Tent Schools International demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ for displaced children by providing safe, compassionate learning environments

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Tent Schools International (TSI) demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ for displaced children “by making education accessible, exchanging chaos and loss for peace and opportunity.” The United Nations estimates that there are currently as many as 35,000,000 displaced children around the globe. They comprise half of the entire population of displaced…

Lifeline Christian Mission offers a unique opportunity for groups of believers to actually participate in one of their mission projects.

WESTERVILLE, OH – Lifeline Christian Mission offers a unique opportunity for groups of believers to actually participate in one of their mission projects. Lifeline’s vision is Pray. Give. Go. These are the most typical ways that faith-based outreaches suggest that individuals, families, and churches can participate. And there is nothing wrong with that. Nothing at…

What Matters Ministries and Missions & Casa Angelina, objective is “Turning Orphans into Royalty” as children of the King of Kings

COLORADO SPRINGS – “What Matters” is an interesting phrase. Devoid of punctuation, it could be a statement, a question, or an exclamation. Regardless, it is important that we all know what matters . . . what really matters. What Matters Ministries and Missions is the faith-based organization founded by Ivan and Kim Tait in 1997….

Settled provides an opportunity for churches and other FBOs to transform the lives of the hopeless homeless that need help

CHAMPLIN, MN – Settled is a faith-based organization that “equips faith communities to pursue homes with the homeless through sustainable housing, purposeful work, and supportive community.” On any given night, there are nearly 600,000 people in the United States who are sleeping in cars, under bridges, in makeshift tents, and in abandoned buildings. That’s right….

I find it quite odd that two words so closely related have come to paint entirely different pictures in our minds - "Advent" & "Adventure."

I find it quite odd that two words so closely related, one the root of the other, have come to paint entirely different pictures in our minds. Those words are “Advent” and “Adventure.” Speak the word “Advent,” especially during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas and hearers think primarily of liturgical and nativity scenes. Candles,…

The Mailbox Club began providing follow-up programs for children’s Bible clubs in rural schools throughout the southeastern United States.

VALDOSTA, GA – The Mailbox Club began as a modest ministry meant to provide follow-up programs for children’s Bible clubs that met in rural schools throughout the southeastern United States. As the ministry gained recognition, it evolved into a series of correspondence courses used by young people across the entire country. By 1990, The Mailbox…

Reach a Village is a young faith-based parachurch organization, founded in 2012 by Robert Craft, pastor, missionary, and evangelical leader.

PARK FOREST, IL – Reach a Village is a relatively young faith-based parachurch organization. It was founded in 2012 by Robert Craft, a servant of the Lord with more than 40 years of ministry as a pastor, missionary, and evangelical leader. The Need The vision for the ministry is rooted in Mark 1:38 (NET), where…

Life Light Ministries operates children's homes and Christian schools and trains indigenous Christians for leadership in South Asia.

LOUISVILLE, KY – Life Light Ministries operates children’s homes and Christian schools and trains indigenous Christians for leadership roles in their communities in South Asia. From its humble beginnings, Life Light Ministries model has been to establish a training ground from which to launch disciples to establish self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating local churches. The faith-based…

New Horizons Ministries is a multi-faceted prison outreach in Caňon City, Colorado - where a where a full-blown prison ministry was needed

CAÑON CITY, CO – New Horizons Ministries is a multi-faceted prison outreach in Caňon City, Colorado. And if there was ever a place where a full-blown prison ministry was needed, it is Caňon City. The Caňon City is the county seat of Fremont County, which is home to the Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility, the Arrowhead…

World Teachers’ Day has been observed annually on since 1994 The theme for 2020 is, “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future.”

NEW YORK – World Teachers’ Day has been observed annually on October 5 since 1994 as a joint endeavor between UNESCO, UNICEF, the International Labor Organization, and Education International. (Education International is a federation of global teachers’ unions.) The theme for World Teachers’ Day 2020 is, “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future.” With the…