Samaritan's Purse has staff on the ground in southwest Iowa responding after a dangerous storm system produced numerous tornadoes.

BOONE, NC — Samaritan’s Purse has staff on the ground in southwest Iowa responding after a dangerous storm system produced numerous tornadoes, large hail and heavy rain across the state on Tuesday. One powerful twister nearly flattened the heart of Greenfield, Iowa, claiming multiple lives and reducing homes and businesses to rubble. The rural community…

Compassion International Selects Water Mission as Partner in Global WASH Alliance Designed to Bring Holistic Care to Children and Families

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC — Water Mission is partnering with Compassion International on a global safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) alliance through a pilot project initiating in Chimwenje, Malawi. The alliance will strive to bring holistic care to children and families experiencing poverty through safe water access. The newly piloted program will reach Chimwenje’s more…

More than 20 families took part in our A Mountain Getaway retreat. Understanding the importance, they have decided to continue hosting events

UKRAINE — When Christian organisation first started planning a mountain retreat, their team had no idea just how important it would be for women and children who have lost their beloved husbands to the war in Ukraine. More than 20 families took part in our “A Mountain Getaway” retreat. Understanding the importance, they have…

This month, CityServe International will have a grand opening for their new CityServe Family Center in Kyiv, Ukraine.

BAKERSFIELD, CA — This month, CityServe International will have a grand opening for their new CityServe Family Center in Kyiv, Ukraine. In partnership with churches in Ukraine, this family center will serve to heal the multi-generational trauma of a war that has already claimed over 20,000 Ukrainian lives, including many civilians. The grand opening ceremony…

This World Refugee Day (June 20), World Help is recognizing and remembering the struggles of people living as refugees worldwide.

FOREST, VA — This World Refugee Day (June 20), Virginia-based nonprofit World Help is recognizing and remembering the struggles of over 32.5 million people living as refugees worldwide. In Ukraine alone, over 8 million people have fled the war-torn country to neighboring countries. Most men had to stay behind, so women and children still make…

As winter looms, CityServe pledges to help more families in Ukraine stay warm, plans to deliver another million meals.

BAKERSFIELD, CA — As an energy crisis unfolds in Europe, Ukrainians may face the inability to heat their homes, or lack the resources to do so. Consequently, CityServe International is partnering with over 6,700 churches in their church network in Eastern Europe to help deliver generators and C-train homes to Ukrainian families to ensure they…

Grand Canyon University CityServe helps over 6,500 families in first year with over $3 million worth of household goods

PHOENIX — Grand Canyon University’s CityServe, the CityServe state affiliate for Arizona, has provided household goods and necessities to more than 6,500 families since being started one year ago. Over $3 million worth of surplus goods from major retailers such as Costco, Amazon, and Walmart have been distributed through local church PODs (point of distribution)….

Franklin Graham spent the weekend in Mongolia, as he met with children who have benefited from Samaritan’s Purse Children’s Heart Project.

ULAANBAATAR, MONGOLIA — Franklin Graham spent a whirlwind weekend in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as he met with children and families who have benefited from Samaritan’s Purse Children’s Heart Project and later gave out Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Franklin Graham – President and CEO, Samaritan’s Purse: This is Franklin Graham. I’m in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We’ve been working here for over…

Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, with IFCJ, transfers $3 million for benefit of thousands of impoverished Israeli families

JERUSALEM — The coronavirus crisis has greatly impacted many families in Israel. To alleviate the overwhelming need, Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, together with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), has decided to provide more than $3 million for the benefit of individuals and families needing additional support. This will…

Frontline pastors, ministry workers in Russia, and the former Soviet Union are risking everything to aid orphans, widows, and families.

LOVES PARK, IL — A U.S. organization is aiming to help 1,300 “frontline pastors” and ministry workers in Russia and the former Soviet Union this winter who, it says, are “risking everything” to aid orphans, widows, and suffering families. During the pandemic, local pastors across Russia and the former Soviet Union have trekked hundreds of miles…

Samaritan's Purse provides medical care to suffering families in Ethiopia where clinics, hospitals are overwhelmed/ incapacitated by vandalism

ETHIOPIA — The weight of the humanitarian crisis in Tigray is palpable, but it’s rarely in the news—even as urban areas in northern Ethiopia swell with traumatized families living in schools and tarp shelters. Samaritan’s Purse has been working in this region since February providing emergency food, cooking kits, and other relief. They have airlifted more…

Already struggling because of COVID shut-downs, families across Texas cannot repair and recover from the damage of the winter storm.

HOUSTON — Countless people across Texas are still suffering from the effects of the deep freeze that hit seven weeks ago: damaged roofs; burst water pipes; burned down homes; and more. Already struggling with COVID shut-down recovery, many families cannot repair the damage from the winter storm. State Farm reported burst pipe claims rose from…

CityServe inviting donors to join its "Last Mile of Need" fundraising campaign to feeding hungry families struggling through the pandemic

WASHINGTON — CityServe announced today it has joined the online giving platform, Uncommon Giving, inviting individual and corporate donors to join its “Last Mile of Need” fundraising campaign to feed hungry families struggling through the pandemic. More families are struggling to provide enough to eat with the ever-increasing challenges of job losses and illness. By…

The Faith Based Community for Farmers to Families has distributed over 12 million food boxes to families living in the "Last Mile of Need."

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Since the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program launched in May 2020, the Faith-Based Community for Farmers to Families, facilitated by CityServe, has distributed over 12 million food boxes to families living in the “Last Mile of Need.” Currently comprised of over 1400 HUBs, the collaborative network…

Coronavirus couldn’t stop Joni & Friends from encouraging special needs families, and provisions were made for Family Retreat at Home.

NEW ENGLAND — Dan and Sandra Rivera were super excited when they heard about Family Retreat taking place in New England. Their sons DeMetrius (19), Nathan (11) and Isaac (6) matched their parents’ excitement. Both DeMetrius and Nathan have global developmental delays, making their day-to-day caregiving routines incredibly complicated – and making vacations impossible. Little…

Samaritan’s Purse medical teams are providing critical care through their emergency field hospital in hurricane-struck Honduras.

HONDURAS — Samaritan’s Purse medical teams are providing critical care in Jesus’ Name through their emergency field hospital in hurricane-struck San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The charity continues to assess the needs of hurting communities across Honduras, ramping up the response to distribute additional hygiene kits and emergency shelter materials to families in need. Along with…

In 2019 support and prayers enabled Bilji and persecuted Christian families to attend a Christmas celebration for isolated believers

BANGLADESH — Ten-year-old Bijli from Bangladesh already knows the cost of following Jesus. Because of her faith, she is bullied at school and her family are ostracised in their Muslim-majority village. Bijli’s father, Badol, became a church leader after receiving biblical training through Open Doors partners. He was worried that his Muslim neighbours wouldn’t accept…

USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program - 23 million+ pounds of food has been distributed through churches & faith-based organizations

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Over 23 million pounds of food has been distributed through churches and faith-based organizations in CityServe Network since the launch of the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program in May 2020. Given the ongoing pandemic, CityServe Network’s expansive HUB to POD distribution model has made fresh, nutritious…

Royal Family KIDS partnered with CarePortal, an online national initiative that connects families in crisis with people who are eager to help

SANTA ANA, CA — Royal Family KIDS (RFK) recently kicked off a new partnership with CarePortal, an online platform and growing national initiative that connects families in crisis with people who are eager to help. Starting in 10 states, thousands of volunteers will soon be able to more efficiently serve at-risk children and foster families…

Food boxes distribution in CityServe's network totals 120 million+ pounds of wholesome foods delivered to families in "Last Mile of Need."

BAKERSFIELD, CA — Since the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program launched in May 2020, CityServe’s collaborative network of churches and faith-based organizations have distributed over 5 million food boxes across the United States. Food box distribution in CityServe’s network totals over 120 million pounds of wholesome foods delivered to…

With remote learning providing an additional challenge for working families, hundreds of families have leaned on the Dream Center

LOS ANGELES — The Restart Learning Center, now in its tenth week of operation, is a new service the Los Angeles Dream Center began providing at their Echo Park campus at the start of an unusual school year. With remote learning providing an additional challenge for working families, and unstable or non-existent wifi connections for…

When COVID 19 hit, Joni and Friends developed creative new ways to serve families across America living with disability

USA — When COVID-19 hit, Joni and Friends developed creative new ways to serve families across America living with disabilities. Through Family Retreat at Home they’re providing spiritual refreshment as they focus on God’s love and connect with other families facing similar challenges. Tabitha Williams – Joni & Friends Bay Area Family Retreat at Home…