TMS Global outlines program to help move congregations from ‘vaguely spiritual Rotary Club’ to strategic outreach NORCROSS, Ga.—A wake-up call to sleepy churches has gone out from missions agency TMS Global, which wants to help revive inward-focused congregations through revitalized faith. The interdenominational organization offers a roadmap to renewal in the latest issue of its…

Through graphic guidebook, David Howell is helping transform lives of incarcerated men and women and reduce numbers of those behind bars HOUSTON—Oil industry veteran David Howell is working a rich new harvest field—saving souls and reducing the prison population through a graphic guidebook, allowing public funds to be diverted to other pressing needs. Mailing copies…

The many reasons why First Baptist is often called “America’s church” and continues to be a spiritual and political force in the United States. First Baptist Church of Dallas, pastored since 2007 by Dr. Robert Jeffress, turns 150 this month, and its impact — both past and present — on our country, culture and world…

In 2017, Gospel for Asia (GFA) and its worldwide affiliates working in 18 Asian nations addressed women’s issues by empowering more than 350,000 women through various ministry efforts and installed 4,673 clean-water wells. Wills Point, Texas, Discussing Women’s Issues in Asia — This month, 39 years ago, Dr. KP Yohannan founded the organization Gospel for…

Richard Coleman stepping down as senior director of mobilization and candidacy to serve in Ethiopia NORCROSS, Ga.—A forthcoming leadership transition at missions agency TMS Global comes at a time when it is pursuing a heightened commitment to seeing more non-whites serving in world evangelization. After more than a decade recruiting others for service with the…

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers warn of dangers of tobacco to help demonstrate that ‘God cares for the whole person’ WILLS POINT, Texas—June 2017, residents of a community in northern India pledged to make it tobacco-free following a health awareness drive by Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers. Carrying placards and handing out advisory leaflets about…

Using nationals to reach nationals, organization promotes evangelism and Bible distribution under stricter laws COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — As the Chinese government clarifies its religious beliefs policy, Bibles For The World (BFTW) President John Pudaite says his organization will focus on the urgent need for effective Scripture distribution while helping believers understand their religious rights. According to Pudaite,…

InChrist Communications adds Journity ‘digital engagement’ expertise, enhancing website visitors’ experiences to suite of services CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Christian marketing and public relations agency InChrist Communications (ICC) is partnering with internet engagement expert Journity to help faith-based clients improve the online engagement of website visitors — and their bottomline. ICC is adding Journity’s “digital engagement”…

Committee for Bible Translation reveals behind-the-scenes scholarship responsible for Biblica’s internationally loved New International Version COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Biblica, the copyright holder and global steward of the world’s most popular English translation of the Bible, is marking the 40th anniversary of its first publishing with a unique “open book” glimpse at its creation and…

‘Learn the Bible in a Year’ radio program offers response to Barna Group study showing downward trend in Bible literacy COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Bibles For The World (BFTW), a global ministry focused on reaching unreached peoples with the gospel in developing countries, is tackling a disturbing and growing trend — Bible illiteracy in the…

Partner churches open their doors and find ‘new courage and boldness’ for evangelism as Mission Eurasia’s initiative ends amid religious freedom ban WHEATON, Ill. — Hundreds of churches in Russia are preparing to end an innovative World Cup 2018 outreach on a high note this week, despite opposition from authorities. As the world’s most popular…

PORT AU PRINCE – Haiti is a popular country for short-term missions trips because its needs are great and it is a relatively short distance for small church groups. As the pastor of a church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, said, “We want to serve the Haitians with compassion and offer real hope.” That pretty well…

GENEVA – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) have collaborated to publish a new manual of guidelines for a “faith-sensitive approach” by faith-based organizations (FBOs). The 88-page document outlines guidelines by the UN-affiliated Inter-Agency Standing Committee for acceptable approaches for FBOs offering humanitarian responses to people in need around the globe….

International Day for the Unreached organizers emphasize need for whole church to respond to Jesus’ Great Commission COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – United by a single goal, the champions of missions to the unreached follow a wide range of paths in taking the gospel to those who have yet to hear of Jesus. The breadth of…

LONDON – British MP (Member of Parliament), Fiona Bruce tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM 1478) on 03 July 2018 proposing that the UK develop better mechanisms for tracking incidents of religious persecution and that it develop “strategic action plans” to prevent the escalation of those incidents into “mass atrocities.” Further, the motion calls upon…

It was a momentous day for the Apostle Peter. He declared his faith that Jesus is the Messiah. The moment after, Jesus starts talking about His upcoming suffering, death and resurrection. All of a sudden, the momentous day for Peter takes a turn. He tells Jesus that he’ll never allow that to happen. Jesus rebukes…

Millions of young viewers have found ‘unfailing hope’ through 24/7 network focused on region’s teens and children NASHVILLE—Christian media group SAT-7  marked a major milestone at “Proclaim 18,” the 75th annual National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention—a decade of children’s broadcasting in the Middle East and North Africa, where churches may be outlawed and sharing the…

Troubled teen-turned-medical missionary aims to inspire others to trust God in new book chronicling her adventures in faith COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—A reformed rebel with a taste for adventure is looking to inspire others to step out and make a difference in the world. Sharing some hair-raising stories from more than 35 years’ missionary service in…

With an evangelistic message embedded, a cacao tree-raising initiative offers a welcome economic boost to rural communities COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Missionaries in South America have come up with a novel way of encouraging people to respond to the Bible’s invitation to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” They have started a project growing cacao trees—the…

JERUSALEM – The Jerusalem Post summed up the relationship between Israel and Syria saying “Jerusalem and Damascus have never had diplomatic relations and have been officially at war since Israel was established in 1948. In 1967 Israel took control of the 1,200 square kilometers of the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six Day War…

WASHINGTON DC – Internationally-known evangelist Luis Palau is currently undergoing treatment for Stage 4 lung cancer. His ongoing treatment prevented him from attending the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast this week in Washington, D.C. Palau was honored at the event with the 2018 Esperanza Advocacy Award. This was the 16th annual National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast sponsored…

HCJB Ecuador, Reach Beyond’s media partner in Ecuador, plays major supporting role in rare theatrical release for faith-based drama challenging viewers to ‘make a change for good’ COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Missionary radio broadcaster HCJB Ecuador, partner of Reach Beyond, has supported efforts to use another medium to share the good news—helping bring a faith-based movie to…