Samaritan’s Purse is working in South Sudan to improve health in communities through their nutrition program including COVID-19 prevention.

SOUTH SUDAN — Samaritan’s Purse is working in South Sudan to improve health in communities through their nutrition program that educates families and schoolchildren about various health-related issues, including COVID-19 prevention. Million Markos, Samaritan’s Purse I am Million Markos, the nutrition program manager of Samaritan’s Purse – South Sudan. The main objective of our program…

Mother-tongue Bible translators in Nigeria were working to start 30 language projects before they had to stop due to the pandemic, terrorism.

ORLANDO, FL — Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, reports that Nigerian Bible translators are asking for help after suspending Bible translation projects in 30 languages. The global pandemic, terrorism, and economic collapse have brought Bible translation to a halt…

With remote learning providing an additional challenge for working families, hundreds of families have leaned on the Dream Center

LOS ANGELES — The Restart Learning Center, now in its tenth week of operation, is a new service the Los Angeles Dream Center began providing at their Echo Park campus at the start of an unusual school year. With remote learning providing an additional challenge for working families, and unstable or non-existent wifi connections for…

Although the America is in an era of the reshaping of religious beliefs, habits, and experiences, prayer remains a widespread practice

SCOTTSDALE, AZ — Discussing religion and politics at a neighborhood barbeque may be considered bad form, but a new two-dimensional survey commissioned by the non-profit and non-partisan Presidential Prayer Team (PPT), first to the general public of Americans (reflected here) and second to the vast prayer team membership, shows that the mixing of prayer and…

While Bible translation is a key component of their work, Pioneer Bible Translators’ mission and vision are much broader.

DALLAS, TX – International Literacy Day is September 8, 2020. Pioneer Bible Translators’ approach to reducing illiteracy is unique. Their name implies that their work is limited to Bible translation. While Bible translation is a key component of their work, Pioneer Bible Translators’ mission and vision are much broader. The PBT team includes translators who…

Samaritan’s Purse disaster relief teams are helping hurting homeowners in southwest Louisiana following the destruction by Hurricane Laura

LOUISIANA — Samaritan’s Purse disaster relief teams are helping hurting homeowners in southwest Louisiana following the massive destruction caused by Hurricane Laura. The charity is responding to the great need in four southwest Louisiana locations—Lake Charles, Jennings, DeRidder, and DeQuincy. The Category 4 storm struck under the cover of darkness—creating widespread devastation and displacing hundreds…

A write-in survey by D James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — A write-in survey sent to friends and supporters of D. James Kennedy Ministries reveals that Christian respondents, by overwhelming margins, want their pastors to speak out on moral and cultural concerns. On issue after issue–abortion, religious liberty, poverty, sexual identity, Israel, Christian heritage, role of government, church in politics/government, and radical…

Samaritan’s Purse continues to serve communities struggling during the global COVID-19 pandemic, Their latest response is in Sudan.

SUDAN — Samaritan’s Purse continues to serve communities struggling during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Their latest coronavirus response is in the northeast African nation of Sudan. Samaritan’s Purse has a substantial history there and in South Sudan, they arre strengthening local churches and providing physical relief to impoverished villages that have suffered from years of…

Cambodia's disadvantaged communities

CAMBODIA — Cambodia’s disadvantaged live in poverty in both urban and rural slums, where prospects are bleak, and safety and the family unit is under threat. Operation Mobilisation’s Mercy Teams International provides education and social work programs which provide support for the poor and marginalized in Phnom Penh and enable Cambodia’s disadvantaged children to further…

As their nation remained under lockdown, GFA Bridge of Hope centers in India couldn’t hold the classes and activities they normally would

TAMIL NADU, INDIA — As their nation remained under lockdown, Gospel for Asia (GFA) Bridge of Hope centers in India couldn’t hold the classes and activities they normally would. However, they continued to bring much-needed help to students’ families and other members of their communities struggling for survival. With the approval of government authorities, Bridge…

Kenya Hope was established when a group of like-minded Christians shared concern for reaching the widespread tribes in Kenya.

HUDSONVILLE, MI – Kenya Hope was established when a group of like-minded Christians shared concern for reaching the widespread tribes in Kenya. They made a commitment to research the complex, interwoven problems common in developing nations and to provide immediate aid, holistic rehabilitation, and long-term recovery. The Kenya Hope team used a four-fold approach for…