GFA World, founded by KP Yohannan, reports on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide - through providing education.

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide, mainly through providing education, transmitting values. In my original special report for Gospel for Asia (GFA) titled Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of…

USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program - 23 million+ pounds of food has been distributed through churches & faith-based organizations

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Over 23 million pounds of food has been distributed through churches and faith-based organizations in CityServe Network since the launch of the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program in May 2020. Given the ongoing pandemic, CityServe Network’s expansive HUB to POD distribution model has made fresh, nutritious…

Ligonier Ministries, is pleased to announce the release of the Reformation Study Bible in Spanish, in partnership with Poiema Publicaciones

ORLANDO, FL — Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul, has announced the release of the Reformation Study Bible in Spanish, published in partnership with Poiema Publicaciones. This long-anticipated resource, La Biblia de Estudio de La Reforma, is now available in a variety of cover styles on Ligonier’s website and Amazon. Today,…

In an effort to bring support to pastors during this difficult time, the Luis Palau Association is hosting a free online pastors gathering

PORTLAND, OR — There’s no question this has been one of the most difficult years in history, and pastors and church leaders have not been immune to this pain. Many are struggling to keep perspective, stay encouraged, and lead their churches well. In an effort to bring unique encouragement and support to pastors during this…

Food boxes distribution in CityServe's network totals 120 million+ pounds of wholesome foods delivered to families in "Last Mile of Need."

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Since the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program launched in May 2020, CityServe’s collaborative network of churches and faith-based organizations have distributed over 5 million food boxes across the United States. Food box distribution in CityServe’s network totals over 120 million pounds of wholesome foods delivered to…

Faith-based organizations, such as churches and nonprofit ministries, must evolve the way they communicate to engage the "COVID generation"

CHARLOTTE, NC — Faith-based organizations, such as churches and nonprofit ministries, must evolve the way they communicate to engage the “COVID generation” — or risk becoming irrelevant, a leading communications agency said today. Many of America’s Christian organizations — churches, mission agencies, schools, rescue missions and other ministries — are looking for effective ways to…

When houses of worship were forced to close during the recent pandemic shutdown, many faith groups grasped a financial lifeline through forgivable loans

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — The CARES Act rescued houses of worship that were forced to close during the recent COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. Many faith groups and religious affiliates across the state grasped a financial lifeline through forgivable loans from the federal government. Congress approved the money through the Coronavirus Aid and Economic Security Act (CARES…

Luis Palau Association will host a global festival on May 30, 2020: Stories of Hope - An Online Festival Experience, led by Andrew Palau & his wife, Wendy.

PORTLAND, OR — In a massive effort to share hope with millions around the world during this pandemic, the Luis Palau Association will host a global festival on May 30, 2020. This online event, called Stories of Hope: An Online Festival Experience, will be led by Andrew Palau and his wife, Wendy. It will feature…

Gospel for Asia issues a Special Report update on solving the world water crisis, major initiatives to defeat the age-old problem.

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued a Special Report on solving the world water crisis, citing major initiatives to defeat an age-old problem of lack of access to clean water … so critical overall to combating disease and maintain healthy…

Churches, international and national ministries, Christian schools, rescue missions and a host of grassroots organizations are coping with "coronavirus shock" as they face unprecedented challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

CHARLOTTE, NC – Churches, international and national ministries, Christian schools, rescue missions and a host of grassroots organizations are coping with “coronavirus shock” as they face unprecedented challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “Churches, Christian missions and ministries everywhere have suffered a significant jolt and are urgently trying to figure out the best path forward,” says…

As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, major cities in China and more than 20 countries around the world, including Japan, Thailand, and Singapore, have fallen to the virus. Hong Kong’s churches are providing a prayer book online called "Pass Over Us", and the Chinese Evangelical Association launched a 28-day prayer and fasting campaign for the pandemic.

HONG KONG – As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, major cities in China and more than 20 countries around the world, including Japan, Thailand, and Singapore, have fallen to the virus. Hong Kong’s churches are providing a prayer book online called “Pass Over Us”, and the Chinese Evangelical Association launched a 28-day prayer…

On this Religious Freedom Day, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a rule that implements President Trump's executive order that removes current regulatory burdens on religious organizations and ensures that religious and non-religious organizations are treated equally in HHS-supported programs.

WASHINGTON — On Religious Freedom Day, January 16, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed a rule that implements President Trump’s executive order that removes current regulatory burdens on religious organizations and ensures that religious and non-religious organizations are treated equally in HHS-supported programs. This rule protects HHS-supported religious social service…

Christian Care Ministry (CCM), which offers the popular Medi-Share healthcare sharing ministry, is inviting the entire community to its second annual “Day of Sharing,” a nationwide initiative to motivate and mobilize people to share their time, talent and treasure to serve others Oct. 5. The theme of this year’s event is, “Find a Need, Fill the Need, Impact the Kingdom.”

MELBOURNE, FL — Christian Care Ministry (CCM), which offers the popular Medi-Share healthcare sharing ministry, is inviting the entire community to its second annual “Day of Sharing,” a nationwide initiative to motivate and mobilize people to share their time, talent and treasure to serve others Oct. 5. The theme of this year’s event is, “Find…

Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues a Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions, & the miraculous potential literacy brings.

Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations. Few…

This year's conference keynote speakers enhanced the theme of planning for God's abundance for the work of the Pro Abundant Life movement.

“Planning for God’s Abundance” Theme Encourages Attendees to Focus on the Kingdom Impact of their Life-Saving and Family-Building WorkNASHVILLE – Care Net, a nonprofit ministry that supports one of the nation’s largest network of pregnancy centers, kicked off its 36th annual conference last Sept 4 at the Union Station Hotel. The conference is the nation’s…

Matthew Barnett, co-founder of the Los Angeles Dream Center and senior pastor of Angelus Temple, discusses the ways to end homelessness.

Matthew Barnett, co-founder of the Los Angeles Dream Center and senior pastor of Angelus Temple, discusses the ways to end homelessness, that it is not an impossible dream to do so. It’s hard to believe that homelessness still rises to a crisis level in so many places across the U.S. And it pains me to…

The second article of our new “Spotlight” series shines the Spotlight on Forgotten Missionaries International (FMI), based in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.

Forgotten Missionaries International: Building partnerships to empower indigenous church plantersThis is the second article in our new “Spotlight” series that homes in on our primary intent of “Connecting the Church in the West to news of what God is doing through nonprofits around the world.” This article shines the Spotlight on Forgotten Missionaries International (FMI),…