We found 88 results for your search.

Malaria – It’s Time to Buzz Off! New Vaccine Heralds a Game-Changing Development

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, issued this Special Report on Malaria – new vaccine heralds a game-changing development. It’s the “buzz” millions around the… Continue reading Malaria – It’s Time to Buzz Off! New Vaccine Heralds a Game-Changing Development

‘Time for Malaria to Buzz Off’ Says New Gospel for Asia Report

TIME FOR MALARIA TO BUZZ OFF: Mosquito-borne malaria kills a child somewhere every 2 minutes. GFA World's (www.gfa.org) new report Malaria, It's Time to Buzz Off! (https://www.gfa.org/press/malaria/) – released for World Malaria Day, April 25 – spotlights the new vaccine that could help finally eradicate the disease worldwide.

WILLS POINT, TX – Global humanitarian agency GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by KP Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, suggests in a new report, a long-anticipated vaccine breakthrough could mean the end is in sight for one of the world’s most deadly… Continue reading ‘Time for Malaria to Buzz Off’ Says New Gospel for Asia Report

Things You Need to Know About Mosquito Nets – World Malaria Day

Photo by USAID Kenya and East Africa, Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

WILLS POINT, TX – According to the CDC, more than 400,000 people die every year of malaria or other vector-borne diseases. That is one person every 90 seconds. Most of them are children under the age of five. This child in our image will likely not become one of those statistics because she is protected… Continue reading Things You Need to Know About Mosquito Nets – World Malaria Day

Malaria Makes Comeback Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this Special Report update on Malaria making a comeback amid the worldwide impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic. It’s a back-and-forth battle growing… Continue reading Malaria Makes Comeback Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Malaria Still Menacing Millions on World Malaria Day: April 25, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX – The COVID pandemic has taken center stage over the past year. COVID has stepped into the spotlight and upstaged all other diseases that had shared the stage prior to the meteoric rise of this new player in the role of the world’s most nefarious viral villain. Malaria! Malaria! Wherefore art thou?… Continue reading Malaria Still Menacing Millions on World Malaria Day: April 25, 2021

COVID-19 Adds to Woes of Malaria-prone Regions

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) recently published a new report that cites the life-saving impact of malaria-fighting efforts across Asia. WILLS POINT, TX — The hunt for a cure for COVID-19 draws attention to another “forgotten” health crisis that continues to claim more than 400,000 lives around the world every year — mosquito-borne malaria. As… Continue reading COVID-19 Adds to Woes of Malaria-prone Regions

Can ICIPE End Malaria Forever?

NAIROBI, KENYA – Researchers at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in Nairobi may have made a major breakthrough that could finally end the plague of malaria. Residents of tropical regions in developing countries are especially prone to bites from the infamous malaria-carrying female Anopheles mosquito. An average of 400,000 people die… Continue reading Can ICIPE End Malaria Forever?

New Report on Malaria Scourge Now Available from Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) has released a new special report, “Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches Even Developed Nations,” in coordination with the international observance of World Malaria Day on April 25. You may wonder why we should be concerned about malaria while the world is… Continue reading New Report on Malaria Scourge Now Available from Gospel for Asia

Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches All Nations: Malaria Claims 400,000 Lives Per Year

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued a Special Report on how the alarming increase of mosquito-blamed cases in U.S. in may awaken Westerners to the “deadly scourge” of malaria that still claims thousands of lives worldwide. Because the deaths came… Continue reading Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches All Nations: Malaria Claims 400,000 Lives Per Year

World Malaria Day Report 2020: Confronting a Global Emergency

GENEVA — Every year, April 25th is set aside by public health officials as World Malaria Day. Should we even be concerned about malaria during the Coronavirus pandemic? Hasn’t malaria been eradicated? The answers to those questions are ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ in that order. The RBM Partnership to End Malaria currently identifies malaria as “a… Continue reading World Malaria Day Report 2020: Confronting a Global Emergency

Gospel for Asia Takes a Stand Against ‘Child Killer’ Mosquitoes, Malaria

BITING BACK: Christian mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org) today announced it was "waging war" on the deadly mosquito menace killing thousands of children in Asia, as the Texas-based organization marks World Mosquito Day on August 20. GFA will help distribute thousands of free mosquito nets to vulnerable families across Asia.

WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) announced it is making a stand against the deadly mosquito menace and resulting malaria parasite killing thousands of children in Asia, as the Christian organization marks the annual World Mosquito Day on August 20. To read GFA’s special report entitled “Fighting Malaria—a Chilling Disease,” visit:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Takes a Stand Against ‘Child Killer’ Mosquitoes, Malaria

Is Malaria Still a Thing?

WILLS POINT, TX – Is Malaria still a thing? Many assume malaria was eradicated more than 50 years ago, which is not bad considering that the disease was discovered in the last decade of the 19th century. If you are nodding your head and thinking the same thing, we would both be wrong on at… Continue reading Is Malaria Still a Thing?

Gospel for Asia Takes Bite Out of Malaria

Gospel for Asia's malaria-preventing mosquito nets are saving thousands of lives across South Asia.

Gospel for Asia Announces Plans to Distribute 360,000+ Free Life-saving Mosquito Nets in 2019 as Part of Global Push to Curb Deadly Disease WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) today announced plans to distribute more than 360,000 free life-saving mosquito nets this year – as World Malaria Day on… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Takes Bite Out of Malaria

Major Breakthroughs in Battle Against Malaria

India and 10 other countries in sub-Saharan Africa accounted for around 70 percent of estimated malaria cases (151 million) and deaths (274,000) globally last year. However, India was the only one of those 11 to show progress in reducing the disease within its borders. The World Health Organization’s World Malaria Report 2018 indicated a 24%… Continue reading Major Breakthroughs in Battle Against Malaria

Fighting Malaria – a Chilling Disease

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on Mosquito Netting and Malaria Prevention Combat a Parasitic Genius Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Fighting Malaria. Though eradicated in many developed nations, malaria still claims thousands of lives around the world. One victim who survived this mosquito-borne disease compared its chills to “lying down between… Continue reading Fighting Malaria – a Chilling Disease

Malaria Vaccine to be Tested in Three Countries in Africa

Photo by Staff Sgt. V. Michelle Woods The World Health Organization (WHO) got the go-ahead to do the first human-trial next year on the eve of World Malaria Day of the Malaria vaccine. CNN reports, “The World Health Organization announced Monday that it has the go-ahead to try the first malaria vaccine in the field in… Continue reading Malaria Vaccine to be Tested in Three Countries in Africa

WHO certifies Sri Lanka as malaria-free

The World Health Organization (WHO) certified in September that the island nation of Sri Lanka off the southeast coast of India is malaria-free. Sri Lanka joins a list of 33 nations that have achieved that status, while 94 nations and territories still have malaria transmission. “It was a hard fight, [but] this is an example… Continue reading WHO certifies Sri Lanka as malaria-free

‘No Mercy:’ GFA World Lifts Veil on Suffering of ‘Invisible’ Widows

RESCUING 'INVISIBLE' SUFFERING WIDOWS: Organizations like Texas-based GFA World (www.gfa.org) are helping widows in "forgotten corners" of Africa and Asia where they're struggling to survive in societies that show them little or no mercy.

WILLS POINT, TX — A global mission organization is lifting the veil on the incredible suffering of millions of “invisible” widows around the world — many even cast off by their own families. In many places, widows face extreme hardships, abuse, exploitation and sexual violence. Even their own families show them “little or no mercy,”… Continue reading ‘No Mercy:’ GFA World Lifts Veil on Suffering of ‘Invisible’ Widows

Damali Starts Construction on a Hospital in Uganda

Faith of a Child Foundation

SANTA YNEZ, CA — Together with Faith of a Child Foundation, Damali Mirembe, the director of the Sonrise Baby Home, recently started construction on a new hospital to serve the Kayunga District of Uganda. The new hospital will include a maternity ward, a pediatric ward, a fully equipped laboratory, emergency care and several in-patient beds.… Continue reading Damali Starts Construction on a Hospital in Uganda

‘Never Seen Suffering on This Scale:’ GFA World Launches Multi-Specialty Hospital in East Africa

GFA WORLD LAUNCHES MAJOR MEDICAL PROJECT IN EAST AFRICA: Scheduled to be up and running by the end of 2025, a new 450-bed hospital, medical school, and training complex in Kigali, Rwanda, will act as a hub to launch medical missions across Africa, Texas-based GFA World (www.gfa.org) says.

WILLS POINT, TX — GFA World (www.gfa.org) — one of the largest faith-based mission agencies — is launching a new 450-bed hospital, medical school, and training complex in East Africa. The state-of-the-art medical facility and training center — being constructed in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali — will serve the poorest of the poor, and train new… Continue reading ‘Never Seen Suffering on This Scale:’ GFA World Launches Multi-Specialty Hospital in East Africa

Christian Communities Living in Fear in Uganda

SYRIA — In Uganda, fear and attacks from Islamic ADF militants are increasing. But thanks to your prayers, local Open Doors partners are supporting affected Christians with trauma counselling and spiritual support. *Names changed for security reasons Edward Bamcwanira – Retired Bishop, East Rwenzori Diocese: We are living in fear. And whoever says there is… Continue reading Christian Communities Living in Fear in Uganda

‘Jesus Wells’ Project Aims to Reach 40 Millionth Person with Safe Drinking Water

WILLS POINT, TX — It’s one of the most remarkable stories in the colossal quest to provide clean drinking water to every person on the planet. The “Jesus Wells” project, a monumental undertaking of Texas-based mission agency GFA World (www.gfa.org), is 25 years old this year — and on the cusp of delivering safe, clean… Continue reading ‘Jesus Wells’ Project Aims to Reach 40 Millionth Person with Safe Drinking Water

1 Million Meals, 5,000 Volunteers, 3 Days

Photo by NorthRidgeChurch.com

PLYMOUTH, MI — In the face of staggering statistics revealing the devastating impact of preventable causes on millions of children worldwide, NorthRidge Church is joining forces with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) to launch an ambitious initiative—packing 1 Million Meals over three days. Every year, children succumb to preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria,… Continue reading 1 Million Meals, 5,000 Volunteers, 3 Days

GFA World Launches Christmas ‘Chickens & Goats’ to Fight Poverty

HATCHING HOPE: 'CHRISTMAS CRITTER' CAMPAIGN BACKED BY TOP CHRISTIAN BAND: Hit-making Christian band We Are Messengers is supporting mission agency GFA World's annual "Chickens & Goats" Christmas campaign — an opportunity for people to buy life-changing gifts, including chickens and goats, for families in Africa and Asia living in extreme poverty. (Photo Courtesy of We Are Messengers)

WILLS POINT, TX — Can a chicken really change someone’s life? It’s happening all around the globe, according to mission agency GFA World (www.gfa.org). The Texas-based organization has launched its annual Christmas “Chickens & Goats” campaign on WAY-FM Radio — an opportunity for people to buy life-changing gifts, such as chickens and goats, for families… Continue reading GFA World Launches Christmas ‘Chickens & Goats’ to Fight Poverty

GFA World Responds to Devastating Nepal Earthquake

GFA WORLD, LOCAL CHURCHES RUSH TO AID NEPAL QUAKE SURVIVORS: Local church teams in remote Western Nepal are desperately trying to reach villages flattened by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake last Friday night that killed more than 150 people and left thousands without shelter. GFA World (www.gfa.org) is asking for prayer and support.

WILLS POINT, TX — A U.S.-based global mission agency says several of its partner churches were left “broken” by a devastating earthquake that struck remote Western Nepal Nov. 3, killing more than 150 people. “We have also lost cherished members of our church family in this heart-wrenching tragedy,” said K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan), founder of… Continue reading GFA World Responds to Devastating Nepal Earthquake

GFA World Launches Appeal As ‘Ostracized Widows’ Face Life of Begging

GFA WORLD LAUNCHES APPEAL ON BEHALF OF ‘OSTRACIZED WIDOWS’: Mission agency GFA World (www.gfa.org) has launched an appeal to help thousands of “ostracized widows” at risk of starvation and abuse.

WILLS POINT, TX — Mission agency GFA World (www.gfa.org) has launched an appeal to help thousands of “ostracized widows” around the globe at risk of starvation and abuse after being abandoned by their family and neighbors. “Millions of widows live in societies where they are blamed for their husband’s death, regardless of the illness, accident… Continue reading GFA World Launches Appeal As ‘Ostracized Widows’ Face Life of Begging

Empty tomb, inc. Mission Match Wants to Work with Churches to to Keep 1 Million Children from Dying Globally

Photo by www.emptytomb.org

CHAMPAIGN, IL — Over 1 million children under the age of 5 are expected to die from treatable causes in 2023. empty tomb®, inc. Mission Match® is a tool to help churches in the U.S. use their own distribution networks to help these children in Jesus’ name. Churches still have one of the best global… Continue reading Empty tomb, inc. Mission Match Wants to Work with Churches to to Keep 1 Million Children from Dying Globally

This Mother’s Day, empty tomb®, inc. Mission Match® Can Help Church Projects Honoring Global Mothers

CHAMPAIGN, IL — Helping mothers whose children are dying and honoring church members’ own mothers is a both/and. In a world where more than 1 million children under the age of five are expected to die this year, there are many grieving mothers. Many of their children will die from treatable causes. The leading causes… Continue reading This Mother’s Day, empty tomb®, inc. Mission Match® Can Help Church Projects Honoring Global Mothers

GFA World Jesus Well Provides Easy Access to Clean Water

Thanks, the new Jesus Well, like the one pictured, Kylan’s village now has easy access to clean, pure water.

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, discussing Kylan and his village’s struggle with unclean water, and the access to clean water through newly installed GFA World Jesus Wells. Ten times each day,… Continue reading GFA World Jesus Well Provides Easy Access to Clean Water

Gospel for Asia: Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty?

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this Special Report on Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty? In existence for many years, child sponsorship has been adapted by… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty?

GFA World Partner St. Cyprian Believers Eastern Church Hosts Fall Festival for Stoney Creek Community

STONEY CREEK, ONTARIO — October 22, 2022 St. Cyprian BEC (https://www.bechurch.ca), mission partner of GFA World hosted a free Fall Festival for the community. We gratefully took advantage of one of the last warm weekends of the year for this event. Families and individuals were welcomed to the property we share with Gospel for Asia… Continue reading GFA World Partner St. Cyprian Believers Eastern Church Hosts Fall Festival for Stoney Creek Community

We’re Biting Back at ‘Earth’s Deadliest Creature’ Reports Gospel for Asia

'WORLD'S DEADLIEST CREATURE:' The tiny mosquito kills more people worldwide every year than any other creature, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as it marks World Mosquito Day, Aug. 20. Organizations like GFA World (www.gfa.org) distribute mosquito-repelling bed nets, saving thousands at risk of malaria and other deadly mosquito-borne diseases.

WILLS POINT, TX – It’s the world’s deadliest creature — and it’s probably hovering near your home. The tiny mosquito kills more people around the world every year than any other animal, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). “It’s so deadly, it even has a special day named after it — World… Continue reading We’re Biting Back at ‘Earth’s Deadliest Creature’ Reports Gospel for Asia

Miracle on a Desert Island: Wayne Chen Works to Create Alphabet and Plant Church

NEW TAIPEI CITY — In 2009, Wayne Chen, who is Taiwanese by birth, left a comfortable life in Silicon Valley and moved his family to Biem Island in Papua New Guinea to be missionaries. This volcanic island is only 3 km across, with only about 2,000 indigenous inhabitants and has no fresh water or modern… Continue reading Miracle on a Desert Island: Wayne Chen Works to Create Alphabet and Plant Church

GFA World Invites Young Generation to Join ‘Greatest Adventure’

YOUNG GENERATION TO JOIN 'GREATEST ADVENTURE': Young people need to experience God in a way that's worth "giving their life to" if they're to stop leaving America's churches in droves, a group of global mission leaders says. Set Apart 2022 – a weeklong retreat, June 20-26, in Wills Point, Texas – aims to help those ages 18-30 discover that "following Jesus is the greatest adventure." Go to www.gfa.org/setapart/ for more.

WILLS POINT, TX — Young people need to experience God in a way that’s worth “giving their life to” if they’re to stop leaving America’s churches in droves, a group of global mission leaders says. Nearly two-thirds of 18–29-year-olds in the U.S. who grew up going to church have dropped out, saying they’re bored and… Continue reading GFA World Invites Young Generation to Join ‘Greatest Adventure’

GFA World Event Invites Gen Z, Millennials to ‘Give Up Gadgets, Rediscover God’

'STRESSED' GEN Z, MILLENNIALS INVITED TO 'GIVE UP GADGETS FOR A WEEK, REDISCOVER GOD:' Under 30s are being invited to "detox from their phones and gadgets" in order to "experience God" and discover his purpose for their lives. Popular speaker Francis Chan and mission pioneers K.P. Yohannan and George Verwer will headline GFA World's first-ever Set Apart 2022 retreat (http://www.gfa.org/press/SetApart) June 20-26 at the organization's campus near Dallas, Texas.

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) — Under 30s are being invited to “detox from their phones and gadgets” in order to “experience God in solitude and silence” and discover his purpose for their lives. Popular speaker Francis Chan and mission pioneers K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) and George Verwer will headline GFA… Continue reading GFA World Event Invites Gen Z, Millennials to ‘Give Up Gadgets, Rediscover God’

Richmond’s Story: From Poverty to Pastor in Uganda

KAMPALA, UGANDA – Richmond’s childhood was a painful and challenging one, marked by extreme poverty, illness, loss and hopelessness. His family often went without food. He suffered from malaria almost a dozen times, and his father was murdered. When he was sponsored and began attending Compassion’s child development center at a local church, the healthcare,… Continue reading Richmond’s Story: From Poverty to Pastor in Uganda

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty on World Hunger Day

KOLKATA, INDIA — As we observe World Hunger Day this week (Fri May 28), a recent report from the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) predicts a steep increase in food insecurity over the coming months across 20 ‘hotspot’ nations – with more than 270 million people at risk of starvation – doubling the pre-pandemic figure.… Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Poverty on World Hunger Day

Hunger Grips COVID-Ravaged India; GFA World Responds

HUNGER'S DEEP SILENCE: On World Hunger Day, May 28, Texas-based humanitarian agency GFA World (www.gfa.org) reports growing desperation in India as it supports efforts to help thousands starving in "deep silence" amid the pandemic's continuing onslaught.

WILLS POINT, TX — India’s devastating “second wave” of COVID-19 is overshadowing another deadly tsunami of suffering — rampant hunger. Global humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) reports growing desperation across India as it supports efforts to feed those facing starvation amid the pandemic’s continuing onslaught. The Texas-based organization has helped feed hundreds of thousands… Continue reading Hunger Grips COVID-Ravaged India; GFA World Responds

GFA World Joins in Fight Against ‘Stinkiest’ Global Health Crisis

SOLVING A DEADLY STINKY PROBLEM: Texas-based humanitarian organization GFA World (www.gfa.org) is helping combat the world's "stinkiest" health emergency -- people defecating in the open. The agency just released a new report, Taking the Toilet Challenge.

WILLS POINT, TX — A global humanitarian organization is helping combat the world’s “stinkiest” health emergency — people defecating in the open — a new report reveals. Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is installing thousands of toilets in some of the world’s remotest and least developed areas — places where people typically relieve themselves in the… Continue reading GFA World Joins in Fight Against ‘Stinkiest’ Global Health Crisis

GFA World Helping in the Face of India’s Tsunami of Suffering

INDIA — Christian humanitarian agency GFA World is distributing urgently needed food supplies to help families fighting for their lives amid India’s devastating second wave of COVID-19. GFA World Founder K.P. Yohannan says in the midst of such a tsunami of suffering their workers are also seeing an unprecedented response to the Gospel of Christ.… Continue reading GFA World Helping in the Face of India’s Tsunami of Suffering

GFA World Sending Vital Help Through Oxygen Supplies to COVID-Ravaged India

FIGHTING FOR BREATH: GFA World (www.gfa.org) -- one of the world's largest humanitarian agencies -- is sending lifesaving oxygen equipment and other vital supplies to help people fighting for breath amid India's devastating second wave of COVID-19. People can support the agency's COVID-19 relief efforts by going to its website.

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World — one of the world’s largest humanitarian agencies founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide — is sending oxygen equipment and supplies to help people fighting for breath amid… Continue reading GFA World Sending Vital Help Through Oxygen Supplies to COVID-Ravaged India

Amid ‘Tsunami of COVID Suffering’ GFA World Calls for ‘Eleventh Hour’ Prayer

GFA WORLD CALLS FOR PRAYER AS 'TSUNAMI OF SUFFERING' HITS INDIA: GFA World (www.gfa.org) is calling for "eleventh hour" prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 -- and the world faces a growing number of deadly new variants. South Asia is experiencing a "tsunami of suffering," says GFA World founder K.P. Yohannan.

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World, a major humanitarian agency founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, is calling for “eleventh hour” prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 — and the world faces a growing number… Continue reading Amid ‘Tsunami of COVID Suffering’ GFA World Calls for ‘Eleventh Hour’ Prayer

‘Other Vaccine Shot The World’s Waiting For’ New Report from GFA World (Gospel for Asia)

THE 'OTHER VACCINE SHOT THE WORLD'S WAITING FOR:' Human trials of a new malaria vaccine are underway, with promising initial results, according to a new report by humanitarian agency GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia, www.gfa.org) that coincides with World Malaria Day, April 25.

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide: Millions around the world are still waiting to get a life-saving vaccine — and it’s not the COVID-19 shot. Human trials of a new malaria vaccine are underway, with promising… Continue reading ‘Other Vaccine Shot The World’s Waiting For’ New Report from GFA World (Gospel for Asia)

OM Missionary’s Prayers Set Zambian Village Free from Witchcraft

ZAMBIA — Kapembwa Village, along Lake Tanganyika in Zambia was known as one of the darkest communities bordering the lake because of the stronghold of witchcraft there, but thanks to the prayers and outreach efforts of OM missionary Clement Chama there are no longer any witch doctors in the village and some of them have… Continue reading OM Missionary’s Prayers Set Zambian Village Free from Witchcraft

Amazima: Transforming Lives in Uganda

Photo by Amazima Ministries, Facebook

FRANKLIN, TN – The Amazima story began with an 18-year-old girl, Katie Davis, falling in love. It happened in Uganda while she was on a mission trip to Africa. She fell in love with the people of Uganda. The Story Katie responded to that love by returning less than a year later. During 2007 and… Continue reading Amazima: Transforming Lives in Uganda

Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites

A woman gratefully receives a mosquito net to help keep the pests from entering her home and transmitting diseases.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing  World Mosquito Day and how GFA workers are using the day to bring hope into the lives of their neighbors.  World Mosquito Day, observed on August 20, marks the date in 1897… Continue reading Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites

Are We Winning the Ancient Battle Between Man and Mosquito?

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report update on winning the ancient conflict against the mosquito and vector-borne diseases. It’s small, this little welt on my hand or the bump behind my ear. The welts come and go… Continue reading Are We Winning the Ancient Battle Between Man and Mosquito?

Gospel for Asia Aids in World Effort to Fight Mosquitos

WAGING WAR ON DEADLY MOSQUITOES: Mosquito bites will result in more than 700,000 deaths around the world this year -- wiping out the equivalent of the entire population of Washington, D.C., says a new report by Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org). The report -- Winning the Ancient Conflict Between Man and Mosquito -- coincides with World Mosquito Day, Aug. 20.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) – Mosquito bites will result in more than 700,000 deaths around the world this year — wiping out the equivalent of the entire population of Washington, D.C., says a new report for World Mosquito Day, Aug. 20. Malaria is… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Aids in World Effort to Fight Mosquitos

Gospel for Asia Extends Lifeline of God’s Love, Eyes Next 40 Years

EXTENDING LIFELINE OF GOD'S LOVE: Marking 40-plus years of life-changing ministry, Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) spotlights the past year's key achievements and looks to extend its lifeline of hope in the next 40 years, expecting God to "do even greater things in the cities and villages of Asia and around the world."

WILLS POINT, TX — Marking more than four decades of life-changing ministry on July 3, leading mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World, and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) today spotlighted recent achievements — and anticipates the next 40 years will extend its lifeline of God’s love across Asia and beyond. In the shadow… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Extends Lifeline of God’s Love, Eyes Next 40 Years

Locusts Invade COVID-Ridden South Asia

DELHI, INDIA – Just when South Asia countries of Pakistan and India are contending with the complications of the COVID-19 virus, massive swarms of locusts have invaded. Over the span of the past three weeks, India has risen from the 15th most COVID cases to the 4th. Pakistan now occupies the 15th position. The locust… Continue reading Locusts Invade COVID-Ridden South Asia

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