
A muslim lawyer for Aung San Suu Kyi was assassinated on January 29, 2017 while in an international airport. Time Magazine reports, “Many in Myanmar are in mourning this week after the assassination of a prominent Muslim lawyer and peerless symbol of the country’s democracy movement, Ko Ni, who was shot in the head at point-blank range…

The Myanmar military is cracking down on Myanmar’s minorities, particularly the Rohingya. Many of them flee into Bangladesh. CNN reports, “Authorities in neighboring Bangladesh said dozens of people have attempted to flee across the border in recent days.” Those in Myanmar think that the Rohingya are Bangladesh citizens and as such are there illegally, even…


By English: Foreign and Commonwealth Office The Rohingya are treated badly by the government of Myanmar, mainly the military. Many Rohingya have escaped into Muslim countries. According to CNN, “The Myanmar government has forcibly segregated Rohingya from the rest of the population in Rakhine state since 1982 when the government stripped them of their citizenship.”…


Myanmar called an annual report issued by the U.S. State Department “sad and regrettable” after being named among the worst human trafficking offenders. Along with Iran, North Korea and Syria, the report cited Myanmar’s negligence to meet “the minimum standards for eliminating trafficking.” Reuters reported that Myanmar’s ranking, which got downgraded from the previous year,…

“Votes are still coming in, but initial results show a win for the National League for Democracy (NLD). According to Reuters, the party currently ruling Myanmar–also known as Burma–openly admitted defeat as election results were announced yesterday afternoon.” The National League for Democracy defeated the military junta which had been in power for years. This…

World Vision has been at the forefront of extensive humanitarian response efforts worldwide, supporting communities in crisis.

SEATTLE — From the Maui wildfires to devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, along with cyclones in Mozambique and Myanmar, Christian humanitarian organization World Vision has been at the forefront of extensive humanitarian response efforts worldwide, supporting communities in crisis. In 2023, World Vision responded to 78 disasters and humanitarian crises in 59 countries around…

The most translated film of all time is now available in its 2,000th translation: Zo, a language spoken by approximately 65,000 people.

ORLANDO, FL — The most translated film of all time is now available in its 2,000th translation: Zo, a language spoken by approximately 65,000 people globally, including refugee and immigrant communities in 28 U.S. cities. Myanmar, where Zo is mainly spoken, is a primarily Buddhist country, and people report experiencing discrimination for their religious beliefs….

On June 28-30 religious freedom leaders will gather in Washington, D.C., for the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit.

WASHINGTON — On June 28-30 religious freedom leaders, advocates and activists from around the world, spanning a wide range of faith traditions and political affiliations, will gather in Washington, D.C., for the second annual International Religious Freedom Summit. The Summit will highlight increasing threats to freedom of religion, conscience and belief, and it will once…

Reach a Village is a young faith-based parachurch organization, founded in 2012 by Robert Craft, pastor, missionary, and evangelical leader.

PARK FOREST, IL – Reach a Village is a relatively young faith-based parachurch organization. It was founded in 2012 by Robert Craft, a servant of the Lord with more than 40 years of ministry as a pastor, missionary, and evangelical leader. The Need The vision for the ministry is rooted in Mark 1:38 (NET), where…

Wycliffe Associates announced Dr. Tim Neu to serve as Interim President and CEO of Wycliffe Associates’ global Bible translation efforts

ORLANDO, FL — The Board of Trustees of Wycliffe Associates has announced that Dr. Tim Neu has been selected to serve as Interim President and CEO of Wycliffe Associates’ global Bible translation efforts. Tim has served with Wycliffe Associates for the last 12 years, providing leadership to the ministry in areas of finance, Bible translation…

The USCIRF calls on the governments of Thailand and Malaysia to admit boats carrying Rohingya Muslim refugees stranded at sea.

WASHINGTON, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) calls on the governments of Thailand and Malaysia to admit boats carrying Rohingya Muslim refugees stranded at sea. “Thai and Malaysian authorities must recognize their obligations under international law to refugees fleeing ethnic and religious violence,” USCIRF Chair Gayle Manchin stated. “USCIRF urges…

In the spirit of the Christian Gospel, Anglican Overseas Aid responds with compassion that improve the quality of life for people in developing countries.

COLLINGWOOD, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA – Anglican Overseas Aid is an Australian-based FBO committed to creating partnerships with like-minded organizations to alleviate poverty, injustices, and provide disaster recovery services. According to their website, their work “is inspired by the Gospel of Christ, with a vision for a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.” The Reverend Dr. Bob Mitchell…