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Media Ministry Supports Yemen’s Isolated Christians

YEMEN — A Christian media organization is supporting isolated Christians in Yemen, as the nation’s Houthi rebels continue to launch attacks in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. Broadcaster SAT-7 is one of very few Christian broadcasters active in Yemen, a nation in turmoil after nearly a decade of civil war. GNA reporter Peter… Continue reading Media Ministry Supports Yemen’s Isolated Christians

ROIministry.org Announces World Changers Challenge to Fund Christian Charities with Highest Impact Results

ROI Ministry, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization of marketplace Christian leaders who desire to make the greatest Kingdom impact possible with their God-given resources. Photo by ROIministry.org

ATLANTA — ROIMinistry.org extends an invitation for you to contribute to the World Changers Challenge, as we head into the last quarter of 2023. ROIMinistry.org has identified the Top 10 ministries that are doing the most for the kingdom of God, based on their impact per dollar, so that you know where your charitable giving… Continue reading ROIministry.org Announces World Changers Challenge to Fund Christian Charities with Highest Impact Results

Crisis-Hit Lebanon ‘Needs Miracle,’ Christian Media Ministry Says

CRISIS-HIT LEBANON 'NEEDS MIRACLE:' Christian multimedia ministry SAT-7 (www.sat7usa.org) says Lebanon "needs a miracle" as the nation faces a deepening economic crisis. The Middle East broadcaster "makes God's love visible" via free-to-view satellite programs and online streaming.

EASTON, MD — Lebanon “needs a miracle” as the nation faces a deepening economic crisis, says a Christian media ministry based in the region. The Middle East nation between Israel and Syria has experienced surging unemployment, triple-digit inflation, a collapsing currency, rolling blackouts, and fuel shortages. “The Lebanese people are really hurting,” said Rita El-Mounayer,… Continue reading Crisis-Hit Lebanon ‘Needs Miracle,’ Christian Media Ministry Says

Retirement Reformation Founder Urges Christian Seniors to ‘Get off the Couch, Engage in Lifelong Ministry’

ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO SIGN THE 'RETIREMENT MANIFESTO': Bruce Bruinsma, whose book, Retirement Reformation, has sparked a movement using the same name, urges Christians to support the Retirement Manifesto, which is available on the group's website. Hundreds of people have already signed the 10-point document, which affirms biblical beliefs in lifelong ministry and choosing to enter each season of life with a God-directed vision.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — If the results of a recent survey are any indication, it’s time for Christians to counteract the view of retirement as a season only for relaxation and leisure, says the author of the book that launched a movement. Bruce Bruinsma, 79, the founder of Retirement Reformation (https://retirementreformation.org/), says the popular outlook… Continue reading Retirement Reformation Founder Urges Christian Seniors to ‘Get off the Couch, Engage in Lifelong Ministry’

U.S. Ministry Supports Christian Kids Camp in ‘Shadow of Chernobyl’

CAMP BRINGS HEAVEN’S HOPE TO 'CHILDREN IN SHADOW OF CHERNOBYL:' Slavic Gospel Association (SGA, www.sga.org) -- a U.S.-based mission to the "forgotten" children and families of the former Soviet Union -- is aiming to give an "unforgettable summer" to orphans, abandoned kids, and children still suffering from the lingering effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that happened 35 years ago on April 26. Local evangelical churches, with SGA's support, plan to stage 500 summer camps across the former Soviet Union this year.

LOVES PARK, IL — A U.S.-based mission to the “forgotten children” of the former Soviet Union is aiming to give an “unforgettable summer” to children still suffering from the lingering effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that shook the world 35 years ago on April 26. Supported by Illinois-based Slavic Gospel Association (SGA, www.sga.org), Camp… Continue reading U.S. Ministry Supports Christian Kids Camp in ‘Shadow of Chernobyl’

Christian Care Ministry Announces Second Annual National Day of Sharing Oct. 5, 2019

MELBOURNE, FL — Christian Care Ministry (CCM), which offers the popular Medi-Share healthcare sharing ministry, is inviting the entire community to its second annual “Day of Sharing,” a nationwide initiative to motivate and mobilize people to share their time, talent and treasure to serve others Oct. 5. The theme of this year’s event is, “Find… Continue reading Christian Care Ministry Announces Second Annual National Day of Sharing Oct. 5, 2019

Christian Care Ministry Celebrates 25 Years of Ministry with Day of Sharing

MELBOURNE, FL — In celebration of 25 years of service, Christian Care Ministry, which offers the popular Medi-Share health care sharing program, held its first-ever Day of Sharing, a nationwide initiative to motivate and mobilize people to share their time, talent and treasure to serve others. The event, held Oct. 6, saw Christian Care Ministry… Continue reading Christian Care Ministry Celebrates 25 Years of Ministry with Day of Sharing

Ministry Leverages World Cup Matches to Compete for Souls As Russian Government Cracks Down on Christian Evangelism

Although open evangelism now illegal, Mission Eurasia will work with churches in Russia for creative Scripture distribution campaign WHEATON, Ill.—Because open evangelism in Russia is now illegal, Mission Eurasia—a ministry equipping and mobilizing the next generation of Christian leaders in the region—will capitalize on a closing window of opportunity. The campaign will enlist Russian evangelical… Continue reading Ministry Leverages World Cup Matches to Compete for Souls As Russian Government Cracks Down on Christian Evangelism

[HOLD] Major Gathering of Converts from Islam to Christianity in Iraq

IRAQ — When someone converts from Islam to Christianity in Iraq it can spell a death sentence for them. Despite these risks an increasing number of men and women are taking this bold step, but at a serious cost of intense persecution and isolation. Until they met recently for an Enduring Faith Conference, hosted by… Continue reading [HOLD] Major Gathering of Converts from Islam to Christianity in Iraq

Christian Filmmakers’ ‘Toxic’ Movie Takes Off On Major Middle East Airlines

'TOXIC' MOVIE TAKES OFF IN MIDDLE EAST: "Toxic," a new Arabic-language feature film produced by Middle East Christian media ministry SAT-7 (www.sat7usa.org), has been added to the in-flight playlists of four international airlines in the Middle East. Watch the movie trailer here.

BOONE, IA — A new action movie shot entirely in Arabic that showcases “hidden” violence and the power of forgiveness is now available to watch on four major international airlines operating out of the Middle East. While the movie is not a “faith flick,” its Christian producers hope “Toxic” will introduce thousands of Middle East… Continue reading Christian Filmmakers’ ‘Toxic’ Movie Takes Off On Major Middle East Airlines

Crackdown of Christians in Hong Kong Spreading

CHINA— The persecution of Christians in mainland China is now spreading to Hong Kong, warns Release International, which serves the persecuted Church around the world.   A new law could force Catholic priests in Hong Kong to reveal the secrets of the confessional. Partners of UK-based Release International say the British government has a responsibility… Continue reading Crackdown of Christians in Hong Kong Spreading

Laying the Foundation for the Revival of Christianity in Europe

Shincheonji New Heaven New Earth Church of Jesus

NEW YORK — On June 15th, Shincheonji New Heaven New Earth Church of Jesus hosted a Bible seminar in Paris, France. The seminar was prepared in response to requests from pastors eager for the revival of Christianity in Europe. Around 7,000 people attended the event, including about 1,000 pastors. Saturday’s seminar is part of the… Continue reading Laying the Foundation for the Revival of Christianity in Europe

Ministry to Children from In-Crisis Families During the War (Kyiv, Ukraine)

KYIV, UKRAINE — It has been more than 140 days since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. But even in this difficult and horrible time, we are experiencing God’s love. In dangerous situations it is easier for closed hearts to open up. Watch this video about the ministry to children from at-risk families during… Continue reading Ministry to Children from In-Crisis Families During the War (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Wycliffe Associates Undergoes Efforts to Supply Printed Bibles to Persecuted Christians in North Africa and the Middle East

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is working to provide printed Bibles for Christians in 13 language groups across North Africa and the Middle East. While national translators from these language groups have completed Scripture translations in… Continue reading Wycliffe Associates Undergoes Efforts to Supply Printed Bibles to Persecuted Christians in North Africa and the Middle East

Millions Hear About Persecuted Christian Prisoners in Eritrea Through The Voice of the Martyrs

Photo by Persecution.com

BARTLESVILLE, OK — Over the past year, The Voice of the Martyrs has creatively challenged people to call for the release of falsely imprisoned persecuted Christians in Eritrea. Through VOM digital media campaigns, millions of people have heard about the horrific treatment of persecuted Christians in Eritrea, nearly 20,000 people committed to pray, U.S. leaders… Continue reading Millions Hear About Persecuted Christian Prisoners in Eritrea Through The Voice of the Martyrs

Simin, a Christian Imprisoned for Leading a Church in Iran

IRAN —Islam and the regime in Iran have destroyed the identity of women,” says Simin*, a Christian in the Middle East who participated in a training by Open Doors on discipleship. Today, in addition to helping other women overcome the pain of persecution, she also prepares them to serve God When Simin decided to follow… Continue reading Simin, a Christian Imprisoned for Leading a Church in Iran

KP Yohannan’s Radio Ministry Legacy: Touching Millions of Lives Across the Globe

WILLS POINT, TX — The public viewing for the late Dr. K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) on May 15 in Dallas, Texas, was attended by approximately a thousand mourners, including presidents of national Christian organizations; former dignitaries of the Indian parliament; bishops, priests and leaders of various Christian denominations; and many men and women who grew… Continue reading KP Yohannan’s Radio Ministry Legacy: Touching Millions of Lives Across the Globe

Brutally Beaten Egyptian Pastor Finds Safety and Support Through Help The Persecuted Ministry

EGYPT —On his way home one night in Egyptian Pastor Nimer was brutally beaten and his attackers even threatened to kill him. Forced to flee he found safety for his family at a Help The Persecuted safe house where he is also receiving ongoing practical and spiritual support from the Christian ministry. Despite this intense… Continue reading Brutally Beaten Egyptian Pastor Finds Safety and Support Through Help The Persecuted Ministry

Christians Sing a Message of Peace and Hope in Iraq

PLAINS OF NINEVEH, IRAQ — Melody is a group of young Christians in Iraq who praise God and, through their music, share the message of the Gospel with those who do not know Christ. However, their lives have not been easy: nine years ago, they had to flee from their homes due to the advance… Continue reading Christians Sing a Message of Peace and Hope in Iraq

Ukrainian Christian Leaders Tortured, Killed and Disappearing

UKRAINE — Into the third year of Russia’s occupation of parts of Ukraine, Christian leaders are being killed, tortured and are disappearing. And in Russia, priests who oppose Putin’s invasion are being imprisoned or silenced. And yet, in Ukraine, there are signs of a growing hunger for the gospel, with reports of churches packed to… Continue reading Ukrainian Christian Leaders Tortured, Killed and Disappearing

Taiwan Earthquake Rocks Island Nation as Christian Charities Respond with Aid and Prayers

NEW TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN — As Taiwan was rocked by it’s worst earthquake since 1999 Christian ministries were quick to provide urgent disaster response as well as mobilize prayers for the nation. The 7.4 magnitude quake has claimed at least 9 lives and the island nation has been hit by hundreds of aftershocks. A magnitude… Continue reading Taiwan Earthquake Rocks Island Nation as Christian Charities Respond with Aid and Prayers

Fired Christian Street Preacher in UK Wins Settlement

ENGLAND — A Christian teaching assistant has won a £7,000 legal settlement from a school in Leeds in the North of England after he was sacked for being a street preacher in his spare time. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Mr Andy Nix, 65, took legal action against Temple Moor High School in Leeds… Continue reading Fired Christian Street Preacher in UK Wins Settlement

Calls for Pakistan’s New Government to Protect Christians

PAKISTAN — Pakistan is expecting a change of government following recent elections. And one challenge that will face the new Prime Minister and his party will be to protect the country’s Christian minority from violence. The violence is often linked with accusations of blasphemy, as Andrew Boyd from Release International reports. There are calls for… Continue reading Calls for Pakistan’s New Government to Protect Christians

Ministry Celebrates 50 Years with 50 Evangelistic Campaigns

AFRICA — The year 2024 is historic for the ministry Christ for All Nations, as it marks 50 years since the ministry’s inception. Founded by the late evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and now led by Daniel Kolenda, (CfaN for its acronym in English) has an astounding track record in mass evangelism campaigns, particularly in the African… Continue reading Ministry Celebrates 50 Years with 50 Evangelistic Campaigns

State of the Christian Workplace 2024 Report Highlights Employee Engagement Trends

MERCER ISLAND — The State of the Christian Workplace 2024 report provides insights into employee engagement and workplace health in Christian-led workplaces. For the first time, results from Best Christian Workplaces research are publicly available in an accessible and statistically valid format. Now leaders who want to take steps to create a flourishing workplace culture… Continue reading State of the Christian Workplace 2024 Report Highlights Employee Engagement Trends

Christians in North Africa Face ‘New Year of Persecution’

'PERSECUTION IS A CROWN WE WEAR': Christians in North Africa face a "new year of persecution" that is intensifying in the shadow of the Holy Land conflict, says Middle East media ministry SAT-7 USA (www.sat7usa.org).

EASTON, MD — Christians in North Africa, where less than 1% of the population follows Christianity, are facing a new year of escalating persecution in the shadow of the Holy Land conflict. There are only a handful of evangelical churches still open in Algeria, where the government is raiding and systematically shutting down Christian places… Continue reading Christians in North Africa Face ‘New Year of Persecution’

Christians Discovered and Arrested in Iran

IRAN — Those Christians who are Iranian who want to live their faith in Jesus freely are often sent to prison, where they are frequently tortured and interrogated. They flee the persecution that plagues the country, becoming refugees in other nations. Kouroush is one of them. Kouroush: I had to leave everything behind. My country,… Continue reading Christians Discovered and Arrested in Iran

30 Years of Gratitude: Christians in Chiapas March for Peace

CHIAPAS — In a testimony of faith, more than 20,000 Christians gathered in Tuxtla Gutiérrez for the Day of Thanksgiving to God for peace in Chiapas. This event, which began three decades ago, has become a symbol of hope and reconciliation in the region Recently, in Tuxla Gutierrez, the Day of Action of “Thank you… Continue reading 30 Years of Gratitude: Christians in Chiapas March for Peace

Christian Organization Offers Bible’s Answers for America’s ‘Suffering Poor’

Photo by Christians Engaged

RICHARDSON, TX — The U.S. government’s $33 trillion “monster debt” — the largest in U.S. history — is a direct result of the nation’s rejection of biblical principles, says the producer of a new video series addressing the current economic calamity. The eight-part series, Biblical Economics: Answers for Difficult Days, was released in November, and… Continue reading Christian Organization Offers Bible’s Answers for America’s ‘Suffering Poor’

Bethlehem Cancels Christmas, ‘Isolated’ Christians Celebrate Jesus’ Birth Online

BETHLEHEM'S BABY 'STILL THE HOPE OF THE WORLD:' From its headquarters in the Middle East, Christian media ministry SAT-7 USA (www.sat7usa.org) uses "every channel possible" to bring together isolated believers across the region, including many who "feel lonely and forgotten" this Christmas.

EASTON, MD — Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, has canceled its traditional Christmas celebrations, a move that spotlights the challenges Christians in the Middle East face this festive season. Amid the suffering caused by the Israel-Hamas war, Bethlehem’s leaders reportedly feel it’s inappropriate to hold festivities, and the town’s Christian elders agree. It’s a difficult… Continue reading Bethlehem Cancels Christmas, ‘Isolated’ Christians Celebrate Jesus’ Birth Online

Nigeria’s Kidnapping Epidemic Targets Christians

NIGERIA — New reports highlight the growing kidnapping crisis in Nigeria, where Christians are regarded as soft targets for abduction. Release International is calling on Nigeria to protect vulnerable Christian communities. Andrew Boyd has the details. New reports confirm that Christians are being targeted for kidnap and ransom in Nigeria, sometimes by bandits hungry for… Continue reading Nigeria’s Kidnapping Epidemic Targets Christians

Mercy Multiplied Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry and Thousands of Lives Transformed

Photo by Mercy Multiplied

NASHVILLE, TN — Celebrating 40 years of ministry, Mercy Multiplied—a vision birthed when Founder and President Nancy Alcorn launched a single residential home in 1983 to share the hope of Christ with women in need—has now grown to include six locations throughout the United States and abroad. In addition to the Residential Programs, the ministry’s… Continue reading Mercy Multiplied Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry and Thousands of Lives Transformed

Iran’s Warning to Christians

IRAN — The upsurge in violence in the Middle East has led to claims that Iran has been active behind the scenes in supporting the Hamas group that attacked Israel. A new report also accuses Iran of putting pressure on Christians to keep away from the country’s hijab protests. It warns that Christians who are… Continue reading Iran’s Warning to Christians

Incredible increase in Christian churches in Brazil

BRAZIL — Evangelical churches in Brazil grew by 543 percent in 20 years. In 2019 alone, 17 new churches were opened every day, according to a survey by the University of Sao Paulo. Evangelicals could become the majority in the coming years. In 1990, there were 7,033 evangelical churches in the country. In 2019, the… Continue reading Incredible increase in Christian churches in Brazil

Challenges and Triumphs of Christians on the ancient Silk Road

CENTRAL ASIA — A journey along the ancient Silk Road in Central Asia. Experience the rich culture and traditions that define Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan, while maintaining a balance between ethnic diversity and the unity fostered by their authoritarian regimes, Muslim traditions, and strong family bonds. Immerse yourself in the moving stories of… Continue reading Challenges and Triumphs of Christians on the ancient Silk Road

The Voice of the Martyrs Releases Sejun: Nepal Short Feature for 2023 International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Photo by Persecution.org

BARTLESVILLE, OK — The Voice of the Martyrs has released a new short feature film about a Nepali boy’s journey from life in a Buddhist monastery to finding new hope in Christ. Sejun: Nepal will inspire viewers to join in the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians (IDOP)—a global prayer movement on Sunday, Nov.… Continue reading The Voice of the Martyrs Releases Sejun: Nepal Short Feature for 2023 International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Air Raid Alert Opens Ministry Opportunity to Ukraine’s Troops

UKRAINE — When a team from Christian organization uaants.com recently went to reach out to the soldiers serving on the front lines in Ukraine an air raid alert helped them to overcome barriers to get alongside the troops and share God’s love in action. A team from Christian organisation ANTS recently provided spiritual support to… Continue reading Air Raid Alert Opens Ministry Opportunity to Ukraine’s Troops

Christian Mountain Retreat for Families of Ukraine’s Fallen Soldiers

UKRAINE — When Christian organisation UAAnts.com first started planning a mountain retreat, their team had no idea just how important it would be for women and children who have lost their beloved husbands to the war in Ukraine. More than 20 families took part in our “A Mountain Getaway” retreat. Understanding the importance, they have… Continue reading Christian Mountain Retreat for Families of Ukraine’s Fallen Soldiers

Mobile Dentistry Ministry Continues in Kyiv Region

KYIV, UKRAINE — For more than a year now, the team from the charitable mobile dentistry ministry with Kyiv Messianic Jewish Congregation has been traveling around the Kyiv region in Ukraine, providing people affected by the war with qualified medical care. On average, the team sees more than 20 people a day, and in total,… Continue reading Mobile Dentistry Ministry Continues in Kyiv Region

Prestonwood Baptist Church & Christian Academy to host Biblical worldview conference September 24-26

Photo by PrestonwoodWorldview.org

PLANO, TX — Prestonwood Baptist Church and Prestonwood Christian Academy will host their annual Biblical Worldview Conference September 24–26 at the church’s Plano Campus. Formerly named Biblical Worldview Institute, the conference has drawn students, educators and parents from throughout North Texas since 2005. It is designed to challenge mainstream culture with intentional, thought-provoking speakers and… Continue reading Prestonwood Baptist Church & Christian Academy to host Biblical worldview conference September 24-26

Reflecting on Mob Violence Against Christians in Pakistan

JARANWALA, PUNJAB — Christians in Pakistan are considering how to rebuild their homes and churches in the aftermath of mob violence attacks on townships in Jaranwala, Punjab, following unsubstantiated allegations of blasphemy. Christians were forced to meet in the open air on Sunday (August 20), after rioters burnt churches and destroyed their homes. Partners of… Continue reading Reflecting on Mob Violence Against Christians in Pakistan

Christian Social Worker has job Offer Withdrawn for Views on Marriage

ENGLAND — A healthcare provider in England withdrew a job offer to a social worker after it discovered that he held Christian beliefs and views on marriage and human sexuality. Felix Ngole was told by Touchstone Support Leeds that unless he could demonstrate how he would ‘embrace and promote homosexual rights’ at the organisation, the… Continue reading Christian Social Worker has job Offer Withdrawn for Views on Marriage

Help The Persecuted Provides Immediate Support to Christians Under Attack in Pakistan

PAKISTAN — Christians in several communities in Pakistan have come under attack from angry mobs this week after two teenagers were accused of allegedly desecrating a Quran. Christian leaders and others said it was a false accusation. Nearly 30 churches were attacked, some being completely destroyed as hundreds of Bibles and Christian literature was burned.… Continue reading Help The Persecuted Provides Immediate Support to Christians Under Attack in Pakistan

Amplify Fest with Evangelist Nick Hall Announces Full Line-up for Nation’s Largest Free Christian Music Festival

BENTON, AR — The 11th annual Amplify Music Festival takes place Aug. 18-19 in Benton, Arkansas. Gates will open at 3 p.m Aug. 18 and 1 p.m. Aug. 19. The two-day event will include a message of hope by Evangelist Nick Hall and feature Christian artists: Chris Tomlin Casting Crowns Rend Collective Lecrae Passion Natalie… Continue reading Amplify Fest with Evangelist Nick Hall Announces Full Line-up for Nation’s Largest Free Christian Music Festival

One Story: Nepalese Christian Woman Suffering But Committed to Christ

NEPAL — In rural Nepal, thousands of Nepalese Christian converts like Shanti* suffer discrimination and even violence. When Shanti’s husband reacted angrily to her decision to start following Jesus, she found support from another believer. Shanti*: My life was sorrowful before I came to Christ, but it became more difficult after I came to Christ.… Continue reading One Story: Nepalese Christian Woman Suffering But Committed to Christ

Russia Weaponizing Religion in War on Ukraine Says Christian Persecution Watchdog

SANTA ANA, CA — Russia has been waging a brutal campaign against Christians in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, cautions Global Christian Relief, America’s leading watchdog of Christian persecution. Russian soldiers have destroyed, damaged or looted nearly 500 religious buildings and houses of worship in Ukraine, and killed, imprisoned or tortured at least… Continue reading Russia Weaponizing Religion in War on Ukraine Says Christian Persecution Watchdog

From Guerrilla to Christian

COLOMBIA — As a young woman in Colombia, Reina joined the guerrilla movement and was taught that religion was the opium of the people. She fully committed to serving as a guerrilla fighter, but after being hospitalized during a patrol, she cried out to God for help and underwent a transformation and became a Christian.… Continue reading From Guerrilla to Christian

Restoring Hope to Persecuted Egyptian Christian

EGYPT — In Baher’s* community in Egypt, Egyptian Christians are only offered dangerous jobs in the quarry. After two terrible accidents, Baher felt hopeless and alone. An Open Doors partner is helping him see lasting hope. *Name changed for security reasons. Baher’s*: I started working as a quarryman when I was 13. That was a… Continue reading Restoring Hope to Persecuted Egyptian Christian

The Testimony of Abdiwelli Ahmed Stands Out on the Day of the Christian Martyr

SOMALIA —According to the tradition of the Church, June 29th marked the martyrdom of the apostle Paul. This year, several Christians around the world took time on June 29th and throughout that weekend to honor the legacy of those who sacrificed their lives for the advancement of the Gospel.Abdiwelli Ahmed descended from a long line… Continue reading The Testimony of Abdiwelli Ahmed Stands Out on the Day of the Christian Martyr

‘Legacy of Adam’ Christian Animation Series Set to Reach 50 Million Muslim Homes

SWAHILI — Using advanced computer technology, the new animated series “The Legacy of Adam” aims to impact families from all faith backgrounds with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Recorded in Swahili and translated in English for a potential impact of 50 million Muslim families the Legacy of Adam will showcase the gospel message from… Continue reading ‘Legacy of Adam’ Christian Animation Series Set to Reach 50 Million Muslim Homes

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