GFA (Gospel for Asia) leader Dr. KP Yohannan assists in ‘great act of kindness’ supply distributions in wake of severe flooding in Sri Lanka. WILLS POINT, Texas—Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported (GFA) workers worked alongside Buddhist priests to bring relief to some of those worst hit by the severe flooding that left thousands of Sri Lankans… Continue reading KP Yohannan Relief Team Links with Temple Leaders to Help Flood-Hit Buddhist Community
Tag: GFA supported workers
Women Sailors’ Success Is Inspiration for Young Indian Girls
GOA, INDIA – Six young women, all members of the Indian Navy have provided some inspiration for their younger counterparts by successfully circumnavigating the globe in a 56-foot, single-mast sailboat, the Tarini. This amazing accomplishment was the first-ever Indian expedition steered by women sailors – and, it should provide some encouragement for those in a… Continue reading Women Sailors’ Success Is Inspiration for Young Indian Girls
PragerU Debunks Myth that Capitalism is Widening the Inequality Gap
“Yes, the Rich Are Getting Richer, but the Poor Are Getting Richer Faster. And what is driving that process? The Market,” says Daniel Hannan, British Author, Journalist and Former Member of the European Parliament LOS ANGELES — In PragerU’s newest video, As The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Richer, British author, journalist and former… Continue reading PragerU Debunks Myth that Capitalism is Widening the Inequality Gap
Christians in the Central African Republic Urged to Live by Their Faith
BANGUI, Central African Republic – Prior to gaining its independence in 1960, this landlocked county occupying the Ubangi and Chari River Basins was part of French Equatorial Africa. Since gaining independence, the county, although rich in uranium, crude oil, gold, diamonds, cobalt, lumber and arable land, remains one of the 10 poorest countries in the… Continue reading Christians in the Central African Republic Urged to Live by Their Faith
Jailed and Tortured Missionary Leads Other Prisoners to Christ
KHARTOUM – A four-day visit to Sudan in 2015 by VOM missionary Petr Jasek turned into an unplanned 445-day sojourn in prison after the Czech Christian was arrested on charges of conspiring against the Sudanese government. Jasek, shared his experience last week at the McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. He told his audience that… Continue reading Jailed and Tortured Missionary Leads Other Prisoners to Christ
FARMS International Ministering in Mizoram
KNIFE RIVER, MN – FARMS International has established successful agricultural evangelism programs in Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Thailand, The Philippines, Moldova, Bangladesh, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Vietnam, and the state of Nagaland in Northeast India. The organization recently announced that it is expanding its unique approach to doing good in the name of Christ to… Continue reading FARMS International Ministering in Mizoram
The Danger of Rapid Economic Growth for Health Care in Developing Countries
No one would disagree with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that “Health is . . . essential to development. Good health improves learning, worker productivity, and income. As such, health contributes to economic growth.” There is a logic here. People must be healthy to be productive. Good personal and community health are necessary, not only… Continue reading The Danger of Rapid Economic Growth for Health Care in Developing Countries
Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits
Chinese president, Xi Jinping, got rid of term limits, the amount of time a person can spend in office, in the People Republic of China. Once this is in place, the president is able to stay in office as long as he wants. NPR reports, “The move represents a dramatic departure from rules that have… Continue reading Chinese President Removes Presidential Term Limits
Extollo: Changing Lives in Haiti
HAITI – Sherman Balch and his wife Cheryl volunteered to go to Haiti with a group from their church a few months after the 2010 earthquake. That visit became a life-changing experience that led to the founding of Extollo, a Latin word that means “to raise up.” Now Extollo is a life-changing experience for native… Continue reading Extollo: Changing Lives in Haiti
Karnataka First India State to Offer Universal Healthcare
KARNATAKA – Chief Minister of the State of Karnataka introduced the first statewide universal healthcare (UHC) program in India. The first phase of the program was initiated on March 2, 2018. Ultimately, when the program is entirely implemented, over 10 million households, regardless of income, will have some form of access to healthcare. Chief Minister… Continue reading Karnataka First India State to Offer Universal Healthcare
Air India Begins Observing International Women’s Day with All-Female Flight Crew
KOLKATA – Air India has launched a series of events aimed to salute to International Women’s Day. Today, 04 March 2018, the airline announced that it had operated its Kolkata-Dimpur-Kolkata flight with an all-female crew, including flight attendants, pilot, and co-pilot. Captain Akanksha Verma and Captain Satovia Banerjee piloted the Airbus 319 on Flight AI709.… Continue reading Air India Begins Observing International Women’s Day with All-Female Flight Crew
HALO Declares Afghan Province of Herat Mine Free
HERAT, Afghanistan – “HALO works with countries emerging from conflict, securing weapons and disposing of unexploded ammunition. It paves the way for infrastructure to enable economic development and it underpins international stability and security. By hiring men and women from the mine-impacted communities, HALO’s approach directly lifts our staff’s extended families and communities out of… Continue reading HALO Declares Afghan Province of Herat Mine Free
Who is George Verwer and Why Messiology Matters
When Christians today think of well-known pastors or missionaries, they mention names like Billy Graham, Jim Elliot, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, Joel Osteen, Matt Chandler, Rick Warren or John Piper. Most people would not list George Verwer nor would they even recognize his name. As it turns out, that’s probably just the way George Verwer… Continue reading Who is George Verwer and Why Messiology Matters
Missionaries or Ambassadors
The Western world has traditionally held the word “missionary” in high esteem, largely unaware that leaders of Eastern nations have often regarded the idea skepticism. That skepticism has grown over the past century, following the end of World War I and, even more so, since the end of the Second World War. Why the disparity?… Continue reading Missionaries or Ambassadors
K. P. Yohannan
Dr. KP Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is… Continue reading K. P. Yohannan
Gift Catalogs Makes it Possible for Christmas Gifts to Transform Lives
As U.S. families prepare for Christmas expenses and holiday giving, Gospel for Asia’s Christmas Gift Catalog is helping people find joy through giving practical gifts that produce income for families in need. WILLS POINT, Texas—This year as some families attempt to navigate the Christmas season of gift giving, often times exchanging items no one… Continue reading Gift Catalogs Makes it Possible for Christmas Gifts to Transform Lives
List of Trusted Nonprofits for #GivingTuesday Donations Released and released their lists of trusted nonprofits for impactful #GivingTuesday donations. Gospel for Asia (GFA), Save the Storks and Children’s Hunger Fund were listed among others. Which Trusted Nonprofits Made the List? According to this list written by Jesse Jackson of Faithit, there were quite a few that made the list. FaithIt’s article… Continue reading List of Trusted Nonprofits for #GivingTuesday Donations Released
Church in Philippines Opposes Birth Control
Photo by GIAHS Initiative In the Philippines, the Catholic Church opposes birth control. In the meantime, President Duterte is pushing for more free access to birth control. Per Fox News, “President Rodrigo Duterte mandated free birth control for women in an effort to decrease poverty rates in the country and help economically stricken communities. Duterte… Continue reading Church in Philippines Opposes Birth Control
Somalia Drought
Photo by Oxfam East Africa The country of Somalia is in a drought. In a 48-hour period, over 100 people died from hunger. Per Fox News, “Somalia’s prime minister says 110 people have died from hunger in the past 48 hours in a single region as a severe drought threatens millions of people across the… Continue reading Somalia Drought
South Sudan Farmers Have No Food in Midst of Civil War
Photo by Oxfam East Africa South Sudan has been in a civil war for three years. This has caused an economic crisis and has caused a lack of farming, meaning they had no food to feed their families with or sale in the markets. Per Fox News, “South Sudan’s three-year civil war and economic crisis… Continue reading South Sudan Farmers Have No Food in Midst of Civil War
Pope Apologizes for Church’s Role in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide
Photo by TSGT. MARVIN KRAUSE In 1994, the Rwandan Genocide started. On April 6, a plane carrying the then-President, a Hutu. The Hutu extremists blamed a Tutsi rebel group, which started a slaughter of the Tutsi. Per BBC, “Hutu extremists blamed the Tutsi rebel group the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), and immediately started a well-organised… Continue reading Pope Apologizes for Church’s Role in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide
Yemen Cholera Outbreak
Photo by ai@ce An outbreak of Cholera started in October in Yemen. Tens of thousands of people have been infected with the illness. Per BBC, “Some 26,000 people have now been affected since October by the outbreak, which subsided over the winter.” The disease is spread through food and water that has human feces in… Continue reading Yemen Cholera Outbreak
Sudan Floods in 2016
In the summer of 2016, Sudan flooded and more than 100 people died in the Sudan floods. Per Al Jazeera, “Thousands of houses have been destroyed and several villages submerged after flooding triggered by torrential rainfall killed 100 people across Sudan, according to an aid group in the country.” There have been 14,000 homes that… Continue reading Sudan Floods in 2016
Nigeria Famine
Photo by Unknown CDC employee People are returning to their homes in northern Nigeria after Boko Haram raided in 2014. One of the farmers hid under maize crops with the rest of his family. Per CNN, “Jafiya Nuhu, a 52-year-old commercial farmer, hid under maize cobs in his farm with his wife and two children… Continue reading Nigeria Famine
Myanmar Government Holds Peace Talks with Ethnic Groups
Photo by Steve Evans In May, the Myanmar government held a peace talk with ethnic minority groups in the country. They hoped to find common ground between the military and the minority groups that were trying to defend themselves. Per Fox News, “Representatives from Myanmar’s ethic rebel groups and the government gathered in… Continue reading Myanmar Government Holds Peace Talks with Ethnic Groups
Emergency Aid Running Out in Ethiopia
Photo by USAID Africa Bureau In Ethiopia, there has been a massive emergency for Ethiopia. They’re in a drought and many of their crops and cattle have been destroyed and killed. Millions of people will be affected by lack of food. Per BBC, “The UN’s World Food Programme said 7.8 million people affected by… Continue reading Emergency Aid Running Out in Ethiopia
Nepal Earthquake Two Years Later
Photo by Punya On April 25, 2015, a massive earthquake hit Nepal, creating destruction to buildings around Nepal. This killed thousands of people nationwide. Per Fox News, “Nearly everything was lost on April 25, 2015, when a terrifying earthquake shook the Himalayan nation, killing more than 9,000 people and toppling nearly a million homes… Continue reading Nepal Earthquake Two Years Later
Jerusalem Celebrates Unification of City in 1967
Photo by Mujaddara Jerusalem celebrated the 50th anniversary of the capture of East Jerusalem. On May 25, 1967, East Jerusalem was seized by the Israeli military. Fox News reports, “Israel is marking this week the 50th anniversary of its capture of east Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war — an event it celebrates as… Continue reading Jerusalem Celebrates Unification of City in 1967
Hurricane Matthew Hits Haiti; Causes Cholera Outbreak
Photo by DFID – UK Department for International Development In early October of last year, Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti. This caused massive destruction and disease to break out in Haiti, Cholera, which is caused by drinking infected water. Per CNN, “Thirteen people have died from cholera since Matthew hit Haiti, he said. This tragedy —… Continue reading Hurricane Matthew Hits Haiti; Causes Cholera Outbreak
Earthquake in Indonesia
Photo by AusAID In early December, there was an earthquake that hit the Aceh Province in Indonesia. According to Fox News, “Maj. Gen. Tatang Sulaiman, chief of the army in Aceh province, said at least 97 died while four people were pulled from the rubble alive. Another four or five are known to be buried,… Continue reading Earthquake in Indonesia
Cyclone Debbie Hits New South Wales
Photo by Rexness In late March, Cyclone Debbie hit New South Wales, Australia, causing flooding. Per BBC, “In many towns floodwaters are continuing to rise after the category four cyclone saw some areas experience three times their average monthly rainfall on Thursday alone.” Several towns were declared disaster zones. explains, “Several flood-affected northern NSW… Continue reading Cyclone Debbie Hits New South Wales
Only 1/3 of Venezuelans Eat One or Two Meals Per Day
Photo by Unukalhai Venezuela used to be an oil-rich nation, but since Maduro took over, things have been going downhill. Fox News reports, “The once-wealthy oil producing nation has fallen on hard times since Nicolás Maduro took power following the death of socialist leader Hugo Chávez in 2013. A drop in global oil prices has… Continue reading Only 1/3 of Venezuelans Eat One or Two Meals Per Day
Easter Rabbits Can Help Give Families a Future
Image by Gospel for Asia Farm animals can provide income to those who are in need. These animals may provide milk or their young may be sold for a price that will take care of the family. Either way, people may wonder why this kindness was shown to them and it provides opportunities for Christians… Continue reading Easter Rabbits Can Help Give Families a Future
Gambia’s President wouldn’t step down
CC BY-SA 3.0 President Jammeh, wouldn’t step down despite his defeat in Gambia’s election. According to CNN, “Jammeh, who took power in a 1994 military coup, suffered a surprise election defeat in December to Adama Barrow, who won 45% of the vote. Jammeh originally conceded the presidency, but then announced his ‘total rejection of the… Continue reading Gambia’s President wouldn’t step down
Yemen facing the ravages of war and malnourishment
By Bernard Gagnon (Own work) Since the war hit Yemen, there has been a rising amount of poverty and malnutrition in the country. AP reports, “International agencies have classified Hodeidah among nine of Yemen’s 22 provinces that are a step away from famine. A U.N. report in June said that in Yemen, ‘the highest… Continue reading Yemen facing the ravages of war and malnourishment
Rohingya in Bangladesh Moved to Uninhabited Island
The Rohingya of Myanmar is one of the most persecuted group in the world. They have no home. Per Fox News, “Some 300,000 Rohingya Muslims have lived in Bangladesh for decades after fleeing there from neighboring Myanmar in the face of persecution by its military and majority Buddhists.” Many of the Rohingya are forced into… Continue reading Rohingya in Bangladesh Moved to Uninhabited Island
6 Tornados hit San Antonio and Austin
By Mugchee On Sunday, February 19, six tornados touched down in San Antonio and Austin. According to KTRK, “At least six tornadoes hit parts of San Antonio and Austin area, damaging dozens of homes but causing no major injuries.” Not only was there tornadic activity, but also flooding in San Antonio. Fox 29 San Antonio… Continue reading 6 Tornados hit San Antonio and Austin
Brexit to Include Close Relationship with EU
CC BY-SA 3.0 Brexit, which is Britain splitting from the European Union, will include a close relationship with the EU. Per BBC, “The UK will withdraw from the single market and seek a new customs arrangement and a free trade agreement with the EU.” Immigrants are worried they will be deported from Britain because of… Continue reading Brexit to Include Close Relationship with EU
Asia Bibi’s appeal court date pushed back again
By Farhan from Karachi, Pakistan – Are they independent – Karachi Jail, CC BY 2.0, Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi, who was sentenced to death for blasphemy, has had her appeal before the nation’s supreme court delayed pending a new hearing, after one of the judges recused himself from the case. The Bibi case has… Continue reading Asia Bibi’s appeal court date pushed back again
Demolition begins on France’s infamous ‘Jungle’ Camp
The migrant camp known as “the Jungle” is being demolished, even as Calais’ mayor warned the refugee crisis is not over. Protestors and police clashed as orange jumpsuit-clad workers tore down makeshift shelters in the camp. But Calais Mayor Natacha Bouchart warned this will do little to resolve the refugee problem. “Migrants are continuing to… Continue reading Demolition begins on France’s infamous ‘Jungle’ Camp
Brother Andrew
Introduction Brother Andrew’s real name is Andy van der Bijl. Brother Andrew lived for adventure. When he was younger, he never knew of the adventures he would be having as an adult. Never in a million years, would Brother Andrew think he was going to smuggle Bibles into a restricted country behind the Iron Curtain.… Continue reading Brother Andrew
2,300 Sewing Machines Given Away to Vulnerable Women by Gospel for Asia This Month
WILLS POINT, TX – The Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope Ministry has assisted struggling families in Asia by providing 2,300 sewing machines in March to graduates of its vocational training centers. The 280 centers across the region provide students with work skills to improve their employment and economic opportunities. “Escaping from poverty often… Continue reading 2,300 Sewing Machines Given Away to Vulnerable Women by Gospel for Asia This Month
‘Forgotten Christmas’ campaign promotes giving with eternal value
Wed Oct. 12, 2016 – Gospel for Asia (GFA) The gift of a goat, bicycle, or even a blanket can make all the difference for people across the globe. WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia (GFA) is launching its “Forgotten Christmas” campaign this year to encourage and show Christians how to make an eternal… Continue reading ‘Forgotten Christmas’ campaign promotes giving with eternal value
Giving Gifts to the Poor Throughout the World
Christmas is a joyous time. It is accompanied by Christmas trees, Christmas carols, Christmas gifts, etc. Yet, we can get so caught-up in consumerism, that we become stressed and not focused on Jesus at that time. Many people (over 2 billion) have not had the opportunity to hear of Christ’s first coming for even one… Continue reading Giving Gifts to the Poor Throughout the World
Quote of the Day
“God gives some people more than they need so that they can be channels of blessing to others. God desires equity between His people on a worldwide basis. That is why the early church had no poverty.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~
U.S. suicide rate grows 24 percent since 1999
Recent studies of U.S. deaths show that suicide has increased significantly since 1999, affecting mostly middle-aged white males. Thirteen out of every 100,000 people committed suicide in 2014, the last year data is currently available. Only black males saw a decrease. Middle-aged men saw a 43 percent increase in the last 15 years. While males… Continue reading U.S. suicide rate grows 24 percent since 1999
DRC unrest leaves citizens unsettled, and lacking basic needs
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the most mineral rich nations on earth, capable of great economic gain for its people. But decades of corrupt political leadership and war with neighboring countries currently has displaced an estimated 775,000 Congolese in the North Kivu province, according to the United Nations, leaving the country… Continue reading DRC unrest leaves citizens unsettled, and lacking basic needs
Quote of the Day
“The only weapon that will ever effectively win the war against disease, hunger, injustice, and poverty in Asia is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~
Mosquito Nets with Love, from Gospel for Asia
WORLD HEALTH DAY EVENTS SHOWCASE TIPS TO IMPROVE EVERYDAY HEALTH WILLS POINT, TX – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) held free health seminars, distributed vitamins and gave away mosquito nets to hundreds of impoverished villagers and workers in Asia earlier this month on World Health Day. The seminars were part of an effort… Continue reading Mosquito Nets with Love, from Gospel for Asia
Quote of the Day | 4.25.15
“How then does a true missionary start an indigenous church? For anyone in the Two-Thirds World today, it begins with a decision to identify totally with Christ. It means being willing to live with the suffering and poverty of unreached people – unselfishly surrendering comforts, security and privacy in order to reach them. Missionary life… Continue reading Quote of the Day | 4.25.15