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New Year Resolutions That Matter: 4 Ways You Can Change the World — Noel Yeatts | Fox News

Noel Yeatts, President of World Help, is an active advocate for social justice and humanitarian needs around the world, discusses four unconventional resolutions to help change the world this New Year of 2020. In 2020, many of us will resolve to live better lives — eat healthier, make more money, get organized and kick bad… Continue reading New Year Resolutions That Matter: 4 Ways You Can Change the World — Noel Yeatts | Fox News

Gospel for Asia Declares Poverty to Be Public Enemy #1

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on extreme poverty worldwide, how alleviation and eliminating it is possible, but it is not inevitable. If the modern world is truly a “global village,” that means everyone on earth is our neighbor—and Jesus was very clear about how we are to… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Declares Poverty to Be Public Enemy #1

‘Honey Boy’ Shows How Bad Dads Hurt Everyone – Ken Harrison Opinion | Christian Post

Ken Harrison, CEO and Chairman of Promise Keepers, shares regarding the untold consequences of bad and abusive dads to their children, and that there is still hope for children to be better than their parents before them. It takes a good man to make a good man. Boys who grow up with no father in… Continue reading ‘Honey Boy’ Shows How Bad Dads Hurt Everyone – Ken Harrison Opinion | Christian Post

India Plans Major Slum Rejuvenation Project

DELHI – The Indian government Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs issued a press release on October 23 that could change the lives of four million Delhi residents for the better. The Union Cabinet has approved regulations to guide the process “for conferring/ recognizing ownership or mortgage transfer rights to residents of Unauthorized Colonies (UC)… Continue reading India Plans Major Slum Rejuvenation Project

Re-directed Christmas Spending Could End Abject Poverty, Says Gospel for Asia Report

PUBLIC ENEMY #1: Mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org) has released a new report declaring extreme poverty "public enemy number one," and challenging people everywhere to help eradicate it. Full report available at https://www.gfa.org/press/poverty-report/.

WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) – on the frontlines in the fight against poverty–has released a new report declaring extreme poverty “public enemy number one,” and challenging people everywhere to help eradicate it. The release of the report – titled Poverty: Public Enemy #1: Eliminating Extreme Poverty Worldwide is… Continue reading Re-directed Christmas Spending Could End Abject Poverty, Says Gospel for Asia Report

10 Things You Did Not Know About Pollution in South Asia

SOUTH ASIA – Pollution is dangerous for everyone living on planet Earth. The editors of the Lancet Medical Journal estimate that pollution causes the premature death of 9 million people every year. That’s three times the number who die from AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. It is also 15 times the number who die from… Continue reading 10 Things You Did Not Know About Pollution in South Asia

Gospel for Asia Honors International Day of the Girl Child

KERALA – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) held rallies and gatherings across the subcontinent in observance of the International Day of the Girl on October 11. Now in its 25th year, the UNICEF-backed day was initially named the International Day of the Girl Child. The movement calls for a world “where every girl… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Honors International Day of the Girl Child

Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures for Limitations on the Human Spirit

Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations. Few… Continue reading Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures for Limitations on the Human Spirit

South Asian Women Become Water Entrepreneurs

STOCKHOLM – Access to clean drinking water is an existential problem that must be overcome in developing countries. It is almost always a companion of poverty and disregard for women. Safe Water Network India (SWNI) has implemented a pilot project that borders on genius. If someone who solves a problem is a hero, those who… Continue reading South Asian Women Become Water Entrepreneurs

New Gospel for Asia Special Report Cites Consequences of Illiteracy

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) has released a new special report entitled “Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures.” Subtitled, “Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit,” noted author Karen Mains explains that illiteracy is a multi-faceted . . . problem that results in [fewer] job opportunities and low income,… Continue reading New Gospel for Asia Special Report Cites Consequences of Illiteracy

Labor & Child Labor Statistics for Afghans: Millions Cannot Make a Dollar a Day

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – On August 27, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs released data indicating that “1.9 million Afghan children are engaged in labor work across the country.” The ministry said the child labor problem is unlikely to improve until the country is free of the poverty and economic issues caused by years of… Continue reading Labor & Child Labor Statistics for Afghans: Millions Cannot Make a Dollar a Day

Moving the Goal Beyond ODF

toiletNEW DELHI – The widespread practice of open defecation in the developing countries in Asia and Africa has long been a focus of Missions Box News, numerous FBOs, NGOs, and the United Nations. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for 2030 include bringing the entire world to that status of being Open Defecation Free (ODF).… Continue reading Moving the Goal Beyond ODF

How Should Christians Respond to the Crisis in Kashmir? — Joseph D’Souza | Newsmax

Rev. Joseph D’Souza, one of the most widely considered as one of the most influential voices of global Christianity discusses how Christians should respond to the crisis in Kashmir, and perspective for all Indian, Pakistani and all Christians to have in this dire situation. Christians around the world ought to pray for Kashmir as tensions… Continue reading How Should Christians Respond to the Crisis in Kashmir? — Joseph D’Souza | Newsmax

Why Are So Many People Hungry?

SOUTH ASIA – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – More than 820 million people around the globe suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition. Forty-five countries have “serious levels of hunger.” Hunger is the number one health risk in the world. Hunger is the root cause of “a staggering 3.5 million deaths” every year. Every 10 seconds,… Continue reading Why Are So Many People Hungry?

Child Labor Today: Not Gone, But Forgotten

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on child labor: Millions of Children Trapped between Extreme Poverty and the Profits of Others In a report written by Lee Tucker, a consultant to Human Rights Watch, about the problem of bonded labor in Asia, a young girl shared, “My sister… Continue reading Child Labor Today: Not Gone, But Forgotten

Air Pollution Is the Theme of World Environment Day

GENEVA – China will play host to the United Nations’ annual World Environment Day on June 5. More than 100 countries will participate to address this year’s theme of “Air Pollution” with a special emphasis on how air pollution affects the health of children. Air pollutio𝗇 is a significant, health and life-threatening problem for people… Continue reading Air Pollution Is the Theme of World Environment Day

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10 Amazing Things You Did Not Know About the Elections in India

MUMBAI – The Indian general election results will be announced on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019. Most Americans probably did not know that. Here are 10 other amazing things about the general elections in India you also probably did not know. India’s general election process has been dubbed “The world’s biggest democratic exercise.” Question: If this… Continue reading 10 Amazing Things You Did Not Know About the Elections in India

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Chinese Government Agency Hosts a Seminar on ‘Enormous Harm’ of Christianity to China

A local government communications agency in China held a seminar in April to discuss with Communist Party members the “enormous harm” the growth of Christianity is to the atheist nation. The Chinese Christian persecution watchdog China Aid raised an alarm about the event, titled “Christianity’s Enormous Harm on China’s Security,” held on April 22 in the… Continue reading Chinese Government Agency Hosts a Seminar on ‘Enormous Harm’ of Christianity to China

Is Malaria Still a Thing?

WILLS POINT, TX – Is Malaria still a thing? Many assume malaria was eradicated more than 50 years ago, which is not bad considering that the disease was discovered in the last decade of the 19th century. If you are nodding your head and thinking the same thing, we would both be wrong on at… Continue reading Is Malaria Still a Thing?

6 Amazing Facts from the Gospel for Asia Special Report: Dying of Thirst

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – Discussing the global water crisis. It amazes me when I ponder some of the things that we take for granted. Especially when they are things upon which our very lives depend. Things like water.I don’t think it would be hyperbole to say that the vast majority… Continue reading 6 Amazing Facts from the Gospel for Asia Special Report: Dying of Thirst

Gospel for Asia Weighs In on Water

WILLS POINT, TX – Realizing that World Water Day was fast approaching on March 22nd, I reread Gospel for Asia’s special report, “Dying of Thirst: The Global Water Crisis.” I read the report a couple of weeks ago, which was published March 1, but I wanted to prepare my heart to pray for the third… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Weighs In on Water

Gospel for Asia Supported Workers Make a Difference on International Women’s Day

ASIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers observed International Women’s Day across Asia on March 8 by providing women with opportunities that will help them thrive in every aspect of life. National workers inaugurated new tailoring classes to provide vocational skills for underprivileged women. The classes will teach women how to successfully operate a business… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Supported Workers Make a Difference on International Women’s Day

Dying of Thirst: the Global Clean Water Crisis

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report on the global clean water crisis: Discussing the crucial quest for access to clean drinking water. The widespread lack of clean water is a crisis we can’t ignore. The statistics are mind-numbing. 502,000 people die each year from diarrhea—caused by unsafe drinking water.[1] 2.1 billion… Continue reading Dying of Thirst: the Global Clean Water Crisis

The Church’s Role in Providing Sanitation Explained by Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TEXAS – World Toilet Day was November 19, and the chances that you celebrated the day are probably quite slim. Neither is it likely that you even discussed the matter at the dinner table that day or three days later on Thanksgiving—even though having functioning toilets is something that the Western world should… Continue reading The Church’s Role in Providing Sanitation Explained by Gospel for Asia

Gospel for Asia Says Education is one of the Keys to Ending World Poverty

Gospel for Asia Believes Alleviating Poverty Starts at School Wills Point, TX — As the world “goes blue” to mark World Children’s Day (Nov. 20) Gospel for Asia (GFA) is bringing attention to another color in its efforts to improve the lives of children at risk—the red line of poverty. The organization spotlights the desperate… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Says Education is one of the Keys to Ending World Poverty

Solutions to Poverty Line Problems of the Poor & Impoverished

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report – Discussing the impact of education on the eradication of extreme poverty. When considering the issues of poverty and lack of education, an old saying comes to mind: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Poverty and low education are each self-perpetuating: Those born into… Continue reading Solutions to Poverty Line Problems of the Poor & Impoverished

Gospel for Asia Spotlights Life-Changing Provision of Basic Facilities on World Toilet Day

Local residents applaud at the ribbon-cutting for a new community toilet provided by GFA-supported workers to help improve health, safety, and well-being.

Global focus brings attention to Gospel for Asia’s efforts to improve health and well-being by helping provide simple essentials, sanitation facilitiesWILLS POINT, Texas — Ribbon-cutting ceremonies typically mark the opening of a grand new building, but in Asia they can even celebrate a more modest, but life-changing construction—of a simple outhouse. The enthusiastically attended formal… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Spotlights Life-Changing Provision of Basic Facilities on World Toilet Day

Retirement Reformation Movement Aims to Transform Lives and Mobilize Untapped Golden-Years Army

Long-time financial services entrepreneur Bruce Bruinsma is hosting the Nov. 12-14 Retirement Reformation Roundtable in Colorado Springs, Colo., from which he will launch a movement inspiring and equipping Christians to a more active and fulfilling "final quarter," listening to God's call and in service to others.

Shockingly, most Christians plan to do ‘nothing’ when they stop working, but Bruce Bruinsma hopes a ‘seniors summit’ will change all that and spark a revolution of devotion and service.COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The American church’s giant isn’t sleeping, but it’s busy playing golf and taking life easy in retirement, according to the man behind… Continue reading Retirement Reformation Movement Aims to Transform Lives and Mobilize Untapped Golden-Years Army

Weekly Water Watch: Wood-to-Energy Deployed Water

Clean Water from a GFA-provided BioSand Filter

One WEDEW unit can produce 2,000 liters of water per day Welcome to the first of a regular series of news articles to be published by Missions Box News (MBN) on the subject of clean, safe-to-drink water and clean water scarcity worldwide. It is part of a metamorphosis at Missions Box News to raise awareness on… Continue reading Weekly Water Watch: Wood-to-Energy Deployed Water

Through Community Schooling Programs, Gospel for Asia Helps Offer Fresh Hope to Young Girls, Victims of Gender-based Prejudice

Global Focus Shines a Light on Group’s Efforts to Equip Girls for a Brighter Future WILLS POINT, Texas —  This year’s focus of the United Nations’ annual International Day of the Girl Child, emphasizing the need for better educational opportunities for girls under the theme “With Her: A Skilled Girl Force,” brings a spotlight to… Continue reading Through Community Schooling Programs, Gospel for Asia Helps Offer Fresh Hope to Young Girls, Victims of Gender-based Prejudice

Opioid Crisis: AACC and HHS Prepare Faith Community To Be ‘Hope Dealers’ at Dallas Christian Counseling Conference

DALLAS — The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), together with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives, provided a free specialized training in opioid crisis response Wednesday, called “The Opioid Crisis: Creating an Effective Church and Community Collaboration and Resolution Response,” before the official start of its… Continue reading Opioid Crisis: AACC and HHS Prepare Faith Community To Be ‘Hope Dealers’ at Dallas Christian Counseling Conference

Access to Clean Water for Siksa

SIKSA, Pakistan – The World Health Organization estimates that more than a third of the people in Pakistan lack access to safe drinking water. It is a problem all too common for countries in South Asia and the 10/40 window. The village of Siksa is an example of how things change when clean water becomes… Continue reading Access to Clean Water for Siksa

Heartache and Discrimination in Widowhood Still Facing Millions of ‘Invisible Women’

GFA (Gospel for Asia) provides healthcare, vocational training and spiritual care to some of South Asia’s millions of widows, many of whom are left destitute because of cultural prejudices.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) calls attention to plight of widows worldwide who need help to face tragedy and overcome the many indignations of widowhood. WILLS POINT, Texas  —  More than seven years after the United Nations formally called attention to the plight of widows, millions of bereaved women \still find themselves subjected to abuse, humiliation, ostracism… Continue reading Heartache and Discrimination in Widowhood Still Facing Millions of ‘Invisible Women’

Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report: Hope to Overcome the Challenges of Widowhood Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Accounts of the humiliations, insults and indignations suffered by widows worldwide would make anyone cringe. Gulika, a widow in Asia, experienced helplessness after the people in her village turned their backs on her after… Continue reading Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination

21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking: Stories, Statistics and Solutions

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on Slavery & Human Trafficking Written By Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications Around 10 million people are currently behind bars somewhere in the world. Some have yet to face trial, a few have been wrongly convicted, but most are prisoners for a crime they have committed. Meanwhile, four… Continue reading 21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking: Stories, Statistics and Solutions

More Than Half of Women in India and Pakistan Are Anemic

JAIPUR – According to a report by IndiaSpend, “Anemia . . . impacts half of Indian women of reproductive age, increases the risk of maternal mortality, infection, preterm delivery, poor fetal and infant health, and puts children at lifelong risk of issues involving cognitive development and physical growth.” The report summarized the results of a… Continue reading More Than Half of Women in India and Pakistan Are Anemic

On Front Lines of Women’s Empowerment and Providing Clean Water, Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 39th Anniversary by Releasing 2017 Highlights

To meet the critical need for water in some of the neediest regions across Asia, GFA and its worldwide affiliates installed over 4,600 Jesus Wells, providing safe and clean water for drinking and cooking.

In 2017, Gospel for Asia (GFA) and its worldwide affiliates working in 18 Asian nations addressed women’s issues by empowering more than 350,000 women through various ministry efforts and installed 4,673 clean-water wells. Wills Point, Texas, Discussing Women’s Issues in Asia — This month, 39 years ago, Dr. KP Yohannan founded the organization Gospel for… Continue reading On Front Lines of Women’s Empowerment and Providing Clean Water, Gospel for Asia Celebrates Its 39th Anniversary by Releasing 2017 Highlights

Politics and the Global Water Crisis – The Indus River Tributaries

KARACHI – According to Asia Times, “Pakistan is bracing for a grave water crisis because of climate change and India’s tacit ‘control and management policy’ on the flow of water from the Himalaya-Karakorum mountain range into the Indus Valley.” This site has repeatedly reported on the global clean water crisis, including the Day Zero that… Continue reading Politics and the Global Water Crisis – The Indus River Tributaries

The Heat Is on in South Asia

SOUTH ASIA (May 23, 2018) – Pakistan and India are being afflicted with intensely hot weather that is affecting residents throughout both countries. Unfortunately, the term “hot weather” does not translate into every American English any easier than if we were reading it in Hindi. The subcontinent has been experiencing temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.… Continue reading The Heat Is on in South Asia

Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

“Blessed is he who considers the poor.” – Psalm 40:17 Wills Point, Texas – GFA (Gospel for Asia) – Discussing the scandals of poverty. Nearly everything about poverty is scandalous. The United Nations Millennium Goals include the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Faith-based organizations and other NGO’s, major businesses, and UN member states have… Continue reading Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the worldwide issue of extreme poverty Written by Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications More than 80 years after George Orwell wrote in his classic Animal Farm that “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,” his barbed observation on disparity rings ever truer for… Continue reading Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1

The Scandal of Entrenched Paradigms Open defecation describes the practice of people eliminate their fecal waste in on the ground or in water or at any other place than a toilet or latrine facility designed for that purpose. No one has an accurate count of people who practice open defecation, but most authoritative sources agree… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Scandal of Open Defecation – Part 1

Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Regardless of economy, nations worldwide face need for better sources of clean water, providing opportunity to show God’s love and care: GFA (Gospel for Asia) article  WILLS POINT, Texas—Best known for its work helping the underprivileged in poverty-stricken parts of the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) is spotlighting a universal crisis that unites all nations:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Refugees waiting to get water and satisfy their thirst in a camp in Dadaab, Somalia.

Global Clean Water Crisis – a Special Report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Written By Karen Burton Mains The “Blue Marble” photo of Earth shot from Apollo 17, the last of NASA’s Apollo missions as the rocket ship was hurtling toward the moon, wasn’t the first satellite image of our planet, but it was the… Continue reading Finding Solutions to Humanity’s Need for Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Global Clean Water Crisis

Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

Diarrhea. Just say the word out loud and watch people cringe. It is so sickening that no one wants to hear about it, let alone have it. One of America’s most trusted healthcare websites, WebMD, says, When you have diarrhea, your bowel movements (or stools) are loose and watery. It’s very common and usually not… Continue reading Taking the “Die” Out of Diarrhea

India Is Tackling Tuberculosis

MUMBAI – March 24, 2018, is World Tuberculosis Day. TB is often misunderstood, not only by the public but also in the ability to accurately track. Therefore, myths abound among the populace and statistics are often misleading, even for the experts in the field, including the World Health Organization (WHO). This is especially true of… Continue reading India Is Tackling Tuberculosis

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Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

Sukwinder was rejected by her husband and in-laws because she was only bearing girl babies, and was even pressured to abort her children. This drove her to attempt suicide. The irony is they were persecuting her because of a biological process that, from a medical perspective, she had no control of. The father is the one who contributes the genetic data the determines the sex of a baby.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the global problem of violence against women Written By Michelle Jimenez, GFA Staff Writer Geeta, a mother of two, lived in the slums and struggled to put food on the table every day with the meager 20 rupees her husband gave her. That amount equaled less than… Continue reading Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

The Funny Thing About Water Isn’t Funny at All

For most who read this article, the thought of water evokes images in the mind of a thirst-quenching drink. If we spend a few minutes pondering the world of water, we might think about idyllic, picturesque lakes and streams. Some will think of water’s life-giving qualities. Those who are familiar with the Bible might reflect… Continue reading The Funny Thing About Water Isn’t Funny at All

Islands of Peace “Water from the Air” Could Revolutionize Global Access to Clean Water

NEW YORK – With World Water Day approaching (March 22), Islands of Peace announced this morning that it has formed alliances with EcoloBlue and Infinity Concepts that will help to advance the organization’s Water from the Air Project. History has proven that tension, turmoil, conflict, and even war can arise out of a lack of… Continue reading Islands of Peace “Water from the Air” Could Revolutionize Global Access to Clean Water

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