We found 554 results for your search.

Miners killed and injured after mine collapse because of earthquake

  Photo by Lzur In late November of 2016, there was an earthquake that made a mine collapse located in Poland. According to a Fox News report, “The tremor occurred shortly after 9 p.m. Tuesday some 1,100 meters (3.610 feet) underground in the Rudna mine, in Polkowice, southwestern Poland.” At the time, there were five… Continue reading Miners killed and injured after mine collapse because of earthquake

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Iraqi refugees return home

Photo by Christiaan Briggs Iraqi refugees have returned to their homes in the Nineveh region. Yet, what they discovered deeply grieved them. According to Fox News, “There were gasps, followed by tears at a small church in northern Iraq as a group of Christians returned to their parish Sunday to find that everything had been… Continue reading Iraqi refugees return home

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Chile Wildfire kills at least 11

  Pablo Trincado In Chile, a wildfire has hit most of the state leaving death and destruction in its wake. According to CNN, “A chain of wildfires has unleashed a catastrophe over wide swaths of central and southern Chile, killing at least 11 people, destroying thousands of homes and consuming an area about three times… Continue reading Chile Wildfire kills at least 11

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Australia Prime Minister Talks to President Trump about Sending Immigrants to America

Photo by Sardaka When former-President Obama was in the White House, he promised the Australian Prime Minister that America would take in 1,250 refugees every year. The Federalist explains, “We entered the picture, nonetheless, in 2016. The Obama administration struck a deal with Turnbull’s government to take the refugees into our country.” Prime Minister Turnbull… Continue reading Australia Prime Minister Talks to President Trump about Sending Immigrants to America

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Romanians Protest Corruption Bill

  Mätes II In February, Romania was planning on passing a corruption bill, which would make it legal for government officials to do corrupt things if it did not go over a certain amount. Per CNN, “The original decree, which would have taken effect in about a week, decriminalized corruption that causes damage worth less… Continue reading Romanians Protest Corruption Bill

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Paris Peace Conference

Photo by הסוכנות היהודית Pikiwiki Israel In January, right before President Trump was sworn into office, a group of international leaders met to discuss the Two-State Solution, or the giving the West Bank in Israel to the Palestinians. Per Al Jazeera, “The [UN] resolution condemns all Israeli settlement activity as illegal and calls upon member… Continue reading Paris Peace Conference

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Cuba dictator dies at 90-year-old

By Kotoviski – Own work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1620427 In November, Fidel Castro, the leader and dictator of Cuba died of an ailment. According to The Slatest, “One of the world’s most divisive and authoritarian leaders who allegedly survived more than 600 assassination attempts and played a key role in the history of the 20th… Continue reading Cuba dictator dies at 90-year-old

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Rev. Richard Wurmbrand: Voice for the Persecuted

Introduction Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned and tortured for 14 long years in a Communist Romanian prison. After his release to the United States, he was the voice of persecuted Christians around the world. Early Life Richard was born in 1909 to a Jewish background family. Richard was a militant atheist who opposed all religions. Despite… Continue reading Rev. Richard Wurmbrand: Voice for the Persecuted

Tensions increase as Syrian ceasefire ends in barrage of death and destruction

ALEPPO, Syria – A weeklong ceasefire came to a violent end as government-directed airstrikes pummeled the city. The attacks targeted a United Nations humanitarian convoy in rebel-held neighborhoods, killing at least 12 workers, while continued strikes killed another 70 and destroyed the city’s water station. The violence in late September heightened tensions between the United… Continue reading Tensions increase as Syrian ceasefire ends in barrage of death and destruction

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Fifteen years after 9/11, America still vulnerable

In September 2016 as the United States marked the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, lingering questions cast shadows from the pristine One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower) onto the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. Is America any safer today than on September 11, 2001? The most… Continue reading Fifteen years after 9/11, America still vulnerable

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Cuban refugees pouring into Texas

  CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1620441 Scores of Cubans recently fled the island nation on chartered flights to Central and South America, then trekked across Mexico to reach El Paso, Texas. The refugees were fleeing the repressive Cuban government en route to the U.S. where federal law treats them as legal immigrants. The Texas Tribune reports… Continue reading Cuban refugees pouring into Texas

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ISIS’ defeat won’t guarantee safety for Iraqi Christians

As coalition forces back Iraqi military efforts to regain ISIS-controlled cities, the resulting victories in Fallujah and elsewhere leave cause for concern, according to FBI Director James Comey. Comey believes the defeated ISIS militants in Iraq will take their fight to Western Europe and the United States. Minorities, particularly Christians, in Muslim-majority Iraq believe that… Continue reading ISIS’ defeat won’t guarantee safety for Iraqi Christians

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Ukraine violence in Russian conflict claims 10,000 lives, injures 21,000

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2014 has claimed 10,000 lives and injured more than 21,000, according to the United Nations. During an emergency Security Council meeting in April, the warring nations blamed each other for the ongoing conflict. The United States, France and Britain hold Russia responsible for the conflict. In February 2015,… Continue reading Ukraine violence in Russian conflict claims 10,000 lives, injures 21,000

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Quote of the Day

“Many of the crisis problems which are considered disasters in the United States would only be normal, everyday living conditions in most of Asia.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~

Midwest tornadoes kill two from Oklahoma to Kentucky

Violent spring weather has continued to wreak havoc on the nation’s midsection with a series of recent tornadoes stretching from Oklahoma to Kentucky. Seven tornadoes struck mostly rural Oklahoma communities, killing two people and leaving about five towns with 25-30 damaged homes each. One tornado registered as a powerful EF4, which can have winds up… Continue reading Midwest tornadoes kill two from Oklahoma to Kentucky

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Quote of the Day | 6.30.15

“Is social reform, compassionate concern or evangelism to be the driving purpose of missions? Tens of millions of Christians in the United States and Europe cannot reply correctly to this question. Fundraising promotions have merged the three into one, and the average Christian can no longer separate the Gospel of Christ from the various social… Continue reading Quote of the Day | 6.30.15

Moravian Movement

“I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.” ― Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf Introduction It was a stormy night on… Continue reading Moravian Movement

Challenges and Triumphs of Christians on the ancient Silk Road

CENTRAL ASIA — A journey along the ancient Silk Road in Central Asia. Experience the rich culture and traditions that define Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan, while maintaining a balance between ethnic diversity and the unity fostered by their authoritarian regimes, Muslim traditions, and strong family bonds. Immerse yourself in the moving stories of… Continue reading Challenges and Triumphs of Christians on the ancient Silk Road

GFA World Shares on Fresh Water: An Increasingly Scarce Resource More Vital than Oil or Gold

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, issued this special report on fresh water: an increasingly scarce resource more vital than oil or gold. Increasing demand… Continue reading GFA World Shares on Fresh Water: An Increasingly Scarce Resource More Vital than Oil or Gold

Gospel for Asia Integrity & Credibility Affirmed by 30 Christian Leaders

  •  Francis Chan, Pastor & Author »  •  Palmer Holt, President, InChrist Communications » •  David Mains, Radio & TV Broadcaster »  •  George Verwer, Founder, Operation Mobilization » WILLS POINT, TX – K.P. Yohannan and Gospel for Asia (GFA World), the organization he founded in 1979, have served the Lord faithfully in 18… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Integrity & Credibility Affirmed by 30 Christian Leaders

Webinar Offers ‘Critical’ Advice to Churches Facing Religious Freedom Issues

WEBINAR TARGETS CHURCHES FACING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ISSUES: Boys adventure movement Trail Life USA (www.TrailLifeUSA.com) will host a free webinar to help churches address liabilities they may face in the wake of Boy Scouts of America's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing earlier this year, and challenges to religious freedoms that cloud the horizon. Church leaders can register at www.TrailLifeUSA.com/ReligiousFreedom.

GREENVILLE, SC — The Alliance Defending Freedom, Focus on the Family, and the Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention will participate in an upcoming webinar Dec. 9 hosted by boys adventure movement Trail Life USA (www.TrailLifeUSA.com) to help churches address liabilities they may face in the wake of Boy Scouts of America’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing… Continue reading Webinar Offers ‘Critical’ Advice to Churches Facing Religious Freedom Issues

Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor

GFA World pastor Abeer gives a face mask to Milan, who had been delivering milk door to door without the required item because he could not afford it. “I am grateful to [GFA workers] for helping me to get a reusable and hand-stitched face mask,” Milan said.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing  how many NGO and charity organizations, such as Gospel for Asia , have sought to fill the gap between resources and needy communities who don’t have access to them as mandatory masks… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor

Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches All Nations: Malaria Claims 400,000 Lives Per Year

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued a Special Report on how the alarming increase of mosquito-blamed cases in U.S. in may awaken Westerners to the “deadly scourge” of malaria that still claims thousands of lives worldwide. Because the deaths came… Continue reading Mosquito-Driven Scourge Touches All Nations: Malaria Claims 400,000 Lives Per Year

Sudan Removed from State Dept. List of Worst Religious Freedom Violators after Dictator Ousted

The U.S. State Department removed Sudan from its list of governments that are engaging in or tolerating systemic and ongoing religious freedom violations and has placed Nigeria, Cuba, and Nicaragua on a special watch list for “severe violations of religious freedom” for the first time. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday the State Departments’… Continue reading Sudan Removed from State Dept. List of Worst Religious Freedom Violators after Dictator Ousted

Attacks on Churches May Be War Crimes

WASHINGTON, DC – A recent meeting of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom declared that “Places of worship and other religious sites should be sanctuaries where worshipers feel safe to practice their faith.” Based on statements made at meetings of, or contained within documentation published by, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,… Continue reading Attacks on Churches May Be War Crimes

Action Against Hunger & Mercy Corps Return to Nigeria

ABUJA, NIGERIA – Faith-based organizations Action Against Hunger and Mercy Corps were forced to suspend operations in northeastern Nigeria in mid-September. The Nigerian army closed two Action Against Hunger offices and four Mercy Corps facilities based on allegations that both agencies were aiding terrorist groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State. Action Against Hunger vigorously… Continue reading Action Against Hunger & Mercy Corps Return to Nigeria

Hand Washing Solutions Save Thousands of Lives Says Gospel for Asia

HANDS-ON INTERVENTION: Thousands of children in Asia die every year because their families don't wash their hands properly, mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org) reports, marking Global Handwashing Day, October 15.

WILLS POINT, TX — While Americans take washing their hands for granted, thousands of children in Asia die every year because their families don’t wash their hands properly, mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) reported, marking Global Handwashing Day, October 15. Under the theme “Clean Hands for All,” Global Handwashing Day promotes the vital importance… Continue reading Hand Washing Solutions Save Thousands of Lives Says Gospel for Asia

Day of Global Recognition of Violence Against People Based on Religion or Belief

NEW YORK – August 22, 2019, marked the first International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief sponsored by the United Nations. Missions Box News first became aware of the proposed special day in July 2018 when members of the British parliament were called to consider supporting a proposal… Continue reading Day of Global Recognition of Violence Against People Based on Religion or Belief

‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA), announced today it will provide crucial aid and spiritual support to hundreds of “shunned and shamed” widows to mark International Widows Day, Sunday, June 23. “In some Asian cultures, when a woman’s husband dies, she is often stripped of her dignity, her worth,… Continue reading ‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Deploys Chaplains into Nebraska Following Widespread Flooding

CHARLOTTE, NC — Crisis-trained chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team are on-site in Dodge County, Neb., one of many areas across the Midwest that has been inundated with an historic level of flooding. Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts called the disaster – which was caused by a combination of factors including a bomb cyclone, deeply frozen ground,… Continue reading Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Deploys Chaplains into Nebraska Following Widespread Flooding

Measuring Ministry on the Mission Field

“A sustainable outcome is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.” —Sustainability Outcomes “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” —Peter Drucker, business leader and author WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) – The two opening quotes are truths that cannot be ignored whether improving your golf game, building a… Continue reading Measuring Ministry on the Mission Field

Venezuela Crisis: Christian Group Providing Emergency Aid, Food for Starving

Venezuela Crisis — “The political unrest is creating a humanitarian crisis. One of our partners on the ground said it’s the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now.” Venezuela is facing the biggest economic crisis in modern history with hyperinflation, leading to starvation, deaths and mass migration. The U.S. announced Saturday that USAID will be sending… Continue reading Venezuela Crisis: Christian Group Providing Emergency Aid, Food for Starving

ECHR Rules: Turkey Violated Freedom of Religious Assembly

STRASBOURG – The European Court of Human Rights has rendered a judgment against Turkey in the case of Altınkaynak and Others v. Turkey. The court ruled that Turkey had violated the rights of a group of Seventh Day Adventists in 2004 when they attempted to register their religious foundation. Although Turkey ratified the European Convention… Continue reading ECHR Rules: Turkey Violated Freedom of Religious Assembly

What is Leprosy & How Do We Overcome It?

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report – Discussing the misunderstandings and social stigma of leprosy that keep it alive, despite being a curable worldwide problem. Leprosy. For many, a cloud of mystery, fear and shame surrounds this disease. It’s a disease that destroys nerves and deadens limbs to sensations of touch… Continue reading What is Leprosy & How Do We Overcome It?

What You Can Do About The Scandal of Manual Scavenging

DELHI – If “manual scavenging” sounds like it might be a fun game like a scavenger hunt, think again. Manual scavenging is a scandalous practice prevalent in South Asia even though it is illegal. According to the United Nations in India, Manual scavenging refers to the practice of manually cleaning, carrying, disposing or handling in… Continue reading What You Can Do About The Scandal of Manual Scavenging

What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

David Mains and KP Yohannan standing in David's office in October, 1980.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a nonprofit founded in 1979 committed to serving “the least of these” in Asia. GFA supports national field workers who in turn bring the love of Christ to those living in rural and under-served areas. Whether it’s providing the opportunity for a brighter future for a child in Asia… Continue reading What Christian Leaders are Saying about Gospel for Asia

Too Much? Too Little? Too Late? South Asia’s Growing Water Crisis

Lake near Ladakh

INDIA – South Asia and the Indian subcontinent seem to be facing a perennial water crisis that may be getting worse rather than better. The problem is complex. It is not simply that there is too much or too little. While there is flooding in some regions there is a drought in others. Where there… Continue reading Too Much? Too Little? Too Late? South Asia’s Growing Water Crisis

UK Parliament Considers Call for UN International Day Commemorating Victims & Survivors of Religious Persecution

LONDON – British MP (Member of Parliament), Fiona Bruce tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM 1478) on 03 July 2018 proposing that the UK develop better mechanisms for tracking incidents of religious persecution and that it develop “strategic action plans” to prevent the escalation of those incidents into “mass atrocities.” Further, the motion calls upon… Continue reading UK Parliament Considers Call for UN International Day Commemorating Victims & Survivors of Religious Persecution

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Need for Aid Increasing in Myanmar

YANGON – Life goes on as normal for Christians and Muslims in Myanmar, just as life goes on as normal for Christians and Muslims in America. Normal is the operative word because what is normal for them is at the extreme opposite of what normal is for us. We often refer to normal as “the… Continue reading Need for Aid Increasing in Myanmar

Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

“Blessed is he who considers the poor.” – Psalm 40:17 Wills Point, Texas – GFA (Gospel for Asia) – Discussing the scandals of poverty. Nearly everything about poverty is scandalous. The United Nations Millennium Goals include the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Faith-based organizations and other NGO’s, major businesses, and UN member states have… Continue reading Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the worldwide issue of extreme poverty Written by Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications More than 80 years after George Orwell wrote in his classic Animal Farm that “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,” his barbed observation on disparity rings ever truer for… Continue reading Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Sarvajal Builds Clean Water ATMs in India

AHMEDABAD – The United Nations’ World Water Report for 2015 said, “Problems of poverty are, on most occasions, inextricably linked with those of water – its availability, its proximity, its quantity, and its quality.” Piramal Sarvajal is a mission-driven social enterprise dedicated designing, manufacturing and providing clean, safe sources of drinking water for communities across… Continue reading Sarvajal Builds Clean Water ATMs in India

Somalia Drought

Photo by Oxfam East Africa The country of Somalia is in a drought. In a 48-hour period, over 100 people died from hunger. Per Fox News, “Somalia’s prime minister says 110 people have died from hunger in the past 48 hours in a single region as a severe drought threatens millions of people across the… Continue reading Somalia Drought

Somali Refugee Boat Shot

Photo by aflaanta std In March, there was an attack on a boat holding Somali refugees. At least 46 people were killed and 39 were injured. CNN reported, “At least 42 people died and 39 were injured in the Friday incident, the United Nations’ refugee agency said. Some 160 people reportedly were on board, according… Continue reading Somali Refugee Boat Shot

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Brexit Triggered in March

Photo by on_dit On March 29, Prime Minister May triggered negotiations with the European Union to negotiate trade deals for Brexit. Per CNN, “British Prime Minister Theresa May will trigger Article 50 on March 29, starting official Brexit negotiations between the UK and the European Union, her spokesman has confirmed.” The British voted to leave… Continue reading Brexit Triggered in March

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Pope Visits Rohingya

Photo by Firdaus Latif Pope Francis traveled to visit the Rohingya in Myanmar to see the conditions they live in. There he prayed for them and condemned the violence against them. Per CNN, “Pope Francis prayed for Rohingya refugees during a general audience on Wednesday, decrying violence against them ‘simply because they uphold their Muslim… Continue reading Pope Visits Rohingya

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Yemen Cholera Outbreak

Photo by ai@ce An outbreak of Cholera started in October in Yemen. Tens of thousands of people have been infected with the illness. Per BBC, “Some 26,000 people have now been affected since October by the outbreak, which subsided over the winter.” The disease is spread through food and water that has human feces in… Continue reading Yemen Cholera Outbreak

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