
  CC BY 2.5, Scores of Cubans recently fled the island nation on chartered flights to Central and South America, then trekked across Mexico to reach El Paso, Texas. The refugees were fleeing the repressive Cuban government en route to the U.S. where federal law treats them as legal immigrants. The Texas Tribune reports…


After a wave of gruesome violence that included hacking victims to death, the Bangladesh government has arrested more than 11,000 people. Among those arrested were 150 members of Jama’atul Mujahedin Bangladesh, an Islamist group that the country had previously banned. The targeted victims include Hindus, Christians, Sufi Muslims, activists and foreigners. The group’s actions have…


By Laban66 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, The Vladimir Putin-led Russian government recently passed sweeping anti-terror legislation that reduces all citizen’s rights to privacy while potentially infringing on the right of Christians to engage in missions. “It could stop missionary activity to anybody but representatives, registered organizations and groups,” said Joel Griffith of…


Floodwaters ravaged low-lying Ellicott City, Md., in late July, claiming two lives while destroying homes and businesses. Located 14 miles west of Baltimore, the town received 6.5 inches of rain, mostly within two hours, according to the National Weather Service. More than 100 people required rescue services, which included spontaneous citizen responses. The local Patapsco…


As coalition forces back Iraqi military efforts to regain ISIS-controlled cities, the resulting victories in Fallujah and elsewhere leave cause for concern, according to FBI Director James Comey. Comey believes the defeated ISIS militants in Iraq will take their fight to Western Europe and the United States. Minorities, particularly Christians, in Muslim-majority Iraq believe that…

“Would that God would make hell so real to us that we cannot rest; heaven so real that we must have men there, Christ so real that our supreme motive and aim shall be to make the Man of Sorrows the Man of Joy by the conversion to him of many.” ~ Hudson Taylor ~…

‘”Not called!’did you say? ‘Not heard the call,’ I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go…

“It is the sincere and deep conviction of my soul when I declare that if the Christian faith does not culminate and complete itself in the effort to make Christ known to all the world, that faith appears to me a thoroughly unreal and insignificant thing, destitute of power for the single life and incapable…

“I cannot understand how any man or woman can believe in the Lord’s coming and not be a missionary, or at least committed to the work of missions with every power of his being.” ~ A.B. Simpson ~ A.B. Simpson was the founder of the christian missionary alliance.  


Myanmar called an annual report issued by the U.S. State Department “sad and regrettable” after being named among the worst human trafficking offenders. Along with Iran, North Korea and Syria, the report cited Myanmar’s negligence to meet “the minimum standards for eliminating trafficking.” Reuters reported that Myanmar’s ranking, which got downgraded from the previous year,…

“Prayer needs no passport, visa or work permit. There is no such thing as a “closed country” as far as prayer is concerned… much of the history of mission could be written in terms of God moving in response to persistent prayer.” ~ Stephan Gaukroger ~ stephen gaukroger is the director of the clarion trust…

“If there be any one point in which the Christian church ought to keep its fervor at a white heat, it is concerning missions. If there be anything about which we cannot tolerate lukewarmness, it is the matter of sending the gospel to a dying world.” ~ Charles Spurgeon ~

“We face a humanity that is too precious to neglect. We know a remedy for the ills of the world too wonderful to withhold. We have a Christ too glorious to hide. We have an adventure that is too thrilling to miss.” ~ Theodore Williams ~ Theodore williams was the founder and first general secretary of the…


More than 84,000 Iraqis left their possessions, businesses and schools to live without shelter in 115-degree desert heat and sandstorms as ISIS assaulted Fallujah. ISIS forces controlling Fallujah defended their siege with bullets, bombs and children as coalition backed Iraqi forces fought to regain the city. The Islamic extremists used the estimated 20,000 Iraqi children…

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, including those that are lost. It is the job of the church to explore the uttermost, to raise His banner, and to claim those lost souls of men for the Lord.” ~ David Bennett ~ David bennett is a missionary to brazil.    


Rwanda’s rainy season has caused higher than normal landslides that the nation’s disaster relief officials say have mostly claimed the lives of children among the 53 dead. Between January and April, landslides killed 67 others Rwandans. Rwanda incurred one of history’s greatest genocides in 1994 when 800,000 people died in about 90 days as rivals…

“Mission is ultimately not a human response to human need. The Church’s involvement in mission is its privileged participation in the actions of the triune God.” ~ Tim Dearborn ~ tim dearborn serves with worldvision.    

“God is not looking for men of great faith, only some common souls like you or me… willing to trust in His Great Faithfulness.” ~ Hudson Taylor ~ hudson taylor was a missionary to china and founder of china inland missions.    

“In no other way can the believer become as fully involved with God’s work, especially the work of world evangelism, as in intercessory prayer.” ~ Dick Eastman ~ Dick eastman is the international director of every home for christ.    

“The command has been to “go,” but we have stayed – in body, gifts, prayer and influence. He has asked us to be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth… but 99% of Christians have kept puttering around in the homeland.” ~ Robert Savage ~ robert savage was a missionary in colombia.  

“Away in foreign lands they wondered how Their simple words had power. At home the Christians, two or three, Had met to pray an hour. Yes, we are always wondering, wondering how – Because we do not see Someone – perhaps unknown and faraway – On bended knee.” ~ Anonymous ~