Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, with IFCJ, transfers $3 million for benefit of thousands of impoverished Israeli families

JERUSALEM — The coronavirus crisis has greatly impacted many families in Israel. To alleviate the overwhelming need, Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, together with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), has decided to provide more than $3 million for the benefit of individuals and families needing additional support. This will…

Faith Academics and Beyond This have joined forces to create the 54 Day Challenge, a social initiative to unite and transform communities.

TAMPA / INDIANAPOLIS — Faith Academics, a national company supporting online learning through character-based education, and Beyond This, an Indiana non-profit focused on mentoring and life coaching, have joined forces to create the 54 Day Challenge, a social initiative to unite and transform communities around the country through a season of compassion. The 54 Day…

Largest private gift ever to Christian medical missions — at least $20M — given by Rabbi Erica and Mark Gerson, in conjunction with UBS.

NEW YORK — African Mission Healthcare expresses gratitude to Jewish entrepreneur Mark Gerson and his wife, Rabbi Erica Gerson, for committing $18 million dollars to support the lifesaving work of African Mission Healthcare (AMH), a nonprofit Christian Medical Missions organization envisaged by Gerson and his friend Dr. Jon Fielder, who become friends 30 years ago…

International Day of the Girl Child Report - Covid 19 triggered a shadow pandemic of sexual abuse, violence and exploitation against girls,

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, shares how COVID-19 has triggered a “shadow pandemic” of sexual abuse, violence and exploitation against girls, a shocking new report reveals on International Day of the Girl Child, Oct. 11. More than ever, girls…

Major announcement on GCU partnership with Cityserve to provide thousands of household goods to local families in need

PHOENIX, AZ – Grand Canyon University and CityServe are announcing the creation of a major distribution hub on the GCU campus that will provide thousands of household goods to needy families in Arizona. A 35,000-square-foot warehouse on campus will house products such as clothing, heaters, fans, blankets, furniture, mattresses, food boxes and other essential items…

Iraqi law forbids changing religion from Muslim to Christian on their official ID - Believers in this situation can be extremely persecuted

IRAQ — Iraqi law forbids a person from changing their religion from ‘Muslim’ to ‘Christian on their official ID. Believers who find themselves in this situation can be extremely isolated, treated with suspicion by the Christian community while also rejected by Muslims. Mr Youhanna* gives legal counsel to Christians like Matti* who suffers this discrimination….

Ahead of International Religious Freedom Summit 2021, coalition of 70+ religious, civil-society groups issue ‘A Charter of Religious Freedom’

WASHINGTON — Ahead of the International Religious Freedom Summit 2021 (IRF Summit), co-chairs Samuel Brownback and Katrina Lantos Swett, along with the Summit’s over 70 partner organizations around the world, have issued A Charter of Religious Freedom, calling for the protection of the universal human rights of religion, thought and conscience: A CHARTER OF RELIGIOUS…

June 11, 2006, Alfa Omega TV started satellite broadcasting - this is Romaniaʼs first television Christian education & spirituality channel

TIMISOARA, ROMANIA — On June 11, 2006, Alfa Omega television channel started satellite broadcasting – this is Romaniaʼs first television channel of Christian education and spirituality. This month, Alfa Omega television channel celebrates 15 years of satellite broadcasting. It is the first Christian channel in Romanian language. Tudor Pețan, President, Alfa Omega TV: Back then,…

LA Dream Center officially opened their Community Kitchen and Food Pantry to their communities - which became an overnight success.

LOS ANGELES — As a part of their mission to #RestoreLA, Pastor Matthew Barnett and the Los Angeles Dream Center have been focused on efforts that seek to sustain the community as Los Angeles get back on its feet. One of the ways they have sought to do this was by assisting individuals and families…

Security officers in southern Israel must fight the fires set by terrorist rocket, missile, and incendiary balloon attacks.

JERUSALEM — Security officers in southern Israel must fight the fires set by terrorist rocket, missile, and incendiary balloon attacks. These attacks from Gaza have become a near-daily occurrence in the region, especially in the summer. To guard against this threat, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) recently distributed 75 personal firefighting…

The Faith Based Community for Farmers to Families has distributed over 12 million food boxes to families living in the "Last Mile of Need."

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Since the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program launched in May 2020, the Faith-Based Community for Farmers to Families, facilitated by CityServe, has distributed over 12 million food boxes to families living in the “Last Mile of Need.” Currently comprised of over 1400 HUBs, the collaborative network…

Settled provides an opportunity for churches and other FBOs to transform the lives of the hopeless homeless that need help

CHAMPLIN, MN – Settled is a faith-based organization that “equips faith communities to pursue homes with the homeless through sustainable housing, purposeful work, and supportive community.” On any given night, there are nearly 600,000 people in the United States who are sleeping in cars, under bridges, in makeshift tents, and in abandoned buildings. That’s right….

CityServe Produce Alliance

BAKERSFIELD, CA — In round three of the ​United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers to Families Food Box Program​, CityServe, a faith-based nonprofit, and Produce Alliance, Inc., one of the nation’s leading produce procurement and distribution companies, and USDA approved contractor, collaborated in a unique partnership to feed families. Occurring from September 22 through…

GFA World, founded by KP Yohannan, reports on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide - through providing education.

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide, mainly through providing education, transmitting values. In my original special report for Gospel for Asia (GFA) titled Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of…

GENEVE — In a joint statement, the World Council of Churches, ACT Alliance, and Middle East Council of Churches appealed to address the most urgent needs in the wake of the catastrophic explosion that ripped through the heart of Beirut on 4 August. “We stand in solidarity with the bereaved, the injured, the displaced and…

As the COVID 19 shows signs of slowing down and then accelerating, Johsh McDowell is sounding the alarm about the impact of lockdown isolation

PLANO, TX — As the COVID-19 pandemic shows signs of slowing down and then accelerating again—like a perilous roller coaster ride–an apologist, who has worked with and researched young people in the church for nearly 55 years, is sounding the alarm about the impact of lockdown isolation on Generation Z—especially as they go back to…

With remote learning providing an additional challenge for working families, hundreds of families have leaned on the Dream Center

LOS ANGELES — The Restart Learning Center, now in its tenth week of operation, is a new service the Los Angeles Dream Center began providing at their Echo Park campus at the start of an unusual school year. With remote learning providing an additional challenge for working families, and unstable or non-existent wifi connections for…

CityServe, a faith-based nonprofit, and Gold Star Foods Inc. collaborated in a unique partnership to deliver food to families in need

WASHINGTON — In round two of the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program, CityServe, a faith-based nonprofit, and Gold Star Foods Inc., one of the nation’s leading nutrition providers to K-12 schools and USDA approved contractor, collaborated in a unique partnership to feed families. Occurring from July 2 through September…

A write-in survey by D James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — A write-in survey sent to friends and supporters of D. James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents, by overwhelming margins, want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns. On issue after issue–abortion, religious liberty, poverty, sexual identity, Israel, Christian heritage, role of government, church in politics/government, and radical…

A Christian Arabic language broadcaster in Lebanon is assuring viewers after a huge blast in the capital Beirut killed at least 113 people

EASTON, MD — Immediately after the big Beirut blast, a major Christian Arabic language broadcaster in Lebanon is airing special live programming, reassuring shell-shocked viewers, many of whose friends and family were among at least 113 people dead and more than 4,000 injured. Satellite network SAT-7 ( reported minor damage to its Beirut studios a…

As Israel faces severe economic crisis caused by coronavirus, Israel’s Ministry of Social Affairs and IFCJ set up emergency assistance across the country.

JERUSALEM — Against the backdrop of the severe economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Israel’s Ministry of Social Affairs and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) have set up emergency funds in 140 municipalities across the country. The funds will help local welfare departments provide immediate assistance to families and elderly…

With migrants starvation fueled by COVID-19 threatening thousands in South Asia, Gospel for Asia has launched a new global movement -- Don't Mask Your Eyes

WILLS POINT, TX — With starvation fueled by the COVID-19 crisis threatening thousands across South Asia, a leading mission agency has launched a new global movement — Don’t Mask Your Eyes — to draw attention to starving migrants and their families. “The face mask has become a symbol of our deeply troubled times,” said K.P….

Gospel for Asia founder, KP Yohannan, interviewed by Kerby Anderson, talks about the COVID pandemic in South Asia and its effects in India in particular.

DALLAS, TX – The Point of View radio talk show has been recognized as “America’s most popular call-in show” by Christianity Today magazine. The program, broadcasted nationally and hosted by Kerby Anderson, Penna Dexter and Kelly Shackelford, “provides biblical clarity, truth and content to restore a Christian worldview” to our culture. Gospel for Asia (GFA)…

Amid COVID 19, Wycliffe is expanding its reach for Bible translators with V-MAST, a web version of Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation methodology.

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization working with national translators with close to 1,200 languages in progress, is expanding its Bible translation technological reach with V-MAST, a video conferencing version of the MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) methodology. Initially developed as a collaboration tool to allow national Bible translators to collaborate across great…

9 million people will die in a coronavirus worsened scandal of starvation this year, according to a new report today marking World Hunger Day on May 28.

WILLS POINT, TX — It’s estimated that nine million people will die in a coronavirus-worsened ‘scandal of starvation’ this year, according to a new report today marking World Hunger Day — an annual awareness event — on May 28.Yet astonishingly, families, restaurants and hospitals around the world will throw away $1 trillion worth of food…

Founder of Retired Reformation challenged American senior retirees to take the lead in the battle against coronavirus induced anxiety and panic.

COLORADO SPRINGS — The founder of a movement to inject purpose into the lives of America’s retirees today challenged seniors to take the lead in the battle against coronavirus-induced anxiety and panic. A new survey by the American Psychiatric Association revealed almost half of Americans are anxious about catching the coronavirus and more than a…