We found 725 results for your search.

Making Sense of Myanmar – The Chin, Kachin, Shan, and Wa States

YANGON – Myanmar, formerly Burma, may best be described a line from Rogers and Hammerstein’s “The King and I” in which the king exclaims, “It’s a puzzlement.” In a recent article, we related the story of a Christian pastor in a small village in the Chin state in northwest Myanmar. The gist of the story… Continue reading Making Sense of Myanmar – The Chin, Kachin, Shan, and Wa States

Controversial ‘Third Wave Missions’ Book Marks Major Four-Million-Copy Milestone

Gospel for Asia founder KP Yohannan’s “Revolution in World Missions” has helped spark growth of indigenous-Christian-worker movement. WILLS POINT, Texas—A book first met with controversy but now widely credited with helping change the face of modern missions is marking a major milestone—more than four million copies in print. Since it was published in 1986, Dr.… Continue reading Controversial ‘Third Wave Missions’ Book Marks Major Four-Million-Copy Milestone

SGA Building Bridges in Eastern Ukraine

KIEV – Ukraine (fka “the Ukraine) presents many conundrums. Because of the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, many measurements and statistics must be listed and compared as “including Crimea” or “not including Crimea” – an issue that remains a point of contention for Ukraine. Although Ukraine is the largest nation located entirely… Continue reading SGA Building Bridges in Eastern Ukraine

Simple Story of Village Reconciliation Offers ‘Pathway to Peace’ for Divided World

GFA (Gospel for Asia) shares example of reconciliation to mark International Day of Peace and inspire more peacemakers to prayer and action WILLS POINT, Texas—As political and religious divisions widen and deepen around the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) hopes that a simple story of reconciliation and forgiveness will inspire more people to pray and… Continue reading Simple Story of Village Reconciliation Offers ‘Pathway to Peace’ for Divided World

Humanitarian Aid Being Hindered in Yemen: Millions of People at Risk

SANA, Yemen –  “More than 25 percent of children (1.8 million) are malnourished; 900,000 people in the governorate are desperate for food and 90,000 pregnant women are at enormous risk. Families need everything–food, cash, health care, water, sanitation, emergency supplies, specialized support, and many need shelter. It’s heart-breaking to see so many people who need… Continue reading Humanitarian Aid Being Hindered in Yemen: Millions of People at Risk

2018 UN Report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

NEW YORK – From 2005 through 2013, it appeared that we were making progress on the global war against hunger. Today, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) released its 202-page report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World. The results indicate that, since 2014, “the war against hunger… Continue reading 2018 UN Report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

Literacy Training—the Life-transforming Tool That Is Impacting Communities

International Literacy Day underscores how, in helping people learn to read, GFA brings practical help and spiritual hope to many on the fringes of society WILLS POINT, Texas — In many parts of the world, being unable to read isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a potentially deadly handicap that Gospel for Asia (GFA) is working hard to… Continue reading Literacy Training—the Life-transforming Tool That Is Impacting Communities

Firsthand Reflections of Flooding in Kerala, India

Dr. Daniel, director of Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported medical ministry in Asia, reflects on the flood situation in Kerala and his trips to rescue people who were stranded. “It is easy for me to sit back at home and watch the television and see the different things that are happening. But on the first day… Continue reading Firsthand Reflections of Flooding in Kerala, India

“Churches’ Indispensable Role” in India Evident After Kerala Flooding

GFA-supported Sister of Compassion Prepare Essentials for Flood Survivors

CHENNAI – Vijay Jayaraj holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia in Great Britain. He is a native of India and a resident of Chennai. In a recent op-ed to published by the Christian Post, he lauded the immediate and substantial aid by Christians following the Kerala… Continue reading “Churches’ Indispensable Role” in India Evident After Kerala Flooding

Handicrafts, Donation Boxes Aid Flood Relief

As flood relief efforts continually take place in Kerala, India, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers serving in various locations are raising funds for their brothers and sisters in immediate need. “When I heard the flood situation of Kerala, I felt very sad and immediately visited the mission fields to make contribution for Kerala relief work,”… Continue reading Handicrafts, Donation Boxes Aid Flood Relief

Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report: Hope to Overcome the Challenges of Widowhood Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Accounts of the humiliations, insults and indignations suffered by widows worldwide would make anyone cringe. Gulika, a widow in Asia, experienced helplessness after the people in her village turned their backs on her after… Continue reading Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination

GFA-supported Workers Help Government Prepare, Sort Relief Kits for 14,000 Families

As the flood survivors of Kerala, India, recover from the devastation caused by the massive flooding, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers continue to diligently serve those in need. Congregations led by Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastors are stepping in to help in various ways. A Women’s Fellowship located in one of the hardest hit places… Continue reading GFA-supported Workers Help Government Prepare, Sort Relief Kits for 14,000 Families

21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking: Stories, Statistics and Solutions

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on Slavery & Human Trafficking Written By Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications Around 10 million people are currently behind bars somewhere in the world. Some have yet to face trial, a few have been wrongly convicted, but most are prisoners for a crime they have committed. Meanwhile, four… Continue reading 21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking: Stories, Statistics and Solutions

Fighting Malaria – a Chilling Disease

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on Mosquito Netting and Malaria Prevention Combat a Parasitic Genius Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Fighting Malaria. Though eradicated in many developed nations, malaria still claims thousands of lives around the world. One victim who survived this mosquito-borne disease compared its chills to “lying down between… Continue reading Fighting Malaria – a Chilling Disease

Local Christians Help Dig Greek Cities Out of the Ashes

ATHENS – The Greek coastal cities of Mati and Rafina in the southeastern region of Attica have been devastated by the worst wildfires in decades that have spread into the small urban areas. As of August 12th, the death toll has reached 94, including men, women, and children. Many were trapped in the flames in… Continue reading Local Christians Help Dig Greek Cities Out of the Ashes

Too Much? Too Little? Too Late? South Asia’s Growing Water Crisis

Lake near Ladakh

INDIA – South Asia and the Indian subcontinent seem to be facing a perennial water crisis that may be getting worse rather than better. The problem is complex. It is not simply that there is too much or too little. While there is flooding in some regions there is a drought in others. Where there… Continue reading Too Much? Too Little? Too Late? South Asia’s Growing Water Crisis

Why India’s Identity Politics Should Not Be a Surprise

MUMBAI – A recent study conducted by the Azim Premji University (APU) and the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) concluded that “There is a distrust of leaders from outside the community across all classes, and all caste-class intersections.” Put simply, the majority of Indians prefer leaders with whom they identify most. Voter… Continue reading Why India’s Identity Politics Should Not Be a Surprise

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Walk Free Foundation Releases 2018 Global Slavery Index

NEDLANDS, WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Slavery is not a thing of the past. Despite the efforts of William Wilberforce, Abraham Lincoln, and others, slavery did not end in the 19th century. In fact, according to the 2018 Global Slavery Index, over 70 million people are caught in the throes of 21st century slavery. More than 70… Continue reading Walk Free Foundation Releases 2018 Global Slavery Index

Changing Hearts and Closing prisons: Oil Industry Veteran Finds Rich New Field to Harvest

David Howell in front of the pipes he salvages.

Through graphic guidebook, David Howell is helping transform lives of incarcerated men and women and reduce numbers of those behind bars HOUSTON—Oil industry veteran David Howell is working a rich new harvest field—saving souls and reducing the prison population through a graphic guidebook, allowing public funds to be diverted to other pressing needs. Mailing copies… Continue reading Changing Hearts and Closing prisons: Oil Industry Veteran Finds Rich New Field to Harvest

Released Boko Haram Captive Pinning Her Problems to the Cross

ABUJA – The militant African group Boko Haram has terrorized Nigerians for nearly 10 years, destroying churches, schools, and homes. The infamously mass murder entire villages of people before burning the villages to the ground. They have taken more than 3,000 women and schoolgirls captive and attempt to convert them to Islam. Those who refuse… Continue reading Released Boko Haram Captive Pinning Her Problems to the Cross

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Freedom of Religion Endangered by New Law in Laos

VIENTIANE – The constitution of the nation of Laos guarantees its citizens freedom of religion. Specifically, it recognizes their “right and freedom to believe or not to believe in religion.” In addition, Laos is “a state party” to the seven core international human rights treaties under which they are obligated to “respect, protect, and fulfill… Continue reading Freedom of Religion Endangered by New Law in Laos

UK Parliament Considers Call for UN International Day Commemorating Victims & Survivors of Religious Persecution

LONDON – British MP (Member of Parliament), Fiona Bruce tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM 1478) on 03 July 2018 proposing that the UK develop better mechanisms for tracking incidents of religious persecution and that it develop “strategic action plans” to prevent the escalation of those incidents into “mass atrocities.” Further, the motion calls upon… Continue reading UK Parliament Considers Call for UN International Day Commemorating Victims & Survivors of Religious Persecution

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Go Ye Into All the World from Sierra Leone

Alluvial diamond mining in Sierra Leone

FREETOWN – Pastor Alvin Smith arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone in 1989 with a vision to evangelize and to build a local church ministry under the auspices of The Door World Outreach based in Tucson, Arizona. The West African nation was so poor at that time, it was ranked the second-poorest in the world. He… Continue reading Go Ye Into All the World from Sierra Leone

Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day

WILLS POINT, Texas – The United Nations has set aside June 23rd of each year as International Widows Day “as an opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows. According to the UN, “It has been estimated that there are some 258 million widows around the world, with over 115 million of… Continue reading Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day

Tin Sheet & Umbrella Gifts Demonstrate God’s ‘Sheltering Love’ on International Widows’ Day

Gospel for Asia-supported teams distributed tin sheets to help provide shelter for needy families as part of an International Widows' Day program aimed at some of the many women left in desperate need after losing their husband.

One of the widows touched by Gospel for Asia-supported teams’ help-and-hope visits speaks of her ‘beautiful house’ made possible by simple donation WILLS POINT, Texas—The message of God’s sheltering love for the destitute and disenfranchised was spelled out practically with tin sheets and umbrellas when Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported teams reached out to some of… Continue reading Tin Sheet & Umbrella Gifts Demonstrate God’s ‘Sheltering Love’ on International Widows’ Day

Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned

A lot of Indians are infuriated by the rapes that have happened lately. Source: Flickr

Imagine this: You have a teenage daughter who is brutally raped by a young man. After she tells you what happens, he kills her. Between May 5 to May 13, three Indian girls were raped and burned alive. The first victim was kidnapped by a group of men in Jharkhand while her parents were at… Continue reading Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned

Gospel for Asia’s Special Report Spotlights Major Health Crisis That Also Opens Door to Demonstrate the Love of Christ

A family in front of a GFA-provided local sanitation facility. Around the world, there are 2.3 billion people who don’t have access to a toilet. Open defecation produces life-threatening diseases, while simple toilets like the ones GFA-supported affiliates build in Asia are saving many lives.

  GFA (Gospel for Asia) highlights need for more toilets to cut avoidable death toll, in first of challenging series looking at major social issues. WILLS POINT, Texas—Missionary organization Gospel for Asia (GFA) is calling attention to a usually ignored, delicate subject at the heart of much of its caring work—a lack of toilets. In the… Continue reading Gospel for Asia’s Special Report Spotlights Major Health Crisis That Also Opens Door to Demonstrate the Love of Christ

Outdoor Adventure Program CEO Spotlighted for Championing ‘Morality and Uprightness’

Mark Hancock’s Greenville-area-based Trail Life USA cited by national family values organization for creating different option to Boy Scouts BELTON, S.C.—The local CEO of a flourishing outdoor adventure program, Trail Life USA, has been spotlighted by a national organization for helping develop character in thousands of boys and young men. Mark Hancock is one of… Continue reading Outdoor Adventure Program CEO Spotlighted for Championing ‘Morality and Uprightness’

Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams

What will our future be?

ABUJA – The country of Nigeria is an enigma. While, on the one hand, the Nigerian Minister of Health announced today that the country’s efforts to eliminate polio within its borders “are beginning to yield results, considering the fact that we have spent 18 months without a case of poliovirus,” the country stands at the… Continue reading Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams

Gospel for Asia Issues Special Report on Remarkable Fathers

by Lou Gutheil, Gospel for Asia (GFA) guest writer “You fathers–if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not!” (Luke 11:11-12 NLT) One of His disciples had asked Jesus to teach them how to… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Issues Special Report on Remarkable Fathers

Believers Eastern Church Feeds 150 Brick Factory Laborers

Children are having food. Source: Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church served a hot, nutritious meal to 150 men and women working in a brick factory on International Workers’ Day, May 1, to encourage and show God’s love. Pastor Aapt and the leader of the local Women’s Fellowship, Chadna, led the food distribution. Many of the people in this area serve as laborers… Continue reading Believers Eastern Church Feeds 150 Brick Factory Laborers

Need for Aid Increasing in Myanmar

YANGON – Life goes on as normal for Christians and Muslims in Myanmar, just as life goes on as normal for Christians and Muslims in America. Normal is the operative word because what is normal for them is at the extreme opposite of what normal is for us. We often refer to normal as “the… Continue reading Need for Aid Increasing in Myanmar

Gospel for Asia Literacy Program Opens Doors for Asia’s Impoverished Families

GFA-supported workers taught reading and writing basics at a series of events held to celebrate International Literacy Day, helping improve the circumstances of low-paid families.

One of thousands of women taught to read and write tells how GFA-supported initiative ‘made my dream come true’ WILLS POINT, Texas—It was a dream come true for a 50-year-old woman living in a village in northern India when she wrote her own name for the first time—a milestone made possible by GFA (Gospel for Asia)… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Literacy Program Opens Doors for Asia’s Impoverished Families

[Update] Refugee Crisis in Bidi Bidi – We Just Want to Go Home

This news article is an update to “Insight into the Global Child Refugee Crisis.” UGANDA – The photo preceding this article was taken at the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp in northwest Uganda. He is breaking rocks into pebbles which he will attempt to sell for a penny in hopes to provide for his family. Bidi… Continue reading [Update] Refugee Crisis in Bidi Bidi – We Just Want to Go Home

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Frontier Mission Champions Announce Sale of Campus in Forward-Looking Move

The board of directors of William Carey International University (WCIU, www.wciu.edu) has announced the planned purchase of its long-term missions campus by EF Education First (EF,www.ef.edu), the world’s largest private international education organization. The near-15-acre campus in Pasadena, Calif., is also home to Frontier Ventures (www.frontierventures.org), formerly known as the U.S. Center for World Mission.

William Carey International University Board says EF Education First purchase helps further founding vision in a changing world. PASADENA, Calif. — The board of directors of William Carey International University (WCIU) has announced the planned purchase of its long-term missions campus by Education First (EF), the world’s largest private international education organization. The pending sale positions… Continue reading Frontier Mission Champions Announce Sale of Campus in Forward-Looking Move

May 16, 2018 – Inaugural International Boys Day

UNANDERRA, NSW, Australia – Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh, who initiated International Men’s Day on 19 November 1999, recently called upon NGOs and national government leaders to celebrate an International Boys Day. May 16, 2018 will mark the first annual International Boys Day. While there is a tendency to emphasize the plight of girls and young women,… Continue reading May 16, 2018 – Inaugural International Boys Day

Preventing Child Marriage in Bangladesh – There’s an App for That

DHAKA – Child marriage is defined as “a formal marriage or informal union before age 18.” Child marriage is widespread in poverty-stricken populations, especially those countries located within the 10/40 window across Africa and South Asia. According to UNICEF, “Worldwide, more than 650 million women alive today were married as children. An estimated 12 million… Continue reading Preventing Child Marriage in Bangladesh – There’s an App for That

Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the worldwide issue of extreme poverty Written by Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications More than 80 years after George Orwell wrote in his classic Animal Farm that “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,” his barbed observation on disparity rings ever truer for… Continue reading Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Believers Eastern Church Aids Victims of Cyclone Ockhi

Church Members Work to Restore Devastated Indian Coastal Fishing Communities WILLS POINT, Texas – Believers Eastern Church announced the launch of a statewide rehabilitation program for the victims of Cyclone “Ockhi” in the Indian state of Kerala. The cyclone was the most intense originating from the Arabian Sea since 2015 and the first in nearly… Continue reading Believers Eastern Church Aids Victims of Cyclone Ockhi

FARMS International Ministering in Mizoram

KNIFE RIVER, MN – FARMS International has established successful agricultural evangelism programs in Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Thailand, The Philippines, Moldova, Bangladesh, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Vietnam, and the state of Nagaland in Northeast India. The organization recently announced that it is expanding its unique approach to doing good in the name of Christ to… Continue reading FARMS International Ministering in Mizoram

Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Refugees waiting to get water and satisfy their thirst in a camp in Dadaab, Somalia.

Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Diarrhea. Just say the word out loud and watch people cringe. It is so sickening that no one wants to hear about it, let alone have it. One of America’s most trusted healthcare websites, WebMD, says, When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements (or stools) are loose and watery. It’s very common and usually not… Continue reading Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Free Chapel to Open Church Campus in the Heart of Midtown Atlanta on April 8, Pastor Jentezen Franklin Preaching Live

ATLANTA — Free Chapel continues to expand throughout the Southeast and will open a new location in Midtown Atlanta on Sunday, April 8th. The services will be held in a unique setting, at Center Stage Theater, 1374 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA. Pastor Jentezen Franklin will be preaching live from the Midtown campus. Surrounded by… Continue reading Free Chapel to Open Church Campus in the Heart of Midtown Atlanta on April 8, Pastor Jentezen Franklin Preaching Live

International Christian Concern Helps Egyptian Widower Rebuild His Life

ALEXANDRIA – A terrorist attack on two Coptic Christian churches on Palm Sunday 2017 left more than 40 people dead and 125 injured. It also made several men, women, and children widows, widowers, and orphans. One of the deceased was Hanan Dreas, a wife and mother of two children ages six and 10. Her husband,… Continue reading International Christian Concern Helps Egyptian Widower Rebuild His Life

Extollo: Changing Lives in Haiti

HAITI – Sherman Balch and his wife Cheryl volunteered to go to Haiti with a group from their church a few months after the 2010 earthquake. That visit became a life-changing experience that led to the founding of Extollo, a Latin word that means “to raise up.” Now Extollo is a life-changing experience for native… Continue reading Extollo: Changing Lives in Haiti

BioSand Water Filters Bring Hope and Better Health to Asian Families in Need

“Water is life, and clean water is health.” — Audrey Hepburn Clean, pure water. It really is the stuff of life. And it’s such a non-issue in the Western world. When you need a drink, you turn on the tap. But for millions of men, women and children living in India, access to clean water… Continue reading BioSand Water Filters Bring Hope and Better Health to Asian Families in Need

5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s really an odd holiday because very few people understand that man whose name the day is supposed to commemorate. In fact, the day is, for many, a celebration more than a commemoration. Ask the average person on the street what St. Patrick did, and they will likely tell… Continue reading 5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

Instances of Child Marriage Down in India, Up in Sub-Shaharan Africa

WILLS POINT, Texas – “Child marriage is one of the most worrisome problems in Asia. Boys and especially girls, who are supposed to play, learn and live a free life are married off at a very young age, and this not only affects their freedom but also takes a severe physical and mental toll on… Continue reading Instances of Child Marriage Down in India, Up in Sub-Shaharan Africa

Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the Open Defecation Sanitation Crisis Written By Karen Burton Mains For much of my adult life, it has been my privilege to hang out with the “renegades” of Christian missions, that relief-and-development crowd that rushes to help during natural disasters, struggles to alleviate the suffering and abasement… Continue reading Saving Lives at Risk from Open Defecation Using Outdoor Toilets to Improve Sanitation

75 Global Medical Missionary Orgs Meet in Houston

HOUSTON, Texas – Mobile Medical Missions (M3) is holding its third annual Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference at Lakewood Church on Friday and Saturday, February 23rd and 24th. Some 1,500 people are expected to attend the two-day event that features more than 30 speakers who serve with organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse, Health Outreach to the… Continue reading 75 Global Medical Missionary Orgs Meet in Houston

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