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Gospel for Asia Issues Special Report on Remarkable Fathers

by Lou Gutheil, Gospel for Asia (GFA) guest writer “You fathers–if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not!” (Luke 11:11-12 NLT) One of His disciples had asked Jesus to teach them how to… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Issues Special Report on Remarkable Fathers

A Year of Discipleship

Eveline learned how to love the Lord and others during her two-years at School of Discipleship.

Young adults ages 18–27 have the opportunity to go through a one- or two-year program called School of Discipleship (SD) with Gospel for Asia (GFA). In this program, students grow in their faith through prayer meetings and living in the community with fellow believers. “I have a better and deeper walk with the Lord and… Continue reading A Year of Discipleship

Modern-Day Daniel Freed from North Korean Prison

Kim Hak Song is at President Trump’s left.

WASHINGTON – Lovers of freedom around the globe rejoiced to hear the news on 10 May 2018 that three Americans held prisoner in North Korea had been returned to the U.S. When the men and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived at Joint Base Andrews at 2:00 a.m., President Trump was on hand to greet… Continue reading Modern-Day Daniel Freed from North Korean Prison

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Believers Eastern Church Feeds 150 Brick Factory Laborers

Children are having food. Source: Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church served a hot, nutritious meal to 150 men and women working in a brick factory on International Workers’ Day, May 1, to encourage and show God’s love. Pastor Aapt and the leader of the local Women’s Fellowship, Chadna, led the food distribution. Many of the people in this area serve as laborers… Continue reading Believers Eastern Church Feeds 150 Brick Factory Laborers

KP Yohannan Relief Team Links with Temple Leaders to Help Flood-Hit Buddhist Community

GFA (Gospel for Asia) leader Dr. KP Yohannan assists in ‘great act of kindness’ supply distributions in wake of severe flooding in Sri Lanka. WILLS POINT, Texas—Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported (GFA) workers worked alongside Buddhist priests to bring relief to some of those worst hit by the severe flooding that left thousands of Sri Lankans… Continue reading KP Yohannan Relief Team Links with Temple Leaders to Help Flood-Hit Buddhist Community

Bible Translators Caught in Midst of Cameroon Conflicts

YAOUNDÉ – Native Bible translators have found themselves caught up as targets in politically-stirred hostilities in the Republic of Cameroon. Cameroon is located on the west coast of Central Africa and is bordered by Nigeria to the northwest, Chad and the Central African Republic on the east, and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the People’s Republic of… Continue reading Bible Translators Caught in Midst of Cameroon Conflicts

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Mission Work Is for Christians of All Ages

Missions is something everybody can get involved in, no matter what age they are.

The letters the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy were written to a young man. In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul writes, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” When a young person does something… Continue reading Mission Work Is for Christians of All Ages

Commissioner Brian Peddle Named New General of the Salvation Army

Brian Peddle

LONDON – Commissioner Brian Peddle was elected as the 21st General of the Salvation Army in a solemn, prayerful occasion at the Army’s international headquarters in London. Peddle succeeds outgoing General André Cox who has held the office since August 2013. Following the announcement of his election, Mr. Peddle proclaimed, “We are overwhelmed to say… Continue reading Commissioner Brian Peddle Named New General of the Salvation Army

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Gospel in the Goldfields Celebration

KALGOORLIE, Western Australia – Will Graham has been traveled to and preached the Gospel in Australia several times over the past decade. The Goldfields Celebration at Centennial Park in Kalgoorlie concluded with a three-day evangelistic outreach and concert where Mr. Graham presented the Gospel to those in attendance. Will is the son of Franklin Graham… Continue reading Gospel in the Goldfields Celebration

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Campaign to Champion Needs of World’s 2 Billion Unreached People Gets Major Boost

Expansion of International Day for the Unreached alliance announced at NRB, underscores ‘growing importance’ of Great Commission campaign NASHVILLE — A movement to accelerate missions efforts among peoples who have yet to hear about Jesus continues to gain momentum, with two new additions to the International Day for the Unreached organizing group. Frontier Ventures and William… Continue reading Campaign to Champion Needs of World’s 2 Billion Unreached People Gets Major Boost

Audience for International Day for the Unreached Online Event Sunday Poised to Double Last Year’s

May 20 program will be live-streamed on Facebook by 12 partners in Alliance for the Unreached. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Fanned by interest on social media channels, Internet traffic and increased attention among a host of church and mission groups, a Facebook broadcast of this year’s International Day for the Unreached (IDU) is poised to double last year’s audience of… Continue reading Audience for International Day for the Unreached Online Event Sunday Poised to Double Last Year’s

Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

“Blessed is he who considers the poor.” – Psalm 40:17 Wills Point, Texas – GFA (Gospel for Asia) – Discussing the scandals of poverty. Nearly everything about poverty is scandalous. The United Nations Millennium Goals include the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Faith-based organizations and other NGO’s, major businesses, and UN member states have… Continue reading Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

Greg Laurie’s Harvest America 2018 May Become the Largest One Day Evangelistic Crusade in American History

After His Mentor Rev. Billy Graham’s Passing, the June 10th Event Holds Special Significance for Laurie, Harvest America Team RIVERSIDE, Calif. — On June 10, 2018, Harvest America will return to AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX where just two years ago the ministry hosted what became the largest one-day evangelistic event in American history. Pastor… Continue reading Greg Laurie’s Harvest America 2018 May Become the Largest One Day Evangelistic Crusade in American History

Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1

The Scandal of Entrenched Paradigms Open defecation describes the practice of people eliminate their fecal waste in on the ground or in water or at any other place than a toilet or latrine facility designed for that purpose. No one has an accurate count of people who practice open defecation, but most authoritative sources agree… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1

Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Regardless of economy, nations worldwide face need for better sources of clean water, providing opportunity to show God’s love and care: GFA (Gospel for Asia) article  WILLS POINT, Texas—Best known for its work helping the underprivileged in poverty-stricken parts of the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) is spotlighting a universal crisis that unites all nations:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Christians in the Central African Republic Urged to Live by Their Faith

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Prior to gaining its independence in 1960, this landlocked county occupying the Ubangi and Chari River Basins was part of French Equatorial Africa. Since gaining independence, the county, although rich in uranium, crude oil, gold, diamonds, cobalt, lumber and arable land, remains one of the 10 poorest countries in the… Continue reading Christians in the Central African Republic Urged to Live by Their Faith

Jailed and Tortured Missionary Leads Other Prisoners to Christ

KHARTOUM – A four-day visit to Sudan in 2015 by VOM missionary Petr Jasek turned into an unplanned 445-day sojourn in prison after the Czech Christian was arrested on charges of conspiring against the Sudanese government. Jasek, shared his experience last week at the McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. He told his audience that… Continue reading Jailed and Tortured Missionary Leads Other Prisoners to Christ

Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Refugees waiting to get water and satisfy their thirst in a camp in Dadaab, Somalia.

Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Here’s How to Pray for Missionaries and Pastors

GFA sponsored missionaries pray for their ministries.

How should we pray for overseas missionaries and pastors? I  want to pray, but  what do they need?  This is a question that often crosses our minds when we hear of the adversity facing those who serve the Lord in areas that are volatilize and prone to hostility. Tamang is a pastor in South Asia who… Continue reading Here’s How to Pray for Missionaries and Pastors

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Issues Statement on Police Shooting of Stephon Clark in Sacramento Suburb

“We must remember that it is through bringing our communities together that we find healing, and through communication and shared understanding that we forge real change.” —Rev. Samuel Rodriguez SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento,… Continue reading Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Issues Statement on Police Shooting of Stephon Clark in Sacramento Suburb

Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

Sukwinder was rejected by her husband and in-laws because she was only bearing girl babies, and was even pressured to abort her children. This drove her to attempt suicide. The irony is they were persecuting her because of a biological process that, from a medical perspective, she had no control of. The father is the one who contributes the genetic data the determines the sex of a baby.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the global problem of violence against women Written By Michelle Jimenez, GFA Staff Writer Geeta, a mother of two, lived in the slums and struggled to put food on the table every day with the meager 20 rupees her husband gave her. That amount equaled less than… Continue reading Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s really an odd holiday because very few people understand that man whose name the day is supposed to commemorate. In fact, the day is, for many, a celebration more than a commemoration. Ask the average person on the street what St. Patrick did, and they will likely tell… Continue reading 5 Things We Can Learn from ‘St. Patrick’

Gospel for Asia Observes World Day of Social Justice

WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) is drawing attention to the United Nations’ 11th Annual World Day of Social Justice (WDOSJ) during February, 2018 by producing a Special Report: Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist. The theme of the WDOSJ this year is “Workers on the Move: The… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Observes World Day of Social Justice

Christians Putting Soul Into the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

PYEONGCHANG – “Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.” – I Corinthians 9:25 Thousands of athletes from around the world are competing in the global spotlight of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. All of them… Continue reading Christians Putting Soul Into the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

God’s Faithfulness Shown Through Village Pastor

Pastor Barasaat shares a message with a gathering of believers.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget the faithfulness of God. Gospel for Asia (GFA) supports thousands of missionaries and pastors each month in Asia. Sometimes these men and women work for years in the same region before they are met with progress. Meet Barasaat, a Gospel for Asia (GFA)-sponsored Pastor who has served the… Continue reading God’s Faithfulness Shown Through Village Pastor

Wycliffe Program Promotes Cultural Consciousness for Christians

ORLANDO – Wycliffe Bible Translators USA has launched a new program, “A Call to Community.” A Wycliffe spokesperson explained, “We want to see ourselves—our very lives—reflect the liberating truth and grace that we have in Jesus Christ. And, as we step into that and respond in ways that reflect that grace, I believe that the… Continue reading Wycliffe Program Promotes Cultural Consciousness for Christians

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Dr. KP Yohannan: Choose to Trust God at His Word

GFA-sponsored missionaries are gathered in prayer.

“We need to leap into the hands of God and trust Him to carry us.” Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of the nonprofit GFA (Gospel for Asia) gives encouragement and encourages us to trust and expect great things from God. Sometimes it can seem intimidating to step out of our comfort zones and expect miracles. But… Continue reading Dr. KP Yohannan: Choose to Trust God at His Word

Sudanese Pastors Remain Homeless

Sudan is ranked as one of the top five countries in which Christians face the most significant persecution. The war-torn country has been named “A Country of Particular Concern” by the U.S. State Department since 1999 due to the persecution of Christians and widespread human rights issues. After South Sudan seceded in 2011 after one… Continue reading Sudanese Pastors Remain Homeless

This Terrible Tenderness (An Ode to World Cancer Day)

World Cancer Day 2018 By Karen Burton Mains When our last-born child, Jeremy Mains, was younger, he used to complain regularly about the privileges of his older brothers and sister. “Why don’t I get to do all the things Randy and Joel and Melissa get to do,” he would whine—frequently. My reply always was, “Just… Continue reading This Terrible Tenderness (An Ode to World Cancer Day)

Responding to Others with Compassion and Understanding

A GFA-supported missionary in prayer.

Respond to others with compassion and understanding, says Dr. KP Yohannan, founder of GFA (Gospel for Asia). As humans, we often lack compassion and understanding when dealing with those around us. Even as Christians, it can be difficult to respond to others with the same love Jesus did. Yohannan recalls that he used to preach… Continue reading Responding to Others with Compassion and Understanding

Anchored North Comes Under Attack for Video Testimony

UPLAND, California – Anchored North is making a global impact, reaching Millennials around the world with digital evangelism. The organization is reaching out to a mission field that no one even knew would exist 25 years ago. Statistics say that more than 56 million Millennials are leaving the church. Just as Gospel for Asia (GFA)… Continue reading Anchored North Comes Under Attack for Video Testimony

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K. P. Yohannan

Dr. KP Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is… Continue reading K. P. Yohannan

Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty

Gospel for Asia-supported workers serve the poor by providing a new roof

For more than 11 years, Gospel for Asia has published a Christmas Gift Catalog filled with opportunities for people in the West to be involved in helping transform the lives of families in Asia who live in poverty. Since that time, more than 1 million families have been helped and many reports about how Gospel… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty

UPDATE: Egypt Extends State of Emergency after Coptic Church Attack

Police in the aftermath of the attack. (Source: BBC, EPA) CAIRO (MENAFN – Jordan Times) – Egypt will extend its nationwide state of emergency for three months from January 13th to help tackle ‘the dangers and funding of terrorism,’ state news agency MENA said on Tuesday. Egypt first imposed the current state of emergency last… Continue reading UPDATE: Egypt Extends State of Emergency after Coptic Church Attack

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The Church’s Role in Eradicating Poverty [UPDATE]

The Church tries to build healthy communities in impoverished areas, often times through hand-outs or one time gifts that do not help families out of poverty. By providing work opportunities, the Church can build communities and help eradicate poverty. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) are most often supported by the Church and its congregants in such a… Continue reading The Church’s Role in Eradicating Poverty [UPDATE]

Pontiff Cites Pressing World Problem of Fake News

In an address to Catholic media on December 16th, Pope Francis evaluated the dissemination of fake news as a pressing world problem. Calling it a “grave sin that hurts the heart of the journalist and hurts others,” he set the stage for the inclusion of the issue in his upcoming annual address. We remember the… Continue reading Pontiff Cites Pressing World Problem of Fake News

Religious group serving the community where it resides

Gospel for Asia staff in the Fellowship Hall on GFA's campus

Gospel for Asia (GFA) moved its offices from Carrollton, Texas to Wills Point, Texas in Kaufman a few years ago. This moved placed the nonprofit ministry on a campus where staff and people helping to fulfill the mission of Gospel for Asia can be housed. Gospel for Asia (GFA) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit with… Continue reading Religious group serving the community where it resides

Children’s Homes are Bringing Hope to Children Across India

Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan visits a GFA-supported Children's Home in Delhi, India

Last month, Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan visited the children’s home supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) in Delhi, India. The Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Children’s Home offers street children shelter, food, and education. Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan spent his time visiting with the children at the homes. There were laughs and hugs. Yohannan met a… Continue reading Children’s Homes are Bringing Hope to Children Across India

More than 300 People Dead in Deadly Mosque Attack

An Egyptian city.

On Nov. 24, a mosque in Ismaila, Egypt, was filled with Sufi Muslim worshipers. All the sudden, while they were saying their Friday prayers, an Islamic extremist came in started shooting at people. They didn’t stop until they thought everybody was dead. There were over 300 people who died from the shooting. Abdel Fattah el… Continue reading More than 300 People Dead in Deadly Mosque Attack

World and Faith Leaders Respond to Sutherland Springs, Texas Church Shooting

Pence and Karen visit Sutherland Springs, shooting victim

America and much of the world reacted in horror as they they heard the news of a mass shooting occurring in the small town of Sutherland Springs, TX on Sunday, November 5. Amidst the pain, shock and anxiety, many people were searching for answers as to why this would happen. World leaders, especially religious leaders,… Continue reading World and Faith Leaders Respond to Sutherland Springs, Texas Church Shooting

1,200 Dead in Massive Floods Across Asia – India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan

Gospel for Asia shared prayer requests and an update from one of their field correspondents. One correspondent in India writes, “The villagers are running for help in other places where their relatives are staying. There is no proper communication. They are unable to get food, clean drinking water and are having sleepless nights because of the… Continue reading 1,200 Dead in Massive Floods Across Asia – India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan

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Pope Visits Rohingya

Photo by Firdaus Latif Pope Francis traveled to visit the Rohingya in Myanmar to see the conditions they live in. There he prayed for them and condemned the violence against them. Per CNN, “Pope Francis prayed for Rohingya refugees during a general audience on Wednesday, decrying violence against them ‘simply because they uphold their Muslim… Continue reading Pope Visits Rohingya

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New Somali President Brings Hopes for the Future

Photo by Kadra2016 In February, a new Somali president was elected. His name is Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo. He was a former prime minister and U.S. dual citizen. Per The Washington Post, “Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, a former prime minister and U.S. dual citizen, won Somalia’s long-postponed presidential election Wednesday. Voting took place at the international airport… Continue reading New Somali President Brings Hopes for the Future

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Gospel for Asia Provides 580 Relief Packets in Sri Lanka; Cleans Wells

Photo by Indian Navy In late May, Sri Lanka monsoon rains began and soon after that, flooding and landslides. Many villages were set off from relief teams being able to come in. In one village, the villagers told The Guardian, “‘All access to our village is cut off. A landslide took place inside the village and… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Provides 580 Relief Packets in Sri Lanka; Cleans Wells

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