Outside the Bowl

PAARL, SOUTH AFRICA – There are essentially two major problems when it comes to hunger among impoverished families. First, there is food scarcity. That doesn’t mean that there is not an adequate global supply of food to feed everyone. There is. The problem is that the food is not readily available to the hungry people…

Christ for All Nations (CfaN) wrapped up its 2nd "Operation Decapolis" campaign in Africa, where they documented 519,498 decisions for Christ

TANZANIA, EAST AFRICA – Christ for All Nations (CfaN) just wrapped up its second “Operation Decapolis” campaign in Africa, where they documented 519,498 decisions for Christ. The six-week outreach culminated in 5 mass Gospel campaigns held simultaneously in the cities of Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Morogoro, and Tunduma across the East African nation of Tanzania. The…

TEL International

CEDAR HILL, TX – Elgin and Dorothy Taylor became the first African-American missionaries to Japan in 1959. Their 23 years on the island of Okinawa were merely the beginning of their 55 years of service in foreign missions. Following a brief retirement due to health reasons, the couple returned to missionary work, founding TEL International…

Gospel to Haiti

HAITI – The Bible teaches us to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn. Today is a day to mourn with Christian friends at Gospel to Haiti, where their mission is “Reaching the lost in the mountains of Haiti through medicine and building relationships.” Mourning Together Just a few days…

GFA World counts it a privilege to serve the local community through the Farmers to Families Food Box Program amid the COVID crisis.

WILLS POINT, TX – Because GFA World (Gospel for Asia) has supported pastors and missionaries across South Asia for more than 40 years, the organization understands the ugly effect of food scarcity. Over those four decades, Gospel for Asia (GFA) has distributed countless foodstuffs and cooked tens of thousands of meals for hungry people –…

Frontier Ventures, a missions organization based in Pasadena for more than four decades, is selling its historic Hudson Taylor Hall HQ

PASADENA, CA — Frontier Ventures, a missions organization based in Pasadena for more than four decades, is selling its historic Hudson Taylor Hall headquarters — accelerating its transition to a multi-hub global ministry. The missions agency will have several offices located in strategic locations around the world where its efforts focus on taking the gospel to…

Due to continued rocket attacks across central and southern Israel, IFCJ increased aid to affected citizens waiting out the conflict.

JERUSALEM — Due to continued rocket attacks across central and southern Israel, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), the largest Christian-funded provider of security and humanitarian aid in Israel, increased aid to affected citizens waiting out the conflict. “Last week, we immediately approved security measures like bomb shelters and protective vests to…

LA Dream Center officially opened their Community Kitchen and Food Pantry to their communities - which became an overnight success.

LOS ANGELES — As a part of their mission to #RestoreLA, Pastor Matthew Barnett and the Los Angeles Dream Center have been focused on efforts that seek to sustain the community as Los Angeles get back on its feet. One of the ways they have sought to do this was by assisting individuals and families…

The growth & success of Mission Nannys is making a huge difference, Praise God that he gave Betty Sullins the vision to birth this mission.

LA JOLLA, CA – See the missionaries. They are the Stoddard family. They serve the Lord in Japan. See Mrs. Stoddard. See Mrs. Stoddard smile. She is a happy mommy. See Mr. Stoddard. See Mr. Stoddard look bewildered. He is a happy daddy, but he’s wondering how he and Mrs. Stoddard are going to take…

As Los Angeles cracks down on homeless encampment in Echo Park, The LA Dream Center reminds those in need they’re here to help

LOS ANGELES — With the recent closure of the homeless encampment in the Echo Park neighborhood, Matthew Barnett and the Los Angeles Dream Center have a simple message for their neighbors: “You are welcome here.” This week the enforced closure of the Echo Park homeless encampment went into effect, and the police gave notice on…

VOICE Missions is a Christian agency that opens doors for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ on the island nation of Taiwan.

HINSDALE, IL – VOICE Missions is a Christian agency that opens doors for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ on the island nation of Taiwan. What do they do? VOICE Missions operates much differently than most Christian missionary organizations. Its name is an acronym for Visualizing Opportunities In Character and English VOICE missionaries serve…

Security officers in southern Israel must fight the fires set by terrorist rocket, missile, and incendiary balloon attacks.

JERUSALEM — Security officers in southern Israel must fight the fires set by terrorist rocket, missile, and incendiary balloon attacks. These attacks from Gaza have become a near-daily occurrence in the region, especially in the summer. To guard against this threat, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) recently distributed 75 personal firefighting…

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) will provide Passover assistance, approx $6.2 million to Israeli families

JERUSALEM — The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) will provide Passover assistance in the amount of approximately $6.2 million to Israeli families, children, elderly, new olim (immigrants), and soldiers, as well as $700,000 to help needy Jewish populations in the former Soviet Union (FSU). This more than doubles the amount of assistance…

LA Dream Center celebrates 5 million meals served during COVID relief, and announces new rooms added to their transitional housing program

LOS ANGELES — The effects of the pandemic left millions in desperate need. Yet since March 2020, through the Los Angeles Dream Center’s quick-response COVID relief efforts and the support of the community, donors, corporations, volunteers, and small businesses, they were able to distribute 7 million pounds of food processed through their food bank. In…