International Religious Freedom bipartisan hearing on the perilous state of religious freedom for Christians in China, Nigeria, Iran & other places around the world.

WASHINGTON — Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), co-chairman of Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission along with Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), today held a bipartisan hearing on the perilous state of religious freedom for Christians in China, Nigeria, Iran and other places around the world. Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, head of the U.S. State Department’s Office…

Founder K.P. Yohannan says 'so much more yet to do' as missions agency, Gospel for Asia, celebrates it's 40th anniversary on July 3.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) — a Christian movement that launched a “revolution in world missions” — celebrates its 40th anniversary on July 3, with its founder proclaiming “we can’t slow down, there is so much more yet to do.” The Texas-based ministry is “celebrating God’s faithfulness” over the past four decades…

Gospel for Asia announced it will provide crucial aid and spiritual support to “shunned and shamed” widows to mark International Widows Day, June 23.

WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA), announced today it will provide crucial aid and spiritual support to hundreds of “shunned and shamed” widows to mark International Widows Day, Sunday, June 23. “In some Asian cultures, when a woman’s husband dies, she is often stripped of her dignity, her worth,…

The new ministry, Algerians for Missions has a goal to “send out 1,000 Algerians for Missions by 2025 within Algeria and beyond.”

ALGIERS – With nearly 920,000 square miles, Algeria is the tenth largest nation in the world. It is the largest country on the continent of Africa. Initially settled by the Berbers, Algeria has had a long and storied history. The country gained independence in 1962 from France which had invaded and began colonizing it in…

Release International has long campaigned for the repeal of the blasphemy laws. These notorious laws are often used to target minorities & take out rivals

OTTAWA – Asia Bibi is finally free 10 years after being imprisoned on spurious charges of blasphemy in Pakistan. She spent eight of those years in a cell on death row while Christians around the world prayed for her health, safety, and release. According to reports from the Canadian Broadcasting System and the British Pakistan…

The 2019 religious freedom report identifies 16 countries that engaged in or tolerated egregious violations. China sits prominently on that list.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has released its annual report in the aftermath of attacks on mosques in New Zealand, churches in Sri Lanka and synagogues in the United States. “It’s coming at a time when religious freedom concerns, for lots of reasons, are getting more attention across the board,” USCIRF Commissioner Johnnie…

A social worker affiliated with Gospel for Asia (GFA) lost five family members in the Easter Sunday bombings that took the lives of over 250 people, the humanitarian mission agency announced Thursday.

Humanitarian Agency Gospel For Asia (GFA) Grieves its Social Worker’s Five Family Members Killed in Sri Lanka Easter Terror Bomb Attacks on Two Different Churches WILLS POINT, TX — Humanitarian agency Gospel For Asia (GFA), today announced that one of its social workers in Sri Lanka lost five family members in the Easter Sunday terror…

A social worker affiliated with Gospel for Asia (GFA) lost five family members in the Easter Sunday bombings that took the lives of over 250 people, the humanitarian mission agency announced Thursday.

As Government Declares State of Emergency, Gospel for Asia Founder KP Yohannan Mourns the Deaths of Nearly 300 People on Easter WILLS POINT, TX — The Easter Sunday attacks on eight churches and hotels that killed nearly 300 people in Sri Lanka were aimed at large gatherings of people across the nation and intended to…

SAT-7 Christian TV supports churches in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by making God’s Word available across borders and offering programs in the languages of the region

NICOSIA, CYPRUS – SAT-7 Christian TV supports churches in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by making God’s Word available across borders and offering programs in the languages of the region. Whether those borders are geographic, generational, cultural, or linguistic, SAT-7 has continued to grow over the past 22 years. Using four main satellite…

Connect PDX: The Innovative Evangelism Conference in Portland, Oregon on September 17-20, 2019. The conference will serve vocational evangelists and anyone passionate about evangelism.

PORTLAND, OR — The Luis Palau Association announced a major gathering for evangelists called Connect PDX: The Innovative Evangelism Conference in Portland, Oregon on September 17-20, 2019. The conference will serve vocational evangelists and anyone passionate about evangelism. The event will feature Miles McPherson, Greg Stier, Carrie Headington, Luis Palau and over 36 educational workshops….

The situation resulting from Cyclone Idai is “shaping up to be one of the worst weather-related disasters ever to hit the southern hemisphere.”

International relief organizations are responding to an increasingly devastating humanitarian crisis after a tropical storm and powerful cyclone tore across Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. Current estimates confirmed by President Filipe Nyusi indicate that some 1,000 people may have been killed in Mozambique alone. “Officially, we have a record of more than 84 dead but everything…

Safe drinking water is something most of us take for granted. But for millions of people, the only water they have is contaminated.

‘Dying of Thirst’ Special Report Says Urgent Action Needed to Combat Deadly Waterborne Diseases and Critical Water Shortage. WILLS POINT, TX — An eye-opening report from Gospel for Asia (GFA), a leading faith-based humanitarian agency, has revealed key new insights into a critical survival issue – what experts are calling a “worldwide water crisis” that…

Doctors Without Borders has temporarily suspended its operations treating patients for the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo following armed attacks on two of its clinics.

NORTH KIVU PROVINCE – Doctors Without Borders has temporarily suspended its operations treating patients for the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo following armed attacks on two of its clinics. The attacks on February 24th and 27th were described by witnesses as brazen and violent. Buildings and vehicles were set ablaze. After…

“If heaven is made for ISIS and their belief, I would choose hell for myself instead of being again with them in the same place, even if it's paradise.”

KOBANI – Open Doors’ most recent World Watch List noted that, although persecution of Christians in the country at large appeared to have diminished, there was “a spike in violence” against Christians perpetrated by ISIS-backed rebels. Expression of Christian faith are strictly prohibited in areas controlled by radical Islamic forces. Countless church buildings have been…

Special report entitled “Seeking Justice & Defending Human Rights” conveys GFA’s concerns about the impoverished in Asia.

Special report entitled “Seeking Justice & Defending Human Rights” conveys GFA’s concerns about the impoverished in Asia. While welcoming an international day of awareness that turns the global focus on issues keeping millions in grinding poverty, missionary organization Gospel for Asia is year-round helping to bring relief to the underprivileged trapped in that cycle. In…

SIM Missionary, 56-year-old-Dr. Rick Sacra, Massachusetts native, received the prestigious 2018 AMH Rabbi Erica and Mark Gerson L’Chaim (“To Life”) Prize for Outstanding Christian Medical Missionary Service last night (Jan. 31, 2019).

Prestigious $500,000 AMH Gerson L’Chaim Prize presented to SIM Missionary Dr. Rick Sacra will help extend and expand SIM’s healthcare ministry in impoverished Liberia NEW YORK, NY — An American missionary doctor who risked his life at the height of Liberia’s 2014 Ebola crisis, and has spent more than 20 years doing medical missionary service…