MELBOURNE, FL — Christian Care Ministry (CCM), which offers the popular Medi-Share healthcare sharing ministry, is inviting the entire community to its second annual “Day of Sharing,” a nationwide initiative to motivate and mobilize people to share their time, talent and treasure to serve others Oct. 5. The theme of this year’s event is, “Find… Continue reading Christian Care Ministry Announces Second Annual National Day of Sharing Oct. 5, 2019
Tag: Violence Against Women
Sustainable Development Goals Progress: How Is South Asia Doing?
NEW YORK – As we head into the fourth and final quarter of 2019 and begin the third decade of the 21st century, it seems like a good time to review the progress of South Asian countries toward reaching the United Nations’ sustainable development goals for 2030. This information originally appeared in the “United Nations’… Continue reading Sustainable Development Goals Progress: How Is South Asia Doing?
Woman Becomes a Christian & Her Inlaws Become Outlaws
KAMPALA, UGANDA – Last September, her world was turned upside down when her husband passed away. The 54-year-old mother of eight children was now a widow with a family to support. Searching for hope, she placed her faith in Jesus Christ when the pastor of a small church shared the Bible with her. Joy returned… Continue reading Woman Becomes a Christian & Her Inlaws Become Outlaws
India’s Protection of Rights on Marriage Law Is Major Breakthrough for Women
NEW DELHI – Missions Box has steadfastly supported effective action to protect women from abuses wherever they occur. Mistreatment of women takes many forms across the entire globe but nowhere else is that abuse so apparent as it is in developing countries where women are traditionally held in low regard.The Provisions of NGOs South Asia… Continue reading India’s Protection of Rights on Marriage Law Is Major Breakthrough for Women
The Way to Stop Violence Against Women Is Godly Men
Violence against women is a worldwide problem, even in the United States of America. One in five women in the United States have been sexually assaulted In the wake of the recent #MeToo movement, sexual assault and violence against women in American and other Western countries have made headlines in unprecedented volume. According to a… Continue reading The Way to Stop Violence Against Women Is Godly Men
UN Targets Israel – Ignores World’s Worst Abusers of Women’s Rights
GENEVA — The U.N. Economic and Social Council approved 40-2 a resolution that targets only Israel for alleged violations of womens rights, yet does not include other countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan, all notorious for often misogynistic policies and denying basic rights to women. The United States and Canada were the only… Continue reading UN Targets Israel – Ignores World’s Worst Abusers of Women’s Rights
Can Pakistan End Child Marriage?
KARACHI – The Pakistani Senate has passed a bill to end child marriage, making marriage illegal for girls under the age of 18 to marry. That sounds like good news in a country where it is estimated that 21% of girls under 18 are married, often being forced to do so as early as age… Continue reading Can Pakistan End Child Marriage?
‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX — Leading faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA), announced today it will provide crucial aid and spiritual support to hundreds of “shunned and shamed” widows to mark International Widows Day, Sunday, June 23. “In some Asian cultures, when a woman’s husband dies, she is often stripped of her dignity, her worth,… Continue reading ‘Forgotten Outcasts’ in Asia to Be Helped on International Widows Day Says Gospel for Asia
The Aftermath of Acute Gender Imbalance Is 100 Million Missing Women
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report on the aftermath of acute gender imbalance: Discussing the horrendous reality of 100 million missing women worldwide. One of the stunning stories from Scripture tells about the uninvited woman who crashed a VIP party at the home of an important religious leader. This is a… Continue reading The Aftermath of Acute Gender Imbalance Is 100 Million Missing Women
Gospel for Asia (GFA) Spotlights 100 Million ‘Missing Women’ in Shocking Report
On Mother’s Day, experts say up to 100 million women and girls mostly from Africa and Asia who should be alive today ‘simply do not exist’ WILLS POINT, TX — As many as 100 million women and girls are “missing and unaccounted for” – the victims of sex-selective abortions, female infanticide, sexual slavery and other… Continue reading Gospel for Asia (GFA) Spotlights 100 Million ‘Missing Women’ in Shocking Report
Gospel for Asia Supported Workers Make a Difference on International Women’s Day
ASIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers observed International Women’s Day across Asia on March 8 by providing women with opportunities that will help them thrive in every aspect of life. National workers inaugurated new tailoring classes to provide vocational skills for underprivileged women. The classes will teach women how to successfully operate a business… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Supported Workers Make a Difference on International Women’s Day
South Asia’s Sad Secret: Indignity & Injustice by Dowry
ASIA – Gospel for Asia released a special report on “Seeking Justice & Defending Human Rights.” In addition to being available on the ministry’s website, the report was published in three parts on Patheos. The recurring theme of the report was abuse and indignity suffered by women and children, especially those in developing countries in… Continue reading South Asia’s Sad Secret: Indignity & Injustice by Dowry
World Vision Praised for Malnutrition Project in Jharkhand
JHARKHAND – An Anganwadi[1] worker in Jharkhand recently praised a team from World Vision for its work with Jharkhand health officials to help reduce acute malnutrition in the state. Although the State of Jharkhand contains about 40% of India’s entire mineral reserves, nearly 80% of the people who live there are farmers. It is India’s… Continue reading World Vision Praised for Malnutrition Project in Jharkhand
5 Million Women Line 385 Miles of Route 66 in Kerala
KERALA – In an event unprecedented in India’s history, five million women gathered in a single line along a 385-mile stretch of National Highway 66 on January 1, 2019. The focal point of “the women’s wall” was a response to being prevented from entering the Sabarimala temple even after the supreme court ruled that women… Continue reading 5 Million Women Line 385 Miles of Route 66 in Kerala
Christian Physician Receives 2018 Nobel Peace Prize
OSLO – Dr. Denis Mukwege, a Christian doctor from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was named a co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize earlier this week. Dr. Mukwege is a world-renowned gynecologist who specializes in treating the survivors of sexual violence within war-torn regions like his own beloved DRC. Mukwege is the son… Continue reading Christian Physician Receives 2018 Nobel Peace Prize
Through Community Schooling Programs, Gospel for Asia Helps Offer Fresh Hope to Young Girls, Victims of Gender-based Prejudice
Global Focus Shines a Light on Group’s Efforts to Equip Girls for a Brighter Future WILLS POINT, Texas — This year’s focus of the United Nations’ annual International Day of the Girl Child, emphasizing the need for better educational opportunities for girls under the theme “With Her: A Skilled Girl Force,” brings a spotlight to… Continue reading Through Community Schooling Programs, Gospel for Asia Helps Offer Fresh Hope to Young Girls, Victims of Gender-based Prejudice
Manipur Woman Wins Prestigious Humanitarian Award
MANIPUR – Manipur native, Binalakshmi Nepram is the 2018 recipient of the prestigious Anna Politkovskaya Award. The award is presented annually by the organization, Reach All Women in WAR (RAW in WAR) to a woman who has stood up to victims in areas of conflict and who have demonstrated “courage and truth-telling in the face… Continue reading Manipur Woman Wins Prestigious Humanitarian Award
Heartache and Discrimination in Widowhood Still Facing Millions of ‘Invisible Women’
Gospel for Asia (GFA) calls attention to plight of widows worldwide who need help to face tragedy and overcome the many indignations of widowhood. WILLS POINT, Texas — More than seven years after the United Nations formally called attention to the plight of widows, millions of bereaved women \still find themselves subjected to abuse, humiliation, ostracism… Continue reading Heartache and Discrimination in Widowhood Still Facing Millions of ‘Invisible Women’
Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination
Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report: Hope to Overcome the Challenges of Widowhood Written By Ken Walker of InChrist Communications Accounts of the humiliations, insults and indignations suffered by widows worldwide would make anyone cringe. Gulika, a widow in Asia, experienced helplessness after the people in her village turned their backs on her after… Continue reading Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination
Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day
WILLS POINT, Texas – The United Nations has set aside June 23rd of each year as International Widows Day “as an opportunity for action towards achieving full rights and recognition for widows. According to the UN, “It has been estimated that there are some 258 million widows around the world, with over 115 million of… Continue reading Business as Usual for Believers Eastern Church on International Widows Day
Widows Receive Aid from Believer’s Eastern Church in Senua Village
SENAU, ARUNACHAL PRADESH – Members of the Believer’s Eastern Church in Senua reached out to help about 30 widows living in the village on International Widows Day, What the church did was quite unusual, at least for westerners, yet deeply appreciated by the recipients. The Senua BEC regularly looks after the needs of widows with… Continue reading Widows Receive Aid from Believer’s Eastern Church in Senua Village
Tin Sheet & Umbrella Gifts Demonstrate God’s ‘Sheltering Love’ on International Widows’ Day
One of the widows touched by Gospel for Asia-supported teams’ help-and-hope visits speaks of her ‘beautiful house’ made possible by simple donation WILLS POINT, Texas—The message of God’s sheltering love for the destitute and disenfranchised was spelled out practically with tin sheets and umbrellas when Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported teams reached out to some of… Continue reading Tin Sheet & Umbrella Gifts Demonstrate God’s ‘Sheltering Love’ on International Widows’ Day
Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned
Imagine this: You have a teenage daughter who is brutally raped by a young man. After she tells you what happens, he kills her. Between May 5 to May 13, three Indian girls were raped and burned alive. The first victim was kidnapped by a group of men in Jharkhand while her parents were at… Continue reading Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned
The Missing Women Quandary Calls for a Radical Approach to Mother’s Day
Wills Point, Texas – GFA (Gospel for Asia) – Discussing the Missing Women Quandary on Mother’s Day by Karen Mains I have decided that Mother’s Day has the potential to make as many women unhappy as it does to make them feel loved and revered. This realization hit me early in my marriage when I… Continue reading The Missing Women Quandary Calls for a Radical Approach to Mother’s Day
Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination
Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the global problem of violence against women Written By Michelle Jimenez, GFA Staff Writer Geeta, a mother of two, lived in the slums and struggled to put food on the table every day with the meager 20 rupees her husband gave her. That amount equaled less than… Continue reading Ending Violence Against Women | Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination
GFA Concerned About Widespread Violence Against Women
WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) has published an authoritative article about the seemingly endless global problem of violence against women. The euphemism of “domestic violence” used in America does not begin to describe the depth of persecution that women suffer in many other countries around the world. For many women, “the greatest… Continue reading GFA Concerned About Widespread Violence Against Women
Though Millions Suffer Violence, ‘New Dawn’ Rises for Women in Asia
From neglect of small girls to dowry violence and abandonment of widows, GFA (Gospel for Asia) highlights ‘silent suffering’ in region. NASHVILLE — While much of America is caught up in the “#MeToo” movement, a new report by GFA (Gospel for Asia) is spotlighting the scale of the daily horrors faced by women around the… Continue reading Though Millions Suffer Violence, ‘New Dawn’ Rises for Women in Asia
FBOs offer Women in India Hope Despite News of Recent Rape and Murder of 6-Year-Old Girl
On Dec. 8, a 6-year-old girl was abducted while she slept beside her family. In the minutes that followed her abduction, she was brutally raped and murdered. It wasn’t until the next morning that her mom noticed she was missing. The rape and murder came as a shock to everyone in India, as she was… Continue reading FBOs offer Women in India Hope Despite News of Recent Rape and Murder of 6-Year-Old Girl
Save the Children: Girls under 15 marry every seven seconds
More than 700 million women living today entered into forced marriages as children under the age of 18, according to a landmark report by Save the Children called Every Last Girl. The current rate of marriage worldwide for girls under 15 is one every seven seconds. These teenaged and pre-teenaged girls are not falling in… Continue reading Save the Children: Girls under 15 marry every seven seconds
Indian Teen Dies After Rape and Being Set Afire
The recent violent death of a 16-year-old rape victim again brings focus to India’s crisis of sexual assault against women. The assailant, who also set the teenager aflame before fleeing, was allegedly her 20-year-old boyfriend. Cultural norms in India make the reporting of sexual assault taboo. However, more rape victims are reporting their assaults and… Continue reading Indian Teen Dies After Rape and Being Set Afire