Trail Life USA free webinar to help churches in the wake of Boy Scouts of America's bankruptcy, and with religious freedom issues

GREENVILLE, SC — The Alliance Defending Freedom, Focus on the Family, and the Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention will participate in an upcoming webinar Dec. 9 hosted by boys adventure movement Trail Life USA ( to help churches address liabilities they may face in the wake of Boy Scouts of America’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing…

Hundreds of thousands people are displaced at San Pedro Sula, Honduras, after Hurricane Eta rains triggered devastating flooding & landslides

HONDURAS — Hundreds of thousands of displaced people now line the streets of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, after Hurricane Eta’s slow-moving rains triggered devastating flooding and landslides. Entire communities are left without access to shelter, clean water, and crucial medical care. If that weren’t bad enough, Hurricane Iota brought more winds and rain across Honduras,…

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) has launched its Forgotten Christmas campaign to bring back the true meaning of Christmas and give hope to others

WILLS POINT, TX – With Christmas spending in the U.S. on target to hit a trillion dollars this year, a leading humanitarian agency is urging Americans not to forget the world’s poor. “For hundreds of millions of children across Asia, Christmas is a time when they’re forgotten,” said K.P. Yohannan, founder of Gospel for Asia…

KICS was originally established to meet the educational needs of several expatriate Christian families living in Rwanda.

KIGALI, RWANDA – KICS was first mentioned in Missions Box News on 10 November 2020 in an article entitled “ROC Partners – Fulfilling a Vision for Rwanda.” The article was an overview of the Rwanda Outreach and Community Foundation and their ministry to the people of Rwanda. We concluded that article with a promise to…

COVID 19 wreaked havoc this year, but it won't stop a determined community from advocating for children living in poverty worldwide

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — The COVID 19 virus wreaked havoc this year, but it won’t stop a determined community of athletes and influencers from advocating for the needs of children living in desperate poverty around the globe. Fill The Stadium ( is an urgent effort that seeks to help 70,000 children and their families through…

Wycliffe Associates is providing equipment for Christians to print the Scriptures in their own language where it’s illegal to own a Bible

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is providing equipment for Christians to print the Scriptures in their own language in places where it’s illegal to own a Bible. Print On Demand (POD) is a Wycliffe Associates project…

CityServe Produce Alliance

BAKERSFIELD, CA — In round three of the ​United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers to Families Food Box Program​, CityServe, a faith-based nonprofit, and Produce Alliance, Inc., one of the nation’s leading produce procurement and distribution companies, and USDA approved contractor, collaborated in a unique partnership to feed families. Occurring from September 22 through…

Leaders of Global Outreach Day met online in October on the 10th founding anniversary, to share testimonies, plan, & pray for the GO Decade.

BERLIN, GERMANY — Leaders from every major denomination, missionary organization, and network worldwide gathered to launch the GO Decade, a ten-year outreach to reach everyone in the world with the Gospel. The leaders met online in late October on the 10th anniversary of the founding of Global Outreach Day (G.O.D.) to share testimonies, plan, and…

Love, Not War - Francis Chan, KP Yohannan, and Hank Hanegraaff, are featured in a new video: Why is there So Much Division in the Church?

WILLS POINT, TX — Three widely known and influential Christian leaders in the western church are calling for an end to bickering and bitter conflict among believers in Jesus — warning that it’s tearing apart the “family of God.” Francis Chan, best-selling author and former California megachurch pastor, cited a surge in blogs attacking fellow…

GFA World, founded by KP Yohannan, reports on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide - through providing education.

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide, mainly through providing education, transmitting values. In my original special report for Gospel for Asia (GFA) titled Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of…

USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program - 23 million+ pounds of food has been distributed through churches & faith-based organizations

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Over 23 million pounds of food has been distributed through churches and faith-based organizations in CityServe Network since the launch of the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program in May 2020. Given the ongoing pandemic, CityServe Network’s expansive HUB to POD distribution model has made fresh, nutritious…

Royal Family KIDS partnered with CarePortal, an online national initiative that connects families in crisis with people who are eager to help

SANTA ANA, CA — Royal Family KIDS (RFK) recently kicked off a new partnership with CarePortal, an online platform and growing national initiative that connects families in crisis with people who are eager to help. Starting in 10 states, thousands of volunteers will soon be able to more efficiently serve at-risk children and foster families…

Pastor Greg Laurie, the senior pastor of the Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California is back in the pulpit after battling COVID 19.

Pastor Greg Laurie, the senior pastor of the Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California is back in the pulpit after battling COVID-19. Pastor Laurie announced on Oct. 5 that he had tested positive for the coronavirus, but felt well and was in quarantine. Laurie told CBN News, “The truth is I was thankfully never terribly…

As the COVID 19 shows signs of slowing down and then accelerating, Johsh McDowell is sounding the alarm about the impact of lockdown isolation

PLANO, TX — As the COVID-19 pandemic shows signs of slowing down and then accelerating again—like a perilous roller coaster ride–an apologist, who has worked with and researched young people in the church for nearly 55 years, is sounding the alarm about the impact of lockdown isolation on Generation Z—especially as they go back to…

Pulse is inspiring, challenging and commissioning a new generation of leaders to address the culture wounds America is facing today.

MINNEAPOLIS — Pulse, the millennial-led prayer and outreach movement led by Nick Hall, is inspiring, challenging and commissioning a new generation of leaders to address the culture wounds America is facing today. The movement hosted Emerging Leader Check-In on Oct. 6, a simulcast that brought Christian influencers and thought leaders together to encourage the next…

Ligonier Ministries, is pleased to announce the release of the Reformation Study Bible in Spanish, in partnership with Poiema Publicaciones

ORLANDO, FL — Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul, has announced the release of the Reformation Study Bible in Spanish, published in partnership with Poiema Publicaciones. This long-anticipated resource, La Biblia de Estudio de La Reforma, is now available in a variety of cover styles on Ligonier’s website and Amazon. Today,…

Gender identity is a matter of choice - directly contradicts the Bible teaching that our gender as male or female is given by God our Creator

ORLANDO, FL — A recent survey from Ligonier Ministries shows that 22 percent of U.S. evangelical Christians agree with the statement, “Gender identity is a matter of choice.” However, this statement directly contradicts the Bible’s teaching that our gender as male or female is given by God our Creator (Gen. 1:27). Ligonier Ministries’ biennial State…

Francis Chan, Dr KP Yohannan, and Hank Hanegraaff, are featured in a new video discussion, titled The Keys to Christian Unity Unlocked.

WILLS POINT, TX —  Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Francis Chan, Dr. K.P. Yohannan, and Hank Hanegraaff, are featured in a new video discussion, titled The Keys to Christian Unity Unlocked. Three of America’s high-profile influential church leaders are urging Christians to shun…

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez to release ‘From Survive to Thrive’, a book about hope in the middle of the pandemic, on Nov. 17

SACRAMENTO — Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christina Leadership Conference and #1 New York Times bestselling author, will release his newest book “From Survive to Thrive” (Charisma House) on Nov. 17. In “From Survive to Thrive,” Rodriguez takes an honest look at the pain millions of people are experiencing during the Covid-19…

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) spotlights the huge “uphill battle” facing many of the world’s 258 million widows in a just-released report.

WILLS POINT, TX — One of the world’s biggest poverty-alleviating organizations spotlights the huge “uphill battle” facing many of the world’s 258 million widows in a recently-released report. Treatment of widows is often startlingly unfair and cruel, catapulting them into a crisis of survival, says the new global report by Texas-based Gospel for Asia (GFA…

A new survey of churches across America reveals a turnaround, halting a downward trend in church giving caused by COVID-19.

WASHINGTON — A new survey of churches across America reveals a turnaround for church financial health — halting a downward trend in church giving caused by COVID-19. The findings are welcome news for churches as the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) launches the second annual Bless Your Pastor ( campaign to equip churches for October…

In an effort to bring support to pastors during this difficult time, the Luis Palau Association is hosting a free online pastors gathering

PORTLAND, OR — There’s no question this has been one of the most difficult years in history, and pastors and church leaders have not been immune to this pain. Many are struggling to keep perspective, stay encouraged, and lead their churches well. In an effort to bring unique encouragement and support to pastors during this…

Food boxes distribution in CityServe's network totals 120 million+ pounds of wholesome foods delivered to families in "Last Mile of Need."

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Since the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program launched in May 2020, CityServe’s collaborative network of churches and faith-based organizations have distributed over 5 million food boxes across the United States. Food box distribution in CityServe’s network totals over 120 million pounds of wholesome foods delivered to…

When COVID 19 hit, Joni and Friends developed creative new ways to serve families across America living with disability

USA — When COVID-19 hit, Joni and Friends developed creative new ways to serve families across America living with disabilities. Through Family Retreat at Home they’re providing spiritual refreshment as they focus on God’s love and connect with other families facing similar challenges. Tabitha Williams – Joni & Friends Bay Area Family Retreat at Home…

Ex-abuser turned non-profit leader has launched a new national campaign challenging churches to "halt the epidemic of domestic violence."

WEST DES MOINES, IA — A former domestic abuser turned non-profit leader has launched a new national campaign challenging churches across America to help “halt the epidemic of domestic violence.” Michael Clark — an ex-abuser jailed twice for domestic violence — is calling on America’s churches to tackle the nation’s domestic abuse crisis head-on during…

The Forum of Bible Agencies International is the world's only forum for ministry leaders designed to benefit member agencies & their partners

NEW YORK – The Forum of Bible Agencies International is the world’s only forum for international Bible ministry leaders designed to benefit member agencies individually and through the partnerships they create. Let’s imagine that every Bible-believing Christian in America decides to move to a foreign country as ambassadors for Christ. What would that look like?…

A write-in survey by D James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — A write-in survey sent to friends and supporters of D. James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents, by overwhelming margins, want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns. On issue after issue–abortion, religious liberty, poverty, sexual identity, Israel, Christian heritage, role of government, church in politics/government, and radical…

US college ministries, youth ministries, Christian schools, denominations teamed together to reduce the 70% of students who leave their faith

AUSTIN, TX — US college ministries, youth ministries, Christian schools, and denominations have teamed together with Campus Renewal to mobilize college Gospel movements and reduce the 70% of Christian students who leave their faith in college. The first weeks when freshmen land on their new college campus are critical to solving this tremendous problem. This…

Trail Life USA aims to help boys rise above challenges like COVID-19, with locally-held special events across the country this fall.

GREENVILLE, SC — America’s leading faith-based adventure group for boys has launched a new campaign to get young people out into the “great outdoors” — and inspire them to become the next “Greatest Generation.” Trail Life USA ( — a boys adventure organization with 30,000 members in troops across all 50 states — aims to…