KNIFE RIVER, MN – FARMS International has established successful agricultural evangelism programs in Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Thailand, The Philippines, Moldova, Bangladesh, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Vietnam, and the state of Nagaland in Northeast India. The organization recently announced that it is expanding its unique approach to doing good in the name of Christ to…

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the Open Defecation Sanitation Crisis Written By Karen Burton Mains For much of my adult life, it has been my privilege to hang out with the “renegades” of Christian missions, that relief-and-development crowd that rushes to help during natural disasters, struggles to alleviate the suffering and abasement…

LA PAZ, Bolivia – Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales Ayma, addressed a national television audience on January 21st, following protestations by representatives of the country’s National Association of Evangelicals opposed to a section of a new penal code that would have made it a crime to evangelize. Section 88.11 of the code stated, “whoever recruits, transports,…


Photo by SA 3.0 Romania’s top court, the Constitutional Court, upheld the anti-corruption law. The anti-corruption law makes it illegal for people who have served jail time to become politicians. Per Fox News, “Romania’s constitutional court has upheld a law preventing people with convictions from serving as ministers, a victory for the country’s anti-corruption fight.”…


Photo by Foj333 For years, there was a civil war between the Colombian military and the FARC, a rebel guerilla group. It finally ended in December, when the government and FARC agreed on a peace deal between the two groups. CNN reports, “Colombia’s Congress has approved a historic peace agreement that will lead to the…


Recently, an outbreak of the Measles broke out in Europe, especially Italy and Romania. Per WHO, “In the first month of this year, Italy reported more than 200 cases. Romania has reported more than 3,400 cases and 17 deaths since January 2016.” The outbreak is not only in Italy and Romania, but the rest of…


Photo by Sardaka When former-President Obama was in the White House, he promised the Australian Prime Minister that America would take in 1,250 refugees every year. The Federalist explains, “We entered the picture, nonetheless, in 2016. The Obama administration struck a deal with Turnbull’s government to take the refugees into our country.” Prime Minister Turnbull…


Rwanda’s rainy season has caused higher than normal landslides that the nation’s disaster relief officials say have mostly claimed the lives of children among the 53 dead. Between January and April, landslides killed 67 others Rwandans. Rwanda incurred one of history’s greatest genocides in 1994 when 800,000 people died in about 90 days as rivals…

“In no other way can the believer become as fully involved with God’s work, especially the work of world evangelism, as in intercessory prayer.” ~ Dick Eastman ~ Dick eastman is the international director of every home for christ.    

“My plea to the Body of Christ is while we must do all we can to meet the needs of the suffering and dying millions, we must not see these activities as a substitute for evangelism and establishing churches among the unreached.” ~ K.P. Yohannan, Come, Let’s Reach the World ~

“The bedrock of missions is not the value of man, it is the spread of God’s glory. the biblical commitment to evangelism and missions is rooted in God’s passionate concern to make His name known.” ~ Steve Fernandez ~

“Today Christians spend more money on dog food then missions.” ~Leonard Ravenhill~ Leonard Ravenhill was an English Revival pastor. Many of his converts devoted themselves to evangelism and mission work.  

“Is social reform, compassionate concern or evangelism to be the driving purpose of missions? Tens of millions of Christians in the United States and Europe cannot reply correctly to this question. Fundraising promotions have merged the three into one, and the average Christian can no longer separate the Gospel of Christ from the various social…