Amid the pandemic, GFA World (Gospel for Asia Canada), with Believers Eastern Church, collected Christmas shoeboxes for children in need.

STONEY CREEK, ON — Despite the difficulties of 2020, GFA World (Gospel for Asia Canada), together with Believers Eastern Church, collected Christmas gift-filled shoeboxes for children in need. 2020 was a difficult year. COVID-19 pandemic restrictions meant that many of the regular events of our lives had to be rearranged or maybe even cancelled altogether….

Hope Walks, largest Christian provider of clubfoot care worldwide, operates with 136 partner clinics in 16 countries, providing free treatment

MECHANICSBURG, PA – Hope Walks is a relatively young faith-based medical missionary organization built upon years of experience.  Hope Walks officially became an independent entity in June 2019, emerging from the CURE Clubfoot Program, which originated in 2006. In 2018, CURE decided to spin off the clubfoot program from CURE International. This set the stage…

Loom International is a relatively young, faith-based NGO led by a core group of Christians with expertise in sustainable change.

PORTLAND, OR – Loom International is a relatively young, faith-based NGO led by a core group of Christians with expertise in sustainable change. Loom’s operational model, similar in many ways to that of some highly successful for-profit institutions, projects both short and long-term outcomes based on continual improvement. These principles are applied on the ground…

Hundreds are finding more than physical healing through Medical Missions Outreach -they find healing for their souls in the Great Physician.

BALTIMORE, MD – Medical Missions Outreach is a ministry established by a local church to send medical teams to serve in collaboration with other local churches around the world. Teams of medical professionals with a spectrum of specialties travel to locations in developing countries accompanied by a cadre of volunteers. A well-conceived, systemic, and sustainable…

Free conference events as coronavirus lockdown winds down & as youth, young people struggle to maintain & grow their faith during shaky times

NASHVILLE — Leader of a national Christian youth conference announced today that God called him to bring events to five U.S. cities for free starting this spring as the coronavirus pandemic winds down and young people struggle to maintain and grow their faith during shaky times. Kingdom Youth Conferences, ( a hybrid youth event that…

Samaritan’s Purse continues in bringing medical surge capacity to aid in the fight against COVID-19 in Southern California

LANCASTER, CA — Samaritan’s Purse continues to work hand-in-hand with Antelope Valley Hospital in LA County —bringing medical surge capacity to aid in the fight against COVID-19 in Southern California. Their 54-bed unit is not only helping patients, but also bringing urgently needed relief to medical workers at Antelope Valley Hospital; many of whom have…

In 2016, Brasfield & Gorrie made a 5-year commitment for Shepherd's Men to support the SHARE Military Initiative at the Shepherd Center.

ATLANTA — In 2016, Brasfield & Gorrie made a five-year commitment to fundraise among its employees and subcontractors—for Shepherd’s Men to support the SHARE Military Initiative at the Shepherd Center. During this five-year campaign, employees and subcontractors visited the Shepherd Center to see the work underway first-hand, participate in events alongside former SHARE clients and,…

Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) honored 157 faith based organizations as Certified Best Christian Workplaces for 2020.

MERCER ISLAND, WA — Today, the Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) honored 157 faith-based organizations as Certified Best Christian Workplaces for 2020. Says BCWI CEO and Co-founder Al Lopus, “Today, we honor extraordinary organizations whose leaders took a wise, courageous, and necessary step. Faced with the simultaneous challenges of managing remote workplaces, shrinking budgets and…

U.S. Representative Congressman Mike Garcia has received a tour of the Samaritan's Purse Emergency Field Hospital in Los Angeles County.

LANCASTER, CA — U.S. Representative Mike Garcia has received a tour of the Samaritan’s Purse Emergency Field Hospital in Los Angeles County. The mobile unit opened in the parking lot of Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster January 16 and their medical team is treating Covid-19 patients providing God’s love in action. Mike Garcia, Congressman, California’s…

Samaritan's Purse to receive first patients at their Emergency Field Hospital in Lenoir, North Carolina, in response to rising COVID 19 cases

NORTH CAROLINA — Samaritan’s Purse is expected to receive their first patients later this week at their Emergency Field Hospital in Lenoir, North Carolina, in response to rising COVID-19 cases in the region. The 30-bed emergency unit will help support regional medical centers as they reach capacity due to rising coronavirus hospitalizations. Edward Graham, Samaritan’s…

Coronavirus couldn’t stop Joni & Friends from encouraging special needs families, and provisions were made for Family Retreat at Home.

NEW ENGLAND — Dan and Sandra Rivera were super excited when they heard about Family Retreat taking place in New England. Their sons DeMetrius (19), Nathan (11) and Isaac (6) matched their parents’ excitement. Both DeMetrius and Nathan have global developmental delays, making their day-to-day caregiving routines incredibly complicated – and making vacations impossible. Little…

Samaritan’s Purse is helping to provide physical and spiritual support for Venezuelan women and their children who are fleeing to Colombia

COLOMBIA — Samaritan’s Purse is helping to provide physical and spiritual support for Venezuelan women and their children who are fleeing to Colombia to escape economic hardship in their native country. José Rodríguez, Samaritan’s Purse: Venezuelan people are going through one of the most dramatic socioeconomic crises in the history of the world. Many Venezuelans…

Slavic Gospel Association is on target to distribute Christmas gifts, children’s Bibles, & personalized ornaments to 50000 Children in Russia

RUSSIA — An annual event launched by Slavic Gospel Association in 2002 — is on target to distribute Christmas gifts, children’s Bibles, and personalized ornaments to 50,000 Children in Russia. Despite lockdown restrictions SGA church partners are reaching out into hospital, orphanages and the homes of vulnerable children as part of their Immanuel’s Child outreach….

The confluence of COVID and technology in 2020 had ominous consequences for the spread of Christian Persecution worldwide.

SANTA ANA, CA — This week, persecution watchdog Open Doors USA will announce the 2021 World Watch List, its anticipated annual ranking of the top 50 countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian – and provide a surprising update on significant shifts in the landscape of Christian persecution worldwide. Open Doors USA…

Life.Church celebrates its first 25 years of ministry which began in 1996, the local church launched in a two-car garage in Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA — This week, Life.Church celebrates its first 25 years of ministry and the story that began in 1996. The local church launched in a two-car garage in Oklahoma and has since grown to 36 locations in 11 states, in addition to a global reach through Life.Church Online. Though the church has changed throughout the…