We found 712 results for your search.

Open Doors Releases 2019 World Watch List

SANTA ANA, CA – According to its website, “For over 60 years, Open Doors has worked in the world’s most oppressive countries, empowering Christians who are persecuted for their beliefs. Open Doors equips persecuted Christians in more than 60 countries through programs like Bible & Gospel Development, Women & Children Advancement, and Christian Community Restoration.”… Continue reading Open Doors Releases 2019 World Watch List

UN Releases New Report on Human Trafficking

VIENNA – January 2019 is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. According to the United Nations 2018 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons released this month, human trafficking has “taken on horrific dimensions.” The report, which compiles data from 142 countries, was published in two booklets. The first is typical of the annual report from a global… Continue reading UN Releases New Report on Human Trafficking

Children and Families Enslaved in Brick Kilns

A Special Report published in February 2018 by Gospel for Asia (GFA) revealed that more than 40 million people around the world are currently living in some form of slavery. The report added that 25 million of those are enslaved in Asia and the Pacific. Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression… Continue reading Children and Families Enslaved in Brick Kilns

Kairos Prison Ministry to Hold First Kairos Inside Program at Pamlico Correctional Institute in Bayboro, North Carolina

Studies have shown program reduces inmate recidivism and improves the prison environmentDEBARY, FL – Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (“Kairos”), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, announces the start of a Kairos Inside Program at Pamlico Correctional Institute located in Bayboro, North Carolina beginning Thursday, January 24th. The weekend event will be the first Kairos Inside Weekend at this… Continue reading Kairos Prison Ministry to Hold First Kairos Inside Program at Pamlico Correctional Institute in Bayboro, North Carolina

Heroic U.S. Ebola Doctor Available to Discuss $500,000 Award that Will Improve Healthcare for Thousands in West Africa

Dr. Rick Sacra, recipient of 2018 AMH Gerson L’Chaim Prize, can tell of what inspired him to risk his life to serve others at awards celebration dinner, Jan. 31 in NYC CHARLOTTE, NC — The bravery of an American missionary doctor who risked his life to help others during an Ebola crisis in Liberia, West… Continue reading Heroic U.S. Ebola Doctor Available to Discuss $500,000 Award that Will Improve Healthcare for Thousands in West Africa

New Code of Conduct Protects Female Mill Workers in India

CHENNAI – About 45 million workers are employed in India’s thriving textile and garment industry. The Southern India Mills’ Association (SIMA) has introduced a new code of conduct to protect the safety of the largest group employed in the garment industry workforce – women. According to Thomson Reuters, “Numerous studies have shown that low pay,… Continue reading New Code of Conduct Protects Female Mill Workers in India

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Don’t Forget Suffering Syrian Refugees, Implores Christian Aid Group

For many Americans, Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year” — but that’s not the reality for millions of refugees living in overcrowded displacement camps across the Middle East. Vernon Brewer, founder and CEO of the Christian humanitarian organization World Help, recently traveled to refugee camps near the Jordan-Syria border to deliver aid… Continue reading Don’t Forget Suffering Syrian Refugees, Implores Christian Aid Group

Christian Physician Receives 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO – Dr. Denis Mukwege, a Christian doctor from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was named a co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize earlier this week. Dr. Mukwege is a world-renowned gynecologist who specializes in treating the survivors of sexual violence within war-torn regions like his own beloved DRC. Mukwege is the son… Continue reading Christian Physician Receives 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

Maintenance of Religious Harmony in Malaysia and Singapore

SINGAPORE – Maintenance of religious harmony. It sounds wonderful. An idea that promotes people getting along together. True freedom of religion. But the artwork of legislative ambiguity is misleading in many countries, such as Malaysia and Singapore, the city-state at the southern end of Malaysia. Two men and two women, residents of Finland, were detained… Continue reading Maintenance of Religious Harmony in Malaysia and Singapore

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Gospel for Asia Partners Create Awareness On World Toilet Day

The first step in any advance in any realm of our human experience begins with an awakened awareness. Psychologists tell us that we can’t help someone until they realize that they need help. That is why it is difficult to help an addict who says, “I don’t have a problem.” They have yet to come… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Partners Create Awareness On World Toilet Day

20,000 Pairs of Shoes

LYNCHBURG, Virginia – Shoes. They are an ordinary, everyday part of life. You probably didn’t think twice about them today, except perhaps, deciding which pair to wear. There are hundreds of thousands of people – perhaps millions – around the world today who don’t get to make that choice. They have either one pair or… Continue reading 20,000 Pairs of Shoes

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Solutions to Poverty Line Problems of the Poor & Impoverished

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report – Discussing the impact of education on the eradication of extreme poverty. When considering the issues of poverty and lack of education, an old saying comes to mind: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Poverty and low education are each self-perpetuating: Those born into… Continue reading Solutions to Poverty Line Problems of the Poor & Impoverished

Profiting from the Poor: The Scandal of the “Sleep Mafia” Blanket Vendors

DELHI – Countless families in Asia have little or no insulation or indoor heating. Those who sleep on the streets are even more exposed to the cold. Blankets provide comfort and protection and serve as tangible expressions of Christ’s love. It is estimated that more than 100,000 men, women, and children sleep on the streets… Continue reading Profiting from the Poor: The Scandal of the “Sleep Mafia” Blanket Vendors

Thousands Expected for Andrew Palau Festival in Argentina this Weekend

JOSE C. PAZ, Argentina — Over the past 40 years, God has used the Luis Palau Association in a special way to bless the nation of Argentina. From the historic evangelistic festival in Buenos Aires in 2008 to similar festivals and outreaches in nearly every province and major city in the nation, millions have heard the… Continue reading Thousands Expected for Andrew Palau Festival in Argentina this Weekend

What You Can Do About The Scandal of Manual Scavenging

DELHI – If “manual scavenging” sounds like it might be a fun game like a scavenger hunt, think again. Manual scavenging is a scandalous practice prevalent in South Asia even though it is illegal. According to the United Nations in India, Manual scavenging refers to the practice of manually cleaning, carrying, disposing or handling in… Continue reading What You Can Do About The Scandal of Manual Scavenging

International Men’s Day: Monday, 19 November 2018 – Promoting Positive Male Role Models

UNANDERRA, Australia, Nov. 15, 2018 — Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 70 countries worldwide, International Men’s Day is going from strength to strength. The theme for IMD 2018 is “Positive Male Role Models.” Warwick Marsh from Australia and coordinator for www.internationalmensday.com said, “Our mission this year is to highlight the positive value men bring… Continue reading International Men’s Day: Monday, 19 November 2018 – Promoting Positive Male Role Models

Gospel for Asia Spotlights Life-Changing Provision of Basic Facilities on World Toilet Day

Local residents applaud at the ribbon-cutting for a new community toilet provided by GFA-supported workers to help improve health, safety, and well-being.

Global focus brings attention to Gospel for Asia’s efforts to improve health and well-being by helping provide simple essentials, sanitation facilitiesWILLS POINT, Texas — Ribbon-cutting ceremonies typically mark the opening of a grand new building, but in Asia they can even celebrate a more modest, but life-changing construction—of a simple outhouse. The enthusiastically attended formal… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Spotlights Life-Changing Provision of Basic Facilities on World Toilet Day

Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog Now Available

WILLS POINT, TX – Christmas is coming. Once again we have the opportunity to share the love of God by giving gifts to help people living in desperate need, just like the Lord sent His Son to rescue us all from our desperate spiritual need. The Courier and Ives version of Christmas is an over-the-river-and-through-the-woods… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog Now Available

Whatsoever You Do – Spotlight on Word and Deed

Word and Deed: Serving God, Bridging Communities, Renewing LivesTHOMAS, ONTARIO – Word and Deed is a registered non-profit organization whose mission is based on the Bible directive found in Colossians 3:17 – “And whatever you do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father… Continue reading Whatsoever You Do – Spotlight on Word and Deed

Gospel for Asia Spreads God’s Love at Wills Point ‘Boo-on-the-Bricks’

Stop. Let Christ transform your life.

WILLS POINT, TEXAS – There is nothing scary about the bricks in Will Point, Texas. The main street has been lined with them since the 1920s. But every year, as it nears Halloween, the brick streets turn into a small community event called BOO on the Bricks, where children—and adults—can dress, get candy and learn… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Spreads God’s Love at Wills Point ‘Boo-on-the-Bricks’

Gospel for Asia Partners Participate in Serving Others on World Food Day

WILLS POINT, TX — October 16, 2018, was the 38th annual World Food Day, a date set apart in 1945 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The purpose of World Food Day is to draw attention to the efforts to alleviate hunger around the world with a focus on achieving… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Partners Participate in Serving Others on World Food Day

Faithful Under Pressure

Women in Officer Candidate School training

When God sent us into the world, He never promised it would be easy – just that He’d be with us. – Marine Chaplain, Daniel Robinson QUANTICO – That may be one of the most important lessons that U.S. Marine Chaplain Daniel Robinson has to teach the trainees during Officer Candidate School at Quantico, Virginia.… Continue reading Faithful Under Pressure

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Pearl S. Buck’s Insight into Missions and How She Came to It

Most people who know of Pearl S. Buck remember her as the author of the 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. It was assigned reading for many Baby Boomers. The book was the Western world’s first accurate representation of life in China. Mrs. Buck was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Literature for “notable… Continue reading Pearl S. Buck’s Insight into Missions and How She Came to It

The Mission Society Highlights Plight of Refugees – And the Struggles to Practice Compassion of Christ

The latest issue of Unfinished, The Mission Society’s quarterly publication, provides readers with eyewitness accounts of the plight of refugees, including detailed accounts of how to help through prayer, donation and active engagement.

Issue of ‘Unfinished’ Magazine Describes On-the-Ground Outreach NORCROSS, Ga. – As the refugee crisis continues to grow, The Mission Society’s magazine ‘Unfinished’ 2016 issue took an in-depth look at the situation’s complexities, examining the issues facing Christians who feel called to help but have misgivings about the process. In the summer edition of The Mission… Continue reading The Mission Society Highlights Plight of Refugees – And the Struggles to Practice Compassion of Christ

Gospel for Asia: 10 NGOs Providing Relief to Kerala Flooding Victims

A volunteer doctor at a health camp gives a check up to a victim of the Kerala flood.

The southern Indian state of Kerala was hit with severe rainstorms in August 2018, resulting in devastating floods. Thousands were driven from their homes. Hundreds lost their lives. Since the beginning, charities and NGOs have been at the forefront, running flood relief camps, donating resources, and raising money. The return to normalcy is still ongoing.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: 10 NGOs Providing Relief to Kerala Flooding Victims

Facing Famine Crisis in Yemen

SANAA, Yemen – In yet another of the seemingly endless reports of human suffering around the globe, Mark Lowcock, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, told the United Nations Yemen is in imminent danger of country-wide famine. Over 14 million Yemeni people who already have barely enough food to survive are about… Continue reading Facing Famine Crisis in Yemen

World Missionary Press | Missions Box Spotlight

World Missionary Press: Free Scripture Booklets for the WorldMissions Box News was established by Gospel for Asia (GFA) to “highlight the good works of nonprofits from around the world.” Most often we do that by reporting news “that pertains to the hardships of living in this world” to show the needs of people burdened by poverty… Continue reading World Missionary Press | Missions Box Spotlight

What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

David Mains and KP Yohannan standing in David's office in October, 1980.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a nonprofit founded in 1979 committed to serving “the least of these” in Asia. GFA supports national field workers who in turn bring the love of Christ to those living in rural and under-served areas. Whether it’s providing the opportunity for a brighter future for a child in Asia… Continue reading What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

Gospel for Asia Supported Sisters of Compassion Deliver Gifts and Hope, to Remote Villagers in India

The children of a remote village in northeast India now have school supplies, thanks to gifts delivered by Gospel for Asia-supported Sisters of Compassion. The supplies will help them learn in the tutoring center the sisters established this year.

Widows now have decent roofing; Children can now learn with good school supplies WILLS POINT, Texas —Gospel for Asia-supported Sisters of Compassion delivered gifts to improve the lives of children and poor widows in a remote village in northeastern India. The Sisters of Compassion are specialized women workers trained to minister to the poor. The… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Supported Sisters of Compassion Deliver Gifts and Hope, to Remote Villagers in India

Through Community Schooling Programs, Gospel for Asia Helps Offer Fresh Hope to Young Girls, Victims of Gender-based Prejudice

Global Focus Shines a Light on Group’s Efforts to Equip Girls for a Brighter Future WILLS POINT, Texas —  This year’s focus of the United Nations’ annual International Day of the Girl Child, emphasizing the need for better educational opportunities for girls under the theme “With Her: A Skilled Girl Force,” brings a spotlight to… Continue reading Through Community Schooling Programs, Gospel for Asia Helps Offer Fresh Hope to Young Girls, Victims of Gender-based Prejudice

Still No Churches in Saudi Arabia, But Small Steps Toward Religious Freedom

Saudi Arabia has made unprecedented strides toward religious tolerance just a year after its young new ruler pledged to bring more moderate Islam to the Sunni kingdom. After a visit to the capital city of Riyadh last week, US officials reported the country has reformed its religious police—once tasked with enforcing shari’ah law on the… Continue reading Still No Churches in Saudi Arabia, But Small Steps Toward Religious Freedom

The Shameful Truth About Modern Slavery

Young Victim of Labor Trafficking in India

WILLS POINT – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified in 1948, seventy years ago. Article 4 of the Declaration says, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.” A large number of people in the United States – perhaps most… Continue reading The Shameful Truth About Modern Slavery

Manipur Woman Wins Prestigious Humanitarian Award

Binalakshmi Nepram

MANIPUR – Manipur native, Binalakshmi Nepram is the 2018 recipient of the prestigious Anna Politkovskaya Award. The award is presented annually by the organization, Reach All Women in WAR (RAW in WAR) to a woman who has stood up to victims in areas of conflict and who have demonstrated “courage and truth-telling in the face… Continue reading Manipur Woman Wins Prestigious Humanitarian Award

Literacy Will Change Their Worlds

INDIA – September 8th was International Literacy Day. With so many days set aside to draw attention to causes, we rarely take a look back to recognize what we have done to meet the needs of the cause beyond memorializing the day. Illiteracy is a significant issue in South Asia and other areas of the… Continue reading Literacy Will Change Their Worlds

Access to Clean Water for Siksa

SIKSA, Pakistan – The World Health Organization estimates that more than a third of the people in Pakistan lack access to safe drinking water. It is a problem all too common for countries in South Asia and the 10/40 window. The village of Siksa is an example of how things change when clean water becomes… Continue reading Access to Clean Water for Siksa

Making Sense of Myanmar – The Chin, Kachin, Shan, and Wa States

YANGON – Myanmar, formerly Burma, may best be described a line from Rogers and Hammerstein’s “The King and I” in which the king exclaims, “It’s a puzzlement.” In a recent article, we related the story of a Christian pastor in a small village in the Chin state in northwest Myanmar. The gist of the story… Continue reading Making Sense of Myanmar – The Chin, Kachin, Shan, and Wa States

Controversial ‘Third Wave Missions’ Book Marks Major Four-Million-Copy Milestone

Gospel for Asia founder KP Yohannan’s “Revolution in World Missions” has helped spark growth of indigenous-Christian-worker movement. WILLS POINT, Texas—A book first met with controversy but now widely credited with helping change the face of modern missions is marking a major milestone—more than four million copies in print. Since it was published in 1986, Dr.… Continue reading Controversial ‘Third Wave Missions’ Book Marks Major Four-Million-Copy Milestone

SGA Building Bridges in Eastern Ukraine

KIEV – Ukraine (fka “the Ukraine) presents many conundrums. Because of the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, many measurements and statistics must be listed and compared as “including Crimea” or “not including Crimea” – an issue that remains a point of contention for Ukraine. Although Ukraine is the largest nation located entirely… Continue reading SGA Building Bridges in Eastern Ukraine

Simple Story of Village Reconciliation Offers ‘Pathway to Peace’ for Divided World

GFA (Gospel for Asia) shares example of reconciliation to mark International Day of Peace and inspire more peacemakers to prayer and action WILLS POINT, Texas—As political and religious divisions widen and deepen around the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) hopes that a simple story of reconciliation and forgiveness will inspire more people to pray and… Continue reading Simple Story of Village Reconciliation Offers ‘Pathway to Peace’ for Divided World

Humanitarian Aid Being Hindered in Yemen: Millions of People at Risk

SANA, Yemen –  “More than 25 percent of children (1.8 million) are malnourished; 900,000 people in the governorate are desperate for food and 90,000 pregnant women are at enormous risk. Families need everything–food, cash, health care, water, sanitation, emergency supplies, specialized support, and many need shelter. It’s heart-breaking to see so many people who need… Continue reading Humanitarian Aid Being Hindered in Yemen: Millions of People at Risk

2018 UN Report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

NEW YORK – From 2005 through 2013, it appeared that we were making progress on the global war against hunger. Today, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) released its 202-page report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World. The results indicate that, since 2014, “the war against hunger… Continue reading 2018 UN Report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

Literacy Training—the Life-transforming Tool That Is Impacting Communities

International Literacy Day underscores how, in helping people learn to read, GFA brings practical help and spiritual hope to many on the fringes of society WILLS POINT, Texas — In many parts of the world, being unable to read isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a potentially deadly handicap that Gospel for Asia (GFA) is working hard to… Continue reading Literacy Training—the Life-transforming Tool That Is Impacting Communities

Firsthand Reflections of Flooding in Kerala, India

Dr. Daniel, director of Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported medical ministry in Asia, reflects on the flood situation in Kerala and his trips to rescue people who were stranded. “It is easy for me to sit back at home and watch the television and see the different things that are happening. But on the first day… Continue reading Firsthand Reflections of Flooding in Kerala, India

“Churches’ Indispensable Role” in India Evident After Kerala Flooding

GFA-supported Sister of Compassion Prepare Essentials for Flood Survivors

CHENNAI – Vijay Jayaraj holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia in Great Britain. He is a native of India and a resident of Chennai. In a recent op-ed to published by the Christian Post, he lauded the immediate and substantial aid by Christians following the Kerala… Continue reading “Churches’ Indispensable Role” in India Evident After Kerala Flooding

Handicrafts, Donation Boxes Aid Flood Relief

As flood relief efforts continually take place in Kerala, India, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers serving in various locations are raising funds for their brothers and sisters in immediate need. “When I heard the flood situation of Kerala, I felt very sad and immediately visited the mission fields to make contribution for Kerala relief work,”… Continue reading Handicrafts, Donation Boxes Aid Flood Relief

Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report: Hope to Overcome the Challenges of Widowhood Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Accounts of the humiliations, insults and indignations suffered by widows worldwide would make anyone cringe. Gulika, a widow in Asia, experienced helplessness after the people in her village turned their backs on her after… Continue reading Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination

GFA-supported Workers Help Government Prepare, Sort Relief Kits for 14,000 Families

As the flood survivors of Kerala, India, recover from the devastation caused by the massive flooding, Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers continue to diligently serve those in need. Congregations led by Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported pastors are stepping in to help in various ways. A Women’s Fellowship located in one of the hardest hit places… Continue reading GFA-supported Workers Help Government Prepare, Sort Relief Kits for 14,000 Families

21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking: Stories, Statistics and Solutions

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on Slavery & Human Trafficking Written By Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications Around 10 million people are currently behind bars somewhere in the world. Some have yet to face trial, a few have been wrongly convicted, but most are prisoners for a crime they have committed. Meanwhile, four… Continue reading 21st Century Slavery & Human Trafficking: Stories, Statistics and Solutions

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