We found 66 results for your search.

Transforming the Lives of Cleft Lipped Children in South Sudan

SOUTH SUDAN — For many children in South Sudan, suffering from a cleft lip and palate means a lot more than just looking different. These children are often relentlessly bullied, outcasted by society, and can even be neglected by their parents simply because of the condition these kids have endured since birth. In the more… Continue reading Transforming the Lives of Cleft Lipped Children in South Sudan

Aiding Flood Victims in South Sudan, Faith Leaders Work on Long-Term Solutions

South Sudan in it's region. Photo by TUBS (CC BY-SA 3.0)

JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN — All summer, heavy spring rains around Lake Victoria have slowly worked their way through the Nile River’s swampy course through Uganda, eventually flooding Kuon Nyawal’s farm in South Sudan, destroying her crops, killing her livestock and leaving her home in ruins. “The floods have left us unable to grow our own… Continue reading Aiding Flood Victims in South Sudan, Faith Leaders Work on Long-Term Solutions

Loving South Sudan In Deed And Truth

Photo by In Deed And Truth Ministries, Facebook

TONJ, SOUTH SUDAN – According to the World Watch List, the secession of South Sudan from Sudan in 2011 left both countries in chaos. This was especially true on a personal level for thousands of Christians who were starving, killed, injured, or displaced during attempts to force Sudan to become an Islamic state. Sabet Kuj… Continue reading Loving South Sudan In Deed And Truth

Lifting Up the Vulnerable in Sudan and South Sudan

Photo by Lift Up the Vulnerable, Facebook

NEW YORK – Lift Up the Vulnerable (LUV) leads the only indigenously-directed anti-human trafficking network spanning Sudan and South Sudan. Overview of Sudan and South Sudan The residents of the two countries have suffered decades of instability, military conflict, food scarcity, and economic hardships. Nearly four million South Sudanese have been displaced as a result… Continue reading Lifting Up the Vulnerable in Sudan and South Sudan

Samaritan’s Purse Improving Health Access in South Sudan

SOUTH SUDAN — Samaritan’s Purse is working in South Sudan to improve health in communities through their nutrition program that educates families and schoolchildren about various health-related issues, including COVID-19 prevention. Million Markos, Samaritan’s Purse I am Million Markos, the nutrition program manager of Samaritan’s Purse – South Sudan. The main objective of our program… Continue reading Samaritan’s Purse Improving Health Access in South Sudan

The Fulaa Lifeline for South Sudan Children

ANNANDALE, VA — Fulaa is an African word that means “waterfall.” The Fulaa Lifeline is a missions ministry to the children of South Sudan. It is, by far, not a highly-funded ministry. It does not have the marketing capabilities or the global visibility of similar faith-based organizations like Compassion International, World Vision, or Gospel for… Continue reading The Fulaa Lifeline for South Sudan Children

Stopping the Spread of COVID in South Sudan

SUDAN – Samaritan’s Purse is working to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in South Sudan where millions live in very close quarters, providing food, water for hand-washing, and training for health professionals to help keep them safe from the virus.

South Sudan Council of Churches: Peace ‘Is a Question of the Heart’

SUDAN — A message released 9 November from  the South Sudan Council of Churches reflected that the will for peace is not measured only by deadlines and technical arrangements. “Whether the government is formed on 12th November 2019 or a further extension is agreed, it is a question of the heart and of the political… Continue reading South Sudan Council of Churches: Peace ‘Is a Question of the Heart’

Radio Ministry Has Vision to Reach Every Village in South Sudan

SOUTH SUDAN – Every Village’s radio network supports the work of long-term missionaries, broadcasting the gospel and community development teaching through solar-powered, hand-held radios distributed in local communities. As a result of this they are seeing remarkable community transformation across South Sudan. Christian charity Every Village is on a mission to bring transformation to every… Continue reading Radio Ministry Has Vision to Reach Every Village in South Sudan

300 Child Soldiers Released in South Sudan

300 children soldiers have been released in South Sudan.

On Feb. 7, more than 300 children in South Sudan were released from being child soldiers. Al Jazeera news network reports, “The 311 children, including 87 girls, will now begin reintegrating into their communities, the UN mission in the country (UNMISS) said in a statement on Wednesday.” These children lost their innocence at a very… Continue reading 300 Child Soldiers Released in South Sudan

South Sudan Farmers Have No Food in Midst of Civil War

Photo by Oxfam East Africa South Sudan has been in a civil war for three years. This has caused an economic crisis and has caused a lack of farming, meaning they had no food to feed their families with or sale in the markets. Per Fox News, “South Sudan’s three-year civil war and economic crisis… Continue reading South Sudan Farmers Have No Food in Midst of Civil War

Famine in South Sudan State

Al Jazeera English Unity State, in South Sudan, which has a population of 100,000, has been declared by the United Nations to be famine proportions. There has not been a famine in South Sudan for six years. Per the Guardian, “A further 1 million people were classified as being on the brink of famine, according… Continue reading Famine in South Sudan State

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South Sudan at crosshairs

The newest nation in the world, South Sudan has been in a civil war in 2013. Not only have thousands of people been killed, but crops have been destroyed. South Sudan has had to call in aid agencies to take care of its people. According to The Guardian, “About half of the nation’s 11 million… Continue reading South Sudan at crosshairs

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Samaritan’s Purse Joins Fight Against COVID-19 in Sudan

SUDAN — Samaritan’s Purse continues to serve communities struggling during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Their latest coronavirus response is in the northeast African nation of Sudan. Samaritan’s Purse has a substantial history there and in South Sudan, they arre strengthening local churches and providing physical relief to impoverished villages that have suffered from years of… Continue reading Samaritan’s Purse Joins Fight Against COVID-19 in Sudan

Good News for Sudanese Christians and Churches

KHARTOUM – The nation of Sudan has been a veritable poster child for the persecution of Christians. Recent news, however, indicates that things may be about to change. The World Watch List 2020, published by Open Doors, ranked Sudan as the seventh most dangerous country for Christians, mainly due to extremely high levels of violence.… Continue reading Good News for Sudanese Christians and Churches

150,000 Children & Adults Being Reached for Christ in Sudanese Refugee Camps

PUSS O'Brien visit to South Sudan, 24-25 April 2012 (Jamam refugee camp)Doro refugee camp, South Sudan, close to the border with Sudan, home to nearly 50,000 refugees. Displaced people queuing to register at the camp.

WARRENTON, MO — South Sudan is the world’s newest country (2011), but it’s not faring well. In 2013, civil war broke out. In 2015, the fighting became so severe that now over two million people have fled into neighboring countries, including Uganda to the south. Over one million have been living in squalor in various… Continue reading 150,000 Children & Adults Being Reached for Christ in Sudanese Refugee Camps

Sudanese Pastors Remain Homeless

Sudan is ranked as one of the top five countries in which Christians face the most significant persecution. The war-torn country has been named “A Country of Particular Concern” by the U.S. State Department since 1999 due to the persecution of Christians and widespread human rights issues. After South Sudan seceded in 2011 after one… Continue reading Sudanese Pastors Remain Homeless

Sudan Floods in 2016

In the summer of 2016, Sudan flooded and more than 100 people died in the Sudan floods. Per Al Jazeera, “Thousands of houses have been destroyed and several villages submerged after flooding triggered by torrential rainfall killed 100 people across Sudan, according to an aid group in the country.” There have been 14,000 homes that… Continue reading Sudan Floods in 2016

Sudan pastors put on trial by Islamic-oriented government

      Two Presbyterian pastors are on trial in the Republic of the Sudan on charges of waging war against the state, espionage, and undermining Sudan’s constitutional system. Each faces the death penalty if convicted. Sudan is holding two others, Czech aid worker Petr Jasek and Darfuri human rights activist Abduelmoneim Abdulmawla, on charges… Continue reading Sudan pastors put on trial by Islamic-oriented government

You Version’s Verse of The Year Reflects Global Trend of Seeking Peace Through Prayer

The YouVersion Verse of the Year, which saw higher levels of engagement from the YouVersion Community than any other verse in 2024, is Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

OKLAHOMA CITY — In a record year for app installs and daily use, YouVersion is seeing more people seek God through His Word and in prayer. Reflecting this trend, the YouVersion Verse of the Year is: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests… Continue reading You Version’s Verse of The Year Reflects Global Trend of Seeking Peace Through Prayer

Hidden in Plain Sight: The World’s Neglected Humanitarian Crises

Photo by GFA World

RNS — In a world brimming with pressing issues, it is all too easy for certain crises to slip under the radar. We must ask ourselves why some global crises hold the public’s attention, while others quickly fade away. Or worse, some never make it into the worldwide conscience at all. More than 300 million… Continue reading Hidden in Plain Sight: The World’s Neglected Humanitarian Crises

Children’s Charity Launches Education is Power Campaign

UNITED KINGDOM — It is a sad fact that, globally, the number of children and adolescents who do not have access to school education is 260 million, nearly four times the entire population of the UK. In response Christian children’s charity CRY is launching their Back To School Education is Power campaign to highlight how… Continue reading Children’s Charity Launches Education is Power Campaign

‘Love Bomb’ Weekend Raises Over $200,000 for Ukraine and Uganda Children in Need

ALBUQUERQUE — Calvary Church’s Reload Love ministry raised over $208,000 during its annual “Love Bomb” weekend (Feb. 11 and 12), with proceeds benefitting the ministry’s 2023 highlighted project: children caught in the crossfire of the yearlong conflict in Ukraine and decade-long civil war in South Sudan. Hundreds of people joined Calvary Church at their flagship… Continue reading ‘Love Bomb’ Weekend Raises Over $200,000 for Ukraine and Uganda Children in Need

Missionary Doctor Brings Compassionate Care to Rural Kenya and Beyond

KAPSOWAR, KENYA — In a remote part of eastern Africa, American missionary doctors and African medical professionals bring compassionate care to some of the area’s neediest people. It’s led one American family to dedicate the rest of their lives to serving on the continent. George Thomas of CBN News reports from Kenya. George: I traveled… Continue reading Missionary Doctor Brings Compassionate Care to Rural Kenya and Beyond

War, Refugees, and Hope

WARRENTON, MO — If you were chased out of your home at gunpoint and had to live in a refugee camp, could you turn it into something good? National missionaries from South Sudan did. They fled their country in 2017 with over 2 million people. Tarp tents, food, and firewood shortages, sanitation and water problems—nothing stopped… Continue reading War, Refugees, and Hope

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Send Me Where No One Wants to Go

Photo by Favor International, Facebook

BRADENTON, FL – The Lord answered that fervent title prayer from Carole Ward in 2001. As soon as she knew that He wanted her to go to Northern Uganda and South Sudan, she began to feel the pushback and resistance from well-intentioned church leaders and government officials. Entirely operated by indigenous leaders of Uganda and… Continue reading Send Me Where No One Wants to Go

Open Eyes Is Accelerating Access to the Gospel

WHEATON, IL – The men on the motorcycles are “Mobile Messengers,” and they are heading out to share the Gospel of Christ with people who live in hard-to-reach places. The Mobile Messengers play a significant role in the ministry of Open Eyes, Open Eyes’ Mobile Messengers are recruited from indigenous Christian leaders. They are trained… Continue reading Open Eyes Is Accelerating Access to the Gospel

Kingdom Workers Doing Whatever It Takes

Photo by Kingdom Workers, Builders For Christ: Immanuel Lutheran, Wisconsin

WAUKESHA, WI – God’s kingdom workers are to follow Jesus’ pattern. All Christians must be willing to do whatever it takes to respond to the Father’s love and share the Gospel message with others. The nonprofit organization, Kingdom Workers, follows that pattern and is an example for the rest of us who claim Jesus as… Continue reading Kingdom Workers Doing Whatever It Takes

Christians Prepare Worldwide for Outreach

Photo by Global Outreach Day, Facebook

BERLIN, GERMANY — If you have never shared your faith, you are not alone. Ninety-five percent of Christians have never shared their faith according to Bible.org. Less than two percent are involved in a ministry of evangelism. And 71 percent don’t give towards the Great Commission. Next month is GO Month with the entire month… Continue reading Christians Prepare Worldwide for Outreach

Gospel for Asia Announces its First-Ever Mission in Rwanda, Africa

GOSPEL FOR ASIA LAUNCHES IN AFRICA: GFA World (www.gfa.org), formerly known as Gospel for Asia, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time -- a huge boost for humanitarian efforts in the world's poorest continent. (Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash)

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, one of the largest mission agencies in the world, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time — a… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Announces its First-Ever Mission in Rwanda, Africa

First African Woman to Receive L’Chaim Prize for Providing Life-Changing Care in Rural Uganda

DELAND, FL — African Mission Healthcare (AMH) is pleased to announce that the prestigious AMH Gerson L’Chaim (“To Life”) Prize for Outstanding Christian Medical Missionary Service has been awarded to Dr. Sister Priscilla Busingye, OB-GYN and a member of the Banyatereza Sisters of Uganda. Dr. Busingye is the first woman and first African to receive… Continue reading First African Woman to Receive L’Chaim Prize for Providing Life-Changing Care in Rural Uganda

World Teachers’ Day – October 5, 2020

NEW YORK – World Teachers’ Day has been observed annually on October 5 since 1994 as a joint endeavor between UNESCO, UNICEF, the International Labor Organization, and Education International. (Education International is a federation of global teachers’ unions.) The theme for World Teachers’ Day 2020 is, “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future.” With the… Continue reading World Teachers’ Day – October 5, 2020

The Global Orphan Project: Prevent, Protect & Prepare

Photo by The Global Orphan Project, Facebook

KANSAS CITY, MO – The Global Orphan Project (GO) began when a successful Kansas City businessman and his wife visited an orphanage while on a short-term mission trip. “The situation was horrific, but the people were wonderful . . . The heart of the people who were caring for these kids, who were not their… Continue reading The Global Orphan Project: Prevent, Protect & Prepare

World Vision Measures COVID-19 Aftershocks

FEDERAL WAY, WA – On April 21, 2020, the World Food Program warned that “COVID-19 will double the number of people facing food crises unless swift action is taken.” Less than two months later, World Vision has published a report, “Out of Time: COVID-19 Aftershocks.” The World Vision report affirms the World Food Program’s prognosis,… Continue reading World Vision Measures COVID-19 Aftershocks

Bible Translators in Africa & Asia Risk Starvation Due to COVID-19 Food Shortages

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, reports that Bible translators and their families in remote and poverty-stricken areas are facing starvation due to food shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. President and CEO Bruce Smith says, “My… Continue reading Bible Translators in Africa & Asia Risk Starvation Due to COVID-19 Food Shortages

Church Leaders in Eastern Africa Call for Urgent Action on Devastating Locust Invasion

AFRICA — Church leaders in eastern Africa are calling for increased action against desert locust invasion which have terrorized the region since January this year. Like scenes from the Book of Exodus, huge swarms of the insects have descended on the region, destroying farmlands and animal pastures. The outbreak is affecting seven East African countries,… Continue reading Church Leaders in Eastern Africa Call for Urgent Action on Devastating Locust Invasion

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African Mission Healthcare Launches Campaign to Aid Africa’s ‘Forgotten’ War Victims

DELAND, FL — Aiming to provide vital medical help for hundreds of thousands of traumatized, but courageous and resilient victims of Sudan’s “hidden” war, U.S.-based nonprofit organization African Mission Healthcare (AMH, www.africanmissionhealthcare.org) launched a new campaign today—”Nuba 2020″— (www.Nuba2020.com) to coincide with Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3.   The Nuba 2020 campaign goal is to ensure… Continue reading African Mission Healthcare Launches Campaign to Aid Africa’s ‘Forgotten’ War Victims

Africa Inland Mission: Reckless Obedience Since 1895

PEACHTREE CITY, GA – The reckless obedience of the Christians involved in the outreach ministry of Africa Inland Mission (AIM) may have grown out of the passion of its founder, Peter Cameron Scott. He had the vision to establish a network of mission stations from the southeastern coast of Africa all the way to Lake… Continue reading Africa Inland Mission: Reckless Obedience Since 1895

Refugees Discover They Can’t Go Home Again — Emily Towns | The Christian Post Voices

Emily Towns of World Help, an international, Christian humanitarian organization serving the needs of the impoverished around the world, discusses the danger refugees in the Middle East and other parts of the world still face, not being able to go back to their homes. Refugees in the Middle East are being told to go home… Continue reading Refugees Discover They Can’t Go Home Again — Emily Towns | The Christian Post Voices

Modern Slavery: Euphemism for Human Trafficking

WILLS POINT, TX – June 30th marked the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres remarked, “On this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, let us reaffirm our commitment to stop criminals from ruthlessly exploiting people for profit and to help victims rebuild their lives.” In fact, the total eradication of human… Continue reading Modern Slavery: Euphemism for Human Trafficking

Update: WHO Declares Ebola an International Crisis

GENEVA – On 17 July, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current  Ebola virus outbreak in the DRC an international emergency. The outbreak has been classified as a Grade 3 emergency since August 2018. A Grade 3 emergency is a situation in which “a single or multiple country event with substantial… Continue reading Update: WHO Declares Ebola an International Crisis

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World Refugee Day – Are We Missing the Point?

WILLS POINT, TX – June 20th is World Refugee Day. The annual observation is particularly important this year as we are currently facing the worst refugee crisis in recorded history. Measuring the Problem According to the UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, at least 68.5 million people around the globe have been displaced from their… Continue reading World Refugee Day – Are We Missing the Point?

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Documentary Debut Recounts Stories of Religious Persecution, Courage and Hope

WASHINGTON D.C. — “Christians in the Mirror: Stories of Courage and Faith in the Face of Persecution From Syria, Iraq, India, Sudan and Egypt” will premiere Monday, June 10 at the Miracle Theatre in Washington D.C. from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Joshuacord, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is honored to share with the community this one-of-a-kind film… Continue reading Documentary Debut Recounts Stories of Religious Persecution, Courage and Hope

The Aftermath of Acute Gender Imbalance Is 100 Million Missing Women

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report on the aftermath of acute gender imbalance: Discussing the horrendous reality of 100 million missing women worldwide. One of the stunning stories from Scripture tells about the uninvited woman who crashed a VIP party at the home of an important religious leader. This is a… Continue reading The Aftermath of Acute Gender Imbalance Is 100 Million Missing Women

H.O.M.E. Reaching the Suffering – Sharing the Cure

MISSOURI CITY, TX – There is no doubt about it. There is no place like HOME. It’s especially true for people in seven nations in the Middle East. For them, HOME is an acronym for Health Outreach to the Middle East. Health Outreach to the Middle East is a Christ-centered health organization serving in the… Continue reading H.O.M.E. Reaching the Suffering – Sharing the Cure

Everything You Wanted to Know About Blasphemy Laws – But Were Afraid to Ask

WILLS POINT, TX – The ongoing case of the Asia Bibi trial in Pakistan has drawn attention to the imminent danger of blasphemy laws, particularly for Christians. Missions Box News decided to investigate blasphemy laws around the world. Although this article may not contain everything you want to know about it, we think you will… Continue reading Everything You Wanted to Know About Blasphemy Laws – But Were Afraid to Ask

Facing Famine Crisis in Yemen

SANAA, Yemen – In yet another of the seemingly endless reports of human suffering around the globe, Mark Lowcock, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, told the United Nations Yemen is in imminent danger of country-wide famine. Over 14 million Yemeni people who already have barely enough food to survive are about… Continue reading Facing Famine Crisis in Yemen

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