On Saturday, March 25, CityServe International officially launched CityServe Costa Rica in Carrillo Canton.

BAKERSFIELD, CA — On Saturday, March 25, CityServe International officially launched CityServe Costa Rica in Carrillo Canton. In partnership with the Mission in Action Foundation, CityServe Costa Rica has hit the ground running with a robust plan to resource a network of local churches to help impoverished communities. CityServe Costa Rica opened with 8 containers…

Wycliffe Associates partners with Ukraine local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, supplying aid to national Bible translators

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with Ukraine local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is supplying essential aid to Ukrainian national Bible translators. Through its Emergency 911 Fund, Wycliffe Associates supplies practical help, including food, clean water, shelter, and even evacuations, to Bible translators…

Pediatric surgeon Dr John Fitzwater, travelling alongside his wife and children, serves as a short-term volunteer at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya

BOMET, KENYA — Pediatric surgeon Dr John Fitzwater, travelling alongside his wife and children, serves as a short-term volunteer at Tenwek Hospital through World Medical Mission. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals support and strengthen the work of Samaritan’s Purse partner hospitals around the world. Russ White, MD – Chief of Surgery, Tenwek Hospital: Just last…

How do children of the persecuted church celebrate Christmas? Despite persecution, children worldwide are determined to celebrate Christmas.

SYRIA — How do children of the persecuted church celebrate Christmas? Despite conflict and persecution, children around the world are determined to celebrate Christmas. What are you doing for Christmas this year? It’s a question many of us are asking around the world. For children living in countries where believers are persecuted, it’s a question…

Iraqi law forbids changing religion from Muslim to Christian on their official ID - Believers in this situation can be extremely persecuted

IRAQ — Iraqi law forbids a person from changing their religion from ‘Muslim’ to ‘Christian on their official ID. Believers who find themselves in this situation can be extremely isolated, treated with suspicion by the Christian community while also rejected by Muslims. Mr Youhanna* gives legal counsel to Christians like Matti* who suffers this discrimination….

Covid is fuelling a growing, hidden, “pandemic” of gender-based violence, abduction and trafficking, directed towards Christian women & girls

SOUTH ASIA — Covid-19 is fuelling a growing, hidden, “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence, abduction and trafficking, directed towards Christian women and girls around the world. This is one of the findings of a new report commissioned by Christian persecution charity Open Doors, released on International Women’s Day (Mon Mar 8). Global Gender Persecution Specialist…

KP Yohannan, leader of Gospel for Asia has warned that a new COVID 19 surge could cause catastrophic hunger & starvation in poor nations.

WILLS POINT, TX – Dr. K.P. Yohannan, founder of a major faith-based humanitarian agency, Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada), has warned that a new COVID-19 surge could cause catastrophic starvation in poor nations. Widespread hunger across Asia caused by the pandemic is proving to be “worse than the…

In 2019 support and prayers enabled Bilji and persecuted Christian families to attend a Christmas celebration for isolated believers

BANGLADESH — Ten-year-old Bijli from Bangladesh already knows the cost of following Jesus. Because of her faith, she is bullied at school and her family are ostracised in their Muslim-majority village. Bijli’s father, Badol, became a church leader after receiving biblical training through Open Doors partners. He was worried that his Muslim neighbours wouldn’t accept…

Texas based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is releasing hundreds of thousands of families from jaws of hunger amid COVID 19

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing how humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is releasing hundreds of thousands of families from jaws of hunger amid COVID-19. Hunger relief efforts led by two Texas-based organizations are helping thousands…

“North Korea faces a major crisis with multiple causes, COVID 19 lockdown, catastrophic flooding and international sanctions.”

NORTH KOREA — North Korea is on the verge of a catastrophic meltdown according to reports reaching Open Doors from North Korean Christians. “North Korea faces a major crisis with multiple causes,” says Timothy Cho, North Korean escapee. “Covid-19 lockdown, catastrophic flooding, and international sanctions.” Although the North Korean Government has claimed that they have…

Samaritan’s Purse continues to serve communities struggling during the global COVID-19 pandemic, Their latest response is in Sudan.

SUDAN — Samaritan’s Purse continues to serve communities struggling during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Their latest coronavirus response is in the northeast African nation of Sudan. Samaritan’s Purse has a substantial history there and in South Sudan, they arre strengthening local churches and providing physical relief to impoverished villages that have suffered from years of…