BANGUI, Central African Republic – Prior to gaining its independence in 1960, this landlocked county occupying the Ubangi and Chari River Basins was part of French Equatorial Africa. Since gaining independence, the county, although rich in uranium, crude oil, gold, diamonds, cobalt, lumber and arable land, remains one of the 10 poorest countries in the…

KNIFE RIVER, MN – FARMS International has established successful agricultural evangelism programs in Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Thailand, The Philippines, Moldova, Bangladesh, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Vietnam, and the state of Nagaland in Northeast India. The organization recently announced that it is expanding its unique approach to doing good in the name of Christ to…

No one would disagree with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that “Health is . . . essential to development. Good health improves learning, worker productivity, and income. As such, health contributes to economic growth.” There is a logic here. People must be healthy to be productive. Good personal and community health are necessary, not only…

KOLKATA – Air India has launched a series of events aimed to salute to International Women’s Day. Today, 04 March 2018, the airline announced that it had operated its Kolkata-Dimpur-Kolkata flight with an all-female crew, including flight attendants, pilot, and co-pilot. Captain Akanksha Verma and Captain Satovia Banerjee piloted the Airbus 319 on Flight AI709….

HERAT, Afghanistan – “HALO works with countries emerging from conflict, securing weapons and disposing of unexploded ammunition. It paves the way for infrastructure to enable economic development and it underpins international stability and security. By hiring men and women from the mine-impacted communities, HALO’s approach directly lifts our staff’s extended families and communities out of…

gospelforasia-trusted-nonprofit-giving-tuesday and released their lists of trusted nonprofits for impactful #GivingTuesday donations. Gospel for Asia (GFA), Save the Storks and Children’s Hunger Fund were listed among others. Which Trusted Nonprofits Made the List? According to this list written by Jesse Jackson of Faithit, there were quite a few that made the list. FaithIt’s article…


In the summer of 2016, Sudan flooded and more than 100 people died in the Sudan floods. Per Al Jazeera, “Thousands of houses have been destroyed and several villages submerged after flooding triggered by torrential rainfall killed 100 people across Sudan, according to an aid group in the country.” There have been 14,000 homes that…


Photo by Unknown CDC employee People are returning to their homes in northern Nigeria after Boko Haram raided in 2014. One of the farmers hid under maize crops with the rest of his family. Per CNN, “Jafiya Nuhu, a 52-year-old commercial farmer, hid under maize cobs in his farm with his wife and two children…

WILLS POINT, TX – The Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope Ministry has assisted struggling families in Asia by providing 2,300 sewing machines in March to graduates of its vocational training centers. The 280 centers across the region provide students with work skills to improve their employment and economic opportunities. “Escaping from poverty often…

“One of the most basic laws of creation is that every living thing reproduces after its own kind. If we are going to see a mass people movement to Christ, it will be done only through fielding many more thousands of national missionaries.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions

“We can make it possible for millions of brown and yellow feet to move out with the liberating Gospel of Jesus. Thousands of national missionaries will go to the lost if Christians in the West will help.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Revolution In World Missions ~