Heaven's Gate Church

ROMANIA — A less common event for the evangelical community in Timișoara took place a few days ago at the “Heaven’s Gate” Church in the municipality on the Bega (River). It’s about the evangelical culture symposium “Nicolae Moldoveanu.”  A recent report from this event provides more details. In the year in which Timișoara is the…

"Jesus Hope of Romania" operates daily home deliveries of cooked meals for people in extreme poverty as well as to the elderly

ROMANIA — God tells us to remember the orphan, the widow, and the stranger. This exhortation has been put into practice by the Evangelical and Charity Association “Jesus Hope of Romania” in Timisoara, which carries out several social projects. One is the “Manna” project, a mobile social canteen that operates daily home deliveries of cooked…

As waves of refugees arrive on the border between Mexico & Texas, Samaritan’s Purse is working on both sides of the Rio Grande to help them in Jesus' Name

BISTRITA, Romania – A group of Christian business people in joined together through APA, is carrying out several projects which are transforming their community. At the center of APA Association’s activities are Christian moral principles. The initial idea was to develop a Christian business environment and the desire to spread the Gospel “If at the…


Photo by SA 3.0 Romania’s top court, the Constitutional Court, upheld the anti-corruption law. The anti-corruption law makes it illegal for people who have served jail time to become politicians. Per Fox News, “Romania’s constitutional court has upheld a law preventing people with convictions from serving as ministers, a victory for the country’s anti-corruption fight.”…


  Mätes II In February, Romania was planning on passing a corruption bill, which would make it legal for government officials to do corrupt things if it did not go over a certain amount. Per CNN, “The original decree, which would have taken effect in about a week, decriminalized corruption that causes damage worth less…

A new evangelical church movement is bringing hope to Moldova — a vulnerable, ex-communist nation on the edge of the Ukraine war.

LOVES PARK, IL — A new evangelical church movement is bringing hope to Moldova — a vulnerable, ex-communist nation on the edge of the Ukraine war. “Concern among Moldovans is very real that, after Ukraine, they could be next,” said Eric Mock, senior vice president of ministry operations at Illinois-based Slavic Gospel Association (SGA), a…

Prison Fellowship International and Eastern European Mission Partner to Distribute More Than 100,000 Bibles and Scripture Resources

WASHINGTON and FORT WORTH, TX — Prison Fellowship International (PFI) and Eastern European Mission (EEM) have signed a new agreement to provide 71,000 adult, 8,500 teen and 34,500 child-friendly Bibles to seven PFI national affiliates across Eastern Europe, which will be distributed to prisoners and their families in the months and years to come. The…

Prison Fellowship International’s flagship in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) has reached its 10-year anniversary.

WASHINGTON — Prison Fellowship International’s flagship in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) has reached its 10-year anniversary. This program, launched in South Africa and Nigeria in 2014, now runs in 35 countries across six continents. TPJ takes those in prison on a journey of self-discovery through the Gospel of Mark where they encounter Jesus the…

Recently, the European prayer summit took place in Bucharest, which had as its theme "Prayer for the peace of Europe".

BUCUREȘTI, ROMANIA — Recently, the European prayer summit took place in Bucharest, which had as its theme “Prayer for the peace of Europe”. Prayer leaders from European nations, the United States of America, and other areas of the world participated. The occasion showed the need for unity and uninterrupted intercession. Recently, the European prayer summit…

North Texas nonprofit ServingHIM raises funds to expand hospital serving Ukrainian refugees - seeking $400k to be matched by local donors

PLANO, TX — Texas-based Christian ministry and nonprofit organization ServingHIM (Healthcare International Ministries) announced today a one-month giving campaign to complete the expansion of Diaconia Baptist Hospital, a Romanian healthcare facility now serving Ukrainian refugees. A local donor group, the Friends of ServingHIM, has pledged $400K to match funds raised in August. ServingHIM partners and…

Throughout the years, Superbook has contributed to the education of children & has helped them understand the Word of God from an early age

TIMIȘOARA, ROMANIA — The evangelical project Superbook continues to awaken children’s and parents’ interest across Romania and beyond. Throughout the years, this project has contributed to children’s education and it has helped them understand the Word of God from an early age. We’ll find out the details from the following report. For several years, Alfa…

PLANO, TX — Texas-based Christian ministry and nonprofit organization ServingHIM (Healthcare International Ministries) announced today the organization has received a new $108K donor match from a local benefactor as part of its ongoing assistance campaign to support Ukrainian refugees at the borders between Romania and Moldova. Volunteers from ServingHIM’s partner churches and clinics are providing…

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports that it is helping all those in need—the military, hospitals, and refugees all over Ukraine.

GENEVE — The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate reports that it is helping all those in need—the military, hospitals, and refugees all over Ukraine. Monasteries are providing all possible humanitarian aid to refugees, internally displaced persons and all those affected by the war. Refugee reception points have also been organized at churches through…

The situation in Ukraine is more tense each and every day. Romania asked for the  consolidation of the NATO Eastern flank.

UKRAINE — The situation in Ukraine is more tense each and every day. Romania asked for the consolidation of the NATO Eastern flank and this action has taken place these past few days, as a defensive response to the crisis provoked by Vladimir Putin. Also, Romania was visited by the Secretary General of NATO, Jens…

Eastern European Mission has steadfastly worked to supply Bibles to Eastern European countries for the last 60 years.

HURST, TX — Eastern European Mission (EEM), a group that has steadfastly worked to supply Bibles to Eastern European countries for the last 60 years, broke its 2020 record with the distribution of 1,529,668 Bibles and Bible-based materials into 32 nations and 23 languages – free of charge – in 2021. Even in the difficult…