China Aid released its 2020 Annual Persecution Report documenting the last year in state-mandated religious persecution of Chinese Christians

MIDLAND, TX — Today, China Aid Association released its 2020 Annual Persecution Report documenting the last year in state-mandated religious persecution of Chinese Christians. The report covering January-December 2020 points to an ongoing escalation of harassment of Christians by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Under the direction of President Xi Jinping, Chinese officials carried out…

ChinaAid released its 2019 Annual Report on Friday, covering January to December 2019, detailing persecution and key findings for the year.

MIDLAND, TX — ChinaAid released its 2019 Annual Report on Friday, detailing persecution and key findings for the year. The report covers the period from January-December 2019 and provides information on the targeting of Chinese Christians. Throughout the year, ChinaAid observed escalated instances of religious oppression, driven by the government’s campaign to develop “religion with…

World Help is partnering with pastors to distribute relief, face masks and food, in the provinces surrounding Wuhan as coronavirus death toll rises.

FOREST, VA – A Christian humanitarian organization has announced a new campaign to provide aid to Chinese families in cities that have been deemed high risk for the deadly coronavirus as the death toll rises above 1,000. World Help, an organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world,…

Open Doors announced the 2020 World Watch List of religious persecution offenders: Christians in China experience unprecedented levels of persecution...

WASHINGTON – Today Open Doors announced the 2020 World Watch List of religious persecution offenders at a press conference in Washington, D.C, and revealed that Christians living in China are experiencing unprecedented levels of persecution, and their quality of life is deteriorating at an alarming rate. China jumped four spots, from #27 in 2019 to…

Institute on Religion and Democracy & China Aid, joined by Christian leaders & advocates, are sending a Statement of Solidarity to Hong Kong Christians

WASHINGTON — As the People’s Republic of China this week commemorates 70 years of Communist rule, the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) and China Aid, joined by other Christian leaders and advocates, are sending a Statement of Solidarity to Hong Kong’s Christians and all those who fight to maintain their freedom in Hong Kong….

The Chinese government initiated the Sharp Eyes project following its approval by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in 2016.

SHANDONG PROVINCE – The Chinese government initiated the Sharp Eyes project following its approval by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2016. Sharp Eyes is the beginning of a program to dramatically increase video surveillance throughout the nation. The goal of the project is to have “coverage across all regions, sharing…

The Chinese government often views religions, including Christianity, as foreign attempts to undermine its rule, even though there is no evidential basis for such a claim

A local government communications agency in China held a seminar in April to discuss with Communist Party members the “enormous harm” the growth of Christianity is to the atheist nation. The Chinese Christian persecution watchdog China Aid raised an alarm about the event, titled “Christianity’s Enormous Harm on China’s Security,” held on April 22 in the…

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom cites dozens of countries but especially notes China’s repression of a range of religious beliefs.

WASHINGTON — With its particular focus on China’s oppression of religious and human rights, an independent watchdog group has decried in its annual report the state of religious freedom across the globe. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan organization created 20 years ago, concludes in its Monday (April 29) report that “innumerable…

ChinaAid has released its 2018 Annual Persecution Report, demonstrating China's sharp escalation of abuses and Christian Persecution over the past year

MIDLAND, TX – March 4, 2019 — ChinaAid has released its 2018 Annual Persecution Report, demonstrating China’s sharp escalation of human rights and religious freedom abuses over the past year and providing key examples. The report, published in both Chinese and English, catalogs cases of China’s oppression of Christians and contrasts them to cases documented…

The plan to Sinicize Christianity in China was finalized in March 2018 aims to close 20,000 house churches,forcing members to join state-sanctioned churches

WASHINGTON DC – People need to be seriously aware that Jesus said more than “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” in Mark 12:17. He also said, “And to God the things that are God’s.” Christians and evangelical churches around the globe are feeling the oppression of officials whose desire is to bring the…


Foudeelau China used to be on a one-child policy until 2016, when they realized the population was decreasing, due to the fact most of the population was elderly. Per CNN, “But the low birth rate created a number of serious demographic challenges. Today, China faces a rapidly aging population and a shortage of working-age residents,…

Andrew Palau Joins Local Churches Across Northeast England for Historic Collaborative Evangelistic Campaign

TEESSIDE, ENGLAND — Several years of prayer and preparation led to more than 70 churches from throughout Northeast England coming together for Festival Teesside with Andrew Palau earlier this month. In an effort that can only be described as historic for the region, this evangelistic festival, along with more than a dozen surrounding events, is…

FRC Releases Report: Intolerance Toward Christians in the West

WASHINGTON — Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty today published an updated edition of its report “Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West,” which seeks to provide a better understanding of religious freedom violations perpetrated by Western governments against Christian individuals, organizations, and churches. Between January 2020 and December 2023,…

Disturbing findings of the Open Doors 2024 World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

NORTH KOREA — Longstanding Christian communities could disappear in parts of sub-Saharan Africa through a double blow of violent instability and authoritarian control. Christian minorities across east and west Africa face twin existential threats: violent disorder exploited by radical jihadists and autocratic governments backed by larger powers outside the region.This is one of the disturbing…

In a massive effort to share hope around Kenya, the Luis Palau Association partnered with more churches to put on the Love Nairobi Festival.

NAIROBI, KENYA — In a massive effort to share hope with hundreds of thousands around Kenya, the Luis Palau Association partnered with more than 2,000 churches from every denomination to put on the Love Nairobi Festival. This free evangelistic festival, featuring live music, action sports, and fun for the whole family, aimed to unite churches…

The Empowered21 Amsterdam2023 EveryONE conference concluded Saturday with a global worship, prayer and commissioning service.

AMSTERDAM — The Empowered21 Amsterdam2023 EveryONE conference concluded Saturday with a global worship, prayer and commissioning service for the thousands who gathered in The Netherlands this week before returning to their home countries. More than 5,000 individuals from over 125 nations attended the conference in person at the historic RAI conference center, with thousands more…

The Amsterdam2023 EveryONE conference concluded with a global worship, prayer and commissioning service for the thousands who gathered.

AMSTERDAM — The Amsterdam2023 EveryONE conference concluded recently with a global worship, prayer and commissioning service for the thousands who gathered in The Netherlands this week before returning to their home countries. More than 5,000 individuals from over 125 nations attended the conference in person at the historic RAI conference center, with thousands more joining…