NIGERIA — More followers of Jesus are killed for their faith in Nigeria than any other country in the world. Every year, thousands of Boko Haram Victims die at the hands of militants who are determined to turn Africa’s most populous nation into an Islamic state. Greg Musselman, of Voice of the Martyrs Canada, brings… Continue reading Nigeria: Boko Haram Victim Refuses Vengeance

Displaced Pastor Ministers to Persecuted Christians in IDP Camp in Nigeria

NIGERIA — Pastor Barnabas lives in one of many internally displaced people (IDP) camps in Nigeria, along with thousands of Christians who have been forced from their homes by Islamic extremist violence. Across sub-Saharan Africa, 16.2 million Christians have been forcibly displaced by violence and conflict. But most of the world doesn’t even know it’s… Continue reading Displaced Pastor Ministers to Persecuted Christians in IDP Camp in Nigeria

Trauma Care Provides Healing for Survivors of Nigeria Attacks

NIGERIA — Christmas 2023 saw many largely Christian villages in Nigeria’s Middle Belt attacked by militant Fulani herdsmen. Magdalene* and Mafulul* recount their painful stories – but also God’s healing through trauma-care workshops run by Open Doors partners. Mafulul*: “By 5pm the attackers came. They started shooting everywhere. “My wife had just finished cooking. I… Continue reading Trauma Care Provides Healing for Survivors of Nigeria Attacks

Abraham’s Journey To Nigeria Displacement Camp

AFGHANISTAN — Abraham is a chair of a displacement camp in Nigeria. He and his family have been there for three years, ever since their village was devastated by a Fulani militant attack that killed eight people, including his brother. Neglected by the authorities, food at the camp is scarce and conditions are awful, but… Continue reading Abraham’s Journey To Nigeria Displacement Camp

Churches Destroyed in Nigeria

NIGERIA — Churches are being burnt down and their congregations forced to close in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, the half-way house between the mainly Muslim north and the mainly Christian south. As Andrew Boyd from Release International reports. Terrorists in Nigeria who are targeting and burning churches have forced a leading denomination to shut down 70… Continue reading Churches Destroyed in Nigeria

Parents of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Gather for 10th Anniversary Service

NIGERIA — It’s been 10 years since the Chibok Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria. More than 90 of the young women are still missing. On 14 April, parents of the girls gathered for a service to pray for the missing women. Yakubu Nkeki – Chibok, Nigeria: My name is Yakubu… Continue reading Parents of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Gather for 10th Anniversary Service

Celebrating Their 50th Year, Christ for all Nations Launches Pioneering Evangelistic Campaigns in Nigeria, Led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

ORLANDO, FL — In an era where faith seems to waver, Christ for all Nations (CfaN) stands as a beacon of hope and revival, embarking on a historic series of gospel campaigns across Nigeria. This epic undertaking, led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, follows the 50th-anniversary launch event in Cape Town and started on February 21st,… Continue reading Celebrating Their 50th Year, Christ for all Nations Launches Pioneering Evangelistic Campaigns in Nigeria, Led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Nigerian Pastor Receives Trauma Counselling Following Family Loss

NIGERIA — In May 2023, Pastor Zachariah returned home to find his wife and son had been killed in an attack by Fulani militants. His home had also been burnt to the ground. To help him deal with his devastating loss, Nigerian Pastor Zachariah received trauma counselling and practical support from Open Doors partners. It… Continue reading Nigerian Pastor Receives Trauma Counselling Following Family Loss

Survivors of Nigeria Christmas Eve Attack Share Their Stories

NIGERIA, AFRICA — On Christmas Eve, Islamic militants attacked several Christian villages in Plateau State, Nigeria. The attacks went into the early hours of Christmas Day, and at least 113 people were killed. Many more were injured or have lost their homes. In this video, recorded by Open Doors local partners in the region, Nigeria… Continue reading Survivors of Nigeria Christmas Eve Attack Share Their Stories

Mary’s Testimony: A Christian Kidnapped in Nigeria by Extremists

NIGERIA, AFRICA — Mary*, 20 years old, was in church when Fulani militants attacked. In her village in northwestern Nigeria, there is always the threat of attacks from Islamic extremists. However, this does not prepare the community for the reality of experiencing an attack. Mary*: They attack Christians because we worship Jesus and they want… Continue reading Mary’s Testimony: A Christian Kidnapped in Nigeria by Extremists

Nigeria’s Kidnapping Epidemic Targets Christians

NIGERIA — New reports highlight the growing kidnapping crisis in Nigeria, where Christians are regarded as soft targets for abduction. Release International is calling on Nigeria to protect vulnerable Christian communities. Andrew Boyd has the details. New reports confirm that Christians are being targeted for kidnap and ransom in Nigeria, sometimes by bandits hungry for… Continue reading Nigeria’s Kidnapping Epidemic Targets Christians

Nine Years Since Nigeria Kidnappings

NIGERIA — In the 2014 Nigeria kidnappings, Boko Haram kidnapped over 270 girls from their school in Chibok in northern Nigeria. Nine years on, nearly 100 girls are still missing, and their parents are in agony. Open Doors speaks to those mothers and fathers as they continue to deal with the trauma of their children… Continue reading Nine Years Since Nigeria Kidnappings

Warnings of Further Humanitarian Crisis in Nigeria

NIGERIA — As violence escalates in Nigeria, there are warnings of a humanitarian crisis in the making. Partners of UK-based Release International, which serves persecuted Christians worldwide, warn if the new government doesn’t stop the violence, Christians will leave the country in droves. According to reports more Christians are killed for their faith each year… Continue reading Warnings of Further Humanitarian Crisis in Nigeria

Why Are so Many Christians Killed in Nigeria?

NIGERIA — More Christians are killed for their faith in Nigeria than in the rest of the world combined. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces a vast humanitarian catastrophe, as a wave of religiously motivated violence nurtured in Nigeria has swept across the region, targeting Christian populations at an alarming rate in countries like Burkina Faso, Cameroon,… Continue reading Why Are so Many Christians Killed in Nigeria?

Alarming Rise in Islamist Violence Against Christians in Nigeria

NIGERIA — A new report highlights the alarming scale of rising violence in Nigeria as terrorists attempt to Islamise the nation — Much of that violence is directed against Christians. Andrew Boyd reports. Release International has warned that Nigeria is fast becoming a persecution hotspot. And Open Doors estimates more Christians are killed there than… Continue reading Alarming Rise in Islamist Violence Against Christians in Nigeria

Nigerian Church Bigger Than Before Despite Extremist Attacks

NIGERIA — When Pastor Andrew’s community in North East Nigeria was attacked by Boko Haram, he courageously chose to stay and rebuild his church. Now, there are more Christians in the community than before. Find out how Open Doors helped Pastor Andrew to impact his village despite the devastation. Pastor Andrew: “I went out and… Continue reading Nigerian Church Bigger Than Before Despite Extremist Attacks

Nigerian Mother Gives Trauma Counseling to Forgive Attackers

GUYAKU, NORTHERN NIGERIA — Support from Christian charity Open Doors is helping believers like Charity from Nigeria. She was able to receive trauma healing after her village, Guyaku in northern Nigeria, was attacked by Islamic militants Boko Haram. And now, she herself is shining a light for others who have suffered trauma by offering them… Continue reading Nigerian Mother Gives Trauma Counseling to Forgive Attackers

Nigerian Boy’s Dream to be a Doctor

PLATEAU STATE, NIGERIA — Sele was very young when his father was murdered for his faith. It was part of a wave of violence in Nigeria’s Plateau State. Now Sele is 13, and has hope for the future to save lives a doctor through schooling paid for by Open Doors partners. For many Christian children… Continue reading Nigerian Boy’s Dream to be a Doctor

Nigerian Widow Experiences Power of Forgiveness

NIGERIA – In Nigeria persecution is on the increase and so the trauma believers suffer is increasing. However through Open Doors partners working in trauma care, Christians are receiving hope and healing. Anuhu* (name changed for security reasons) who leads the trauma care programme shares the story of how a Nigerian widow, one of the… Continue reading Nigerian Widow Experiences Power of Forgiveness

Open Doors Revisits Nigerian Widow Rose

NIGERIA – Last summer, Open Doors shared the story of Rose from Nigeria. Her husband, a pastor, had been murdered by Fulani militants. Their partners recently visited her again and she told them, despite her troubles: “The Lord has not forsaken me.” When Open Doors met Rose in June 2020, we found a woman who… Continue reading Open Doors Revisits Nigerian Widow Rose

Healing for Nigerian Widow Hajaratu

CHIBOB, NIGERIA — In the Middle Belt of Nigeria, militant Fulani herdsmen kill and displace Christians and take over their farmland. Hajaratu, a widow from Chibob, Nigeria, has suffered immeasurable grief after fleeing from one of these raids. Find out how Open Doors is helping more women like Hajaratu to heal. Hajaratu: “I woke up… Continue reading Healing for Nigerian Widow Hajaratu

Violent Attacks and Abductions Continue in Northern Nigeria

NIGERIA — According to reports from Christian Solidarity Worldwide armed men attacked the Karji suburb of Kaduna City in Northern Nigeria last month and abducted five daughters of a local church pastor and two other individuals, one of whom had been displaced by violence. The attacks are the most recent in increasing violence in southern… Continue reading Violent Attacks and Abductions Continue in Northern Nigeria

Urgent Call to Pray for Release of Kidnapped Schoolboys in Nigeria

NIGERIA — Christian charity Open Doors is calling for people to urgently pray for the release and safety of 300 kidnapped schoolboys still missing following a raid by gunman on their school last weekend in Western Katsina State, Nigeria. Boko Haram reportedly carried out the kidnappings. Many Christians have also been targeted in this region… Continue reading Urgent Call to Pray for Release of Kidnapped Schoolboys in Nigeria

FRC Welcomes State Dept.’s Addition of Nigeria to List of World’s Worst Religious Freedom Violators

WASHINGTON — Family Research Council (FRC) today applauded the U.S. State Department for adding Nigeria to its list of “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPCs) for the first time. A CPC designation is given by the U.S. Secretary of State to a nation whose government is engaged in or tolerates severe violations of religious freedom under the… Continue reading FRC Welcomes State Dept.’s Addition of Nigeria to List of World’s Worst Religious Freedom Violators

Hope for Nigerian Widow Abigail During COVID-19

NIGERIA — Following the death of her husband in an attack by militant Fulani herdsmen in April – during which most of the family’s belongings were burnt – Abigail* not only faced the grief of losing a loved one but the anguish of not knowing if there was enough food the next day to feed… Continue reading Hope for Nigerian Widow Abigail During COVID-19

Nigerian Bible Translators Asking for Help as Pandemic, Terrorist Attacks on Christians, and Economic Collapse Halt Work

Photo by Wycliffe Associates, Twitter

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, reports that Nigerian Bible translators are asking for help after suspending Bible translation projects in 30 languages. The global pandemic, terrorism, and economic collapse have brought Bible translation to a halt… Continue reading Nigerian Bible Translators Asking for Help as Pandemic, Terrorist Attacks on Christians, and Economic Collapse Halt Work

Nigerian Widow Last in Line for COVID 19 Food Aid

NIGERIA — Living in Plateau State in the middle band of Nigeria, Rose is in one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. Nigeria is number 12 on Open Doors World Watch List, but it’s at the top of the list for Christians murdered because of their faith. And on… Continue reading Nigerian Widow Last in Line for COVID 19 Food Aid

ICON Launches New Report Proving Nigerian Genocide

WASHINGTON — The International Committee on Nigeria (ICON), a nonprofit working to secure a future for all Nigerians, launched a new Data Tome (“report”) today proving the religious persecution and genocide that has been occurring in Nigeria over the last 20 years. The report includes recent testimonies of some of the more than 60,000 victims… Continue reading ICON Launches New Report Proving Nigerian Genocide

Open Doors Feeds Displaced Nigerian Community

NIGERIA — Last year attacks by nomadic Fulani herdsmen forced an entire Christian community in Naka, Nigeria to flee their homes. But in February this year, Open Doors was able to deliver vital aid to 1,500 families before Covid-19 travel restrictions were introduced. Pastor Sunday shares his appreciation for the impact this crucial help has… Continue reading Open Doors Feeds Displaced Nigerian Community

U.S. Advancing Religious Freedom Issues in Nigeria

WASHINGTON — The International Committee on Nigeria (ICON), a nonprofit working to secure a future for all Nigerians, released a statement today, applauding a new executive order signed by President Trump advancing international religious freedom. The order directs the U.S. Department of State (DOS) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to take action to… Continue reading U.S. Advancing Religious Freedom Issues in Nigeria

Activists Press Trump Administration to Aid Embattled Nigerian Christians | The Washington Times

This was where Christ was first preached in Nigeria. Photo by Samuel Tobbytex007, Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The International Committee on Nigeria (ICON) launched a campaign Wednesday titled the “Silent Slaughter” to raise awareness about the estimated more than 60,000 Nigerians who have died as a result of religious conflicts since 2001. Already this year, ICON reports more than 400 Nigerians were killed because of their Christian faith, with thousands more displaced.… Continue reading Activists Press Trump Administration to Aid Embattled Nigerian Christians | The Washington Times

Nigeria’s Government Agrees: Islamist Terrorists Target Christians | Christianity Today

NIGERIA – The Nigerian government now agrees with what church leaders have been complaining for years: Christians are the target of jihadist terrorism. “In the wake of a renewed onslaught by our tireless military against Boko Haram and their ISWAP (Islamic State West Africa Province) allies in recent times, the insurgents have apparently changed their… Continue reading Nigeria’s Government Agrees: Islamist Terrorists Target Christians | Christianity Today

Action Against Hunger & Mercy Corps Return to Nigeria

ABUJA, NIGERIA – Faith-based organizations Action Against Hunger and Mercy Corps were forced to suspend operations in northeastern Nigeria in mid-September. The Nigerian army closed two Action Against Hunger offices and four Mercy Corps facilities based on allegations that both agencies were aiding terrorist groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State. Action Against Hunger vigorously… Continue reading Action Against Hunger & Mercy Corps Return to Nigeria

NGOs Are Under Attack in Nigeria

ABUJA – Conducting charitable humanitarian work in any developing country or crisis situation is difficult at best. Working in disease or conflict-ridden regions is not only hard but sometimes downright dangerous.This is rapidly becoming the scenario for NGOs working in strife-torn Nigeria where Boko Haram rebels are attempting to establish the Islamic State in West… Continue reading NGOs Are Under Attack in Nigeria

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Wendy Palau to Join Long-Time Ministry Partner to Share Message of Hope with Hundreds at IDP Camp in Nigeria

PORTLAND, OR — At the invitation of faith leaders in Nigeria, as well as long-time ministry partner Firm Foundations in Christ Ministries (FFICM), Wendy Palau – wife of international evangelist Andrew Palau and daughter-in-law to Luis Palau – will share hope and encouragement with hundreds of displaced people in an IDP camp just outside Jos,… Continue reading Wendy Palau to Join Long-Time Ministry Partner to Share Message of Hope with Hundreds at IDP Camp in Nigeria

Nigerian Believer Esther Receives Unexpected Letter from UK Foreign Secretary

MAIDUGURI – Open Doors UK first met Esther (20) in a settlement for internally displaced people (IDP) in Maiduguri, northern Nigeria in 2017. Since then, layers and layers of her story have gradually been unfolding: her terrifying capture by Boko Haram in Gwoza, her three-year horror-filled captivity, her daring escape and the harsh judgment she… Continue reading Nigerian Believer Esther Receives Unexpected Letter from UK Foreign Secretary

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Nigerian Pastors at Odds Come Together for Bible Translation Conference, Request Launch of 250 New Projects

Orlando, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization involving people in the advancement of Bible translation, hopes to soon launch new Bible translation projects for 250 language groups in Nigeria that are without the Scriptures in their heart language. “The Christians there are pleading with us for the tools, technology, and training so they can… Continue reading Nigerian Pastors at Odds Come Together for Bible Translation Conference, Request Launch of 250 New Projects

Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams

What will our future be?

ABUJA – The country of Nigeria is an enigma. While, on the one hand, the Nigerian Minister of Health announced today that the country’s efforts to eliminate polio within its borders “are beginning to yield results, considering the fact that we have spent 18 months without a case of poliovirus,” the country stands at the… Continue reading Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams

Nigerian Girl Refuses to Renounce Christ Remains Captive of Boko Haram

DAPCHI, Nigeria – Leah Sharibu is 15 years old. She is one of more than a hundred Nigerian school girls who are either missing or held in captivity by the Boko Haram. Although the terrorist group, known for kidnapping school girls en masse, agreed to return the girls in exchange for the release of several… Continue reading Nigerian Girl Refuses to Renounce Christ Remains Captive of Boko Haram

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Lagos, Nigeria Floods

Prise par Zouzou Wizman In early July, Lagos, Nigeria was hit by torrential rains and thunderstorms. This caused flooding in the city. Per CNN, “Lagos, one of Africa’s most populous cities, has been hit by torrential downpour and thunderstorms over the weekend that has left many parts of the city flooded.” The thing that caused… Continue reading Lagos, Nigeria Floods

Nigeria Famine

Photo by Unknown CDC employee People are returning to their homes in northern Nigeria after Boko Haram raided in 2014. One of the farmers hid under maize crops with the rest of his family. Per CNN, “Jafiya Nuhu, a 52-year-old commercial farmer, hid under maize cobs in his farm with his wife and two children… Continue reading Nigeria Famine

Nigeria in Recession

Photo by Oshomah Abubakar Between April and June of last year, a recession hit Nigeria. This was partly caused by low oil prices, which Nigeria depends on for importing to other countries. BBC reports, “The price of oil has fallen from highs of about $112 a barrel in 2014 to below $50 at the moment.”… Continue reading Nigeria in Recession

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Meningitis Outbreak in Nigeria

Photo by Dr. Lyle Conrad In Nigeria, an outbreak of Meningitis has killed dozens of people. CNN reports, “A meningitis outbreak has killed 489 people in Nigeria this year, the World Health Organization said Thursday. The country’s Center for Disease Control reported 4,637 suspected cases.” The problem is that there is a shortage of vaccines… Continue reading Meningitis Outbreak in Nigeria

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ICC Releases 2025 Global Persecution Index

WASHINGTON — International Christian Concern (ICC) has released its renamed and revamped annual report for the new year. Download the 2025 Global Persecution Index for free. ICC’s 2025 Global Persecution Index offers an in-depth analysis of drivers of persecution in 20 countries, complete with stories of Christians enduring persecution for their faith in Christ. “ICC… Continue reading ICC Releases 2025 Global Persecution Index

From Cape Town to Cairo

AFRICA — Christ For All Nations founder Rheinhard Bonnke dedicated his life to the vision that Africa shall be saved. He saw himself as just the forerunner of a completely new generation of Holy Spirit evangelists. In 2024, the organization has set and achieved a record number of Gospel Campaigns to commemorate its golden jubilee.… Continue reading From Cape Town to Cairo

UK Christmas Outreach Campaign Exceeds Goal of Reaching One Million People

UK — In just it’s second year a UK wide Christmas evangelistic campaign set an ambitious target to mobilize 100,000 Christians onto the streets to share the real reason for the season with a million people. As GNA reporter Peter Wooding discovered they far exceeded that goal and even received support from King Charles. Over… Continue reading UK Christmas Outreach Campaign Exceeds Goal of Reaching One Million People

You Version’s Verse of The Year Reflects Global Trend of Seeking Peace Through Prayer

The YouVersion Verse of the Year, which saw higher levels of engagement from the YouVersion Community than any other verse in 2024, is Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

OKLAHOMA CITY — In a record year for app installs and daily use, YouVersion is seeing more people seek God through His Word and in prayer. Reflecting this trend, the YouVersion Verse of the Year is: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests… Continue reading You Version’s Verse of The Year Reflects Global Trend of Seeking Peace Through Prayer

50 Crusades from Cape Town to Cairo: Christ for All Nations Concludes a Historic Year of Global Evangelism

ORLANDO, FL — In a year that will be remembered as one of the most groundbreaking in evangelistic history, Christ for all Nations (CfaN), under the leadership of Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, successfully completed 50 crusades across eight nations as part of its 50th-anniversary celebration. Spanning from Cape Town to Cairo, this epic journey of faith… Continue reading 50 Crusades from Cape Town to Cairo: Christ for All Nations Concludes a Historic Year of Global Evangelism

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