NEPAL — In a heartfelt initiative to provide essential protection to vulnerable communities from mosquito-borne diseases, St. Paul’s Believers Eastern Church Cathedral in the Diocese of Birtamod distributed 180 mosquito nets to needy families in Birtamod Municipality-4, Jhapa, this month. Mrs. Dropati Ganesh (Vice President of Om Shanti Tole Bikash Sastha), Mr. Gokul Rijal (Secretary… Continue reading St. Paul’s Cathedral in Nepal Distributes Mosquito Nets to Needy Families
Results for "Mosquito Nets"
Things You Need to Know About Mosquito Nets – World Malaria Day
WILLS POINT, TX – According to the CDC, more than 400,000 people die every year of malaria or other vector-borne diseases. That is one person every 90 seconds. Most of them are children under the age of five. This child in our image will likely not become one of those statistics because she is protected… Continue reading Things You Need to Know About Mosquito Nets – World Malaria Day
Mosquito Nets with Love, from Gospel for Asia
WORLD HEALTH DAY EVENTS SHOWCASE TIPS TO IMPROVE EVERYDAY HEALTH WILLS POINT, TX – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) held free health seminars, distributed vitamins and gave away mosquito nets to hundreds of impoverished villagers and workers in Asia earlier this month on World Health Day. The seminars were part of an effort… Continue reading Mosquito Nets with Love, from Gospel for Asia
Volunteers Supported by Gospel for Asia Distribute More Than 33,000 Nets on World Mosquito Day
WILLS POINT, Texas. – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) recently distributed some 33,000 mosquito nets to guard against insect-borne diseases, including yellow fever, malaria, dengue and Zika, to commemorate World Mosquito Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers held a variety of events to distribute the nets, including distributing 9,000 nets to students living… Continue reading Volunteers Supported by Gospel for Asia Distribute More Than 33,000 Nets on World Mosquito Day
Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing World Mosquito Day and how GFA workers are using the day to bring hope into the lives of their neighbors. World Mosquito Day, observed on August 20, marks the date in 1897… Continue reading Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites
Are We Winning the Ancient Battle Between Man and Mosquito?
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report update on winning the ancient conflict against the mosquito and vector-borne diseases. It’s small, this little welt on my hand or the bump behind my ear. The welts come and go… Continue reading Are We Winning the Ancient Battle Between Man and Mosquito?
Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches All Nations: Malaria Claims 400,000 Lives Per Year
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued a Special Report on how the alarming increase of mosquito-blamed cases in U.S. in may awaken Westerners to the “deadly scourge” of malaria that still claims thousands of lives worldwide. Because the deaths came… Continue reading Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches All Nations: Malaria Claims 400,000 Lives Per Year
It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on the deadly diseases brought by the mosquito and the storied impact of faith-based organizations on world health, fighting for the Kingdom to “come on earth as it is in heaven.” It takes only one mosquito, buzzing around with ill intent, dive-bombing… Continue reading It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health
Gospel for Asia Takes a Stand Against ‘Child Killer’ Mosquitoes, Malaria
WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) announced it is making a stand against the deadly mosquito menace and resulting malaria parasite killing thousands of children in Asia, as the Christian organization marks the annual World Mosquito Day on August 20. To read GFA’s special report entitled “Fighting Malaria—a Chilling Disease,” visit:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Takes a Stand Against ‘Child Killer’ Mosquitoes, Malaria
Childcare Worldwide is on a Mission to Serve Children Across the Globe
LYNDEN, WA — Childcare Worldwide, a nonprofit child evangelism ministry, is on a mission to deliver the gospel to children in need across the world. Through their Life Centers, financial support, and community outreach, Childcare Worldwide is making a tangible difference in the lives and futures of children who need it most. Childcare Worldwide is… Continue reading Childcare Worldwide is on a Mission to Serve Children Across the Globe
GFA World Launches Christmas ‘Chickens & Goats’ to Fight Poverty
WILLS POINT, TX — Can a chicken really change someone’s life? It’s happening all around the globe, according to mission agency GFA World ( The Texas-based organization has launched its annual Christmas “Chickens & Goats” campaign on WAY-FM Radio — an opportunity for people to buy life-changing gifts, such as chickens and goats, for families… Continue reading GFA World Launches Christmas ‘Chickens & Goats’ to Fight Poverty
Gospel for Asia: Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty?
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this Special Report on Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty? In existence for many years, child sponsorship has been adapted by… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty?
GFA World Partner St. Cyprian Believers Eastern Church Hosts Fall Festival for Stoney Creek Community
STONEY CREEK, ONTARIO — October 22, 2022 St. Cyprian BEC (, mission partner of GFA World hosted a free Fall Festival for the community. We gratefully took advantage of one of the last warm weekends of the year for this event. Families and individuals were welcomed to the property we share with Gospel for Asia… Continue reading GFA World Partner St. Cyprian Believers Eastern Church Hosts Fall Festival for Stoney Creek Community
We’re Biting Back at ‘Earth’s Deadliest Creature’ Reports Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX – It’s the world’s deadliest creature — and it’s probably hovering near your home. The tiny mosquito kills more people around the world every year than any other animal, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). “It’s so deadly, it even has a special day named after it — World… Continue reading We’re Biting Back at ‘Earth’s Deadliest Creature’ Reports Gospel for Asia
Malaria – It’s Time to Buzz Off! New Vaccine Heralds a Game-Changing Development
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, issued this Special Report on Malaria – new vaccine heralds a game-changing development. It’s the “buzz” millions around the… Continue reading Malaria – It’s Time to Buzz Off! New Vaccine Heralds a Game-Changing Development
‘Time for Malaria to Buzz Off’ Says New Gospel for Asia Report
WILLS POINT, TX – Global humanitarian agency GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by KP Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, suggests in a new report, a long-anticipated vaccine breakthrough could mean the end is in sight for one of the world’s most deadly… Continue reading ‘Time for Malaria to Buzz Off’ Says New Gospel for Asia Report
Malaria Makes Comeback Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this Special Report update on Malaria making a comeback amid the worldwide impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic. It’s a back-and-forth battle growing… Continue reading Malaria Makes Comeback Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Malaria Still Menacing Millions on World Malaria Day: April 25, 2021
WILLS POINT, TX – The COVID pandemic has taken center stage over the past year. COVID has stepped into the spotlight and upstaged all other diseases that had shared the stage prior to the meteoric rise of this new player in the role of the world’s most nefarious viral villain. Malaria! Malaria! Wherefore art thou?… Continue reading Malaria Still Menacing Millions on World Malaria Day: April 25, 2021
Gospel for Asia: A Special Love for People
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by KP Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada – Discussing how Gospel for Asia cannot be clearly understood until it is seen as a ministry motivated by “a special love for the people… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: A Special Love for People
What Does It Take to Aid Over 1.8 Billion People?
WILLS POINT, TX – Is it even possible to comprehend over 1.8 billion people? Where would you even find that many people? It is nearly impossible for our minds to grasp that many people in South Asia, but India would be a good place to start. For those who have not been to India, these… Continue reading What Does It Take to Aid Over 1.8 Billion People?
New Report on Malaria Scourge Now Available from Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) has released a new special report, “Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches Even Developed Nations,” in coordination with the international observance of World Malaria Day on April 25. You may wonder why we should be concerned about malaria while the world is… Continue reading New Report on Malaria Scourge Now Available from Gospel for Asia
World Malaria Day Report 2020: Confronting a Global Emergency
GENEVA — Every year, April 25th is set aside by public health officials as World Malaria Day. Should we even be concerned about malaria during the Coronavirus pandemic? Hasn’t malaria been eradicated? The answers to those questions are ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ in that order. The RBM Partnership to End Malaria currently identifies malaria as “a… Continue reading World Malaria Day Report 2020: Confronting a Global Emergency
Bright Hope for Today, Tomorrow, & Eternity
HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL – Dr. Kevin Dyer established Missionary Enterprises in 1968 following several visits to Eastern Europe, observing many people in extreme poverty. He was particularly burdened for the people of Romania. He wanted to do something to help. Dyer realized that the local evangelical churches in those countries could be an effective network… Continue reading Bright Hope for Today, Tomorrow, & Eternity
Gospel for Asia Counts the Cost to Minister to the ‘Least of These’
WILLS POINT, TX – A strange thing happens when we consider the cost of something. If not with our lips, our minds ask the question, “How much does this cost?” When I reflect on that, I realize that this question is inevitably self-centric. The question is inextricably connected to “How much am I willing to… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Counts the Cost to Minister to the ‘Least of These’
Marking 40 Years of ‘Revolution’ in Missions, Gospel for Asia Eyes Future Ministry Growth
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) — a Christian movement that launched a “revolution in world missions” — celebrates its 40th anniversary on July 3, with its founder proclaiming “we can’t slow down, there is so much more yet to do.” The Texas-based ministry is “celebrating God’s faithfulness” over the past four decades… Continue reading Marking 40 Years of ‘Revolution’ in Missions, Gospel for Asia Eyes Future Ministry Growth
‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA), announced today it will provide crucial aid and spiritual support to hundreds of “shunned and shamed” widows to mark International Widows Day, Sunday, June 23. “In some Asian cultures, when a woman’s husband dies, she is often stripped of her dignity, her worth,… Continue reading ‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia
Is Malaria Still a Thing?
WILLS POINT, TX – Is Malaria still a thing? Many assume malaria was eradicated more than 50 years ago, which is not bad considering that the disease was discovered in the last decade of the 19th century. If you are nodding your head and thinking the same thing, we would both be wrong on at… Continue reading Is Malaria Still a Thing?
Gospel for Asia Takes Bite Out of Malaria
Gospel for Asia Announces Plans to Distribute 360,000+ Free Life-saving Mosquito Nets in 2019 as Part of Global Push to Curb Deadly Disease WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) today announced plans to distribute more than 360,000 free life-saving mosquito nets this year – as World Malaria Day on… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Takes Bite Out of Malaria
Samaritan’s Purse Provides Critical Relief to Isolated Coastal Villages in Mozambique
MOZAMBIQUE – One month after Cyclone Idai made landfall in Mozambique, Samaritan’s Purse is meeting the needs of villages isolated by unprecedented floodwaters. The storm washed away all access roads, contaminated water points, and destroyed homes—leaving hundreds of families susceptible to diseases like malaria and cholera. Samaritan’s Purse responded to this dire need, traveling 50… Continue reading Samaritan’s Purse Provides Critical Relief to Isolated Coastal Villages in Mozambique
What is Leprosy & How Do We Overcome It?
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report – Discussing the misunderstandings and social stigma of leprosy that keep it alive, despite being a curable worldwide problem. Leprosy. For many, a cloud of mystery, fear and shame surrounds this disease. It’s a disease that destroys nerves and deadens limbs to sensations of touch… Continue reading What is Leprosy & How Do We Overcome It?
Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog Now Available
WILLS POINT, TX – Christmas is coming. Once again we have the opportunity to share the love of God by giving gifts to help people living in desperate need, just like the Lord sent His Son to rescue us all from our desperate spiritual need. The Courier and Ives version of Christmas is an over-the-river-and-through-the-woods… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog Now Available
Gospel for Asia: 10 NGOs Providing Relief to Kerala Flooding Victims
The southern Indian state of Kerala was hit with severe rainstorms in August 2018, resulting in devastating floods. Thousands were driven from their homes. Hundreds lost their lives. Since the beginning, charities and NGOs have been at the forefront, running flood relief camps, donating resources, and raising money. The return to normalcy is still ongoing.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: 10 NGOs Providing Relief to Kerala Flooding Victims
Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination
Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report: Hope to Overcome the Challenges of Widowhood Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Accounts of the humiliations, insults and indignations suffered by widows worldwide would make anyone cringe. Gulika, a widow in Asia, experienced helplessness after the people in her village turned their backs on her after… Continue reading Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination
Fighting Malaria – a Chilling Disease
Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on Mosquito Netting and Malaria Prevention Combat a Parasitic Genius Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Fighting Malaria. Though eradicated in many developed nations, malaria still claims thousands of lives around the world. One victim who survived this mosquito-borne disease compared its chills to “lying down between… Continue reading Fighting Malaria – a Chilling Disease
Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day
WILLS POINT, Texas – The United Nations has set aside June 23rd of each year as International Widows Day “as an opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows. According to the UN, “It has been estimated that there are some 258 million widows around the world, with over 115 million of… Continue reading Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day
‘Chilling’ Special Report Spotlights Need for New Push Against Enduring Global Health Threat
GFA (Gospel for Asia) matches simple mosquito net distribution with awareness drive to further ‘life and death’ fight against malaria. WILLS POINT, Texas—Malaria may be a thing of the past in many places, but it remains a major public health threat in large parts of the world, prompting GFA (Gospel for Asia) to sound the… Continue reading ‘Chilling’ Special Report Spotlights Need for New Push Against Enduring Global Health Threat
Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty
For more than 11 years, Gospel for Asia has published a Christmas Gift Catalog filled with opportunities for people in the West to be involved in helping transform the lives of families in Asia who live in poverty. Since that time, more than 1 million families have been helped and many reports about how Gospel… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Relentlessly Focused on Helping Poor Overcome the Cycle of Poverty
GFA Supports Wills Point, TX at Community Event and Brings Awareness to Missions
Mon Nov. 13, 2017 – Gospel for Asia Thrilled to be part of Boo on the Bricks in Wills Point, Texas, Gospel for Asia makes a good impression on the community it knows and loves. Creating a reason to enjoy the season together, community members in Wills Point, Texas gathered on Saturday, October 28th for… Continue reading GFA Supports Wills Point, TX at Community Event and Brings Awareness to Missions
Malaria Vaccine to be Tested in Three Countries in Africa
Photo by Staff Sgt. V. Michelle Woods The World Health Organization (WHO) got the go-ahead to do the first human-trial next year on the eve of World Malaria Day of the Malaria vaccine. CNN reports, “The World Health Organization announced Monday that it has the go-ahead to try the first malaria vaccine in the field in… Continue reading Malaria Vaccine to be Tested in Three Countries in Africa
Teams Distribute Food, Shoes, Supplies to Afflicted on World Leprosy Day
GOSPEL FOR ASIA-SUPPORTED WORKERS GIVE HELP AND HOPE TO THOSE LIVING IN ISOLATION. WILLS POINT, Texas – People affected with leprosy throughout South Asia received food, shoes, blankets and household supplies as workers supported through Gospel for Asia (GFA) commemorated World Leprosy Day, held each year to promote awareness and prevention. Gospel for Asia (GFA)… Continue reading Teams Distribute Food, Shoes, Supplies to Afflicted on World Leprosy Day
Gospel for Asia Addresses Gender Equality on International Women’s Day
WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) joins with the international humanitarian community in commemorating today’s International Women’s Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA) partners will be offering special assistance to women in the areas where it serves in South Asia, celebrating the success of women and underscoring the wide gaps in gender equality that… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Addresses Gender Equality on International Women’s Day
Zika vaccine breakthrough available soon
A vaccine may soon be available for the mosquito-borne Zika virus that has cast fear across the Americas. Inovio of Plymouth Meeting, Pa., and GeneOne Life Science of Seoul, South Korea, worked together to develop the vaccine, which is ready for human trials. The pharmaceutical companies will seek 40 volunteers to test their vaccine.… Continue reading Zika vaccine breakthrough available soon
South Asia monsoon floods claim lives, destroys homes
A relentless monsoon season has claimed an estimated 100 lives in Nepal and India while displacing more than 1.2 million people, according to government estimates. Water-induced landslides crushed buildings and caused many of the deaths. In one area of Nepal, rescuers were pulling bodies out of the debris and immediately handing those bodies to their… Continue reading South Asia monsoon floods claim lives, destroys homes
Gospel for Asia supported Workers Join Relief Efforts as Monsoons Flood Asian Villages
At least 42 Killed, Millions Affected in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal WILLS POINT, Tex. – Workers supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA) are distributing supplies, including food, mosquito netting, hygiene products and blankets, to villagers fleeing widespread monsoon flooding across certain parts of Asia. The monsoons have killed more than 42 people and driven millions… Continue reading Gospel for Asia supported Workers Join Relief Efforts as Monsoons Flood Asian Villages
Zika virus now documented in Vietnam
What started in Brazil and quickly spread to most of the Americas has now appeared in Vietnam where two women have reportedly been infected with the Zika virus. One is a 64-year-old woman and the second is 33 years old and eight weeks pregnant. Government health officials have quarantined the families of each. Zika is… Continue reading Zika virus now documented in Vietnam
In a World of Plenty Why Is There a Scandal of Starvation?
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued a Special Report on the ugly truths of world hunger: “Scandal of Starvation” — world hunger is a long-term social and global crisis, directly or indirectly causing around 9 million deaths each year –… Continue reading In a World of Plenty Why Is There a Scandal of Starvation?