Venezuela Crisis — "The political unrest is creating a humanitarian crisis. One of our partners on the ground said it’s the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now."

Venezuela Crisis — “The political unrest is creating a humanitarian crisis. One of our partners on the ground said it’s the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now.” Venezuela is facing the biggest economic crisis in modern history with hyperinflation, leading to starvation, deaths and mass migration. The U.S. announced Saturday that USAID will be sending…

World Leprosy Day outreaches are being arranged in addition to GFA’s ongoing ministry to care for and reach thousands of leprosy patients since 2007.

World Leprosy Day: Gospel for Asia-supported workers’ hands-on care for sufferers brings practical help and spiritual hope to those still marginalized by long-feared disease. WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia (GFA) is spotlighting its efforts to bridge the historic social gulf caused by the disfiguring disease that leaves sufferers disadvantaged and often despised—one outstretched arm…

Let us pray that the Lord will use the faith of Christians experiencing religious persecution to attract Muslims and other minorities to Jesus Christ.

“For China’s Christians, these are desperate times.” That was a comment made by U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence in October 2018 in a speech where he described the Chinese Communist Party as “avowedly atheist.” Perspective Magazine, which covers U.S. foreign policy from a Christian perspective observed that “in 2018, China’s religious repression has reached ‘a sustained…

How to help those who, because of their extreme poverty, are often prevented from enjoying the rights the United Nations has described as “universal.”

Gospel for Asia Spotlights Special Report on the 70th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human RightsWILLS POINT, Texas—To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, Gospel for Asia (GFA) is spotlighting its special report “Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist.”…

In GFA’s “Forgotten Christmas” campaign, the Christmas gift catalog helps thousands of Asian families helped to break out of extreme poverty.

‘Forgotten Christmas’ Campaign Helps Raise Struggling Families Above Poverty Line in AsiaWILLS POINT, Texas—As holiday shopping in the United States is predicted to top $1 trillion this year, Gospel for Asia (GFA) is urging Christians in the West to make the season more Christ-centered by adding someone they don’t know to their gift list. GFA’s…

Global focus brings attention to Gospel for Asia’s efforts to improve health and well-being by helping provide sanitation facilities.

Global focus brings attention to Gospel for Asia’s efforts to improve health and well-being by helping provide simple essentials, sanitation facilitiesWILLS POINT, Texas — Ribbon-cutting ceremonies typically mark the opening of a grand new building, but in Asia they can even celebrate a more modest, but life-changing construction—of a simple outhouse. The enthusiastically attended formal…

International Day for the Unreached drive gains further traction with addition of four new organizing partners, bringing years of Great Commission passion and experience to campaign

International Day for the Unreached drive gains further traction with addition of four new organizing partners, bringing years of Great Commission passion and experience to campaign COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – A campaign to concentrate focus on reaching those who have yet to hear the gospel is gaining further momentum with the addition of four more…

James MacDonald disguised as a homeless man, camped outside of Harvest Bible Chapel campuses before Sunday services to see how congregants would react.

Illinois megachurch Pastor James MacDonald recently disguised himself as a bearded homeless man and camped outside of two Harvest Bible Chapel campuses before Sunday services to see how congregants would react. MacDonald, the founder of the seven-campus Chicagoland area congregation whose “Walk in the Word” radio and television programs are seen by millions worldwide, posted…

To mark Global Handwashing Day, GFA (Gospel for Asia)-supported teams hold special good hygiene classes that reduce sickness and improve well-being

Soap-and-Water Lessons Bring Health and Help to Some of Asia’s Struggling Poor WILLS POINT, Texas — A simple bar of soap is making a big difference in the lives of people in impoverished communities across Asia. Distributed by Gospel for Asia-supported (GFA) workers, it is the centerpiece of a hygiene awareness drive that improves the…

The Sisters of Compassion supported by Gospel for Asia delivered gifts to improve the lives of children & poor widows in a village in northeastern India.

Widows now have decent roofing; Children can now learn with good school supplies WILLS POINT, Texas —Gospel for Asia-supported Sisters of Compassion delivered gifts to improve the lives of children and poor widows in a remote village in northeastern India. The Sisters of Compassion are specialized women workers trained to minister to the poor. The…

Through Bridge of Hope centers, GFA-supported workers provide educational opportunities that offer a brighter future for young girls, like these banana pickers.

Global Focus Shines a Light on Group’s Efforts to Equip Girls for a Brighter Future WILLS POINT, Texas —  This year’s focus of the United Nations’ annual International Day of the Girl Child, emphasizing the need for better educational opportunities for girls under the theme “With Her: A Skilled Girl Force,” brings a spotlight to…

With thousands still reeling from the impact of historic flooding, a second major crisis drying up wells and killing helpful earthworms has heightened the need for GFA's (Gospel for Asia) ongoing relief help in India's Kerala state.

Supplies, encouragement and relief-camp-wedding meal remind flood victims that ‘God has not forgotten you’ WILLS POINT, Texas — With thousands still reeling from the impact of historic flooding, a second major crisis drying up wells and killing helpful earthworms has heightened the need for GFA’s (Gospel for Asia) ongoing relief help in India’s Kerala state….

Gospel for Asia founder KP Yohannan’s “Revolution in World Missions” has helped spark growth of indigenous-Christian-worker movement. WILLS POINT, Texas—A book first met with controversy but now widely credited with helping change the face of modern missions is marking a major milestone—more than four million copies in print. Since it was published in 1986, Dr….

GFA (Gospel for Asia) shares example of reconciliation to mark International Day of Peace and inspire more peacemakers to prayer and action WILLS POINT, Texas—As political and religious divisions widen and deepen around the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) hopes that a simple story of reconciliation and forgiveness will inspire more people to pray and…

“God does not always promise to deliver us out of the storm, but He promises to lead us through the storm” — Dr. Robert Jeffress DALLAS — Dr. Robert Jeffress, the pastor of the 13,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas issues the following statement calling for prayer for those threatened by Hurricane Florence, which is…

International Literacy Day underscores how, in helping people learn to read, GFA brings practical help and spiritual hope to many on the fringes of society WILLS POINT, Texas — In many parts of the world, being unable to read isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a potentially deadly handicap that Gospel for Asia (GFA) is working hard to…

Gospel for Asia (GFA) calls attention to plight of widows worldwide who need help to face tragedy and overcome the many indignations of widowhood. WILLS POINT, Texas  —  More than seven years after the United Nations formally called attention to the plight of widows, millions of bereaved women \still find themselves subjected to abuse, humiliation, ostracism…

Desperate need inspires sacrificial giving, as GFA-supported teams work through night to assist relief efforts of government officials ready emergency supplies WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia (GFA) has issued a “loaves and fishes” appeal for support in bringing help and hope to some of the tens of thousands devastated by historic flooding in…

GFA-supported workers rescue stranded, provide emergency supplies for India Flood victims. WILLS POINT, TEXAS —Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers are stepping up efforts to help with rescue and relief efforts in India’s flood-stricken Kerala state, as the death toll and number of displaced people in the worst flooding in nearly a century continue to climb. Though…

WILLS POINT, Texas  — GFA (Gospel for Asia) has issued an urgent appeal for help in responding to some of the worst flooding in almost a century that has claimed several hundred lives and displaced nearly a quarter of a million people in southern India. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers have already begun distributing emergency…

The many reasons why First Baptist is often called “America’s church” and continues to be a spiritual and political force in the United States. First Baptist Church of Dallas, pastored since 2007 by Dr. Robert Jeffress, turns 150 this month, and its impact — both past and present — on our country, culture and world…

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers warn of dangers of tobacco to help demonstrate that ‘God cares for the whole person’ WILLS POINT, Texas—June 2017, residents of a community in northern India pledged to make it tobacco-free following a health awareness drive by Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers. Carrying placards and handing out advisory leaflets about…

‘Learn the Bible in a Year’ radio program offers response to Barna Group study showing downward trend in Bible literacy COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Bibles For The World (BFTW), a global ministry focused on reaching unreached peoples with the gospel in developing countries, is tackling a disturbing and growing trend — Bible illiteracy in the…

PORT AU PRINCE – Haiti is a popular country for short-term missions trips because its needs are great and it is a relatively short distance for small church groups. As the pastor of a church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, said, “We want to serve the Haitians with compassion and offer real hope.” That pretty well…

Troubled teen-turned-medical missionary aims to inspire others to trust God in new book chronicling her adventures in faith COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—A reformed rebel with a taste for adventure is looking to inspire others to step out and make a difference in the world. Sharing some hair-raising stories from more than 35 years’ missionary service in…

With an evangelistic message embedded, a cacao tree-raising initiative offers a welcome economic boost to rural communities COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Missionaries in South America have come up with a novel way of encouraging people to respond to the Bible’s invitation to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” They have started a project growing cacao trees—the…

HCJB Ecuador, Reach Beyond’s media partner in Ecuador, plays major supporting role in rare theatrical release for faith-based drama challenging viewers to ‘make a change for good’ COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Missionary radio broadcaster HCJB Ecuador, partner of Reach Beyond, has supported efforts to use another medium to share the good news—helping bring a faith-based movie to…

Gospel for Asia provided materials to widows in Asia to build roof huts for safety in storms, & help impoverished communities on International Widows' Day.

One of the widows touched by Gospel for Asia-supported teams’ help-and-hope visits speaks of her ‘beautiful house’ made possible by simple donation WILLS POINT, Texas—The message of God’s sheltering love for the destitute and disenfranchised was spelled out practically with tin sheets and umbrellas when Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported teams reached out to some of…

  GFA (Gospel for Asia) highlights need for more toilets to cut avoidable death toll, in first of challenging series looking at major social issues. WILLS POINT, Texas—Missionary organization Gospel for Asia (GFA) is calling attention to a usually ignored, delicate subject at the heart of much of its caring work—a lack of toilets. In the…

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope centers help campaign for brighter future for youngsters at-risk for child labor in some of Asia’s impoverished communities WILLS POINT, Texas—In a part of the world where many children are valued only for the small amount of money they can earn through long hours of hard work in…

Secular music mix approach developed with Reach Beyond’s help to encourage listeners to ‘think for themselves’ spreads in parts of former Soviet Union COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.— A pioneering form of evangelistic Christian radio is spreading across parts of Eastern Europe, asking questions instead of giving answers. Mixing secular and Christian music with conversation-starting commentary about…

GFA (Gospel for Asia) leader Dr. KP Yohannan assists in ‘great act of kindness’ supply distributions in wake of severe flooding in Sri Lanka. WILLS POINT, Texas—Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported (GFA) workers worked alongside Buddhist priests to bring relief to some of those worst hit by the severe flooding that left thousands of Sri Lankans…

“More than just a day off, Memorial Day is a day to solemnly remember those who have given their lives in service to the American people and gifted us with the privilege of living in a place we can still call ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.’” — Dr. Robert Jeffress…

Expansion of International Day for the Unreached alliance announced at NRB, underscores ‘growing importance’ of Great Commission campaign NASHVILLE — A movement to accelerate missions efforts among peoples who have yet to hear about Jesus continues to gain momentum, with two new additions to the International Day for the Unreached organizing group. Frontier Ventures and William…