We found 68 results for your search.

A Church Always on the Run in Colombia

COLOMBIA — In Viviana’s* community, meeting together as Christians is impossible. But God has blessed believers with courage and creativity to help them gather – which means church in Colombia looks a little bit different. *name changed and voice adjusted for security reasons Viviana* – Colombia: We do not have a church and we cannot… Continue reading A Church Always on the Run in Colombia

Successful Dental Brigade Illuminates Hearts in Colombia

COLOMBIA — In Colombia, the Foundation Misericordia, Amor y Servicio, a ministry of the Casa sobre la Roca church, in collaboration with students and teachers from the University Antonio Nariño, carried out a dental brigade in the department of Quindío. In Colombia, the Foundation Misericordia, Amor y Servicio, a ministry of the Casa sobre la… Continue reading Successful Dental Brigade Illuminates Hearts in Colombia

Colombian Boy Survived FARC Attack, then Comes to Christ and Shares God’s Love with Rebels

COLOMBIA — At the age of 10, Luis survived an attack by the FARC on his village in one of the “red zones” of Colombia. After accepting Christ at the age of 13, he knew that God was calling him to serve villages like his own. This is a report from The Voice of the… Continue reading Colombian Boy Survived FARC Attack, then Comes to Christ and Shares God’s Love with Rebels

Sowing Gospel Seeds in Colombia

CÚCUTA, COLOMBIA — Samaritan’s Purse is in Colombia helping Venezuelan migrants living in areas where there are limited resources. In these neighborhoods, they are teaching children how to read and write, and sowing seeds of the Gospel into their hearts. Tom Ovington – Samaritan’s Purse: Venezuela started to have extreme economic issues. And a lot… Continue reading Sowing Gospel Seeds in Colombia

Colombian Christian Leaves Behind Criminal Life

COLUMBIA — Like many of the youth in Colombia, Reina* was recruited to the illegal armed groups who fight to gain and control territory for drug trafficking and other criminal activities. Now according to Open Doors in her forties, Reina has found faith in Christ and left her old way of a criminal life behind.… Continue reading Colombian Christian Leaves Behind Criminal Life

Church Visits Women’s Prison In Armenia, Colombia

COLOMBIA — The Church Casa Sobre la Roca visited the women’s prison in the city of Armenia, Columbia, in alliance with the Colombian Prison Fraternity that supports people deprived of their freedom, the families of inmates, graduates of prisons, and victims of the Colombian armed conflict through various programs inside and outside prisons. Casa sobre… Continue reading Church Visits Women’s Prison In Armenia, Colombia

Venezuelan Migrants Living in Communities in Colombia

COLOMBIA — María Alejandra, a Venezuelan migrant, praises God for her new community in Colombia and for the physical and spiritual help that the Christian organization Samaritan’s Purse has provided to her family and neighbors. María Alejandra: They are my two daughters. They are my reason to live, and because of them, I keep going.… Continue reading Venezuelan Migrants Living in Communities in Colombia

Mobile Medical Teams Serving Venezuelans in Colombia

COLOMBIA — Samaritan’s Purse is serving some of the millions of Venezuelans living in Colombia through mobile medical units, which provide care for pregnant women, family medical care, and safety education for vulnerable populations. Tom Ovington – Samaritan’s Purse: What we have found here in Colombia is that there are literally two million Venezuelans that… Continue reading Mobile Medical Teams Serving Venezuelans in Colombia

Former Persecutor Finds Christ in Colombian Prison

COLOMBIA — Thirty-year-old pastor John used to persecute Christians after joining a paramilitary group to seek revenge for his father’s death. But it was while John was serving time in the Colombian prison that he met Jesus – and his whole life changed. John – Colombia: “When I was not a Christian, I was one… Continue reading Former Persecutor Finds Christ in Colombian Prison

Feeding Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia

COLOMBIA — Venezuelan families who have fled to Colombia to escape their country’s crumbling economy give thanks to God for food provided by Samaritan’s Purse. Yancy: Things are becoming horrible in Venezuela. Food cannot be found. Maria: Venezuela was in crisis. I think the pandemic made it worse. Osmerys: It’s very difficult there to get… Continue reading Feeding Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia

Colombian Pastor’s Beautiful Answer to Prayer

COLOMBIA — A Colombian pastor praises God for the ministry he shares with Samaritan’s Purse to help feed hungry families, many of whom are Venezuelan migrants, and share the hope of the Gospel with them. Pastor Yahir: Today Samaritan’s Purse delivered food in Maria Auxiliadora. It was a miracle from God. Today the heavens were… Continue reading Colombian Pastor’s Beautiful Answer to Prayer

Open Doors Shelters Colombian Boy Who Turned Down Guerrilla Gang

COLOMBIA — Timóteo’s family found Jesus, and converted from the beliefs of their tribe in Colombia. That made them targets for persecution – and made Timóteo a target for guerrilla gangs. You’re 11 years old, and you’re walking home from school. A man carrying a gun calls you over to him. What do you do?… Continue reading Open Doors Shelters Colombian Boy Who Turned Down Guerrilla Gang

Secret Worshippers in Colombia

COLOMBIA — Believers and worshipers from Colombia face persecution if members of their indigenous community find out that they are Christians. It’s Sunday morning in the village of San Pedro de la Victoria, Colombia. Gabriel – an indigenous Christian whose name has been changed to protect his identity – wakes up to prepare a service… Continue reading Secret Worshippers in Colombia

No Father for Daniela this Christmas in Colombia

COLOMBIA — Christmas is likely to look different for all of us this year. Some of us will be celebrating the birth of Jesus without our friends and family closest to us. You may have even lost somebody you love this year, and this will be your first Christmas without them. Daniela from Colombia is… Continue reading No Father for Daniela this Christmas in Colombia

WCC Expresses Concern About Colombia’s Peace Process in Light of Recent Killings of Micoahumado Community Leaders

Rev. Frank Chikane addresses leaders of the community of Micoahumado on February 2018. Photo: Marcelo Schneider/WCC

GENEVE — “We express our deepest concern with regard to the search for peace in Colombia, and we call upon the Colombian government and all armed actors to refrain from targeting social leaders and communities in conflict zones,” said Rev. Frank Chikane, moderator of the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission of the Churches on… Continue reading WCC Expresses Concern About Colombia’s Peace Process in Light of Recent Killings of Micoahumado Community Leaders

More Than 94,000 Hear Good News of Jesus at Two-Day Colombia Festival

Cúcuta, Colombia – Thursday through Saturday, the forecast in Cúcuta, Colombia, called for rain. But each day, for a handful of hours during the Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham—and the kids’ event leading up to it—the clouds held back. As soon as the Festival ended Saturday night, the rain began, along with thunder and… Continue reading More Than 94,000 Hear Good News of Jesus at Two-Day Colombia Festival

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Franklin Graham Shares Hope-Filled Easter Message on the Colombia / Venezuela Border

CÚCUTA, COLOMBIA — Cúcuta, Colombia, is a beautiful, quiet city, surrounded by mountains and lined with palm trees. Its joyful and passionate residents love their “small town” (with a population of approximately 800,000). While Cúcuta has a rich and complex history — including being recognized as the area where Colombia was born — it has… Continue reading Franklin Graham Shares Hope-Filled Easter Message on the Colombia / Venezuela Border

Colombia Holds Peace Talks with the No.2 rebels

Photo by Foj333 In February of this year, Colombia begun peace talks with the number 2 worst rebel group in Colombia. Their name is The National Liberation Army (ELN). Fox News reports, “Colombia’s government and the nation’s second-largest rebel group formally started peace talks Tuesday in neighboring Ecuador, seeking to follow up on the peace… Continue reading Colombia Holds Peace Talks with the No.2 rebels

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Colombia and FARC Make Peace Deal

Photo by Foj333 For years, there was a civil war between the Colombian military and the FARC, a rebel guerilla group. It finally ended in December, when the government and FARC agreed on a peace deal between the two groups. CNN reports, “Colombia’s Congress has approved a historic peace agreement that will lead to the… Continue reading Colombia and FARC Make Peace Deal

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Violence in Colombia Despite Peace Deal with FARC

In November of 2016, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace deal with the government of Colombia. Per BBC, “The government and the Farc (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) signed a peace agreement in November, to put an end to more than 50 years of conflict.” Despite this Peace Deal, violence continued,… Continue reading Violence in Colombia Despite Peace Deal with FARC

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Colombia Flooding

Photo by Ben Bowes   In March, there was flooding in Colombia which devastated Mocoa, a capital city of one of the states in Colombia. Per ABC News, “Colombian authorities scrambled to deliver aid and return basic services like electricity and water to the wreckage of Mocoa, a city of 40,000 people devastated by floodwaters… Continue reading Colombia Flooding

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Colombia peace deal with rebels rejected

In a national vote, Colombians rejected a peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army, also known as FARC, which was intended to end 52 years of guerrilla warfare. The referendum’s failure to pass follows four years of negotiations between President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC, which Cuba hosted and facilitated. Colombians rejected… Continue reading Colombia peace deal with rebels rejected

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FARC in Colombia Guerilla demands amnesty in peace deal

Ivan Marquez of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army, also known as FARC, said in September that unless the government offers amnesty to his guerillas, there will be no peace. The guerrillas have battled the Colombian government for 52 years, this the longest lasting civil war in the Americas. FARC is a Marxist-Leninist movement… Continue reading FARC in Colombia Guerilla demands amnesty in peace deal

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Guerrillas Suspected of Kidnapping Journalists in Colombia

Colombian government officials are holding the Colombian Marxist rebel group (guerillas), the National Liberation Army, responsible for the kidnapping of three journalists near the border with Venezuela. Salud Hernandez, a Spanish journalist, disappeared first while working on a story in the northern Colombian region of Catatumbo, a cocaine-producing region that is known for guerilla and… Continue reading Guerrillas Suspected of Kidnapping Journalists in Colombia

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Andrew Palau Joins Local Churches Across Northeast England for Historic Collaborative Evangelistic Campaign

Photo by Luis Palau Association

TEESSIDE, ENGLAND — Several years of prayer and preparation led to more than 70 churches from throughout Northeast England coming together for Festival Teesside with Andrew Palau earlier this month. In an effort that can only be described as historic for the region, this evangelistic festival, along with more than a dozen surrounding events, is… Continue reading Andrew Palau Joins Local Churches Across Northeast England for Historic Collaborative Evangelistic Campaign

Helping Vulnerable Children in South America’s Dangerous Migration Route

SOUTH AMERICA— Despite the dangers of the Darién jungle, it has become a popular route for migrants from Central and South America seeking to reach the United States. Among the numerous challenges faced by walkers are exposure to diseases, injuries, violence, extortion, forced recruitment, and more.Christian charity World Vision is helping the most vulnerable passing… Continue reading Helping Vulnerable Children in South America’s Dangerous Migration Route

Ahead of World Hunger Day, Compassion International Updates Its Ongoing Response to The Global Food Crisis

Johaner and his sister with a food kit provided by Compassion International's local church partner.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Since 2019, food crisis around the world has steadily increased–and is expected to continue growing in 2024. The far-reaching impact of hunger on child development makes it an area of focus for Compassion International, which is responding to immediate and long-term needs for some of the world’s hungriest children. Between July… Continue reading Ahead of World Hunger Day, Compassion International Updates Its Ongoing Response to The Global Food Crisis

Evangelists Andrew and Wendy Palau Joined Dozens of Churches for Festival Palau: Panama

Photo by Palau.org

PANAMA CITY, PANAMA — At the invitation of dozens of local churches in Panama, the Palau Association shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in Panama City, from February 26 – March 2, 2024, through numerous outreach events and a 2-day family festival in the heart of the city. Thousands gathered for the festival on… Continue reading Evangelists Andrew and Wendy Palau Joined Dozens of Churches for Festival Palau: Panama

Venezuelan Residents in Medellín Find Material Aid and Spiritual Hope

ACAPULCO — Thousands of Venezuelans enter Colombian territory daily. Many continue their journey towards other countries, but most settle in major cities within Colombia. In Medellín, Venezuelan immigrants discover more than just material assistance at churches. Diego and Luis are two Venezuelan pastors who arrived in Medellín, Colombia, several months ago, despite being foreigners themselves,… Continue reading Venezuelan Residents in Medellín Find Material Aid and Spiritual Hope

World Vision Reviews Worst Humanitarian Disasters of 2023

In Baidoa, Somalia, a camp shelters women and children displaced by persistent drought and hunger. World Vision and its partners have provided vital aid, including monthly food vouchers and cash, to alleviate food insecurity. (©2023 World Vision)

SEATTLE — From the Maui wildfires to devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, along with cyclones in Mozambique and Myanmar, Christian humanitarian organization World Vision has been at the forefront of extensive humanitarian response efforts worldwide, supporting communities in crisis. In 2023, World Vision responded to 78 disasters and humanitarian crises in 59 countries around… Continue reading World Vision Reviews Worst Humanitarian Disasters of 2023

Christians Reject the Order to Stop Preaching

COLOMBIA — In Colombia, Christians like Leonardo refuses to let the threats from the FARC stop him from preaching. He has been assaulted and threatened by the guerrilla group, but he continues to openly share the Gospel. In Colombia, the pastors are forced to ask permission to preach to paramilitary groups and guerrillas. These rebel… Continue reading Christians Reject the Order to Stop Preaching

Prison Fellowship International’s Flagship In-Prison Evangelism Program Reaches Milestone Anniversary

Photo by Prison Fellowship International

WASHINGTON — Prison Fellowship International’s flagship in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) has reached its 10-year anniversary. This program, launched in South Africa and Nigeria in 2014, now runs in 35 countries across six continents. TPJ takes those in prison on a journey of self-discovery through the Gospel of Mark where they encounter Jesus the… Continue reading Prison Fellowship International’s Flagship In-Prison Evangelism Program Reaches Milestone Anniversary

Love Nairobi Festival with Andrew Palau Reaches 130,000 People During 2 Weeks of Outreach in Kenya’s Capital City

Photo by Love Nairobi Festival

NAIROBI, KENYA — In a massive effort to share hope with hundreds of thousands around Kenya, the Luis Palau Association partnered with more than 2,000 churches from every denomination to put on the Love Nairobi Festival. This free evangelistic festival, featuring live music, action sports, and fun for the whole family, aimed to unite churches… Continue reading Love Nairobi Festival with Andrew Palau Reaches 130,000 People During 2 Weeks of Outreach in Kenya’s Capital City

From Guerrilla to Christian

COLOMBIA — As a young woman in Colombia, Reina joined the guerrilla movement and was taught that religion was the opium of the people. She fully committed to serving as a guerrilla fighter, but after being hospitalized during a patrol, she cried out to God for help and underwent a transformation and became a Christian.… Continue reading From Guerrilla to Christian

Angel Studios’ ‘Sound of Freedom’ Projecting $85 Million 2nd Weekend Cumulative Box Office

PROVO, UT — Angel Studios, a platform and studio empowering filmmakers to crowdfund, create, and distribute films and TV series globally, backed by thousands of Angel investors, is announcing its July cumulative-to-date and second weekend results for its Jim Caviezel-driven film SOUND OF FREEDOM. Angel Studios is projecting over $85 million total cumulative box office… Continue reading Angel Studios’ ‘Sound of Freedom’ Projecting $85 Million 2nd Weekend Cumulative Box Office

53 Churches from Across the Klamath Falls Basin Came Together to Share the Good News

Photo by Luis Palau Association, Facebook

KLAMATH FALLS, OR — Several years of prayer and preparation led to more than 50 churches in Klamath County, Oregon coming together for Greater Klamath CityFest with Andrew Palau this past Memorial Day weekend. Working to serve the region and proclaim a powerful message of hope in Jesus, this historic effort brought together thousands of… Continue reading 53 Churches from Across the Klamath Falls Basin Came Together to Share the Good News

What Role Do Churches Play in the Prevention of Domestic Violence in Latin America?

LATIN AMERICA — Domestic violence is a widespread problem in the region, and evangelical churches are actively working to combat it in their communities. Many ministries in Latin America are carrying out initiatives and programs to prevent it, as well as to support the victims Domestic violence is a serious problem in many Latin American… Continue reading What Role Do Churches Play in the Prevention of Domestic Violence in Latin America?

Baylor University Study Affirms Prison Fellowship International In-Prison Program Mission

WASHINGTON — A new Baylor University study provides evidence of the virtuous effects of religion on mental health among prisoners, affirming the mission of Prison Fellowship International (PFI) in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ). “This study confirms what we have believed for a long time,” said David Van Patten, Chief Operating Officer of PFI. “That… Continue reading Baylor University Study Affirms Prison Fellowship International In-Prison Program Mission

Examining the March of Life in Bogotá

BOGOTÁ — In Colombia, the “March for Life” was held, which reaffirms the country’s friendship with the Jewish people and rejects any type of anti-Semitism. Thousands of people attended this event, which took place in Bolivar Square. The March of Life began in 2007 when grandchildren of the authors of the Holocaust against the Jewish… Continue reading Examining the March of Life in Bogotá

The Importance of Christian Music in the Lives of Young People

COLOMBIA — Christian music is a powerful tool for strengthening the faith of young evangelicals and conveying a message of love and hope. Recognized Christian musicians emphasize its positive impact on the spiritual life of young people. Christian music has become an important part of the lives of many evangelical young people. Young people are… Continue reading The Importance of Christian Music in the Lives of Young People

The Growth of the Evangelical Church in Latin America

LATIN AMERICA — In recent years, the Evangelical Church has experienced significant growth in Latin America, transforming the religious and social landscape of the region. The increase in the number of evangelicals has been notable in countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina, and has sparked the interest of experts and scholars. In the… Continue reading The Growth of the Evangelical Church in Latin America

Baylor Data: Prison Fellowship International Program Builds Case for Restorative Prisons

ATLANTA — Prison Fellowship International (PFI), an international nonprofit ministry working to transform the lives of prisoners through Jesus’s love, was in the spotlight Thursday as a diverse group gathered at the American Society of Criminology 77th Annual Meeting to examine the future of criminology. During an examination of the robust role of religion in… Continue reading Baylor Data: Prison Fellowship International Program Builds Case for Restorative Prisons

Evangelist Andrew Palau Shares the Gospel with More Than 200,000 People Through Massive Regionwide Festival in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA — Fourteen years after renowned evangelist Luis Palau’s historic campaign in Argentina’s capital city of Buenos Aires, the Palau Association returned to deliver the same message of hope to a new generation of Argentines, this time led by Luis Palau’s son, Andrew Palau. Standing in front of a sea of people in… Continue reading Evangelist Andrew Palau Shares the Gospel with More Than 200,000 People Through Massive Regionwide Festival in Argentina

Being Family for Valentina This Christmas

COLOMBIA — Valentina (15) in Colombia is one of many Christian children who face persecution for their faith. It isn’t safe for her to live at home, because of guerrilla gangs and indigenous groups. Thanks to Christian charity Open Doors in, she’s able to receive shelter and a Christian education at their Colombia Children’s Centre… Continue reading Being Family for Valentina This Christmas

RestorativeJustice.org Redesign to Share, Strengthen and Spur Global Restorative Prison Practices

WASHINGTON — Prison Fellowship International (PFI), the world’s leading global network of Christian prison ministries, has launched a new restorative justice initiative and website to showcase and spearhead an open exchange of restorative justice practices in the prison context. This new platform is designed to engage and inspire practitioners, organizations, governments, prison officials, nonprofits and… Continue reading RestorativeJustice.org Redesign to Share, Strengthen and Spur Global Restorative Prison Practices

Tijuana, Mexico Church Becomes Migrant Refuge

TIJUANA, MEXICO — When Gustavo Banda opened his small church in Mexico, little did he imagine that it would become a stopping point for refugees. Located near the U.S. Border, his church hosts tens of thousands of migrants as part of their search for a new life in the United States. George Thomas of CBN… Continue reading Tijuana, Mexico Church Becomes Migrant Refuge

Refugee Housing Community Includes German Christians

GERMANY — Millions of refugees fleeing war and economic hardships in the Middle East and Africa have made their way to Europe. They must learn a new language and learn how to deal with schools, transportation, banks and everything else. But a Christian foundation in Germany has created a unique housing project to help refugees… Continue reading Refugee Housing Community Includes German Christians

Baylor University Research Provides Evidence: Prison Fellowship International Program Transforms Prisoners, Prisons

WASHINGTON — A groundbreaking Baylor University study of a Prison Fellowship International (PFI) in-prison program provides evidence that the faith-based course transforms prisoners – and leads to culture change in prisons. “PFI is providing innovative prison programs that are quickly becoming one of the centerpieces of the emerging field of positive criminology,” said Dr. Byron… Continue reading Baylor University Research Provides Evidence: Prison Fellowship International Program Transforms Prisoners, Prisons

Largest-Ever Bible Translation Effort Demonstrates ‘Power of One Verse’

THE POWER OF ONE VERSE: The "I Want to Know" campaign – what may be the largest-ever Bible translation effort on social and digital media -- gives people the opportunity to sponsor the translation of one "life-changing" Bible verse into a language that doesn't yet have a complete Bible. The campaign is spearheaded by illumiNations, an alliance of the world's leading Bible translation organizations. Visit illuminations.bible/know to learn more.

DALLAS, TX — What may be the largest-ever Bible translation campaign on social and digital media is inviting people to join one of the most inspirational “crowd-funding” opportunities in the world — and demonstrate the “power of one verse” to change a life forever. The “I Want to Know” campaign gives everyone the opportunity to… Continue reading Largest-Ever Bible Translation Effort Demonstrates ‘Power of One Verse’

Spiritual and Physical Support for Venezuelan Women and Children

COLOMBIA — Samaritan’s Purse is helping to provide physical and spiritual support for Venezuelan women and their children who are fleeing to Colombia to escape economic hardship in their native country. José Rodríguez, Samaritan’s Purse: Venezuelan people are going through one of the most dramatic socioeconomic crises in the history of the world. Many Venezuelans… Continue reading Spiritual and Physical Support for Venezuelan Women and Children

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